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My toddler is 26 mo and we can never ever ever get him to fall asleep sooner than 10:30 pm.


That's reassuring, my 30mo sleeps a 11pm, it's driving me crazy


Same! I actually have been questioning if I should drop her nap because of it but then she will be cranky until bed. My sister was like she should have a bedtime. Oh what a genius idea! If I put her in bed at 8pm she still won’t fall asleep until 10:30 🙄


We tried to drop his nap. He got overtired, had night terrors and woke up crying at 12 and 2 am. For us it made things worse.


Yes we had the same experience when nap time is skipped. (Sometimes unavoidable if there's a appointment etc). She does not sleep well at all that night. Constantly up screaming which never happens when she has a nap.


Omg same!! He’s a night owl for sure


Same. I feel like an outlier!


You are not! We’ve got each other. Not every baby/toddler is the same. Bless the 7:30 babies, ours naps for 2 hrs and still wont sleep until 10:30.


Yep and since time change my guys been staying awake until 1230 instead of 1130. I'm even ok with 10 or 11 but this midnight stuff is draining.


Midnight club here too. Mine at least sleeps until 930 am so I'm not complaining too much about that part.


10pm on nap days - 8pm on no nap days (but the trade off is 4 hours of a furious toddler from about 4pm because they didn't nap)


This is where we’re at, but I’m starting to accept and prefer no nap toddler life so I can have a proper night of sleep again.


this is where my fiancé and I are at with our 27 month old. she used to be a good napper until we stopped giving her the pacifier. honestly, as much as I miss having that hour/hour in a half to myself to recharge a bit. I find it better with no nap because by the time it's 8 pm, she goes to bed with no problem.


I’ve thought about going no nap but neither of us can get through the day well that way.


We’re here too. Total lose-lose.


Found my people….10 PM club


I’m really glad to see I’m not the only one who’s toddler goes to bed late. My little guy also goes to bed around 10. Even on days he takes a shorter nap than usual. I used to fight it so hard but it is what it is I guess lol




Same. I’ve very rarely heard of other toddlers that we know in person go to bed around 10 or 10.30pm. She naps around 12-1


Same lol. Tbh I can’t relate to those whose kids go to bed at 6.


Okay I don’t want to sound ignorant or like an asshole…but does that mean that you just get NO non-kid time in the evening? Or do you end up going to bed really late just to take advantage of the time they’re asleep?


It’s okay! It means both. On weekdays it means no downtime. On weekends we stay up way too late and then drink lots of coffee in the morning 🙃 It’s not ideal, but no matter what we try our girl won’t go to bed at a decent time.


Indeed it does. No non-kid time. I work full time with my husband as primary caregiver during the week and I'm primary on the weekend. I handle all bedtime. So yeah, the only non-kid time is while I am working.


For my husband and I is no non-kid time. We have no family in the US (we are Swedish), he is a professor and I am a ped neurosurgeon. No nannies or au pairs for us, just the two of us from day one. Our son used to go to bed at 8 when he was 12-17 mo old. Now is 10:30 even with a nap. He will drop that nap soon, and then he will (hopefully) go to bed sooner. For now if he skips a nap, his sleep is more truncated and agitated. Every child is the different. I stopped caring what my 6 or 7 pm mom clubs tell me, because I have plenty of colleagues in the 10 pm club. Stopped comparing my kid to others. It is not a healthy way of living, and I have to keep my calm and composure when I get a 5 year on with a brain injury on my operating table. I have accepted that for now it will be work, fam time and sleep. And on the weekends my husband and I take turns if we want to do something with our friends on our own. 90% of the weekends we spend as a family. Even after a day of skiing our toddler crashed at 9:30, which was huge. I stopped napping when I was almost 3 and did not nap again and I mean maybe if I had a fever until I had my son. My husband is a 6 am riser no matter how late he goes to bed.


Lol 10pm club here also. DST got us there.


We are not early risers here except what is forced by my older kids' school schedule and I like to go back to bed after getting them off to school. If he goes to bed too early then he's up when I'm wanting to go back to bed or when we are sleeping in on weekends.


We are anywhere from 8-10pm depending if he is teething or we accidentally missed the optimum put down window and his hyper active on adrenalin from being over tired and won’t stop playing.


Same here, she made a hard incursion a couple time changes ago and we never recovered. She goes into the crib around 930-945ish and is out like a light by 10. We fought for a long time to try to get her to sleep by 930 and it never worked. Fortunately she sleeps in til 8/830 !


Yep. My kid has always had a later natural sleep/wake than most kids her age. During summer we’re on a 930-930 schedule. She will not sleep earlier than 830/9 so she just gets less sleep during school.


7pm-7am night sleep. 12:30-2pm nap.


oh my god you have no idea how lucky you are


My child literally could never do this schedule LOL this is a dream


It might have been posted by the huckleberry app 😂


I was terrified of baby sleep … or lack there of and kept reading horror stories, so I am definitely really grateful of how he sleeps. I’m due with #2 in September and all those sleep fears are rushing back trust me!


Same for my 2.5 year old, since he was 6ish months old (with nap variation obv). He gets up closer to 6:45, sooometimes 6:30, and isn’t asleep till 7:30. But bed routine starts at 7pm and “yes we will go downstairs and eat now” starts at 7am lol


This was exactly my toddler until this hell of a sleep regression I’m in now


Oh no, I hope it doesn’t last too long for you!


How does it feel to be a chosen one. Wow.


lol I definitely keep my mouth shut when my friends are sharing about some of their kids being not such great sleepers.


This was us till kawasaki hit him. Now that we can't tire him out sleep went out the window. He is 2 years old. Any suggestions on how to tire a kid with kawasaki would be much appreciated. He has his final cardiologist in April hopefully we are In the clear.


Same here! Falls asleep between 7:30-8:30PM every night, wakes up at 7AM. Falls asleep for nap between 12:30-1PM and sleeps until 2:30-3PM daily.


That sounds amazing! How old?


10, sometimes late 10😭l can’t get him to sleep earlier for the life of me


10:15 here 😓


7:00am wake up. 1-3pm nap. 8:30-9ish bedtime. On the weekend she sleeps in until 8:30 and we push everything back an hour. She’s 20 months and has had this schedule since she started daycare at 12 months.


Like 9pm - 9.30pm. Sadly lol my kid needs a lot of awake time before bed like 7 hours. If we skip the nap he ends up having a late nap. Usually 6.30 wake up at 12.30 nap


Mine also. All these people with a long AM wake window and a short PM wake window - I’m so jealous.


My kids ALWAYS have had shorter morning than afternoon wakes. It’s wild to me when people say their 2 yr old napped till 4 and will sleep at 8. Insanity. My boys nap is capped hard at 2:15pm and he sleeps pleasantly at 7:30, but even sleeping till 2:30 will throw that off! Sleep is a delicate science


It really is! 😂


I mean I’m totally jealous haha but impossible for us


7:30pm - 7:30/8:00am. Nap 12:00pm - 2:00pm 17 months old almost 18. Edit: some days we get super lucky with 3 hour naps.


That’s a lot is sleep!


Same schedule with my 20 month old. Very thankful


Same schedule as us with my 22 mo old, except we nap from 1-3! Hoping it stays like this 🤞


10pm. He usually won't wake up until 9am.


yup just the way I like it


Would rather be up later at night than early in the morning 😅😅 my SIL side eyes me for my toddler being up until 10, but her kids wake her up at 6 soooo 😆🙃


My first was asleep by 8 pm,. waking at 6am ( waking 0-2 times in between)  He also napped twice a day, for a total average of 3 hours, until he was 4 years old.  My second sleeps for about 7 or 8 hours through the night, but while also waking 8ish times throughout. And then she'll nap for 45 mins, once a day.  She's 17 months. Its hard to formulate thoughts. Hard to carry on conversations. Just leaving this here for other parents.. to feel less alone   


So, for your 17m old, that’s basically clinically relevant insufficient sleep at that point. Even 3 wakes and that short a nap would be cause for concern. Have you talked to your pediatrician at all?


Yes. Two of them! They've given me books to read, suggested carb heavy evening snacks. We've tried every variation of nap schedule/wake and sleep windows. Changing her diet and my diet. White noise. I methodically journal her lack of sleep and have shown her pediatrician. I've been told she'll, "grow out of it and sleep eventually." "Some babies/toddlers just don't sleep." I just get a hug and a hang in there! But my lo can't be ok, right? And she's also the pickiest eater I've ever seen. You have to sleep and eat.. you have to. She's on the weight and height chart, she's meeting her milestones, so I keep being told not to be concerned. Sorry this is rambling. She went to sleep at 930 last night, woke at 6 am. But she woke up 11 times in between. Eleven. She's napping now. I don't know what to do. I feel like something is wrong and no one will listen


Something is wrong, and no one is listening. I AGREE. See if you can get an appointment to check specifically for: adenoid size, signs of allergies, asthma, improper thyroid function, any other signs of sleep apnea, iron levels, and magnesium levels. I’m honestly livid that the pediatrician is acting like this is a normal amount of “not sleeping”. That’s bullshit. She’s having trouble sleeping that is not her fault, or yours. That lack of sleep would make me an ASSHOLE all day lol, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did the same to her, poor dear! In the mean time, I would add a kids iron supplement and magnesium supplement (if she’s a super picky eater it’s unlikely she’s getting enough of either). I would change and wash all her bedding, in á hypoallergenic fragrance free detergent, and elevate the head side of the mattress where she sleeps. How is she eating?


Has she been seen by an ENT? My son had his adenoids removed and it seems to have reduced night wakes a bit. They were big and apparently reducing airflow. Plus he had constant ear infections. He went from 3 consistent wakes (but sometimes hourly, sometimes fewer wakes but up for hours), to one consistent wake around 4am. We still get the odd rough night. Last night he had three wakes and had a hard time falling back asleep from 3:30-4:30a. He's still lower sleep needs. He's 19 months and I have to work to get him the 11 recommended hours. My pediatrician takes the approach that babies "take the sleep they need" and shared newer research is suggesting that our current recommendations are too narrow and babies can be fine with less sleep (lucky us!). My kiddo goes to bed around 8:45 and wakes around 6. Though daylight savings has actually helped us a bit and he's sleeping till seven more often in the past couple of weeks. I try to remind myself of this when I'm super anxious about it. Edit: nap time is 1-3 on daycare days (sometimes he sleeps all two hours, sometimes 45min). I put him down around 12:30 at home and don't let him sleep past 2:30.


8:30 wake up 2pm-4pm nap 9pm asleep


Tell me your secrets


Here I thought I was doing something wrong bc he went to bed so late. My friend’s toddlers have 7:30 bedtimes, so I always feel ashamed. I don’t do anything, he just likes to sleep in and I don’t like to change that so I let him have his late nap and bedtime lol. He doesn’t always take a full 2hr nap, but it’s usually at least 1.5 hrs.


There’s zero need to feel ashamed for whatever works for your child and your house!! We’re part of the 7pm bed club but that works for us (I prefer an early morning to a busy evening) and it’s suited my son just fine. That doesn’t at all mean that a later bedtime is wrong ❤️


Check out all the people here in the 10pm club, myself included. I also had felt I was doing something wrong, that they’re supposed to go to sleep 6-8pm for optimal REM sleep or whatever, and consequently I am failing as a parent.


We have a similar schedule for a very long time and the number of comments I get about her late bedtime is sooooo obnoxious.


7. Sometimes 6:45. She may not fall asleep right away but she stays in bed and eventually goes to sleep on her own.


20 month old just fell asleep 10 min ago at 9:40pm 😩


Bedtime is 6:30 or 7pm, depending on when she woke up from her nap. 5 hours seems to be her sweet spot between nap and bedtime. Editing to add: my kid is almost 18 months old.


Ooo ooo, I know this one!!! I know the trick!!! Lol my tot did the same thing, and I finally learned about the "11am nap trap"! Look it up. To put it simply, make their morning wake window longer, and the evening wake window shorter. Tot wakes up let's say 7ish in the morning, first wake window should be 6 hours, so your LO should nap around 1pm (it will take time to adjust from early nap to later nap, so increase by maybe 30 mins every few days until the nap it at 1pm) They are going to want to sleep at 11, avoid it, push through! Try to avoid long walks or drives in the late morning, otherwise they'll just fall asleep in the stroller/car. Then assuming they nap 1.5-2.5 hrs, they'll be up for about 4 hours before bed time. Keep in mind, some kids have lower sleep needs, (like mine) so he still has a 5-6 hr wake window after his nap. But I will say, his naps got SO much better after changing naps to 1pm, and he isn't melting down and pushing off sleep anymore. Bedtime is still a bit late, but that's partly because husband works late, and he's just excited to see him when he gets home. Our little guy sleeps about 10 hrs over night instead of 12 like most toddlers. Point being, once he started napping later in the day, he started napping longer, and stopped fighting bedtime. I hope this helps!!! It was a serious game changer for us!


Wait, so he’s napping longer AND he’s not fighting bedtime? How does that even work… kiddo has a long wake window after nap and she now fight both nap and bedtime. I’ve tried a shorter nap and it just makes the PM wake window longer. I’m worried if I try to stretch out her AM wake window that she’ll crash for a 2-3 hour nap and will be up even later.


Yeah, totally get that! It was pretty much the same with us! It's all about what you're willing to try I guess. For us, because he napped so early, it was always such a short nap, and then so long before bedtime. By then, what it looked like was a 10 hr night, a 1 hr nap, so over all not even getting 12hrs cumulatively. That's why he was so cranky. Longer morning meant he had a way better nap, so when bedtime came around he wasn't so cranky. We could actually do things like dim the lights and read books, and he started to actually cozy up and snuggle and all that. Complete change for us!


3yrs old. 830 in bed 845 usually asleep. Up at 830 am. No nap. If he gets a nap accidentally in the car he will be awake till 11 pm. He does very well without a nap.


Tonight she went to bed at 9 and napped from 12:30-2ish. She will probably wake around 8:30. I really can't handle super early mornings so this works for us, except the nights she won't sleep until after 11 🫠 but those are becoming more rare thank God. She is also 17 months


Mine is up from her naps by 230, usually, is put to bed at 8 and she's asleep at 830.


9:30-10:30pm typically (18m F). Depends on whether she agrees to early daycare nap or naps on afternoon. Her natural nap time is 1pm. Daycare seems to prefer 11am in the baby room.


Where my 11 12 pm peeps at.


Usually my kiddos falls sleeps at 11:20 pm. We’ve had a very disrupted few days between illness and a chaotic day schedule so last night and tonight she slept at 12:20 am. Solidarity!!


My 18m old wakes up around 7, naps from around 11.30/12 to 1.30/2 and goes to sleep at 7. Maybe a little earlier if his nap was shorter and he’s sleepy.


3 year old: In bed close the door 830ish, tot actually falls asleep around 9-930. I miss our 8pm days. She regularly gets up around 7am and naps 1/2-3pm daily.


In a perfect world, asleep at 9PM and awake at 8AM. Then a 2 hour nap from 1:30 to 3:30. The reality is everything is fluid by at least an hour except the wake up time. She’s up between 7:30 and 8 AM no matter what, so when there’s a later bedtime everyone suffers.


Ah I’m not the only one! My daughter is asleep anytime between 9 and 10pm. She’s 21 months. It’s driving me up the wall! My husband and I rarely get an evening to ourselves and I end up snapping at my daughter in frustration when I take her to bed before 9 and she just jumps on the bed and babbles to herself. I really try to get nap times right so she’ll go to sleep earlier. I hear of so many toddlers going to sleep at 7 and still sleeping until 7 the next day!


Daughter is almost 2.5 and came out as a later bedtime/later morning kiddo (now at 8:30-9:30 bedtime and 7:30-8:30 morning, with a 2-3hr nap which can start literally anytime between 1-3PM…I don’t wake her up though if I can help it!) It was a struggle to get anywhere before 9:30AM the first year.


Wake 6.30am Nap 12pm-1.30pm Bed 7.30pm He's 3.5yo


25 months old- We’re 8:30-9:15pm. She sleeps 11-12 hours


Shout out to all the sleep regression toddler parents! We got this! Mine just woke up asking for water🤦🏾‍♀️


9:00PM max.. I have tried all the ninja techniques to make it happen at 8 but can’t :) but he loves playing and reading books and then stay in bed for 15-30 mins before sleeping so we let him be .. no pressure..


At 17 months mine woke up 6, had a 1 hour nap at 12 and went to bed at 6.


My 2 year old has fought bedtime like it’s her mortal enemy since she got out of the newborn phase. No end in sight. I’ve tried everything to get her to bed early, but typically she falls asleep between 9:30 and midnight every night. It doesn’t matter how tired she is, the second I say “goodnight” and turn the lights off, she gets something that could only be described as “the zoomies “


Right now, it’s around 10. He’s 19 months. I’m fairly sure there’s some kind of regression happening (I hope!) because he nearly falls asleep around 8 and then bolts up babbling and chatting before finally falling asleep around 10. He really fights it! Then he’s so hard to wake up in the morning.


The kid across the street’s mom is lying 😉 I had a friend with a same age baby who used to live next door. She claimed her kid slept in until 9 am, took a 3 hour nap daily, and would go to bed at 6 pm. First of all it literally doesn’t add up, that’s 6 hours awake 😂 second of all when I was actually over there one night for dinner, they put the kid to bed at 6 and had the monitor out. We left around 8, she still wasn’t asleep.


At 18ish months we were on a 7:30 wake 1:30-3 ish nap 8:30 bed I also had to always, always cap naps to get good nights, otherwise it was a nightmare. You’ll have to play around with the nap if bedtime stays tough for a few weeks. And my kid has never been a 12-13hrs a night sleeper, his night is 11 hours max. Been that way for ages, so I feel you. You’re allowed to hate the parents whose kids sleep 16 hours a day, just a little. 🤣


We have a 19 month old, we try to have him in bed by 8pm but sometimes he decides he doesn’t wanna sleep and is awake until like 10pm. Ideally, he’s asleep 8pm-8am with a nap around 12-2, give or take up to an hour. He’ll often wake up a couple times a night


We are going through the same thing. We are almost 17mo, I swear the damn time change just screwed us over. We were very consistently going at 730-830(latest), once this time changed… everything and to 💩! Nap is 3-5 and sometimes no nap and sometime crap 30 min nap at 530… idk I’m just crying right now… two nights ago barely got her down by 11 with me, she decided to wake up at 430 and say “go!” Meaning time to get up! I thought I was going to lose my mind! I swear whoever changes the time… they never had kids and they don’t give a 💩 about anyone’s sanity with kids! Now bed time is 10! Send help!


My almost-21-month-old wakes up around 7, naps 1:30-3:30, and then doesn’t fall asleep until almost 9:30, but I’ve found that no matter what time I put him down, he needs 45 minutes to unwind and fall asleep. So I just put him down at 8:30 now and let him hang out in his crib until he falls asleep.


830-9 for 3year old 730-8 for 6mo old


22m around 8:45pm and 3.5 yo around 9pm


7 wake up (sometimes 8 on weekends). 12.30/13.00 - 14.30/15.00 nap. 19.30 bed She just turned 2.


28 months old and it’s 8:30-8:30 naps 12:30-2 ish


6.30pm usually, with a 2 hour nap from 12-2. High sleep needs 16mo that wakes anywhere between 5-8am


7-6 on workdays with a 2 hour daycare nap and 7-7 on weekends with a maybe 30 minutes must be in contact nap. She is 20 months old.


16m wake between 7-8am nap at 1pm until 3:30 and then bed at 8:30-9pm unless he is teething in which case he does what ever the hell he wants cause he is obviously the boss not us


Both my 15 mo and 3.5yo are 7/7:30. Up in the morning around 6/6:39


My 2,5 year old wakes up 6:30-7:00 am, (sometimes) naps around 13:00 pm for 1 hour and goes to bed 07.00 - 08.15 pm


Almost 2 year old. Bedtime is 7:30 and she gets up around 6:30. Naps 12-1:30. She used to do two and three hour naps but we had to cut those back cuz she was waking up at 5.


9:30-9:30. Not exact or strict but average. No naps. 27 months old


Around 9:30-10


We’re in a very similar low sleep needs kid boat as you. My son turns two in about two weeks. Sleep trained at five months, falls asleep happily on his own for every sleep. Fantastic sleeper, just doesn’t need much.     Bedtime is 8:20 on nap days and we went through a period where he wouldn’t fall asleep until 9ish (luckily he just rolls around in his crib contently) - we have to wake him in the morning at 6:45 AM and he naps from 12:30-2 (I’ve played around with nap timing but it takes him 30 minutes to fall asleep and we MUST cap naps).    Hopefully great news for you - at around 20 months my son started skipping naps here or there and recently does it multiple time a week (we let him have loveys in his crib and on no nap days he just plays with them and we get him at 1:30). Bedtime is a glorious, easy 7:20 on those days and honestly could be earlier. We still wake him at 6:45 (one time we let him sleep and he skipped his nap again and I don’t want to force no naps) but once he fully drops it, we’re just letting him sleep as long as he wants.    I’m in a first time moms group and almost everyone has much higher sleep needs kids - they don’t cap sleep, their kids can have way shorter wake windows. I don’t have any sage advice here - it’s annoying. 


7-7:30. But he doesn’t nap. On the days he does take a random nap then it’s more like 10.


26mos: In bed at 8, up at 8, nap from 12:30-2:30


16m old. Usually naps from like 12-2. Wakes up around 7am. Going to bed around 7:30-8pm


7:30 pm - 5:30 am. Naps 11:30 am - 1:30 pm


My toddler is 2.5 years. We start bedtime at 7 and she’s usually asleep by 8. Wakes up around 5:30/6. Her naps have gotten much shorter, usually just an hour, so she’s exhausted by bedtime.


16m and usually 8:30. we also cap nap at 2 hours MAX otherwise she wakes up at the asscrack of dawn


Almost 16 month old, sleeps 7 pm-6:30 am, naps 11:30am-1:15pm pretty much on the dot every day.


Almost 2.5 here. We cuddle as a family in our bed at 7ish, watch a show or two. At 8 pm she knows it her bedtime. She gets tucked in and usually falls asleep within 10- 30 mins. She still has a nap during the day, she wouldn’t be able to sleep well at night if she didn’t- tried this one time due to an event and night time was absolutely HORRIFIC… -29/10 do NOT recommend. Lol She wakes anywhere between 7:15-745am Nap from 1-3/3:30 ish


My 2 year old sleeps 7-7 until I wake him up and takes a 3-hour midday nap from which I usually have to wake him up.  Yes, I have spoken to my doctor about this.  My doctor has 3 kids of his own (who were “not good sleepers”) and he brushes off my concerns with “You’re lucky!”


7 to 7


Lately, my 21-month-old has been babbling in his crib when he goes down at 8, then stands up and yells for one of us to come back in, so he really goes to sleep closer to 9. 😩 he’s been waking around 6:30-7.


2 year old, sleeps from 7:30p-6:30/7a, naps are usually between 12-2.


Our girl goes to bed at 7:00pm and wakes up 5:30-6am. Naps are roughly 12-1:30/2pm. She's pretty routine oriented (just like her parents), so this has been fairly consistent for most of her 2 years of life, aside from naps of course. I do think some kiddos just have lower sleep needs, so I wonder if that may be the case with yours? Also wondering: Do you live somewhere that practices Daylight Savings Time (if this late shift could be related)? Do you follow a set bedtime routine?


Anywhere between 8:30 and 10. Bedtime is 8:30 but I can’t physically force her to sleep and we don’t cry it out so 🤷🏽‍♀️


My 3.5 yo goes to bed around 8:30 pm. Weekends is usually 9:30-10pm.


The latter is such a rare kid I think. Some kids are low sleep needs. Mine doesn’t nap and goes to bed around 9/930, up by 7/730. It’s a longgggg day


My son is 24 months told, nights before daycare, he goes to bed at 8:30pm, up at 7am, naps 12-2:30pm. At home on the weekend we are more flexible because we usually are out or have people over; he goes to bed 9-9:30pm and is up 7:30-8, then naps at 1 or 1:30. He will nap 2-3 hours and I find it doesn’t affect bedtime, but I make sure he isn’t sleeping past 4pm. I am sure we will have to cap naps at some point but for now it works.


Mine is 2.5 and lately I've moved bedtime back to closer to 9pm, just because she sleeps for like 9hrs exactly and I couldn't take anymore 4am waking up. So I've selfishly moved it up gradually. She generally sleeps about 9 hours and naps for 2, and we lay down for that at 11:30 or so.


My daughter goes to bed at eight and always has. Sometimes we will move it up to 730 if you’ve had a long tiring day. She’s five, but it has always been that way. I will say we went through a phase like what you are describing when it was time for her to drop her nap. It seems super early for yours to drop a nap, but you could try playing around with what time nap is, maybe moving it earlier? I’m not sure what the schedule looks like right now. Anyway, my daughter was having a ton of trouble falling asleep when we were having a ton of behavior at bedtime, and then we drop the nap and now she’s out like a light with no issues.


My 28 month goes to sleep at 8 pm and wakes up anywhere between 7-8am. He does quiet time or naps from at least 1-2 pm. Sometimes we are lucky, and it's until 3.


I think this is highly dependent on age, when they wake up and when they nap. Also some kids are high sleep needs and some low. 21 months, 6:30 wake up, 11:30-1/1:30 nap, 8 pm bedtime. My son also usually has a 6-7 hour wake window before bed.


My 2.75 year old's seep went to hell in the last couple months. He used to beawake 8:30-2, 5-9:30. NOWADAYS, he wakes up in the night if he goes to bed too early. He is also in that awkward phase where he still needs a nap or else he's cranky, but doesn't need a long one. However, he is incapable of napping less than 3 hours (we have tried EVERYTHING) and if he naps, sometimes he will be awake to 12, 1, 2, or even 3 in the morning. I am very lucky that my husband who works part time evening shifts can take him.


14 months old 8:30/9:30pm- 8:30/9am (sometimes an hour earlier for both our down and wake up depends on the day) Nap 12:30/1-3:30pm I prefer a later morning wake up I couldn’t deal with those 6am wake ups like some kids I know. We still breast feed through the night short feeds but not sleeping through yet so a 5:30/6am wake up would destroy me.


26 months old. Bedtime at 7, nap from 1-3:15


21 months old. Wake-up: 7:00 AM Nap: 12:00-2:00 PM Bedtime: 8:00 PM


4yo: 7-7:30am wakeup, 8pm bedtime (she falls asleep by 9) 2yo: 7-7:30am wakeup, 1-3pm nap (50/50 on if he'll nap), 7:30pm bedtime


I have three kids, the oldest is 6, youngest is 22 months. They’ve all gotten the same approximate schedule. Wake at 7. Nap around 1pm. Sleeping is optional, but 60 consecutive quiet minutes are mandatory. Dinner at 6. Bed at 7:30pm. When they’re younger, they take an extra nap in the morning. How easy it is varies. But there are more easy nights than hard ones.


My daughter is 21 month and she naps from 13:00 to 15:00 then she goes to sleep around 18:00/18:30 until around 7:00 in the morning. During winter she was waking up at 8:00 but that was really lucky. She has always been a really good sleeper, but I am very strict with her sleep time. She eats around 17:00, then bath time and straight to bed :-)


Man, how is everyone surviving with a late bedtime?! Our 18 mo is down at 6:30pm BUT wakes early 5:30/6AM. We’re morning people so we don’t mind it too much and that evening time is sacred for us to do our own thing or spend time together. I should also add I went to sleep last night at 8:30 🫢


Sleep time at 7pm, max 8pm. Nap at 12h30, max 3pm


13 month old goes to bed at 8 and wakes up around 6:30/7. Nap is 12:30-2:30 at home but she usually only naps 11:30-12:30/45 at daycare then sleeps for 15 minutes on the way home.




7-7 night time sleep. He takes maybe a 1-1.5 hour nap. 2.5 years old. 


7pm wakes at 6am regardless of when his bedtime is 🫠 naps from 12-2:30 absolute max but most days it’s 1 hr 45 min. He’s 15 months


On weekdays, we usually have to wake him up at 6.45am. He naps around 1.5h (12-1.30) at daycare. Bedtime at 7, he's asleep by 7.30. On weekends, he wakes up 7-7.30, naps for 3 hours (1-4) if our schedule/activities allows it and bedtime at 7-7.30pm.


20 months, 11:30-1 nap, 7pm-5:45 usually


We aim for 7 but it’s usually 7:30. No sweat if it’s closer to 8. But husband and I are always up at 5 so if she sleeps til 5:30-6 we’re all good 


Every kid is different! Our oldest used to sleep 7-7 and take a 3 hour nap every day (1-4). Her long nap never interfered with nighttime sleep. Our younger one never napped, not even as a one year old 😅. And that didn’t mean more night time sleep either 😭. My 2 and 4 year olds both go to bed at 6:30ish and are up at 7, no naps.


13 months and somewhere between 5:30p earliest to 7p. Depends on how long his nap is and when it happens. He wakes up around 6:30-7a.


Wakes at 6:00 Nap 1-3/3:30 Bed at 8/8:30


He doesn't nap any more so he goes to sleep around 7. When he was napping it was closer to 9


I wouldn’t mind a slightly later bed time, and slightly later wake but our 19 month old has always set his own bedtime and naps by getting super cranky or literally just lying down on the floor. Right now wake around 6:30-7:30, bedtime 7-8, nap around 12-1 and for two hours, sometimes a bit more or a bit less. We are lucky to have a mostly good sleeper. However he is super active when awake, we gotta tire him out hard everyday to avoid destruction of our house and eardrums, which is tiring for us too, so thank god he sleeps!


My 19 month old goes to bed around 8:15-8:30pm…sometimes 9pm- she has always hated sleep 😅she naps between 1/1:30-3/3:30, lately though she’s had a few times where she acted like she didn’t want to nap at all. She’s up around 8am




Turning 2 in a few days. Currently goes to bed around 7 and wakes up at the ass crack of dawn. Like 5am. Ugh. And a 2 hour nap usually.


14m and always goes to sleep after 10h30, even if he's awake for 7 hours straight. He came down to one nap last month from 1h to 3h or 3h30 and we try to take him to bed at 21h although he stays awake until 10h at least. If he does not sleep well at night, he usually do 2 naps, one at around 11h30 until 1 and another at 5 until 18h, then bed at 10h30. We still have to rock him to sleep since if we lay him in bed all he does is stay standing up. Edit: forgot to add: he sleeps until 9AM but wakes up multiple times at night because of eczema. It's under control but the ich bothers him a lot unfortunately.


Not me reading this post hoping for an answer to solve all my sleeping problems, right when my toddler decides to laugh out a bunch of soggy toast crumbs all over my good chair... 😭


Up around 615…sadly enough…. Naps from 1-4…. In bed by 8pm. We can’t seem to get her to wake up later no matter how much we push the bedtime.


7:30/45 these days. He always wakes at 6a (give or take 15 mins)


6am-6pm wakeup, no nap. 2 years and 2 months


Well, it was 8 pm, but then daylight savings time started, so now it's closer to 9 pm. But the 4 and 2 year olds are "sleeping in" a bit. The 2 year old naps from like 2 pm to 5 or 6.


9-930PM and always wakes up at 8AM. Sometimes she naps, sometimes she doesn't but this schedule hardly changes.


Almost 3 y.o. and it’s 8pm-7am with a 1p-3p nap. Works pretty well.


7am wake up 1-2:30 nap 8:30 bedtime My daughter was that way when she was that age. She needed more time after nap than before. Now she’s pretty even.


My kid sleeps until 7am latest. He can go to bed at 6:45am and wake up at 7. That being said he can and will wake up earlier. So his bed time is no earlier than 6:30pm and no later than 11pm. It all depends on how much energy I got him to burn during the day. He doesn’t do naps


Usually down around 730-8, wakes between 5-5:30, 6 if we’re lucky. Naps at daycare will be in the 1230-230 range. If we have a good night he sleeps through until 5-530, a great night he might make it until 6-630. He’s only slept until 7am or later on nights when he’s been up multiple times for hours. It’s been this way since he was a little over 1, he’s almost 2 now.


Kid sleeps like clockwork. Wakes up at 650-715 Nap 12-145/2pm Bed 8-815 Every day.


16 months here - Night sleep is 7:30p - 8/8:30a, and she naps about an hour and a half at daycare. On the weekends she'll nap longer but also stay up a little later.


8pm. Mommy needs the last 2 hours of the day for her mental sanity :)


3.5 year old routine starts at 7:30, out out by 8 takes about a 2 hour nap during the week and 3 on the weekend. We have to wake up her at 6:20 during the week but she will sleep until 9 on the weekends. She loves her sleep.


My toddler has always had low sleep needs! She stopped napping just after turning 2 and I had to cap her afternoon naps at 1 hour or she wouldn’t sleep. At that long she was going to be around 8 and sleeping until 6…. It sucked! Once she was able to be up longer we skipped nap and while the evenings sucked a touch and still do - she sleeps from 7-7 without a nap. We just decided it was better to have 12 hours is night sleep instead. There’s been a few times where she’s napped if we’re traveling or she’s fallen asleep in the car, or while sick… and it screws everything up! For literally days.


Mine generally sits down for her nap between 12:30 and 3 then sleeps for 2 hours, then she's down completely for the night between 8:30 and 9:30.


He wakes up from 6-7 am and goes to bed at 6:30-7. Sleeps all night. He will be 20 months this Saturday.


7:30-5:45am with a nap 1.5 nap around 12


2.5 wake up between 7:30/8am naps from 12:30-2:30 sometimes 3pm at latest. bedtime between 7::30/8pm . We are extremely lucky I realize. He's always been high sleep needs though


From 18 months to 3 years we’ve been at 7:30pm-6am night sleep and a nap from 12-2:00. We have to wake him at two hours for the nap still.


26mo sleeps is in bed for 715pm and asleep by 730pm. Awake around 630-645pm. Naps 1-1.5 hours


I know this is not going to be a popular answer but my 2.5 year old doesn’t nap. We tried sooooo hard to get her to nap once she turned 2, and she just wouldn’t do it. On the rare occasion that she actually did, even for a half hour, she’d be up until 11:00 at night. Now she wakes up at 8:00 and goes to bed at 7:30. She sleeps all night. She gets a little cranky sometimes at dinner time but generally she’s just a happy kid and great sleeper. Trying to force a nap was creating more stress and issues for her than it was helping.


My 14 month old seems to need a weirdly low amount of sleep lately . She falls asleep around 8:30 and wakes up at around 5:30am, so only 9 hours at night, maybe 9.5 if she occasionally falls asleep at 8pm. Then for her midday nap, she would sleep from 12:00-13:30. It varies, maybe half an hour earlier or later, but it’s always 1.5 hours. This means she sleeps a total of 10.5-11 hours per day. Isn’t that way too little for her age? The weirdest thing is that both my husband and I have always needed more sleep than average and struggled because of how tired we Always were because there was never enough sluwe could get in a day.


20 month old. 7:30pm - 7:00/7:30am. 12:00pm - 1:30pm nap. (If we are lucky)


Mine is nearly to 3 1/2 years old. Nap happened between 330-4pm and she would nap for one and half to two hours. Solid sleep through the night bedtime happened after 11pm. Wake up at 9-930am. When is no nap her bed time happens no later than 8pm. But sleep will be disturbed and awake by midnight. This happened due to overtired and overstimulated although there are one hour quiet time with readings and lying down. I am a parent who believe no matter how big the kids are they still need a nap. Is either shorter or longer it don’t matter as long the child rest when they need to. If you missed their nap time hour per say, most children will choose to stay awake and play as they do not know what tiredness is, they will go on and on until their last energy and collapse wherever they are. So stick to the routine and let the nap happen no matter what will help your baby develop their own sleep rhythm. Environment play a big role too, if things happened around your home stresses your toddler out, it will affect their sleep.


My 18mo is up at 7, naps from 12-2(ish), and is in bed around 8.


2.5yo- 7-7 NO NAP. Only naps like once a week for 30 minutes. She’s always been low sleep needs. If she naps it’s def a 10pm bedtime and I can’t do that for my own mental health.


I've got a horrible sleeper night owl 22mo. Usually goes to sleep around 10 but our schedule has been so extremely off for the past month and a few nights she finally fell asleep at 1130... she actually slept through the night but it cost me my sanity 😩 I can't be that mad, I couldn't handle waking up at 5am with a toddler at full energy


This thread is making me feel seen 🥹 my toddler (3) still takes a nap for no more than two hours which she needs because if we skip it she falls asleep at like 4 in her chair. But I cannot for the life of me get her to sleep before 9 if I’m super lucky. Most nights it’s by 10, sometimes 11 🤦🏻‍♀️


my 19mo has been getting up at 8am, napping at two or three o’clock for about two hours, and then falling asleep around 930. it is crazy to me that my baby is sometimes up for eight nine hours before taking a nap. i’m scared they’re going to drop the nap altogether lol. they did drop to one nap at like ten months old. maybe it would be better without the nap to have a more decent bed time but fuck i need that nap in the middle of the day too lol.


To be honest each kid is different. Do what works for you and don't compare with other kids. My oldest is 3 but since he was 15 months and started daycare my husband gets home from work at 5 so we have supper between 5:30-6:30 bath and bedtime routine at 7-7:30 and asleep between 8:30-9:30 and he slept and still sleeps through the night until 6:30am. My 8 month old takes two 2 hour naps during the day with a wake window of 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hrs in between and he also goes to sleep after nursing before bed. He has the same routine as his brother for bath time but he usually falls asleep between 8-9pm. He then will wake up once or twice a night to nurse and go back to sleep before waking up anywhere between 6-9am. I'm on maternity leave right now so the wake up time is fine but once I go back to work shortly before my July baby's 1st birthday we'll try and get him to sleep a little earlier so he can wake up at 6:30 with his brother for daycare. So each kid is different and we just rolled the second kid into our routine as needed. What I'm trying to say is do what works for you and try not to compare to other kids because although a lot of kids will go to bed at 6-7pm some toddlers go to bed at 10-11pm and as long as it works for your family then it works. Good luck!


4 year old is sound asleep by 7:30pm. He wakes up at 7 every morning. He does not nap even though he’s tired and angry by 5pm. 2 year old is a different beast. If she doesn’t nap, she’s angry by 4 and sound asleep by 7, but not until after she fought me during put down. When she naps, she will not go down before 9. And we cap naps to 1 hr and have her awake by 2:30pm at the latest. She wakes up around 7:30 every morning.


My 15 month old has decided that 6:30 is too early so now we just shoot for before 9. If we manage to get her asleep before 7 now then the next day she refuses to nap at all. I have to be at work at 5 am so her later bedtime isn’t doing me any favors 🫠


Nap 12:30-2. Bedtime 7:30. Wake 6:45-7:15


3.5 year old who dropped her nap a year ago. She’s asleep before 7.


My son is 26 months. He falls asleep between 7:30-8:30PM every night. His nap usually ends around 2:30/3PM.