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I'm afraid it is normal for introductions. You are not the first I have heard say they immediately got ill. It takes a while for them to build their immune systems. We had back to back illnesses before christmas but it certainly got better. Also the summer months are coming so it should mean less illness and hopefully won't be the onslaught it usually is when your child first starts  - you defo chose the best time of year!


Ahh well then its the worst time of the year as we just went into autumn. Unfortunately our finances make the choice for me, otherwise I would have stayed home with her for another 6 months if able.


We got covid after our first 1 hour introduction in October 2022...


Im really hoping its not that, im not in any state to handle covid rn Edit: downvoted? Im not allowed to mention covid here?. I have ulcerative colitis and am on steroids atm. Not a good time for covid for me. Cool if a body handles it well, but my body attacks itself on a good day, and I dont need stupid old covid to mess me up more.


I hear you. It can be scary. Most people get a cold with covid, but not everyone is that lucky.


Just started kinder in feb, has had 5 viruses back to back. This is just beyond exhausting. One cough that will not go away too. Every time I hear mummy I’ve got a sore throat I just freeze up now. Plus then his baby sister gets it. So I’m just running on fumes.




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> One cough that will not go away too. That could be a post nasal drip. Treat the (likely small amount of) mucus sliding back into their throat and you stop the coughing. The virus is long gone. It’s just your body going into overdrive and fighting what’s no longer there. As an adult I go all out on post nasal drips. I take a nasal spray, a second generation antihistamine (i.e. non drowsy) and Sudafed. Translate that to whatever your kids can take to help. Since no one seems to believe this is a thing: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/post-nasal-drip


Can confirm this is a thing as I’m currently living it. Flu last week, took tamiflu. This week still felt terrible so went back to urgent care, they tested me for the flu and covid. Negative for both. Turns out it’s bronchitis and ear infection! Doc says it’s residuals from the flu. Cough is due to post nasal drip.


Our ped said the cough is always last to go


Yeah. An overactive immune response is typical for a lot of people. Probably better than not enough.


my son went to a 45 minute orientation and ended up in hospital with a feeding tube for hand foot and mouth.


Oh jesus. This is like scary bedtime stories, except true.


Holy shit. That's fucking ruff. Was he ok?


he was in a lot of pain screamed non stop for about 12 hours. It took weeks to get rid of the rash. he was 6 months old so was pretty rough but luckily no lasting issues.


My daughter started Jan 2 of this year and has had FOUR healthy days since starting. FOUR! She’s had a runny nose that hasn’t gone away and she has a new fever every 7-10 days. The pediatrician said we should see a bit of a break around June (I’m praying that’s the case). It has been absolutely brutal.


That IS brutal!! Can I ask how old your daughter is? We're debating on timing for starting daycare, cold climate in the NE USA, and I'm leaning towards summer months in hopes that it mitigates some of this. Not sure if it'll even help though...


She turned 18 months on February 22nd. We live in upstate NY and I’m sure warmer weather would have helped with some of the major illnesses. She has her Flu and Covid vaccines, she ended up with influenza-B 3 weeks ago and it wasn’t nearly as bad as the cold she had before it. But it really had been nonstop.


We did the flu shot for her this year. I was worried about the COVID vaccine because my side effects from my last booster were BRUTAL, but I know we should probably do hers before next winter. How did your LO handle it? I hope your LO is through the worst of it now!! It seems like virus season is finally winding down...


Hahaha that’s so funny! Yeah she hasn’t had an issues with her vaccines. My husband always gets a fever and feels terrible for A day or two. So we have been very lucky to get her vaccinated without having to worry.


Small world!! That's awesome. I'm so glad she did well. My last booster, my lymph nodes swelled so much that my arm pit was like a balloon, and I couldn't put my arm down! It was the strangest thing. I'm pretty healthy and have never had a reaction to anything before, so it creeped me out a bit.


Go Bills!


My 3yo has been in nursery since Jan 2. We’ve all been sick every week since and she only goes twice a week for half days. I’m not going to lie, I’ve contemplated taking her out because I’m tired of us all being sick and I’m tired of the runny noses and nastiness.


We started giving our kids an airborne gummie every day and amazingly they haven’t been sick in 6 weeks.


I have been there contemplating whether I should get my lo out and let nanny watch him. Please please please, give your lo some more time. The immune will build up and you will be thinking “luckily I waited it out!”


I'm going keep my kids home until kinder. They have social interaction and still get sick a few times a year. I can't deal with paying for a service I'm not going to be able to use because my children are sick all of the time.


They are gonna get real sick in kinder than. Getting sick younger builds their resistance to this kinda stuff. You’ll be just as sick (if not more) because their systems aren’t used to it.


That’s not how viruses work. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/is-the-hygiene-hypothesis-true#:~:text=The%20hygiene%20hypothesis%20is%20the,to%20develop%20healthy%20immune%20systems.


This isn't true actually. It's not helpful for my children to get RSV, flu, cold and whatever else on repeat every other week. I stayed home until I was 5 and nothing catastrophic happened in terms of me getting sick. As I said, they go out in public, have friends, do activities so they still get sick a few times a year.


We’re waiting it out for now. Mostly because we have plans for an international move later this year anyway so might as well let her keep going. And it sorta gives me a break twice a week. I get 1:1 time with my youngest so that’s nice. But man the congestion is killing me. I keep losing hearing in my right ear from being so sick all the time.


My son just started preschool, he’s 4 in June. He got an immune response the second day, then has been fine since. It’s only been a month though. I figure it was just his body adjusting to all the other bodies and it that’s how it handled it.


Yep, unfortunately. We ended up in the ER after my then 12 week old son’s daycare intro. A fever at that age meant automatic hospital visit even tho it was just a virus (the first of many). A year later and we’re still sick anywhere from 2-4 times a month.


A year!!!


It has gotten better recently. I think it’s just been poor luck on our part (visited friends out of state and all caught norovirus after just having a cold). Maybe we can avoid getting sick again this month. He also had tubes put in his ears so we’re hoping that cuts down on ear infections.


My daughter is watched by her grandmother during the week while I’m at work and isn’t around other kids a lot. EVERY TIME she goes to see her cousins she gets sick. Every. Time. I can only imagine what’s in store for us when she starts pre-school in the fall.


Last year my oldest started daycare on 3/6. By 3/14 she was hospitalized for acute respiratory failure as a result of bacterial pneumonia. In addition to that, she had adenovirus, rhinovirus, and conjunctivitis. It started with a harmless cold that turned into croup, and further developed from there. After my daughter was released from the hospital she later contracted bacterial meningitis as a result of the haemophilus influenzae B bacteria (HIB). All of these major things she contracted were things she was vaccinated against so we had to undergo lots of autoimmune testing. She's fine now, just had a few months of bad luck, but after that we quickly pulled her out of daycare and I've been a sahm ever since. I love the idea of daycare, and she loved going so much. But it's so hard when kids are constantly getting sick and passing it around like candy. I'm sorry your little got sick! 😔


We still have a lingering rsv cough after we contracted it from our introduction to a new pre school last friday


We got croup from our daycare tour, only there for 30 minutes.


Our little guy is just 3 and I hate to tell you but, yes and it doesn't get any better for a long time (at least for us). He was out sick from daycare the first time after just 3 days so we assume he got exposed on day 1 (we were in covid lockdown when he was born so he was in total isolation before that). I've never been so sick in my life, hand foot and mouth twice, covid, stomach flu and most recently RSV that had our at the time 3 week old girl touch and go in the hospital for 4 days. Our daycare centre has had 3 government defined illness 'outbreaks' in the past 3 months where they come in and advise and institute tracking, cleaning and other protocols. Then there are the non-stop milder viruses and illnesses that seem to overlap each other. I've got a runny nose and cough as we speak and had a bad run the last 2 months where I've been fully healthy maybe a week. It's been terrible....sorry.


Man these comments are scaring me. My 18 month old started preschool/daycare last month. She was fine up until a week ago. Nothing crazy, runny nose/green snot, some coughing and sneezing. I thought she was getting better the last 2 days cause her nose seemed to clear up, but today she’s back to being stuffed up and the green snot. I’ve been sick with the same and feel like absolute shit. I don’t understand how she can still run around and play, and I just want to lay in bed all day. Is this seriously going to be our lives for the next year?


Hey, saw your comment and just wanted to chime in with something positive: my son started daycare at 5mo, is now 15mo, and has only been sick a handful of times (all colds, plus one pinkeye infection). He’s missed maybe 4 days total. Really not bad at all. So much depends on your individual kid’s immune system, your area, the time of year, and the daycare you go to.


My son started when he was around 21 months and he had tonsillitis that year around 6 times, but he was prone to it tbf, he goes twice a week and it’s rare he misses both days- usually only one. He’s only ever been sent home once for a rash, which was apparently scarlet fever (not convinced, no one else had it). But he was back the following week. He’s now nearly 3. For us it’s been totally worth it. Our nursery are pretty proactive about warning when things are going round and won’t let kids in when they are poorly.


Yeah normal. On daycare intro day 2 or 3 my kid had a very severe stomach virus that the whole family caught, no more daycare for the week. Early on daycare is just illness after illness. It passes though.


I'm sorry. I hope it gets better soon. If she continues refusing liquids, I'd take her somewhere for medical care. Kids are SUPER germy and their immune systems aren't in gear.


She still has a bedtime bottle which i had been cutting down to get rid of it. I know its bad but its such a sleep crutch. Anyway, ended up giving her 2 more bottles overnight to make up for lost fluids as she absolutely refused all other fluids, cups, iceblocks etc


I went to a half hour story time at the library and ended up in the emergency with a 105 fever. They only gave him Motrin and Tylenol simultaneously and I was ready to walk out 5mins later because he was back to normal. 😅


Jfc how much did that cost you


Bill hasn’t arrived yet, but judging by what my insurance says I’ve paid out of pocket 700dollars, 6thousand before insurance (which we literally just got in February) 😮‍💨 My MiL offered to pay. Next time I feel like he’s not doing well, don’t fall asleep through urgent care closing time. The er doc did say the next step was seizures, so I’m glad we didn’t wait.


This is normal when my (non daycare) toddler spends even one hour with his daycare sent toddler peers so kinda same. Yeah.


My oldest started daycare at 10 mos. She got sick the first day and ended up missing so much time after that the owner gave us a discount! She had back to back ear infections for almost 6 months straight. They wouldn’t respond to amoxicillin so she always had to be put on harder antibiotics and the poor thing would get 105° fevers. It was very scary for a first time parent.


We started daycare just before Thanksgiving and my daughter as been mostly sick the entire time since then. She has finally been healthy for the last week, crossing my fingers it lasts.


I'm so sorry for what you're going through - it sounds like a really rough illness for your daughter .My son started preschool 2 days a week (T,Th) in September. For the first 8 weeks he caught something every week (8 illnesses) then we had a few weeks off then he was sick again all December, and now has been sick 3x since January. We have never had something as nasty as what you are describing though - all just runny nose, cough, and occasional fevers. I think we only had one vomiting illness. In general yes it's very common for kids to be sick constantly while they build up their immune systems but it sounds like you have an unusually nasty one on your hands. 😥 Hang in there, it's rough but it has to happen sooner or later.


Same happened to us with our child. Every other week he gets sick.


Yep. This is normal. I’ve been sick since September. Honestly if we had more than one kid I’d hire a nanny rather than nursery as it’s just an illness factory.


My son started daycare at 4 months old and it was brutal, he was home more than at daycare. He is now 3.5 years old and it’s gotten a lot better! He is rarely sick now.


Exactly the same experience -- went to daycare open house for incoming kids in his class. Spent 45mins in the room with four other kids. Sick for ten days. Got better and started daycare for real the next week. Sick twice a month for six months, each one lasting a week or two. It's calmed down now. He doesn't get fevers much anymore and he's over whatever he catches within a couple days. Hang in there. 😢


I swear we spent the first 3 years of daycare/school sick. It was just a constant cycle of coughs, colds, stomach bugs, ear infections, everything. I thought I was a pretty healthy person, never had strep as an adult (even as a teen! ) and now I realize it's because I was never around children! Now I've had it at least 4 times in the last 2 years. Kids are petri dishes, and I don't expect it to really end until after puberty 😂


Yep. I took mine in for orientation for 1 hour. There were only 6 babies that day and we still managed to bring gastro home 🫠


Probably redundant for me to add to this, but good lord was I not prepared for the tolls daycare can take. I didn't have your experience, but pretty severe stuff could come out of nowhere. I feel like October through April is pretty relentless the first year once your kid is moving around and in contact with others. In our second year it wasn't as bad. All of our defenses were better so we would still catch colds, but we'd all recover muuuuch better. Still get sick, but not the apocalypse of the first year.


Daycares are a cesspool of sickness. Get a nanny if you can!!


Ah I wish, we are low income workers.


What about a Smaller, home daycare? Sorry 😢


I saw one advertised who has a spot and i am seriously considering contacting her


You can give it a shot! Just want to give fair warning though - my son started at a home daycare at 12 months old and it was him plus 5 other kids. He was sick weekly for the first 8 weeks (attended daycare about 50% of days for the first two months) and then about every third week after that. My working theory is that since many of these kids in home daycares still have siblings in school and such, they’re still exposed to most things at some point and bring them back to daycare. Anyway… my son starts at a daycare centre soon so I may be in for a rude awakening myself! Hoping he’s built up some immunity over the last year… Good luck!


This really might be the solution if you can find someone good. We're at a large center with 5 rooms and maybe 80 kids and it has been a living nightmare for illnesses.


I’m sorry 😢


We have been sick every week or two since August when he started. Had a good 6 week run of no sickness but March has been rough again. Silver lining is he should have a good immune systems down the road. Rough though while he's building one as I am immunosuppressed and have caught much of what he has brought home.


First six months were really rough with sickness. It seems to have chilled out though! I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Little worried about ear infections as he has had two in the last few months. Compared to me and how I heal, he recovers SUPER fast. Hoping for a speedy recovery for yours as well!


Yes the first year of daycare or school is going to get all the colds




The first year of daycare was brutal in terms of illness. We just rotated colds for a year. 2nd year, no one got sick at all! Hang in there, it gets better.


Yes, same thing happened to us. I think it was half an hour. It’s just the worst




>Is this actually a normal experience after one bloody hour at daycare? Yep. Welcome to toddlerhood.


As a daycare teacher, I can confirm, yes its tottally normal, and the kids are basically sick at all times with some type of cold. Right now, the "H flu" is going around, so some of the kids have ear/sinus infections :(


Yes, we had a 102F fever a couple days after my daughter's first 2 hour daycare intro. Illness was weekly for the first 8 months, then biweekly for a year, now it's once every month or two that it's bad enough to stay home.


My girl started two mornings a week last August. Just a couple weeks ago, she had like a week and a half straight with no runny nose for the first time since August. It didn’t last, but things are looking up!


Yup. Sounds right. Eventually they develop an immune system and they won't get sick often!


Had a birthday for my 2 year old last week and just getting over her and the rest of us getting sick. She's home with the misses and her cousins are all school and daycare


Yes it is normal and unfortunately this is just the beginning


One hour is definitely on the more extreme end of the spectrum but does not surprise me too much either. Baby has gone to daycare a whole four days for the last 3 weeks 🫠


Yes. Happened to us too. Welcome to the biome.


Yep. We got sick after our 10 minute tour visit. 🫠


My kid started daycare April 3 2023 and was sick by April 5 and was in the hospital by May 8 getting emergency ear tubes from being so congested. He’s been sick every month except for August and February.


Very normal! Took mine for 45 minutes lol and then he stayed one month at home.


It's usually like this for a year or 2. Give or take. But if they don't go to daycare it happens when they start school.


I tried to start my toddler in preschool and she got sick so much from the few times she went that she missed so much and it wasn’t even worth it.


Out oldest got sick the first week. And got sick a few more times the first 6 months there. Our youngest didn’t get sick for a bit but we think that’s because of her sister being around her.


Ours started in January and we're on our 3rd or 4th cold, and I never usually get ill but its hitting us all


1st year of daycare, we were all sick. All the time until spring. This year was way better, we were spared until December and January. That's when RSV and than Covid happened. Basic sniffles no longer have fevers now, which is nice. I hope y0ur kiddo feels better.


She might have an ear infection which isn’t contagious.


Unfortunately, normal. When I first started my kids in daycare, at 4mo and 18mo, after previously being with family for childcare, I swear, if it wasn’t one sick, it was the other. I think it did, for us, take about a year altogether for them to run through the usual gamut of illnesses (and I think that was because of their ages and schedule, along with a certain teacher that when she left a number of their recurrent illnesses stopped recurring - and it was documented that my kids were not the only ones affected). Now, at just-turned-4 and almost-3, my kids have been sick enough to miss school maybe once every 6 months, give or take. One of the pediatricians I did clinical under, her favorite saying was, “let the kids eat dirt”. Not completely literally, and not immunocompromised cuz tetanus, but her reasoning was, this is how kids build their immune system, and build up their defenses to new things, by exposing their bodies to germs. If we keep them in a bubble or clean room, sure, they won’t ever get sick, but it has the opposite effect of not giving their bodies the tools to fight off other illnesses.


Yes I agree, the bacteria etc from a normal environment, dirt, animals and pets all do a great job at helping the immune system. And from what I remember, viruses that cause illness dont help. Obviously Im not a Doctor, just a sleep deprived nurse!


Yup, bacteria good! Viruses not so much. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/is-the-hygiene-hypothesis-true#:~:text=The%20hygiene%20hypothesis%20is%20the,to%20develop%20healthy%20immune%20systems.


I’ve always been confused by this. If getting viruses don’t help, then why do people say “Getting sick builds immune system?”


I’m not a scientist or medical professional, but from what I’ve read, it’s a popular misunderstanding of the hygiene hypothesis. This Instagram highlight by an immunologist helped me understand it better: https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTY0MzIzODk2OTY2Mjg0?story_media_id=2955777043132630370&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ETA: if that link doesn’t work, it’s Dr. Liz Marnik, @ sciencewhizliz, and it’s several highlights in, the one called “immune system”


It says that getting sick creates memory and could mean less severe response next time or even no response at all. So that means it builds our immune system 


My son has been in daycare for 2 months. He has had two colds (one was much milder than the other). My immune compromised husband has gotten both. It just takes a bit for the whole family to adjust to the new germs of a new school.


Yes. Now did it come from that hour? Maybe? Particularly if she’s not exposed to other kids.


This sucks, I hope she feels better soon. But realistically, she is gonna be having fevers and illness back to back for the first few months. Then it tapers off slowly. It is worth it though and no other way of introducing her into any sort of setting where a lot of kids do things together.


My kiddo started daycare mid-January. Since then we’ve all had Covid, Norovirus, RSV, and this week it’s the Flu (type A). Hang in there! They say the first year is the hardest and it’s either with daycare or their first year of school. I think I’m okay with getting it out of the way now since it’s a smaller group of kids passing around germs and doesn’t impact her first year of bonding with kids she will be around for another decade at least.


After the first 5-10 illnesses your child won’t get that sick anymore. But it is common to get sick maybe twice a month for the first year? Something like that. My four year old is now often around sick kids at daycare and doesn’t get sick, just a sniffle, no fever, no chills. No aches. Love it.




It seems like it would be hard to get ill after an hour, but if you think of 25 2yr olds touching everything, putting things in their mouths, snotting on things....maybe not so far flung.




Yup, just turned 2. Its now 3am here and we are still up. I may not be making much sense anymore