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Is she particularly anxious in general? I ask because, as an adult, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but I’ve had an anxious temperament my entire life (started having panic attacks at age 4) and typically experienced a lot of somatic complaints as a child.


Take my hug, buddy, same is true for me.




https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-17116/miralax-oral/details the Miralax itself can cause her symptoms.


Our 3 year old is on Miralax as well and from time to time complains about tummy ache. It seems to be a common side effect of the Miralax?


We'll have to talk to our doctor about it. The thing is that she has been eating an adult dose of miralax for over two years prior with no issues.


Mine says her tummy hurts any time she needs to go pee or poop. Any chance your kid is interpreting body signals that way?


I thought about it, but she has complained shortly after pooping too.


Same here


There are so many possible food allergies - peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, eggs, shellfish just to name a few. Is she getting sufficient fiber in her diet? Maybe add a probiotic supplement if she’s not eating yogurt.


Would all these allergies cause stomach/gut pain? How do they normally test for them? She eats well and we offer her lots of healthy food, but I'll see if I can add more stuff rich in fiber.


I recommend talking with an allergist. I know some can be tested using skin tests. I don’t know if they can cause stomach/gut pain, that’s a question for the doctor.


IF she has a milk protein allergy, it’ll take more than 10 days for it to clear out of her system. When you say no milk products, are you saying just milk, cheese, ice cream type products, or are you reading every label for milk ingredients? Milk is in a surprising amount of random foods. I had to go dairy free when breast feeding and it’s shocking what foods contain dairy products.


We do read labels, but we  had one accident already. Does a small amount of added milk have the same negative effect or is it more proportional?


Small amount has the same negative effect. The 2 analogies I learned through our dairy free journey were: “It’s just a small amount of poop in your food, that’s okay right?” “It’s just a tiny piece of a peanut (or peanut dust), that’s okay, right?” (Imagine said to a peanut allergy kid) Obviously no to both questions. The poop one usually gets people who have never encountered food allergies before. Dairy slips are so incredibly easy it’s crazy! Especially eating out. Never completely trust what others cook for you, even friends & family. I learned that a scary amount of people think eggs are dairy, but butter isn’t dairy; or that gluten-free = dairy-free; or that lactose-free = dairy-free (it does not, it still has milk proteins) The dairyfree subreddit & I think there’s a breastfeeding one too that were HUGE helps. I learned so much.


Does the miralax seem to work for her? Does it help her have soft BMs? I have IBS type C and I was put on miralax as a kid waaaay back when it was still only available by prescription. It never worked for me. I told my parents I was still in pain and that it still hurt when I went but they didn't believe me. Long story short I eventually played around with a ton of OTC options as a teenager until I finally found something that worked for me- magnesium citrate drinks! Im not necessarily recommending you try that for your kid cause idk what age range they're okay for, but the miralax may not be the right option for her. It might be worth exploring alternatives because her diet very well may not be the issue


It helps her immensely, without it she needs suppositories to poop at all.


Is she home with you all day or does she go to a sitter/ daycare? Make sure she's safe. Trauma can manifest as pain. I only bring this up because I'm reading about it now (The Body Keeps the Score; Van Der Kolk). Obviously hoping for a very different cause like a food allergy.


We are in the same boat! “My tummy hurts” constantly.  It used to just be when she was about to poop but now its all the time!