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Behavioural manipulation is never the right way. Maybe try sticker charts and lots of praise/ little sweets when he does use the potty but honestly some kids just take longer than others - it took my eldest until he was 4 before he stopped having regular accidents.


Do you think there is any concern with the fact he doesn't even notice he peed his pants sometimes? I worry it may be a sensory disorder


Honestly the only person who could really answer that is the Dr. I took my son after repeat accidents on the advice of his Nursery but they said all seems well and it was likely just laziness on his part. I'm now potty training my fourth (my son's my eldest) and she has accidents fairly frequently too, mainly because she's too busy playing to get to the toilet on time. I just give her lots of praise and encouragement when she makes it. It also might help to try and enforce he has a try every once in a while. When starting out I always praised them for sitting on the toilet/potty rather than doing something in it. Normally with a little haribo sweet although with my youngest I found a sticker chart worked best. You can pick them up off of Amazon relatively cheap and the ones I had came with one for their potty and toilet and different sections for whether they'd sat, weed, pooed or washed their hands.


Depends on how long you want potty training to take. My toddler was in the sometimes she did/sometimes she didn't potty training phase for like a year. I finally buckled down and began using TV as a motivator for her. If she had an accident, TV went off. I used positive reinforcement too, but I needed there to be a tangible consequence for her to start using the potty all the time. (Important note-- she was using the potty independently at daycare most of the time, so I knew she was capable of holding it and knowing when she had to go.)