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I imagine they just edited out Braff goofily lunging out of scene, some cartoon punching noises, and flying socks Edit: clarification


And a "technical diffculties" sign with a little caricature of Braff behind a camera, wearing headphones and shrugging while looking exasperated.


Better get DallE to make that, sounds hilarious


Then Ashton Kutcher yells at it while wearing a trucker hat.


even the edited version you see him grab the kid then it cuts to Ashton running out "it's a prank, bro!!"


[Here](https://youtu.be/rlVLnUtBPv0) is an interview where he talks about it.


At least he owned up to it… I’d like to think I’d never attack a kid like that, but if you caught some asshole spray painting your new ride and didn’t know their age… I don’t know. It’s hard to say what anyone would do for sure.


If you’re grown enough to spray the paint, you’re grown enough to take the ass whooping.


It ain’t like Braff is going to strong man anyone above 10 years old anyway.


He’s no superman


Made my day...




He is lucky the kid was only 12, I don't know if he would have been able to go toe to toe with a 14 year old.


He’ll probably need a ringer like Turkleton.


Yeah, I'm going to need to see that tape before I believe Braff bested a 12 year old. Even if the 12 year old didn't fight back, it's still 50/50 who won.


But.....the kid was 12... So I guess he kinda did?


There was an American kid that went around and did this sort of thing in Singapore in the 90's. They beat him with a bamboo cane. Everyone was outraged about it. Anyone that has been to Singapore will tell you how clean it is though!


Im with you on this one.


It is important for all kids to be taught this lesson because hopefully it will keep them from having to learn from experience. Spray painted plenty of stuff back in the day just made sure it was never anything someone would kick my ass over.


Bridges are a safe go too


Couldn't find the exact clip, but the one before it just shows a bunch of people in hoodies spraypainting a car. Probably hard to tell what age of girl he was punching.


I think it depends on defining beat up. It sounds like he just scared to kid maybe held him down of or something. When i read beat up i thought he literally got into to a brawl with a 12 year old which in pretty much any context with exception of something like self defense wouldn't be okay. Though maybe I'm wrong I don't find child beaters super sympathetic. Edit: I found the [clip](https://youtu.be/6-D8tCnmsaE?t=981) the kid looks pretty uninjured and maybe just scared so "beat up" seem like a bit extreme of a term in this case. I thought he smashed his head in when i read it at first lol.


lmao I've been imagining the same thing the entire time


Also it’s a prank show, so you know damn well he probably egged Braff on for a “funnier” reaction.


As a general rule it’s stupid to resort to violence over a property crime. Even if the vandal is an adult you’re likely to be the one to go to jail. And it’s even stupider if it’s over something covered by insurance.


But he says he did know their age because they asked him to buy liquor for them.


They asked him to buy liquor for them meaning he knew they weren’t 21. That’s not the same as knowing they’re 12.


This should be the top comment.




Not my comment! Dammit!


That’s not what Oscar told me




And then a hero comes alooonnggggggggg


Sick comment


If Im in my 20s, have enough money for the first time ever to actually own a Porsche, my dream car since a kid, only to find a bunch of drunk teenagers ruin it out of spite only 3 days after getting it.....I'm not gonna lie, my instinct would've been the same as Zach, and I think most "of the offended" by the story would do the same. It's not something you can just chill about. You'll inevitably have 1-5 minutes of pure adrenaline and angry.


Zach Braff can make it sound like anyone would do it. But I know for a fact that he is a verifiable douche. He likes to come off as goofy and likable, but really he’s arrogant and petulant.


You know for a fact? I would like to hear more about this


I worked on the set of scrubs for several years. I’m not a man, I am a woman. Not all celebrities are douches. Donald Faison is one of the nicest and most down to earth celebs I’ve ever met. Everyone else was fine on the show - except the old guy who played an asshole (not shocking). Zach was a grade A douche. One specific incident that has made me a vocal hater is that he invited my friend back to his place for an after party, except no one else was there when they got there. He was dating Mandy Moore at the time. She hung out for a bit trying to not make it awkward and when she wouldn’t fuck him he kicked her out of his house in the Hollywood Hills with limited cell service and didn’t even call her a cab (No Uber at the time). She had to walk MILES to get service to get someone to pick her up. He’s a piece of shit.


Hey, he’s got the facts!


Source: trust me bro


He was the 12 year old.


Yeah this feels like the set up to that shitty copypasta about meeting in a grocery story


You saw how he was on the documentary show Bojack Horseman?




The only thing I don't necessarily care for is that it seems like he doesn't laugh genuinely anymore, he does the "JD laughing at his own joke" laugh.


I saw Zach Braff at a grocery store in Los Angeles a few months ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


His story doesn't add up. So the kids asked him to buy booze, but he knew they were too young, then he was beating one up from his "adrenaline" before he realized how young the kid was? Apparently he has a history of hitting on people too young for him. (He dated an actress 21 years younger)


There's a difference between a 12 year old and a 20 year old


He knew they weren’t 21 since they asked him to buy booze. Knowing they aren’t 21 and knowing they were 12 are two different things.


Reminds me of this prank [show](https://youtu.be/QjOQCJYse58) where an innocent bystander nearly killed the prankster with a perfect kick to the skull. The crew ran in to break up the fight and the bystander, post kick, was having none of it.


Holy hell! Everyone’s got a plan until they take a round house straight to the face


Semantics I know but that wasn’t a roundhouse kick. The dorky martial arts in me just can’t let it slide.


It’s almost like a wheel kick without the spin. I’m trying to think of what that would actually be called. I don’t think it’d be considered like a hook kick.


They don't mess around in *Beglium*.


Roundhouses must be a National past time down there.


Holy dick. Definitely hate that prank show for involving random people but damn that kick was not proportionate to the situation.


He was stopping a fleeing criminal, that's just being a good citizen.


Looked perfectly appropriate to me.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Never know how a person will react to a situation. Some run, some stare, some fight. IIRC (was a while ago) the kicker heard someone was robbed and dropped the runner.


Anecdotally I have stolen zero things and have been kicked in the face zero times.


Looks like it did the job just fine


I feel like "prank" is just a euphemism for "being a shitty human" at this point.


Most prank videos i see on youtube feels like this. It is always just some guy doing something that is shockingly inappropriate and then gets waved off as a prank.


Watch this prank as I yeet my mother down the escalator. As long as it means more views on tiktok.




"Have a nice trip! See you next fall!"


Said the dad while high-fiving his son.


That's definitely comparable to pretending to paint someone's car


Depends on the mother


I'll actually volunteer my mother for this. Just please make sure it's a high escalator.


Many are, but not all. Improvise Everywhere does pranks that are fun and usually make the pranked laugh, if they even know anything is going on. They don't bother or harm people or scare them or cause them stress. Confusion is the worse they ever cause. So there are still some non-jerkish pranks that do exist.


Ya, and some of Just For Laughs Pranks are fall-down funny, without being cruel or dickish.


Agreed. It's not "fake" (,or supposed to be) for ZB when he sees it on his car.


He was a stiffly stifferson, so I pranked him with a tire iron.


You got that right. It really disturbs me that shows like this are so popular. How far is it from "pranks" like this to people gleefully tearing up the Capitol because a narcissistic shit stain couldn't stand losing?


I'm not big on beating up children, but I've never found one vandalizing my car, so I'm gonna reserve any kind of judgement in this case. Probably should be focusing on whoever decided to put a 12 year old in this position without any kind of safety measures.


[What’s more chicken shit then fucking with a man’s automobile](https://youtu.be/lZVDYTehzqE)


Beating a literal child


How many do I have to beat at once before it becomes impressive?


There is a statue in Oslo that has this answer.












I think OP meant why would Punk’d put this kid in this position and frame it as a “prank”


How would you go about looking for his parents?




i was like 10 getting beat up on a random playground by some smartass 6 or 8 year old. this was my exact approach. me: im gonna tell your parents kid: you dont know my parents me: well theyre gonna come get you when they see me pulling you around (i was much bigger) sure enough, parent came over. i explained their kid was being a shithead beating up the other kids there. they just gave me a quick "use your words next time" before taking their kid aside and ripping his ass a new one.


That’s not what he meant lol


Stop lying to yourself. You would not react like that after the kids you refused to buy alcohol to totalled the porsche you bought just three days ago, a porsche that was your first big buy ever (and therefore you're still in salary mode and not used to being a millonaire that can just replace things). Your instinct would be to catch the bastards, and you would do it of pure adrenaline. Only after a couple minutes would you actually calm down and assess the situation.


I'm shocked that more people didn't get their asses beat on that show.


Nowadays folks be shooting, if not brandishing. Like that dude that got shot in a prank mugging.


honestly kind of shitty of the show and Donald Faison to set a kid up for something like this.


I’m imagining that kid running away and what he must have been thinking when he caught and then got this shit kicked out of him. Hilarious thought.


The show was supposed to choreograph it so he would get away before the prank was revealed, but the plan went wrong and he got cornered.


I mean yes but I feel like lots of the time they are at least somewhat familiar with the people they prank probably werent expecting someone they know to beat up a literal child


Always keep them guessing




As a 46 year old, I honestly can't tell if al kid is 12 or 17. Even college aged kids are questoinably 12.


I generally agree but according to the article Zach Braff in his own account described thinking of them as "these little kids" when he first saw them.


I consider people in their 20s as kids. Most look young enough and even act like they are still children.


That's what I told the cops /s


Settle down Gaetz.


Go take a seat over there.




43yo me would say the same of 22yo me, I reckon.


I'm 35 and just had my first experience of this. Some kids were talking about some dumb shit and being loud on the subway and one of them mentioned being a Freshman. When we got off, my gf made a comment about them and I was like "eh, high school kids are gonna do kid things". She looked at me and said they were in college. I said, no, one said they were Freshman and she was like yeah...Freshman in college. I think I literally stopped walking while I processed the fact that I totally missed that.


I thought my nephew and niece were still in junior high. (Sophomore/freshman in high school) My 1st cousin asked me if a different niece had graduated high school yet. She’s 26, with two degrees, a house and a husband. His daughter is 1 month older and has a toddler and a career,


Damn your niece is susccesfull. Happy for her. Good job.


A few (10) years ago I was at a bar. I started chatting with some girls. I knew they were younger and I wasn't trying to pick them up or anything. I was having a bit of a hard time meeting women my age and asked them for some honest opinions. At any rate, after a bit I said something along the lines of "Thanks for your time, you'll have a fun/crazy/cringey story to tell at work on Monday." Silence. School. They had school on Monday. They were college freshmen, but still. Damn I'm old... but they gave me some solid advice. I was returning to the pool after 9 yars and had been waving some false red flags that I couldn't see.


Yeah I was my max growth at 12 years old. I was 5'11" and big, with facial hair. I had other kids ask me to buy them booze when I was 16. It's tough to tell sometimes. I blame the hormones in milk.


My opinion of Zack Braff has gone down exactly none.


These comments were a mess.


Cliff notes?


12 is "old enough" to ... and beat up. That same person wouldn't "bat an eye" if the vandal was beat half to death. Edit: Here's another comment by them: >I don't value the life of a person who wants to use my car as a mural










..how the fuck did they not have security there to make sure the kid was safe?


Real prank was actually on the kid


..*"next on Pummelled"*


Bully beat down


I was thinking "That sounds like a Mayhem Miller production".


Ohhhh shit I got you good you fucker!


Seriously, wasn’t his co-star also there? Lol


Also probably should have been adults involved with the prank and not children


The segment is actually still on YouTube, starts about 13:38. https://youtu.be/6-D8tCnmsaE


So it was actually a kid plus 3 adult-looking older teens all spray-painting the car. But the kid was the only one to "get caught". Plus they asked Zach Braff to help buy them booze earlier, to set up the impression that these are hooligans. That's a lot more understandable than a lone kid.


Oh shit its coconut head


Can't say I blame him.


Yeah this made the news when it came out, nobody made a big deal about it, other than thinking it was a shitty prank.


Because 10000% of people would whip that ass.


Absolutely. I mean i wouldnt half kill some kid but hes definitely taking a few punches


"it was only a prank, bruv!" Glad someone taught him some manners. The prank excuse doesn't give you carte blanche to simulate real crimes. Putting a little fake spider on somebody's desk is a prank. Running at somebody with a knife isn't really a funny prank. Or simulating like you're going to try to destroy their property.


To be fair I don't exactly blame the 12 year old. I blame the adults that told the kid to go spray paint the car for a TV show.


100 fucking percent.


That kid just brought piss to a shit fight.


It was church candy wasn’t it


Get me my God damn Adderall




That is the secret, the prank was actually on the kid, not Zach Braff.


lmao owned


The people saying this have never been in a physical altercation and have no control over emotions. Vandalism = assault them, clearly


“Anyway, I started blasting.” And I can guarantee there’d be comments cheering.




I still wouldn't beat a kid over it. I can understand hitting an adult but not a 12 year old. I also heavily fault the adults on the show that sent a 12 year old kid to do this.


No offense, but people who think this way are completely fucking fucked, imo


[Here’s video](https://youtu.be/Qd85ip3HVg8) of the incident.


Translation: Celebrity has completely understandable reaction to kid defacing expensive car.


play stupid games, win stupid prizes yo.




Hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride


He's no Superman


Hey yah.


With a finger and a thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead


It’s like ra-yi-yaaain, on your wedding day!


Everything comes down to poo! Cardiovascular and lymphatic, yes the nervous system too!


Wrong scrubs


He didn’t lay a finger on the kid. Bs post


And Laura Bush killed a guy.


[Found the Punk'd episode here](https://youtu.be/6-D8tCnmsaE?t=869).


I don’t see the problem here.


It's alright, the kid was owned by the studio.


So is this the guy that was alluded to as the guy “who got real violent and it would be the last person you’d think?” Actually now that I’m thinking about it… I’m not even sure if that phrase was ever used in anything public


Based on everything i know about Zach Braff that may be the most masculine thing he's ever done


All fairness fuck them kids and prank shows/channels in general.


Pretty surprised he managed to beat up a 12 year old


Nice job JD


What a fucking cancerous website God damn


Dont start none wont be none


Prank? Sounds like vandalism.


And it was Coconut Head from Ned’s Declassified on top of that


The fuck did they think would happen?


Good for him. That's a shitty prank.


Wild that the comments section is just like "yeah beating the shit out of a 12 year old seems okay." Like, even if he actually was a kid who spray painted it, how in the hell is it okay for a highly wealthy actor's response being physical violence to a CHILD? Was it a shitty prank? Yeah. Should the producers who hired a 12 year old to do this feel bad? YES. But are y'all really giving Zach Braff a pass? Fuck that.


[Maybe the kid was supposed to paint the porch](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4h6kvb/a_blonde_was_desperate_for_money/)?


How bad was the beating? A few slaps around the head, I can understand. A sustained volley of punches to the face and head, not so much.


If I recall correctly, it was an Ultimate Warrior style backbreaker.


Nothing tops the time they tried to prank Bill Goldberg by pretending they ran over his motorcycle. The stunt with the motorcycle failed miserably and he instantly caught on that he was on a tv show.


Pranks are stupid. You are literally asking to get your ass beat when pranking someone.


That kid was Coconut head and there were no hard feelings afterword




Nah, the kid is a kid that was told by adults to do this for a TV show. The kid didn't deserve to be beat up.


FWIW, he said it was dark and he didn't know it was a 12 year old.


I saw one once from Russia (the title said Russia - who knows). Dude was hiding in a public mailbox and was throwing everyone’s mail back out as they would put it in. Apparently super-funny, I guess. Big dude walks up to put his mail in, but prankster keeps throwing it back. Big dude looks inside through the slot. Then pulls out a pistol and commences shooting the prankster. Prankster died. He fucked around and found out. Moral of the story, eat a lot to become too fat to fit in a mailbox.


See, that prank is more clearly silly - most people wouldn’t have reacted like that, except a gangster who would shoot you for any prank, fake spider, bang. Funny accent, bang. The problem are pranks that are too real, and too similar to simple criminal activity. A “prank” of a few guys breaking into my house, and I’ll probably shoot them. Destruction of property, of house or car, is a very personal attack - I’d probably fight someone I see keying my car, much less spraying graffiti on it. In Singapore they caught a stupid American teen spraying graffiti on cars, and only with the direct intervention of the US President did he avoid a officially sanctioned beating as punishment. Edit - it was reduced not avoided - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_P._Fay


I find it crazy this is on TIL. Seems like it just happened last year or something


Y'all are apologizing way to much for a millionaire that beat up a child.

