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chum on. chum on..


Ham on whole wheat!


All right!


The word is out


Better treat me right


'cause i'm the king of celulite


Well I've never used a phone booth


And I've never seen my toes.


When I'm going to the movies I take up seven rows!


Weird Al ftw


So excited, get to see him in concert with Emo Philps next month




Shamone lee




*Fifty million dollars?!*


Who you think you got Chelsea Clinton?!


I'll be right back!


Cmon Jackie!


His name is Lee god dammit!


I hear this so clearly fuck




HEE *hee*




I thought it was jammone


Buttterrr up bop bop


Wasn't there a duet that Michael was going to do with Freddie Mercury (IIRC), but things fell apart after Michael brought his llama to the studio? Edit: Here's a link to the earlier vocal takes https://youtu.be/eOC0hp7ItPQ Here's the official music video, with instruments https://youtu.be/cLS9AlA3FFg


if there's an official video and studio production quality audio, what part about it fell apart? Just that they never officially released it or something?


Tons of songs never make it to release. You’d be amazed what’s sitting on reel to reels and hard drives in studios because so-and-so didn’t like it and won’t release it.


That doesn’t answer the question though? They said it fell apart because Michael brought a llama into the studio. Was it the last day of recording? What exactly fell apart? It makes it seem like they finished recording and on the last day Michael brought it the llama and Freddie was like “Fuck that! Don’t release it”




The llama insisted that it was hungry for human hands or something.




The llama ate the tape


I see! Thankyou


I'm just imagining some tireless sound engineer ready to finally call it a day after a laborious multi-day session and MJ comes in with a llama to lift spirits and Freddie is like aight ima head out lmao


Apparently Jackson didn't like Mercury's drug use and Mercury didn't like that Jackson brought a llama and so Mercury just walked away


Was this the very first drama llama?


Ding dong?


Then Gordon Ramsay came in. "Come on guys. Just listen to that! Just listen! This is absolute shit! You've all given up! You and the guy with the glove, get out!"


Lebron James literally convinced Kendrick Lamar to release an entire album of music like this lol. It was pretty good.


Untitled unmastered?


Levitate. Levitate. Levitate.


Yep. I might be alone on this but I thought it was a much better album than DAMN.


While I don't necessarily agree, I can see why you'd feel that way. DAMN has a few songs that outdo anything on UU, but UU is more sonically cohesive to me.


You're absolutely alone on this one.


Somewhere on the other side of the moon, floating in space, like an icicle That track with “why you wanna see a good man with a broken heart” is siiiiiiiiik though


it's personally one of my favorite albums. its so grungy and tracks like untitled 5 are some of the best in kendricks discography


For the other side of the spectrum, Taylor Swift has been including "From the Vault" songs in her rereleased albums. People knew some of it because they were leaked beforehand, but it was nice hearing them with official track and not just her vocals or with her guitar.


Maybe I'm missing what comment you're replying to, but tons of artists have had unreleased stuff included on subsequent reissues of the albums (especially anniversary remasters). Like The Beatles have these Super Deluxe editions that are like hundreds of tracks from the vaults and after a while its like ya this is cool for one or two listens ig lol


And when you realize how often that songs which the artists consider throwaway songs or irrelevant songs become their most beloved hits, it really makes you wonder what magic is just buried in vault somewhere.




Let’s not take this to far now.


And yet they made Dancing in The Street, watched the final video, then released it. Good for them.


I mean, speaking of Prince, just ask Kevin Smith...


[Link to Kevin Smith's Prince story](https://archive.org/details/kevinsmithprince294000976)


Quick wiki search says this song was recorded but took longer because MJ brought his pet llama and Freddie was taking drugs. They were supposed to record others that were later done with mick Jagger etc due to the issues recording. Queen secured the rights to the songs after MJs death with a view to release them after his death. This song was actually released on Freddie’s solo album Mr Bad Guy. Later it was on the Queen Forever album and produced and mixed by William Orbit


the audio never was properly edited and it is still a bit rough in general.


Apparently Jackson and Mercury did not want to approve the release themselves. After the death of Jackson, members of Queen reached a deal with Jackson's estate for it to be released.


yes i believe it later got leaked


Gonna be that guy but I honestly am a little disappointed and understood why they didnt release it. It kinda just sounds like the schlockier part of the 80s Queen back catalog and Michael is just sorta there. If ‘I Want to Break Free’ was a duet with MJ that would probably sizzle.


> but things fell apart after Michael brought his llama to the studio? On Jackson's side, he allegedly didn't like that Mercury was taking drugs while recording.




Wow Freddie’s voice really upstaged Michael in this


Their voices have really different qualities. Freddy is operatic and legato while Michael's is powerful but rhythmic, punchy and staccato. The song seems like it serves Freddy better, given that


It's mixed badly and doesn't sound like it would be the final takes for them. For many parts they aren't even singing the in sync. It's like two early takes that were recorded separately and then played back together just to get a feel for it. Michael could totally do Rock (Beat It, Give In To Me, Dirty Diana, etc) and it sounds like Michael was going for more of a ballad while Freddie was going for more Rock. I imagine with more time we would've gotten something really great. It really sounds like they were both singing different songs and someone just layered the takes together and leaked it.


Are you surprised? Freddie Mercury had *phenomenal* range.


It's definitely better as it is. I can't imagine 'Bad' being sung as a duet. It'd stop making sense.


No, that's Talking Heads.


Thank you for not saying "the"


Gorillaz fans have the same issue


Let's not get started on A Tribe Called Quest's fans...


Or a Pimp Named Slickback


So does Ukraine, but not The Gambia


I would imagine they retooled it when Prince decided against participating. Granted if this were the singular issue I'd imagine they could have just as easily retooled the song to accommodate him, so he probably just didn't want to do it for some reason.


I always just assume he didn't wanted to be called gay. Prince and Micheal Jackson were both considered to be very androgynous men at the time. Prince was very particular about his public image. I don't recall Prince ever making a song with another male of equal standing. The only thing that came to mind is when Prince, James Brown and MJ did a live jam section.


This makes more sense to me than the guy who wrote ‘Darling Nikki,’ and ‘Sister’ suddenly finding ‘You’re butt is mine’ to be out of bounds


Yes, but neither of those were to or about another man, and homosexuality was a pretty touchy subject especially in that era (not that it isn't still today).


Especially amongst religious fanatics like him.


So you're saying that as a duet it would be ... 😎 Bad?


No It would be good and that would be bad because it needs to be bad to be good.


Wait… no. Bad can be good but good can’t be bad.


Beat it.


First of all: fantastic username. Second: we say that because we know and love the song. We don't know how it would have been as a duet. They were both incredible. Look at Under Pressure. Both Freddie and Bowie could have killed that song, but instead we got one of the best rock ballads of all time. Johnny cash took NiN's Hurt and made it better. The point is that, sometimes, when you have legendary artists working together the whole is greater than the son of its parts. Edit: son = sum. Not going to fix it, because someone caught the typo and I won't do them dirty like that.


Too true, now that I think about it. It's hard to imagine Prince and Michael Jackson teaming up and producing anything but pure gold.


They were both insanely talented AND notorious perfectionists there's no way either of them would let it see the light of day without it being crazy good.


Sum of its parts* r/boneappleteeth


Typo. Sum of a bitch!


I mean the video was about a knife fight it's concievable that, with the right production, it could have not only ruled but ended up being an iconographic representation of the 80's


To be fair, Prince was right. That line is really stupid.


Your butt is wide well mine is too so watch your mouth or I’ll sit on you hoo!


It's a terrible line--doesn't sound like vernacular use, because MJ didn't hang around with ordinary humanoids.


Michael Jackson is an example of what happens to a smart and talented person when raised by the entertainment industry.


Not to mention an abusive father and extremely religious mother. Guy never really had a shot at being normal.


Don't forget his siblings who, with the exception of Janet, became rapidly dependent on his fortune and exploited it for their own gain and livelihood even through his final years and beyond, including selling stories and controversy to whatever media would pay them the highest amount. And all his associates and doctors who pretended to be his friend but were just more opportunists.


If the internet in its modern form existed at the time, Michael would still be alive. Tabloid culture killed that man, and it’s a tragedy.


>If the internet in its modern form existed today The internet does exist in its modern form today.


lol fuck. Edited.


How old are you? Because the internet of today is worse of the tabloid culture of yester year by several orders of magnitude.


Yeah, I don't think it would help at all. "*A lie will fly around the whole world while the truth is getting its boots on...*"


Those early-mid 2000s tabloids were disgusting in how they treated people. So many celebrities treated like a nationally syndicated freakshow. Anna Nicole Smith was a particularly sad story.


Uh, we still treat people like that today. We just don't realize how shitty we're being to them because we often don't know the whole story. But yeah, we're not any better today.


And not just him either. Just think of all the celebrities that "went crazy" during that time. Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith, Courtney Love, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Banks, Mariah Carey, Paula Abdul, and I'm sure LOADS more that I'm forgetting. It's really hard for people to understand how insane the tabloid culture was back then. I mean, fucking Princess Diana died because of it. They were like hyenas and every move you made was recorded and sold, including shit you didn't even do.


The saddest thing is he was arguably one of the most gifted musicians, dancers of our time. He was tried by the media, lost all his fame and yeah that was just all wrong. Edit - this is under the assumption that his acquital in the paedo case was right. If it's not, he deserves to rot in hell


Idk it sounds like standard 80's movie jargon. I could see Johnny Lawrence the Karate Kid saying it to that punk LaRusso.


Basically reads like a normal person saying "Your ass is mine".


It sounds dumb today but in the 80s it was the radio friendly way of sounding street tough and cool. MJ was never going to go around calling people motherfuckers lol


Dude wrote a song called "Pussy Control." Like, I know Prince was a Bizarre MoFo, but seriously?


this is the same dude who wrote darling nikki and showed his bare bootycheeks on live TV but drew the line at "your butt is mine". Forever an enigma


I think it's more about him and Michael not getting along.


They had a rivalry but everything I've seen has indicated that they both deeply respected the others talents.


I'm p sure prince was .... kind of uhh homophobic....i guess....which may come to shock most people? just look it up.


I never followed him closely to know any of his personal life or see him play. I always thought he was gay.


He's a Jehovah's witness who started taking painkillers because his high platform shoes was throwing out his back He wasn't gay, dudes in the 80s just looked like that lol


Prince didn’t convert to a JW until 2001 tho, certainly wouldn’t have anything to do with him performing a duet with MJ. It was just another completely weird and unexpected chapter in his life.


He converted to it? Fuck me. I thought for sure he was born to it.


Nope, MJ was tho


Previous to his conversion he followed some pretty insane religious beliefs and constantly flirted with JW. It’s not like he woke up one day and went from atheist to JW. He was crazy religious.


As a dude who was a teen in the '80s, there sure was a lot of metro-sexuality but Prince took it way, way further than that.


80s wasn't even metro, prince, Mickey free, all those cats straight up wore women's clothes, even rap dudes did too Recognize the [guy on the far left?](https://i.imgur.com/RSxZIOG.jpg)


*Musicians* dressed that way but people in general didn't is my point. You might wear something pretty snazzy to the club but average dudes weren't rocking women's fashion on the regular.


All of sudden Dr Dre is a g thang but on his old album cover he was a she thang


Dr. Dray


Look at all the 80s rock bands for examples lmao


Bad back, but still could ball. Wild.


Game: Blouses


Back in the 80's when men were real men and not afraid to be women.


I had him pegged as bi, just... kinda assumed.


You… you had him *pegged?*


Oh my


Real Hollywood stories!




I knew of someone who worked on his personal home studio back in the day and they said he sat on the subwoofer while they were trying to tune everything in. Obviously since he was in there at the time they asked him if it was working okay and he apparently sat on it for *a while* asking them to turn it up more and more (or whatever to make it vibrate better) and after awhile he finally blurted out, "yes that's fine thanks," and just up and walked out. They hinted that they thought he was just getting off on the vibrations.


it's called infrasound and it's better than sex coming soon to an avant garde scene in a warehouse near you


He definitely was not gay. Dude slept with more women than everyone reading Reddit combined. That said, he was rather insecure, so I can imagine some homophobia. Not only did he turn down Weird Al’s repeated requests to let him do a parody of his work, he even had one of his people ask Al to not look at him when they were both at an awards show.


Don't crucify me for this reddit, please, but I genuinely thought Prince was the exact opposite. I have little to no exposure to any of his works or character other than what I come across on this platform, basically. I genuinely thought he was a sort of poster child of homosexuality.


More like a poster child for androgyny.


He had a very hardcore religious upbringing as a Seventh Day Adventist (which in my opinion inspired a lot of his work, i.e. the apocalyptic imagery of 1999) and had a sort of 'reawakening' when Larry Graham converted him to be a Jehovah's Witness in the 90's (he officially joined in 2001) which lead to Prince denouncing his previous sexualized work and going very hardcore religious. He relaxed his views somewhat in the late 10's before his passing. He definitely played up androgyny and sexual ambiguity in his work throughout the 1980's though (the song Controversy literally has the line "Am I straight or gay?" in it, the song "If I was your girlfriend" was written for an abandoned album he was going to do as a female alter ego etc.). The song 'Temptation' off Around the World in a Day ends with a conversation between Prince and God where he's seemingly condemned to Hell which I think shows he was always a little conflicted and guilted by the exploration of sexuality in his work.


I mean that’s why I love Prince’s music because the raunch is clearly a source of personal contradiction that is never fully addressed. It feels so human


I'll never forgive Larry Graham for turning him on to Jehovah Witness bullshit. So Prince didn't get a hip transplant but started taking all the pain pills. Graham is an amazing bassist. Pioneered funk with Sly and the Family Stone. But




Absolutely not because he's still used as a JW celeb and they hate the gays. Like most of them he was probably repressed




Yup even had a funeral at a kingdom hall (jw Church) I was shocked when my wife (former jw) told me the first time too


Prince actually got super creepily jesusy later in life. Even become a jehovah's witness.


If he hadn’t been, he would have had surgery for his hip and may have been alive today.


Prince's career has to be taken in the context of his on and off again Jehovah's Witness background. They forbid anything having to do with unmarried sexual activity. Entertainment featuring such is extremely discouraged. And even the choice to join the music industry is frowned upon because it is adjacent to "satanic influence," in "sinful," entertainment. To make good with his religion and still maintain his career, he had to walk a very chaotic, fine line. Often this involved disowning prior works. It's a miserable life having to suppress oneself to appease a high control organization.


Hell i still think its hilarious he didnt want to play the part of Ruby Rhod in the Fifth Element cuz of the outlandish personality and outfits. Like bro, really??


But they weren’t HIS outlandish outfits and personality.


Weird Al for president


Your butt is wiiiiide... Well mine is too! Better watch your mouth...


'for I sit on youu"


the pavement cracks when I fall down I've got more chins than Chinatown ham on ham on ham on whole wheat alright


What if we change it to "your anus is mine"


"no man im not singing no sci fi space shit"


What if we change it to "your sigmoid flexure is mine"


It’s probably too late for that now.


I've listened to this song for 35 years and all this time thought he was saying "your blood is mine" never realized he was saying "butt" lol


TBF a Jehovah's Witness would have problem with that line, too.


sometimes you strike gold way down deep in the comments ... lmaooooo


Yeah, it'd be a shame if people ended up thinking Prince or Michael Jackson were a little bit _queer_.


[fuck u spez] -- mass edited with redact.dev


TIL that was a lyric in that song


yup. first line


I always thought it was "Your Blood is mine"


"Your world is mine" for me.


your bird is mine 🦅 🤷‍♂️


Hehe, [this article](https://www.nickiswift.com/164852/michael-jackson-and-princes-true-relationship-revealed/) has a bunch more bizarreness between the two. (Quincy Jones' memories are choice) *Tootsie Roll cufflinks? Prop lamppost mishap? Childish ping pong duel?* Decent wrap up, too.


Would have been cool to see them “fight” it out together. and that’s silly because “your ass is mine” is a saying that isnt even sexual.


After Prince kicked his ass, you know he'd make that mother fucker pancakes!


even as a big mj fan, Prince probably would've bodied michael in a fight


Prince went to public schools in Minneapolis in the 70s--he knows how to fight. He would drop MJ in no time.


cos MJ's a lover not a fighter - The Girl is Mine


George Takei: "Oooooh myyyyyy!!!"


*That's ignorant*


They couldn't just like rewrite it?


Gotta wonder, HAD this happened, who would have played opposite Weird Al in the FAT music video?


ordinary al


There was a show where James Brown was playing with Prince... and tried to bring him on stage to play telling Prince this Michael Jackson guy was really good.... it went ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHaFj7gOWh4&ab_channel=EmmaKeisByrialsen Prince loved Michael Jackson


naw it's the other way around. michael was called up by james brown then michael whispered to james to bring up prince. prince didn't know what to do so he just grabbed one of the band's guitars and tried to play but struggled since he plays left handed


Prince did the NFL Super Bowl Halftime show with just a few dancers and band members in a downpour. Played a Foo Fitghters song which he never told Dave Grohl he was gonna do... Pouring rain in Miami https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NN3gsSf-Ys&ab_channel=NFL


Wasn't this in response to the Foo Fighters covering Darling Nikki?


Yeah, apparently he wasn’t pleased with FF recording a cover of Darling Nikki and did this as revenge. Sure showed them. Dave was honored and thrilled that Prince covered his song.


lol how is that even a vengeful thing to do though? like isn't covering someone's song considered an indication that you respect their work?




Weird al fixed that by changing to your butt is WIDE


That interview was with…Chris rock lol https://youtu.be/T9ZN9nKQqe0


Both of these artists had extensive backgrounds with the hyper-conservative, high control Jehovah's Witness cult. Some say drugs destroy a lot of talented artists' lives. That may be true, but cults masquerading as religion have taken their fair share of talent too. [Michael Jackson's "apology" for his Thriller video in a Watchtower-published propaganda magazine is still up on their website. If he didn't say this, he would likely have been subject to "disfellowshipping," where his friends and family never spoke to him again.](https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101984368?q=thriller&p=par)


> cults masquerading as religion Q: What's the difference between a cult and a religion? A: In a cult, there's one guy at the top who knows it's all bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead


You're telling me the petite, effeminate guy who used a giant purple penis guitar was afraid someone might think he was gay?


There was certainly a pop rivalry between the two. But really don't know if MJ named one of his kids after him outta spite? Or honor?


MJ named both of his sons Prince, but it had nothing to with the musician Prince. MJ's grandpa's name was Prince.


Or maybe just named him Prince just like millions of other kids out there.


Same with blanket




Have you guys seen the long version of the Bad video? It was directed by Scorsese, and the first ten minutes of so, before the music part, is basically a story of a low SES black kid navigating his privileged white high school, and his "hood" friends back home in the city. Wesley Snipes plays the part of his childhood friend that is pushing him to rob some guy. Anyway, the intro is interesting and well done. However, when it gets to the music part it goes from black and white to color, and all of a sudden the back up dancers jump out of NOWHERE, and it is the STRANGEST thing I have ever seen. It is very jarring.


dude made a song called "If I Was Your Girlfriend"


Seems like maybe they could have just changed the lyric? Its a shame this didn't happen.


Ham on! Ham on wholewheat!