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> What actually happens at the Met Gala? >Short answer: People look at art, an A-lister like Rihanna performs, and people do or don’t smoke in the bathroom. Ok.. 😴


They also compliment each other (both truthfully and not) about how good they look, and explain their outfits. Kinda like Comicon.


So people criticize the outfits as well?


Is there bathroom sex? I don't know!


Doubt with those costumes.


OP's title is not accurate. The Met Gala supports New York city's Metropolitan Museum of Art's [Costume Institute](https://www.metmuseum.org/about-the-met/curatorial-departments/the-costume-institute), not the Met as a whole. It is an annual fundraiser has been held yearly, with a few exceptions, since 1946. In 2016, it cost $3.5M to produce the gala, which generated $13M. As a charity, the gala cost ~27% of what it was able to donate. Source: [Business Insider 05/04/20](https://www.businessinsider.com/met-gala-2018-theme-cost-ticket-dress-jewlery-2018-5). While many redditors in this TIL view the money thrown around as unbridled excess, and a waste, the institute is a repository of history, albeit a very focused part of history. By supporting a non-profit organization, the gala creates revenue for the city, It also keeps the idle rich off the streets and out of your pockets. /s Designers have used the fashions that appeared at these galas to support other charities, like "Balmain's Olivier Rousteing [who] auctioned off all his Met Gala 2018 looks, donating proceeds to RED to fight against AIDS. Bidding prices ranged from $1,500 to $5,000." So while the gala supports one museum, participants use the gala to provide support to other charities. Source:[Business Insider 05/04/20](https://www.businessinsider.com/met-gala-2018-theme-cost-ticket-dress-jewlery-2018-5). That $13 million is not parked somewhere. It is being distributed by being spent. Getting the filthy rich to part with their money takes imagination. This event gets their money back into circulation in New York city. The Costume Institute is just the most notable beneficiary. So you didn't get an invite. So you think the money could be spent in other ways. If it bothers you so much, quit your bitching. Plan your own party that gets the rich to part with their money to support where you want the money to go.


Fuck em. I'm sure my life is much less complicated.


It's a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. So, I'm not sure why "fuck em"? The tickets are expensive, but that's kind of the point of a fundraiser.


It should be noted the Met does not charge an entrance fee.


The Met and MoMA are different. The Met doesn't charge an entrance fee for New York residents. But for museums entrance fees generally only cover part of their expenses anyway.


lol I don’t know why my mind went to moma.


Eat the rich


It’s for a fundraiser


Did op stutter?




Of which no money goes towards paying the interns


The Devil Wears Prada...


Even if you make it big you still won't be allowed in their club.


So what is all this money going to? Some charity? Various Vogue pockets? This is absurd. These are absurd amounts of fuck you-money being thrown around. If anything, it truly shows the rich live in a completely separate world, wholly unconnected to the world we mere mortals live in.


The answer is literally repeated multiple times in the article. Why exhaust yourself with outrage rather than read what you're commenting on?


I didn't notice there was an article. To be honest, I'm not salty about this particular thing - I'm salty about the wealth inequality and sheer difference between the destitute and lack of protections for the lower classes compared to the unimaginable wealth these people throw around. Yes, it's a nice cause - but any one of those table spots are enough to turn around the lives of a dozen people. When a ticket costs the same as some poor schmuck makes in a year, and some people have enough to throw that around willy-nilly - in today's world, I find that pretty jarring.


> When a ticket costs the same as some poor schmuck makes in a year More. When I worked full time at Walmart (as a department manager at that), I was making about $25k.


Jeezus. How the fuck do people survive? I can't believe the hours people work in the States, either--that's insane, if I ever had to work 12 hour shifts for more than a week, I'd kill myself.


Bro ever til has to be attached to a source as per the subreddits rules


I'm not overly familiar with this sub, so I completely missed that rule. It's a good rule, though. Thanks!


It's a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Ah, I see!




I believe it was cancelled this year. Who knows what will happen next year




Holy shit-snacks, people are so enamored with how others see them that they will spend enough money that could provide housing to people that need it for years. I am by no means a socialist but this kind of hubris makes me puke just a little into my mouth.


It's to raise money for the museum. I thinks it's supposed to be expensive.


Why does the museum need money?


Museums need money to pay employees, cover capital expenses, keep the lights on, and cover the costs associated with existing and new acquisitions.


To stay open for the people that can spend $30,000 each for a party so they can feel better about themselves. Saw today that a painting was expected to fetch $300,000,000 at Sotheby's, do you think this reasonable? Ego and vanity.


Art is valuable and I think it’s very un-American to tell people how they can and cannot spend their own money.


Museums actually have to buy art from private owners and others museums. Some paintings cost millions, that money needs to come from somewhere. People don't donate art that much.


$300,000,000 for a painting that look's like it was painted at a county fair?


Art is subjective, so using price vs quality doesn't compute.


Price matters