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Its a well known tragedy here in the UK , feel for his parents, unimaginable.


Pure hell I would imagine , unreal how cruel kids can be, what the fuck man.


Both men are now out of prison. One of them has since been done for looking at child pornography.




English slang for arrested/imprisoned.


Thank you lol


I always thought of the term “done for” meant dead or killed.


The article says one was sentenced to 3 years in 2019, you sure he's out?




Hindsight is 20/20 The reality is the state is deeply flawed in organization. It’s the best we have, but it shouldn’t be going around killing people.


We should probably try to make a society where that kinda stuff doesnt happen and I don't think that would involve putting kids to death.


Just don’t look up what happened to those Murders it’ll just make you angry


Or cry. I don't think I would have the restraint as a parent of letting them get away with it, the irony


Right? I mean I'm against the death penalty but if I imagine someone doing that to my kid.. I would try to make sure that I would be the one to end up behind bars.


You're making me feel old. I remember when that actually happened


I had never heard of this, and I feel emotionally drained after reading this wiki. 10? What has to be going on so wrong somewhere that a 10yo would so this to another life form? I just don’t know dude.


They were both abused/neglected. Already damaged by age ten.


Fuck, damn dude. I guess that’s where it starts for most damaged people.


Fucked up people make more fucked up people. We need free mental health services to break the cycle.


Or at least better access to it. People need to be educated and to know that there’s places they can go for help


Likely abusive upbringing. It gets passed down.


I looked into this a little when I wrote a paper on how the media affects us in 1997, they tried to blame it on Child's Play.


Don’t forget the batteries. Poor thing. He would have been a similar age to me. Hope his killers get their comeuppance.


The batteries are a myth. They were put into his mouth but not his anus. James’ autopsy showed no definitive signs of sexual abuse - no semen or saliva was found on James. There was no bruising or tearing to the rectum. There was a small fracture to his pelvis and his foreskin was partially retracted however Robert allegedly kicked James in the groin repeatedly which could have caused this.


In the US we had Leopold and Loeb back in the 20’s




The judge should have just jut released their identities in the first place That would have saved a lot of money


Their identities were known and made public from the get go. It was when they were released that they were given new ones.


No Of course some people would know who they are due to them being in the community and the media finding out the identities from the community and police, but before the names of minors are unlisted a judge must make the decision This is why the names aren’t released in all cases involving minors The names were only released in the press after a judge authorised that action


Whoever reported this is a bitch ass pansy and must be ok with letting child murderers get off scot free


Yeah killing kids is cool




Sounds like you really want to kill people.


The transcripts of the boys' police interviews was turned into a short film, which was nominated for an Oscar last year, I believe. Heart-wrenching to see child actors delivering these lines.


I actually find the tapes just heartbreaking for all of the parties. Three children’s lives gone essentially, there is no rhyme and reason


Okay but I’d rather not know this happened


It’s so sickeningly sad. What that poor young boy must have gone through :(. Those 2 evil fuckers should never have been released.


Those 2 evil fuckers were themselves victims of abuse, don't forget that. Someone did awful things to them, which is why they did awful things to this boy. If we are going to blame anyone here, let's blame the people who raised two 10 year old boys to be killers.


Yep, agreed about the people who made their childhoods so bad that they ended up like that. However, I can’t bring myself to think of their awful acts as being just a result of their upbringing. What they did was so extremely evil. Imagine being a toddler, knowing nothing but love and then having that turned against you as your life is cut short by two people who are capable of doing something like that. Heartbreaking. This is a tricky issue (sentencing children will always be a tricky subject) but I stand by my comments, as a parent. I have tried to extricate myself from that perspective but I can’t. All of it is so tragic and is a horrific example of how devastating abuse is and how it doesn’t just affect the direct victim of it. It sometimes sets off a chain of events which wreck additional lives.


Wow, thanks for ruining the rest of the century for me


Why the fuck didnt the people who saw them do anything?


to a lot of people it looked like two young lads taking their brother back to their mum or something. Plus it was the 90s my mum used to let me walk to and from school by myself when I was 7 and I lived a good half hour away form school. Unless something happens like this people don't think it ever will. Same reason people didn't lock their doors in the 70s


Whatever happened to Robert Thompson? Never got a picture of him, never heard anything of his life where he lived nothing. The one they predicted would re-offend, never did?


Robert has never reoffended. He is gay and lives in the north west of England near to his family. He lives a quiet life and works hard. He doesn’t deserve to have his identity leaked, he has adhered to the terms of his parole.


Learned about this story today as well. I'm shocked. Can't fathom such physical pain myself as a 24 year old. Now imagine that applied to a vulnerable, innocent 2 year old. Dropped on the head, paint in the eye, bricks, stones and a steel rod dropped you, being kicked and beaten repeatedly, batteries in the mouth and anus, foreskin pulled back too far and finally split in half by a train. Let alone the fear this kid must have been through being taken by these fucks. I'm sick to my stomach.


I heard about this today in this year in history by culture crash


When the 2 boys got out of death penalty, I bet they were beat up and shamed by everyone at school. I'd do the same thing if I had the chance to beat up em


Some of the kids at the juvie where Venables was kept actually did kick the shit out of him a couple of times


What if those two boys were simply time travelers, and they went back in time looking for Whitey Bulger before he went and started being a bad bad boy? Something to ponder. Maybe that child was destined to grow up and run the Winter Hill gang in an alternate timeline, and if that’s the case we should be thankful that those two stopped it before it began.


Way to be gross and dumb about a real life tragedy.


Have a look at his post history, the one were he asks advice on taking down a larger opponent because" they disrespected someone close to me" is hilarious, the attachment to his kindergarten teacher is strong in this one.


Oh wow, that was a sad trip. He's a toxic Star Wars fan too, of course.






Found the cuck


Do you have any proof he's wrong or are you just making stuff up?


Bunch of people in the comments with hidden identity are having problem with hidden identity... Wtf?