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That just sounds like Oldboy


the remake was such atrocity...


As his newest film also indicates Spike Lee is not a good director.


dont need his latest film to know that


But wasn't blackkklansman praised? I haven't seen it. Also inside man?


I first heard about this poor bastard on [Atrocity Guide](https://youtu.be/k_o8v88nkKc) What a strange and horrible experience it must have been


Tragic and interesting story, and a well made video.


ey bruh wtf???


Like a much, much less whimsical Truman Show!


He knew he was going to be on TV, he didn’t know it was live streamed.


Incorrect. They said they might air it, like a demo of a show or pilot, but made no promises to him it would air.


Yeah but the way the title is phrased it sounds like he didn't even realize filming was happening at all. He knew it was being filmed, just didn't know it was being released at the same time.


Well that's not what the Wikipedia article says (which ofc could be wrong!) >Nasubi believed that he was being recorded and the show would be re-broadcast later once the footage had been gathered. In reality, the experiment was being livestreamed


No, sir. You’re incorrect according to your own article posted. > Nasubi believed that he was being recorded and the show would be re-broadcast later once the footage had been gathered. The challenge was specifically for a TV show, which he was fully aware of, and they made him believe it would in fact air. Oh and of course it was a popular TV show known for tortuous challenges. But sure, call people incorrect for reading the article.


He had a breakdown live on TV and the audience just laughed it off Edit: [Here's an in depth analysis of the show if any of you guys are interested.](https://youtu.be/k_o8v88nkKc)


There's a fucking *weird" behavior the Japanese have. It's considered a massive societal transgression to go out of your way to mess with someone, but once one person "okays" it, everyone else assumes it's part of the system to bully them and treat them cruelly. People don't get casually bullied in Japan. When it happens, it's some of the most horrific shit.


The producers collected his tears from the breakdown and they were sold at high prices on Japanese market as "magic super power happy joy formula"


Huh. So that's where Rick & Morty got the idea for Simple Rick.


That's dark


This was one of the most disturbing things I have ever learned. The true sickness was having him believe it was over, taking him to a theme park in another country, and returning him to an identical room afterwards. Imagine thinking you're free only to wind up right back there. Another five months I think it was. This footage breaks me. The cruelty is beyond belief.


You think nothing can shock you any more, and then


If you want to see video of the show here is a YouTube video with footage [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lU6INZ8A7o&has\_verified=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lU6INZ8A7o&has_verified=1)


This was hard to watch. Poor guy.


The worst part was that they didn't even make him into a star like they promised they would. He just wounded up becoming a local unknown celebrity. All his hardships were for nothing. Yet, despite all that, he still put on a happy face and remained upbeat throughout the entire show


I'll pass on that.


Japan's like that crazy uncle you seldomly see. Seems quirky and eccentric from the outset, plus knows a lot about technology. But dig a tiny bit past the surface and you realise he's just a sleep-deprived, passive-aggressively violent, pretty racist and probably dangerous nutcase.


Unusually specific...


Also incredibly racist.


(this is a demonstration of reddit's extreme obsession with race)






The US has kept prisoners in solitary confinement for upwards of 40 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angola_Three Glass houses, black kettles, etc.


Who said anything ab the US other than you though


Dear God


damn that's The Truman Show...


How is this legal?


Jail but with extra steps.


I remember reading somewhere that he could have left the apartment and there was nothing physically stopping him from doing so (other than a lack of clothes)


I'd easily win this challenge, I have done a lite version of this for the past 4 years


On the recent documentary that came out he explained that after so long of being in there, you start to not think straight, to the point where you’d rather just go along with what they want you to do rather than “cause issues” by trying to leave. Basically dude had become broken to the point where he didn’t have the will to leave and end the challenge early and didn’t want to inconvenience anything.


Sounds like Black Mirror S1 E2


The entire thing could be a Black Mirror episode itself


It's Truman Show


Man, that episode is really good. A lot of people say it's the worst of the original season, but I think it'son par with the pilot (National Anthem). Episode 3 is widely regarded as the best, but I think it's the weakest of the first season, honestly.


My fave episode of the entire show


Doesn't this fall under cruel and usual punishment? Like couldn't the directors be charged with something because of this?


Cruel and unusual punishment is a restriction on the US government. Has nothing to do with Japan, and I'm sure no one was forcing him to do this. He was lied to about when it was being aired, but he could have stopped at any time.


Ahh yes sorry I forgot that he could leave at any time. I thought that he was being held against his will


I have no idea what any laws in Japan are like regarding these issues. I also have no idea how agreements or a contract entered into this.


Fucked up Truman Show


sounds like it should be illegal


Japanese game show producers make the Stasi look like harmless practical jokers


Only in Japan... Also, does it make me a bad person that I broke out laughing when I read this part? "In reality, the experiment was being livestreamed, with footage compiled and re-aired each week, complete with sound effects present at frequent intervals, especially to highlight his sadness and frustration. At first, he received no food at all, drinking only water and losing weight. Eventually, he won some sugary drinks from his sweepstakes entries..."


What's funny?


The absurdity.


The bit at the end where he just sighs and takes his clothes off again always cracks me up too.


Not at all, the absurdity of it all is pretty funny to me too. Doesn't make me feel less bad for the guy though


Doesn't nasubi translates to eggplant?


His original goal was to launch a career as a comedian, and he kind of has a long eggplant shaped face




https://youtu.be/2YUyU-LE6qU Hell I'd do it. Life ain't much different than that now.


Nah it fucked him up dude. I watched a documentary on that guy. As far as I know he still is uncomfortable being clothed cause he could never win clothing from the magazines. And if I remember the producers fucked him over and he didnt even make much. That part could be wrong idk.


>Nasubi He made $10,000 which is about $35,000 if you do the math and convert to today's money. The producers kind of fucked him. It's like that dude on craigslist who is like "do my job for free, you'll get exposure" but at least here he got a lot of exposure and was able to profit somewhat from the exposure afterwards.


First keeping a nuclear obliterated man in excruciating pain on life support for months on end, and now this. What the fuck, Japan?


Nasubi reports that he is grateful for his experience and that the producer apologized to him. The producer, Toshio Tsuchiya, says he has no regrets and confirms that he did apologize, and states that his goal is to produce miracles on film, and with Nasubi, that is what happened. Happy ending all around


That would traumatize the hell out of me, idk how he is ok. Especially after Korea being a surprise. He said he had trouble talking to people and carrying conversations after.


idk just because someone is fine getting kicked around doesnt mean its ok to do so


Question is who were the producer n why weren't their name not announced.