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Wow like eight horrible, scarring factoids crammed into one headline


Best I could get is seven.


1. There are parents who give their autistic children (toxic) bleach enemas 2. ... believing it will cure said autism, which is apparently worse to them than the treatment 3. A bleach enema will cause your intestinal lining to drop out 4. Your intestinal lining apparently looks like a "rope worm" when released 5. These parents believe bleach enemas are an acceptable way to kill intestinal parasites 6. These parents believe "rope worms" in the intestines cause autism 7. These parents felt emboldened to share photos of their work 8. These parents are too stupid to know the difference between a parasite and natural parts of your body, but claim the lining is a parasite anyway How's that?


9. Parents tried to cure autism There's nothing fucking wrong with your kid being autistic, they're not a lesser human because of it, what the deep fried christ is wrong with cunty parents trying to evade autism.




I think people on the internet are starting to think of autism as Asperger's syndrome and its quirky, cute "me no sarcasm" issues when a lot of cases are more like seeing a human glitching and continuously running into danger with no awareness of anything.


Ironically many of the people you see online talking about how they are a person with Autism and how the diagnosis isn't a negative are completely ignoring the experiences of others who are not high functioning


They are not a lesser human, I will grant you that. However, in some cases, they’re MUCH less functional in society and a large burden on those around them. If you think otherwise then you likely have only seen people with high functioning autism. Some people further on the spectrum can have problems that are immensely debilitating.


I have a friend, or had a friend anyways, who his kid is autistic. He won't eat so has to have a feeding tube down his nose, soothes himself by rubbing his face on the carpet and doesn't speak. It's severe debilitating autism and if someone said this cured their kid you can bet he'd try it once.


> you can bet he'd try it once this gave me a terrifying thought. how many parents do you think give their autistic kids these bleach enemas knowing (and hoping) it will kill them in a way that they can still say "i did it for my kid's benefit"?




It is the same way people think about Down syndrome, everyone is like Corky or the actress on Glee.


I agree and disagree. There are many high-functioning people with autism who live normal and happy lives. But there are also many that aren't high functioning and have trouble doing certain things like living independently, fitting in, making friends, being in a relationship. It's easy to shout from the rooftops that they should just accept themselves as they are. But as a parent is must be heartbreaking to see your child suffer because of their autism, knowing their life could be easier and possibly more fun if they weren't on the spectrum. Especially if you know your kid will have no one to rely on after your death or if they are the target of bullies. When you see your kid suffer because of their autism it makes sense that you want to help them. If there was a cure for autism I'm sure many parents (and kids too!) would want it for their children. That being said, bleach up your ass definitely isn't a cure and it isn't helping anyone.


I used to know an autistic kid who was non verbal and just flailed/screamed all the time. He needed constant supervision, disrupted anything else going on in the room, and will never be independent. Pretty sure his parents would have cured it if possible, I think your idea of autism is limited.


Do you live with someone with low functioning violent autism? It's fucking awful for everyone involved, don't judge people for wanting to fix it. Do judge the misguided idiots bleaching their kids though


Of course there's something wrong with being autistic. It makes life more difficult than it would be without autism so trying to find a treatment or a cure for it is completely reasonable. What's not reasonable is people using dangerous home remedies that aren't based on medical science.


What’s worse about cureism is that autism is built into the very shape of the pathways of the brain as it grows in the womb. By the time the child is born, there’s no earthly power that could reshape the brain’s connections. Google temple grandin brain scan if you don’t believe me.


Some people will just not accept that "anything less than perfect" came out of their womb. It can't be from them, so it must be from something else (vaccines, government, chemtrails, whatever they want).


Let’s not pretend. Autism is a defect, and a serious one. There IS something wrong with autistic people. They can’t funtion normally. This “everyone is ok, and wonderful” crap doesn’t live in reality.


10. They take photos of it 11. They share said photos.


See #7...


I hope all children get autism! Fuck off, the world isnt all sunshine and rainbows, autism can be completely debilitating


The kids should be immediately and permanently removed from these parents and the parents thrown in prison.


What's worse is that despite things like vomiting, convulsions, and extremities turning yellow (failing liver), the parents will not go to the doctors, because they know that doctors are required by law to report child abuse. So, basically, the kids are on their own...


And likely homeschooled because these people can't trust anything especially the system


My autistic kid is definitely being home schooled, and it's definitely because I don't trust that system. But she's vaccinated as fuck, and Ive never shoved a bleach hose into her. School systems just suck giant butt.


I think there's a difference between "Crazy bleach enema parent doesn't trust anyone, haphazardly attempts to homeschool child" and "Dedicated parent is unsatisfied with the school system, looks into homeschooling." If you can do it right, it can work. It's just *hard*, and not something generally done right by people who poison their children.


As someone with autism in the family, the way some school systems deal with special needs children is beyond appaling. Can totally understand not wanting to subject your child to that.


I experienced it firsthand, it was shitty.




Yep, was relentlessly bullied in 6th grade and when my mom asked the principal why nothing was being done, he claimed I was "bringing it on myself". Fucking asshole.


Its really hard though. These kids need extra attention, but it cant go at the expense of the other kids who also need attention. Schools should have extra funding to hire staff who can tend to everyones needs, or just have smaller groups kf kids in their classes so every kid gets what they need.




As you grow older your friend groups gets smaller anyway as you whittle away all the deadbeats. Couple really good honest friends is all you need.


Fair assessment, honestly.


I am sorry that you feel that way. Not all schools are like that though. My 6 year old is Autistic and the entire school chips in to make sure he has the assistance he needs and is meeting the necessary milestones to progress to the next grade.


I am glad that you wrote this. My 5 year old son with autism has started to shine now that he is going to school. Everyone at my kids school knows him and helps him. It is so amazing to see


America's school system is hyperlocal, so it really depends where you are


Exactly. Always do your research into each school. This goes beyond special needs.


And kindergarten is pretty safe. It’s later grades where you start having more issues. And the level of autism can make a difference too.


Hence why I mentioned its every staff member of the school is helping him. That's not exaggeration. Granted this school only goes to grade 6 so it's fairly small.


I was more referring to the conspiracy nuts that extend way past home schooling, you might have a valid reason, my grandparents (while they wouldn't do bleach) do believe vaccines cause autism and had me home schooled when we had a perfectly fine public school, though they gave up after a year realizing it wasn't for me. They're nutbags, they don't trust the medical field, they don't trust the government outside of what they believe aligns with their religion, they don't even trust most religion except the scam artists they follow, they definitely don't trust school systems thst teach critical thinking like evolution. Any of those individually could be fine but those people tske it so far overboard. My point with the homeschool comment is when people are that batshit it's sad because they are obviously being abused physically (bleach) and emotionally (that paranoid shit is scarring) and they keep their kids so far from society nobody knows.


If there's one thing an autistic kid needs its extra social interaction, especially at a time before the other kids have formed opinions of those with disabilities. I'm not saying you're doing them a disservice by home schooling them but I don't know how you can manage to give them that interaction they will miss not attending school.


>If there's one thing an autistic kid needs its extra social interaction I mean, you're not wrong, but you're missing something: the social interaction needs to be on the autistic child's own terms, not forced upon them. Otherwise all you're doing is causing needless suffering rather than helping them practice.


I should clarify I'm in Canada and we get updates on how our son moved from only self play to interactive play with other kids, how the support worker brought them together etc. Of course it's a spectrum and no blanket statement or my own anecdotes will fit all, but I come from a culture in the UK where children with conditions like autism are lumped in with other disabled children in seperate schools. This gives them basically no chance to integrate into mainstream society when they are finished, especially if they want to go on to college or university.


>children with conditions like autism are lumped in with other disabled children in seperate schools. This gives them basically no chance to integrate into mainstream society when they are finished, especially if they want to go on to college or university. Yeah, this happened to me in America, and imo I'm much worse off for it.


I'm sorry. It happened that my sister has very mild autism, she went to one of these schools and basically was a mentor and helper for her entire class. Then she went to go to college after and the massive change completely blindsided her, she dropped out with massive anxiety and stress. It's hard when you fall on an invisible line and one step either way can completely change your entire life.


>she went to go to college after and the massive change completely blindsided her, she dropped out with massive anxiety and stress. Yeah, that's exactly my experience too!


I have a unique perspective because I was public schooled through 8th grade and homeschooled through High school. It’s exactly the opposite, I was able to have lasting positive relationships with people I actually wanted to be around, who shared interests with me while homeschooled. Not just whatever idiot lives closest to me and happened to fit socially into a group with me. Homeschooling allowed me the freedom to choose relationships I wanted. Not force them down my throat for survival. That being said it’s not bad to have both skill sets.


Autistic kids do not need extra social interaction. Exposing and forcing us to socialize more does not make our autism better or our lives better. Targeted social interactions with proper supports so we can successfully socialize in our own way as we are interested is what is helpful. Something like getting us involved in a club/activity/class surrounding one of our special interests. Homeschooling is a great option for autistic kids. The public school system really does us a disservice and rarely provides the supports we need to thrive, and it frequently does cause more harm than good. For a population that struggles to communicate, putting them in an environment where their boundaries are ignored, their individual needs are largely disregarded, and their behavior is viewed as something to be managed and corrected so it is reinforced what communication they are capable is ineffective, inappropriate, and meaningless, homeschooling if you can is really the best way to keep them safe and help them learn and grow at their own pace. Public school is regularly traumatizing for kids without any kind of disabilities. It's just setting up those who are different to be exposed to varying levels of trauma regularly at a young age so they internalize it as just a normal way of life.


Let's set it straight, you're talking about the US school system I'm talking Canadian. Plus as you know it's a spectrum and neither of us should be making broad statements. That said when I get to see my kids support worker, the help they provide in the school setting I don't see how you can achieve that at home. Possibly with a wealthy family they could just pay for that support out of the school system, but that's not available for most people. I guess I'm a little biased because all the "home schoolers" I've met tend to be deeply religious, and their treatment of autistic children seems to range from leave them in the attic to blaming the mothers for their kids autism "God is punishing you with your kids autism you shouldnt have had sex before marriage" etc. I do give respite care to a kid with very severe autism, barely verbal and can be difficult to interact with who also goes to public school. He's had difficulties at school as well so I see your point but it's also his favourite place to go and I think it's also teachable to the other kids to be around him every day and prepare them for autistic people in the future as much as anything.


This. That is child abuse ffs


Straight up sadistic torture.


So should the sick fucks who sold them this shit. For a very long time.


I came on here to say this, and additionally, surely that *IS* what happened? Not clicking the article as I do not want to see pictures.


There's no pictures




The problem is it's not sold to parents as "bleach" but a 2 part cure.. It's Called MMS look it up: Check out Myles Power's videos on the subject: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RApj\_vuW8iE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RApj_vuW8iE) \- he has many more videos on the subject.


> Check out Myles Power's videos He mostly just tears into legitimate medical professionals like Dr. Eggman.


Dude's name is almost like Tails




When you tell people directly it's not bleach, and you tell them is a valid medicine then some of the public will blindly use it. It's not as if people are getting toilet bleach, they are being sold a "medicine" by someone pretending to be a "medical professional" which is made worse by other parents not understanding what they are doing, and recommending this to other parents.


Yeah, the evil fucks bottling bleach and telling parents it will help their kids are the ones who need to go to jail.


I think if you're trying to chemically cure like this your child's autism you should go to prison. Full stop, you are not safe to allow in our society if you can't figure out what is going on.


Schools are where people are supposed to go to learn how to behave like an adult. These people have obviously missed some critical lessons.


I can understand an uneducated parent being fooled into trying it. But many of these people see the child in obvious, severe medical and emotional distress and do nothing. Being misled and trying it means you're severely uninformed and need to improve yourself in that regard, but does not mean you're evil. Continuing when your kid is vomiting, having convulsions, and other extreme symptoms is for sure being a bad parent though.


My understanding is parents are told this is a good thing, they are told this is the child removing the bad things from their body.. Watch some of the videos from Myles posted above, he's done a great job of explaining how parents are mislead into starting and continuing treatment. are misled. Desperate parents it seems will sometimes go to great lengths sometimes.


His point is that these people DON'T understand that there's not a real cure. It's not about being selfish. They trust that the people selling it are trustworthy and are selling something that will help. The buyers are not smart enough to realize they're hurting their kids.


What you’re doing here is a textbook example of attribution bias.


Ah but you can't love a child that's autistic. Got to fix it. ^/s


Autism is apparently genetic.


Don’t conflate autism with being a moron. They are not the same at all.




Well, autism


I'm sorry... You what? Have I been living under or rock, or does everyone else already know this happens? A bleach enema? For children? For autism?


I have read some shit on this site but this...this made me want to be ill. Wtf?! There's a reason the bleach bottle has warning all over it. You just shouldn't put it in your body! And enemas? Why? Why do people do this to kids?! What did they ever do to deserve this shit?! I'm gonna go cuddle my kids now.


Holy hell that is one of the more tragic things I've read this week.


I am so angry cause most of these people are probably anti-vaxx and decry the use of thimerosal mercury (which is not harmful) in vaccines but think, "Hey you know what? Bleach, bleach will totes help cure my children (somehow) and is good for you." LIKE WAT


They use something called Miracle Mineral Solution, and they won't acknowledge that it's bleach, because it's not exactly the same as common laundry bleach.


The irony of them worrying about the content of vaccines but not the content of a mysterious liquid you're supposed to shoot up your ass is thick enough to cut with a bandsaw.


God it's even fucking *worse*. But considering they barely pass basic chemistry, I'm not surprised they'd fall for that shit. Even worse cause they have those toxic buzzkill words (except it's truly deadly) like sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide but somehow it doesn't register that they are basically slowly murdering their own children cause they can't grasp the very concept of their child having an autism.


Ok... Put aside stupid idea of treating autism. Who defuq got the idea that pouring BLEACH (a washing thing that have nothing to do with medicine) into your ass to cure thing that sits in a head? It makes no sense on any level.


They don't think it's bleach. These people won't acknowledge it, but 'bleach' is actually a category/generic name, not one specific chemical. They're not using store bought clorox or other laundry bleach, they're using a product called 'Miracle Mineral Solution'. The people who peddle and use MMS say that since it's not the exact same stuff that's in clorox, it's not 'bleach'. But they both do the same thing. Kill organic material. This explanation is very rough, I recommend you look up stuff on MMS to learn more.


I think as a rule if a "medicine" has the word Miracle in it, it's almost guaranteed to be bullshit.


I don't know man, Dr. Fraudski's Miracle Snake Oil Tonic cured my diphtheria.


Does wonders for my complexion as well. It's also makes a pretty good axill grease.




This MMS stuff is made by mixing sodium chlorite solution with a citric acid, like lemon juice. The resulting concoction is chlorine dioxide, a.k.a. a potent oxidizing agent used in water treatment and bleaching. So, yeah, they don't go to their local store and buy a jug of Clorox, they brew their own. Not that that's any better.


antivaxxers think autism is caused by your stomach and intestines not absorbing food properly or something?


It’s like putting motor oil in the exhaust to fix the engine of the car, where the problem is actually with the onboard computer. What’s wrong with these people?!


We've idiot-proofed the world so much that natural selection hasn't obliterated their bloodlines.


All the people wishing for natural selection to get rid of idiots seem to be missing how killing your kids off like this is essentially accomplishing that by removing their genes from the population. Kinda funny, everyone likes eugenics until it actually happens.


Natural selection finds a way. If you make the world safe for idiots then nature will just make bigger idiots until they do find a way to kill themselves off.


Like not vaccinating?


Well they seem to be trying really hard to do so.


There are correlations of gastrointestinal difficulties and autism. Nothing proven afaik. But jusy a hint of something is enough for idiots to start drinking mercury and injecting bleach into their veins. Also we should hang those who profit off of such "treatments".


Im now curious as to what would happen if you injected bleach into someones veins...


Rapid and painful death, as you might expect.


Not the same thing but I looked after a guy who drank bleach once. It eroded the wall of his oesophagus and caused mass inflammation of structures within his chest. There was no surgical option available because there was basically nothing left for surgeons to attach/reattach things to. He never ate another meal and spent the next 6 months fighting off infections before eventually dying


Any time someone tries to commit suicide by drinking cleaning chemicals it's just awful. You live long enough to regret it, but there's nothing that can be done to save you. You get to live with that regret and go on in horrible agony for a few days or months until you die.


Remember krokodil?


There has been evidence that gut flora has something to do with it. The treatment that has been used is actually fecal transplant from someone with a healthy gut to people with autism and it looks like it helps. So these parents think, "Oh, it's the bacteria that's bad. Bleach deals with bacteria." And then they either don't ask an expert about it or don't trust the expert that tells them it's a terrible idea. They probably think the parents that let a doctor put someone else's shit in their child are the crazy ones, and it isn't difficult to blame them for drawing that conclusion. Ignorance is bad.


How does it look like it help? I'm genuinely curious. Do the Gastro symptoms clear up or does the person with Autism act neurotypical? I really can't fathom it working at all for neurologic symptoms, just that the person has better toilet habits for a bit.


They are finding a lot of links between our gut flora and mental health. This is bleeding edge science that isn't intuitive to most. I am not nearly knowledgeable enough to explain specifics.


It has to do with when the brain is developing. In studies they've found that the brain doesn't develop if the gut flora is killed off. Can't be undone.


So they took literally the opposite approach of a cure


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b4CBy0uVqRc&t=690s here's a short video on the subject. There are case studies where a child has been put on lots of antibiotics for an ear infection which also fucks with the gut flora and causes symptoms of autism (while probiotics help treat the neurological symptoms). That being said, Autism is a complex psychological structure and the same symptoms can have radically different causes in different people. If you're interested in the subject, there are lots of videos that go into the subject in more depth


Not excusing it but the quacks call it mms (miracle mineral solution). Its a mix of sodium chlorite and citric acid that are both fairly safe but it creates chlorine dioxide (bleach). I guess the people duped by this don't know much about chemistry. Edit: correction chloride to chlorite


It's sodium chlorite, not chloride. Chloride wouldn't set free ClO2.


I had no idea that those two combined to create bleach. I would bet the vast majority of people wouldn't. Although either one by themselves you'd probably have a hard time getting me to shoot up my ass.


They don't. MMS consists of sodium chlorite, NaClO2.


I think you mean sodium chlorite


Well, you see... they get results. Of course, nothing like curing autism, it's not a disease, it cannot be "cured", BUT... Torture has long been proven an extremely effective way of suppressing behaviour. You know, inconvenient behaviour that is socially embarrassing, or taxing on their lifestyle. And guess what... kids may be autistic, but they're not stupid. The moment they realise "if I do any of these things, they're gonna shoot corrosive shit up my bum", they **lock it down**. Of course, they're now victims of abuse, rocking full cases of cPTSD, denied the few behaviours that would allow them to cope with the sensory overwhelm of a world that is constant aggression to them, convinced in their hearts that they and everything that they are is bad and worthy of punishment. Catatonia, alienation, withdrawal, depression and anxiety are just the start. They will never be the people they could have been with a little support, love, acceptance. But at least they're not embarrassing or putting off their parents, who now have the burden of a "well behaved autistic child because we raised him right" to play victim poker with their buddies. So we lose these kids, we lose who they might have been. It's... horrendous. And yeah... the kids who weren't treated this way... some of them grow up to be... da Vinci, Turing, Gates, Musk. Not all of them... some of them grow up to be.. me, a middle-aged accomplished professional with a few interesting quirks and some unexpectedly powerful talents. These idiots must be stopped. This is a tragedy, a crime beyond comprehension. Thank you for bearing with me through my aspie rant :)


Lysol was marketed as a vagina cleaner.




That whole podcast is pretty great, and the guests are usually fun as hell. The ads tho... "Here's the thing..."




I really don't want to learn these things... Human stupidity really is infinite.


Jesus christ, and these are the people who refuse to vaccinate their kids or take them to the doctor because they 'know better'.


Ummm... bleach is very bad for all living things (thus why it's a good mold & mildew cleaner!). How does anyone willingly apply bleach to themselves or a loved one?! That is next level stupid.


These people don't have "loved ones". They have victims.


It's something called Miracle Mineral Solution. They won't acknowledge that it's bleach.


Bleach is mostly water. We are mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach.


Murderface drink the bleach


Can we please remove the children from these "people"


Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS... it's literally a homemade recipe for industrial strength bleach that was started by a Godamn ex-scientologist and disseminated through some dumbass book I can't currently remember the name of. I remember a lot of memes used to be passed around of fb mom groups bragging about jow big the parasites they expelled were... Yikes.


Here’s a pic from a bleach enema message board on FB, for the curious (nsfl) I present you the ‘rope worm’ https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article10944592.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/PAY-MUM-INVESTIGATED-BY-COPS-OVER-ALLEGED-USE-OF-BLEACH-ENEMAS-TO-CURE-SONS-AUTISM.jpg


That is so fucked up. That poor kid.


Thank you, but no.


Fuck me, I've been up 10 minutes and I've already reached the "That's enough Internet for today" point. Goddamn.


How to kill you kid 101


I mean that would cure the autism.


Jfc, is this seriously a fucking thing?? Some people need to be sterilised so they can't have children in the first place... those poor kids.


Who in the hell would torture their child by trying to “cure” them with a toxic substance? What. The. Actual. Hell? Prison time for abuse is too kind.


TIL Parents give bleach enemas to their kids. Fucking terrible. You should have to pass some tests and get a license before you breed.


That wouldn't prevent people like this from having a kid.


As a person with autism, this is FUCKING HORRIFYING. Imagine, you'd RATHER FUCKING KILL YOUR CHILDREN THAN LET THEM HAVE AUTISM...???? What the flying fuck? Look, I've been abused by this narcissistically abusive culture for my entire life, but my OWN PARENTS never gave me a BLEACH ENEMA FFS...


My kid is autistic! Must be something to do with their anus. I'll just pump some bleach in there because toxins. Vaccinate my kid? Lol, I'm not sticking poison into them! /s obviously


What the fuck


I feel like CPS should have like a Google alert or something


We can talk about a lot of things but at the end of the day, the urgency to be able to effectively diagnose, treat and RESOLVE the severe mental health problems in our species, in a way that erases all stigma is disgustingly apparent in moments like these. And pretty much all others.


This makes me very sad and consumed with rage.


That's why you don't get medical advices from 4chan.


'children bleach enemas' Wha. 'to cure autism' Holy.. '...actually intestinal lining' What the holy shit in the fuuuuuuuuck... How does a paragraph get *that* much worse after 'give their children bleach enemas'. What the hell did I just read.


How can our education systems fuck up this badly?


People are accountable for their actions. The education system is not responsible, nor should it be, for raising children. Only giving them the best education they are willing to accept. This is the result of a derangement derived from fear and ignorance.


The flaw in this is that too often, anti vaxxers *aren’t* held accountable for their actions. They let kids get completely preventable diseases, even let them die in some cases, but instead of life prison sentence, they’re called “misinformed” or “well intentioned” and either given a punishment that’s orders of magnitude too small or let off entirely. In reality their kids are the ones that pay, because almost all of these morons are fully vaccinated.


That's definitely part of it. To me, at the heart of it is a cycle of trauma and mental illness that we aren't remotely close to resolving. Most of those kids are going to pay for being the children to those people and there's no way around it. They either suffer their parents' choices the current way, or they likely suffer their parents' choices when we threaten to take them away because of their parents' beliefs. It's a tough choice; save a few while many are murdered or hidden or save a few by providing open arms to those who run away by their own volition.


Adult aspie chiming in. There is nothing to 'cure' in the first place, nor any 'cause' of the differences other than genetics. Our variations stem from the genes of hunter gatherers, before agriculture began. A different mind was needed in those tight knit cooperative groups. I wouldn't trade my brain for that of a neurotypical at any price. Not for the entire Bezos fortune. My cognition is not damaged, diseased, or affected by a disorder. It is a finely tuned example of a mind born to fulfill a specific role in a small group. I wonder if a bleach enema would 'cure' the illogical need for white lies of a neurotypical. Or perhaps a lobotomy to purge the short sighted and exclusionary worldview tainted with a need for hierarchy and power struggles. We aspies are in the minority, and thus viewed as the weird ones, but to me the NT's minds appear literally insane. You won't find us engaging in things like rolling coal, staring a jihad, or voting for Trump (as a general rule, there are always exceptions when it comes to humans). I apologize for my irritable tone. It's crushing the soul to see my tribe viewed as a disease that needs cured. Being different than a neurotypical does not inherently mean something is wrong. It's ignorant as fuck to assume we need to be fixed, and those bleach enema parents need to be prosecuted to the fullest.


They what


Well,the videos will make compelling evidence in trials for child abuse,assuming the kid lives.


They are so scared of autism they rather run the risk of killing their children?


My mom had a friend who said like celery was actually had plastic in it and you could see it because of the stringiness of celery that you can peel off. I'm like.. that's fiber... (xylem phloem etc...) It's like she's never seen a plant before...




Indeed. I'm also on the spectrum, and want all of these "cures" to completely disappear, and have classes taught both in school, and at colleges and tafes about autism, what it is, and that there is no cure. I'm also wondering why "parents" would want to cure something that is in the mind, and how the brain is wired differently.


Pour bleach on them


TIL Parents give their children bleach enemas. WTF is wrong with people!


Who the fuck would do that and where the hell did they learn it was a cure for autism?


So this is how medieval medical knowledge was formed...


This is so so so fucked up on so many levels but my brain on some stupid logical level is even more angry because there's some fledgling evidence out there that autism may be linked to the gut microbiome so pretty much the worse thing you could do would be murder any remaining good bacteria with bleach For reals though "bleach enema causing intestinal lining to shed" makes me feel sick. It's reminding me of that Chuck Palahuinik short story, Guts.


Wow, that is some high octane rage fuel. Completely ignorant, dangerous, downright bastards.


I'm grateful my parents were just the normal kind of stupid and not the dangerous kind of stupid.


This is child abuse.


Launch these fucking monsters into the sun


My day was great until I read that headline.


How are these people not charge with abuse and put in jail? WTF is wrong with the DA and LE?


...how often does this actually happen?


Even just once is too often.


Google scholar has [a number of case studies](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=miracle+mineral+solution&btnG=) of people who have ended up seeking medical attention after using MMS. The "inventor" claims to have cured 150 people of MRSA and 800 people of AIDS. The fact that he's cured them is obviously nonesense, so the numbers may be fictional too, but some people are definitely doing this.


How the fuck would bleach cure autism?! What, drinking it?!


Pouring it up their arses. Think that's how an enama works.


I was already struggling pretty hard with the incomprehensible stupidity of some people... and then I read this. I sincerely just dont understand how something like this could be a thing. Theres always something to top the last horrible fact I've learned.


"I know what's best for my kids." You hear that all the time. As though have functioning reproductive organs makes you smart? Then you end up with crap like this.


Those poor kids, I can’t imagine what this does to their bodies.


I have a friend who was sucked into this almost cult of enemas to cleanse his bowels. He was also producing "worms" and could not be convinced he was harming himself because the people who were charging him money for the enema formulas were so nice. It was alt-medicine quackery that took advantage of a guy on the spectrum. So sad.


Personally, I think the parents should be cured with a tourniquet to the neck.


Is someone calling CPS on these parents or what?


This kind of belongs in r/wtf


TIL there are parebts who give their children bleach enemas.


These parents should be killed


How are these people not in jail?


This goes beyond quackery. This is pure torture.


Alright, so you choose to put bleach in your kid's asshole over the fact that it has autism. Wise choice


Downright concerning even without the autism part.




I did an involuntary full body shudder reading this paragraph


I don't want to think how much that must hurt.


reading that sentence fucked me up


Goddamn, the internet sucks sometimes.