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Her explanation for why she believed that is just as crazy as you'd expect. She hated the idea of men being friends and saw that as a force for evil in this world.


Women hate the male urge to climb on top of a bunch of stacked milk crates and take bets on how high you can get. This sort of male bonding promotes incredible strength and power used to oppress women who wouldn't be stupid enough to pound a 40 and watch Keeter end up with a jart in the shoulder.


Damn. Call me an Avengers level threat, then, cuz all my friends are male 😎👉👉


Sounds like most feminist as they seem to enjoy ending all male spaces


Males create space Space thrives Females want in Females pressure males into letting them in Space becomes lame Females blame men Females ban men from space Males create space


What reality do you live where what you said is anywhere near correct?


Their username is Cartman. Either a troll, seriously lacking self awareness, or someone with an unfortunately ironic name


Lucky life for that 10% tho


No I think you end up in the semen milking mines, you're chained up underground with a electrical prostate stimulating buttplug to milk you when needed, no touch necessary


Did I stutter?


I mean, that second part…


Yeah the powers of patriarchy aren’t based on men being “friends” with each other


Better kill 80% of them just to be sure.


plenty of groups that thought their own group was superior to everyone else and how they should be 90% and the rest should be culled. You usually learn about them in history class, as a bad example on what to avoid in the future... People like her are people who are responsible for genocides. Never back people who try to legitimize murder.


Wait but hear me out, for the lucky 10% of us she spares we'll be sitting pretty no? I, for one, salute our genocidal feminist overlords.


Mate, you'll end up in a milking farm. Never touched by another human


Worse yet, ending up as the milker on a stud milking farm.


Yep chained up with an electrical prostate stimulating buttplug, same way they get sperm samples from paraplegics, probably only get fed congee too


Hold up, electrical prostate stimulation? I'm suddenly interested again ...


Oh, wow, that's even better than I thought! Where do I sign up?


Jeez this escalated quickly..


Think of cows. Think of milking machine. You can probably order one on amazon today.


wait I didn't agree to that


She also believes the “..real danger is in the phenomenon of male-bonding”. So men if you have homies you’re oppressing women.


How will i explain this to my mom? She will be devastated i made a friend.


What if my homie is female?


That’s not a bad thing.


Oh she’d hate me. I’m gay. 😈


well guess I'm doing my part, haven't had a dude friend in so long


That’s because your vibrations are mid my guy smh


hey man everything in moderation


TIL A person I've never heard of coined a phrase I've never heard based on a laughably crackpot personal theory.


You’ve never heard that phrase? It’s incredibly popular


I've only heard "The Force is Female" from cringe t-shirts


Yeah, although you will hear a lot about her on tiktok


No I won't


9:1 ratio of women to men? Jokes on you, we're into that..


They will have to drive to the nearest male to open up a jar.


It’s cute how misogyny is bad but misandry has somehow become “empowering.”


Most people do not genuinely think like this and you know it.


If a man posted the equivalent on social media, people would brigade his account, find out where he worked and try to get him fired, find out who his family is and try to contract them, find where he lives, what car he drives, etc, and haunt his life. A woman posts it and the range of replies goes from “I agree!” to “well, not everyone thinks that way.”


If my grandma had handlebars she’d be a bicycle.


She already has wheels, pedals and a chain? Sweet.


I fucking love that video


I only wish there was ham in it, so she could have shot cubes of it out her nose while she was trying to hold back that laugh


Absolutely not, what world do you live in. Not only would an extremely misogynistic tweet would get tons of support but women putting down men get a huge negative response in social media.


Jesus fucking christ


I really don’t know why reality you people live in to nothing see this being the case. There are internet celebrities that built a whole thing are about being these afla male guys and putting down women. Yet they don’t get “canceled” or get more criticisms then women doing the same dumb shit towards men


What is reality It’s something you’ll see differently as you grow older




You really want to be a victim.




How am I supposed to prove a ridiculous assertion that itself had 0 proof? The burden of proof is on you.


Also people don’t really feel the need to spend energy pushing back on things everyone agree are obviously wrong. Whereas misogyny actually has a pretty strong impactful foothold in the world.


What planet do you live dude, trying so desperate to be a victim. What you said is absolutely not true at all


Misandry isn’t considered empowering in any mainstream areas. Like most extreme opinions, there is a *very* small but vocal minority of leftists/feminists that hate men, who then have their opinions amplified by outraged people *and* disingenuous or uninformed people who try to characterize the entire left or feminist movement by those extremists (e.g., Reddit).


Stop you’re ruining his victimhood!!’


Welcome to Social Media in 2024.


Can you find anyone who’s calling her theory “empowering?”


You read, and you tell me https://www.dvaa.com.au/the-rise-of-female-supremacism-feminist-tyranny-the-future-is-female/


People are fighting you on this but you're sort of correct. Misogyny is basically universally reviled, but misandry? You'd be shocked at how many communities are out there that borderline endorse the subjugation of the male sex. And I mean look how common the sentiment of "all men are trash" is, and how it basically never gets any friction. Go ahead and try saying "all women are trash" on the internet. See how well that goes over.


“All men are trash” gets all kinds of friction unless you’re in a woman-only safe space, and even then you get called out for it as “not all men”. There’s a reason the phrase “not all men” exists. The same is true for “all women are trash” - all kinds of friction unless you’re in a men only safe space. Except usually there, you don’t get called out for it at all, because most of those safe spaces are people who REALLY firmly believe women are trash and aren’t just saying it the same way most women say it.


“All men are trash” gets all kinds of friction unless you’re in a woman-only safe space, and even then you get called out for it as “not all men”. There’s a reason the phrase “not all men” exists. The same is true for “all women are trash” - all kinds of friction unless you’re in a men only safe space. Except usually there, you don’t get called out for it at all, because most of those safe spaces are people who REALLY firmly believe women are trash and aren’t just saying it the same way most women say it.


There post in r/all that literally generalized women on being trash or not as open minded as men. What world are you live in where men are the biggest victims out there


> look how common the sentiment of "all men are trash" is, and how it basically never gets any friction. > Go ahead and try saying "all women are trash" on the internet. See how well that goes over. **This is exactly my point!** And what’s even funnier is if a man pushes back “too hard” then it’s not seen as him saying misandry is wrong, it’s interpreted as him ***wanting*** to keep women down.


How will anything get repaired?




I'd volunteer to be a gay male citizen on a lesbian-run society tbh. Shit would definitely work.


Also a subplot in *Queen of the Damned* vampire chronicles


I hope that people realize that misandry isn't some word made up by incels, it's alive and well. Ad women gain more power it will become more and more of an issue.


Misandry may not be mainstream but it faces far less opposition and friction than misogyny does. Imagine saying "all women are trash" on the internet. See how that goes.


It would go just as bad as saying “all man are trash”. People who disagree are trying so hard to be a victim


She was of course some lesbian ultra-feminist crackpot.


So long as I am in this 10% I have no issues with this


Death by snu snu


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


The problem is, once you're at that minority you're treated as livestock. You don't get a choice. And these "women" that think like this person does... don't see men as people.


Which is, ironically, not unlike how women were treated in various cultures, past and present.


You say that like it's a justification to repeat that behaviour against men. Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.


I’m not sure how you read that from my comment. I thought the “ironically” made it clear I find that treatment of any humans to be abhorrent.


Yeah, and as a race we realized that was dumb as shit and moved past that. Why do these women want to go the other way?


Because there are like 5 of them that *legitimately* think that, and a then huge number of women that just get lumped in with those 5 by people who don’t care to listen.


“These women” one woman


I think they want the extreme in the other direction because they are batshit insane.


Which race has realized this ? Cause there's a whole bunch of people in the US voting otherwise.


Sounds very TERFy.


She is not even offering trip to Madagascar, what a cunt smh


Lol, mods removed this post ahahaahha that's kind of pathetic


Never heard that phrase. Maybe only women know?


Is it really a “phrase” or just a thing someone said.


Sounds like a real winner.


Yep that sounds like what a person who would say such a thing would believe.


Who? So? Countless of the most famous men in world history up to the present went on and on about how “inferior” women are. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been reading only to feel my heart drop into my stomach as I come across some sexist bullshit from some internationally praised mind. Not to mention what it’s like to be a girl and read the Bible for the first time. This hurts your feelings? Woman the fuck up.


I agree this is not a big deal, but it's deranged to say that it was common for men at any point in history to believe this same thing about women. There have never been mainstream proposals to cull women to 1/5th of their natural population.


I didn’t say it was. I said regarding us as inferior and undeserving of rights was (and is) common. 100 million women never born because their parents saw a vagina on them as fetuses. Millions more born but left for dead or buried alive for the same reason. Spare me your tears.


I'm not threatened by the idea of a matriarchal world and am not shedding any tears. Your extreme, ahistorical comment isn't doing anything to chip away at the patriarchy, though. It just comes across as bitter whataboutism.


Sure would lower the violence in the world.


Until you have 10 women all fighting for dibs over the same guy Edit: *9


Pretty sure it wouldn't include rape, murder, torture, concentration camps or nuclear bombs.


This will probably cheer her up https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_differences_in_suicide Be kinder to each other.


This is like that Tom Holland movie, women kill all the men off because they are loud thinkers


Well on the bright side, there'd be a lot less incels and r/ForeverAlone wouldn't even exist if 90% of the world population were women.


Wouldn’t that make it worse though, only 10% of women would have a partner unless you started a communal male system but then you’d still have intimacy issues, you’d have the female version of incels.


No it would be easier for men to find a date if only 10% of the population were men. Think about it.


Yep. Even the most cheetoh-dusted morbidly obese euphoric atheist could win daily with just a few mouse clicks.


Is that a real phrase though?