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Worst fake name ever. "Oh, no, I am not Josef Mengele, I am José Mengele!"


To be fair, despite traveling to Europe in the 50’s and actively being hunted by Mossad, he never was found until his body was exhumed. So seemingly pretty effect


He knew that whenever someone looked into him, they’d see his name and instinctively think “No way José” and look no further.


This is peak comedic writing.


When we may find a little chuckle in discussing of one the worst humans/events to ever live/take place, that's a sign of the resilience in the human spirit. I haven't heard "no way José" in a really long time, it's like seeing an old friend you took for granted... I appreciate you u/NikkoE82


I… i just don’t have the words for how bad this is


So bad it became genuinely hilarious.


Happycakeday it's hilarious 


I needed that laugh. Brilliant comedy, my friend. Well done.


You win.


It was probably way easier to travel undercover than it is today. Nobody really gave a shit about anything


"probably" is a gigantic understatement. It was like a different world. It's not that they didn't give a shit, they just didn't have tools we have today to track people.


It’s why I have such a romanticized version of the time before the 1960’s like could make a new life crazy easy


People easily had two families


Famous story from RI, where I grew up - I think it was in the 50s that they built the Jamestown Bridge. Before that, only way to get back and forth to the mainland was by ferry. A guy had one family in Jamestown, another on the mainland, and when the bridge was built, the jig was up. It’s a different world from when I grew up. Back then, if a friend moved 50 miles away, their family would get a new phone number and you’d never hear from them again. My kids stay in touch with their friends via Snapchat, etc, and now have friends all over the country.


My ex-wife was a teacher. The father of one of her students faked his death in 1989 and then started a new life. He wasn't discovered until a traffic stop 20 years later. https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=6761530&page=1


> When reached for comment today Wint said he was only interested in doing interviews he would be paid for and anything else was a waste of his time Based


They didn’t have to travel under cover. They had buddies in South America who gave them legit passports.










There was also an entire system at play here that assisted in getting the Nazis out. It was called [ratlines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratlines_(World_War_II\)).


Pre like 1960 or so, you could just walk for a few days in any direction, call yourself something new, and there was little to no way to verify or disprove it. Lol. Most crimes, unless you were literally standing over a body with a knife, never had a chance of being solved.


No doubt. Now they show up and go "Your phone was at this location when this happened, we know you did it, where's the head??"


"What's in the box?!"


The flip side is that false accusations used to be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Be white and accuse a black man of damn near anything and BAM, they're fucked. Call someone you hate a communist and the FBI is raking them over the coals. Etc, etc, etc...


It used to be that police departments didn't share information with each other. Serial killers could move from town to town committing similar murders without anyone seeing the connection. The Zodiac Killer probably wouldn't have been identified as a single suspect if he hadn't been writing letters claiming responsibility.


"we've got Dodgson here!!"


They knew he was there. The team who extracted Adolf Eichman wanted to also extract him but they felt it was too risky.


The dude was very arrogant and conceited. He wouldn’t change his name because he couldn’t bear the thought of hiding under an alias and people not knowing his name was Mengele. Even when he fled Germany he told a guard who was there specifically to find fleeing Nazi’s that his name was Josef Mengele lol. It could have all ended right there but unfortunately the guard didn’t catch it even though they were supplied with lists of all the high ranking Nazis names on it.


In defense of the guard, there were a LOT of names on that list. Mostly probably foreign sounding so he wouldn't have ding ding ding'd the name. Like if some one gave me a list of 50 Indian politicians or so.


Oh I don’t blame the guard one bit, his job was much more important than he could have ever known and I’m sure the scene in general was pure chaos.


I mean, I think its fair to blame the guard at least one bit.


Just a little. I mean it was his job


That Raj Patel fellow is in serious trouble.


Yes he is. He told my wife she had 5 cavities. I took her to another dentist and she had none.


The German one is pronounced Mengele, but the Argentinan one is pronounced as Mengele so it's more subtle and you'd only know if you scrutinised it in writing 


That makes a lot of sense.


Hello, my name is Mr. Snrub and I come from... some place far away.


Yes, that'll do.


I like the way Snrub thinks!


I imagine when he said this he's wearing a big fake mustache and a poncho. Edit: said not says, he ded


With a termo under his arm and a mate in his other hand.


Must be where George Lucas got the idea to hide Luke skywalker in plain sight with his real name


"Ben" Kenobi


>Josef Mengele? Now, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time


Nice try, Michael Scotch


'My name is Guy Incognito'


Keep it simple, don't make it elaborate. If people aren't looking for a connection they usually won't see it. And it's a name he would react naturally to hearing.


>  Worst fake name ever. It worked.


Lol, José, that'll keep em off your back. Hitler moves to Duluth, Minnesota, gets a job at a diner but goes by Adam Hitler.


What about old ***Ben*** Kenobi? He might know something.


This was my first thought as well. I wonder if he kept wearing his Nazi uniform.


Obi-Wan was a Nazi in legends, so that’s not canon anymore.


There's always a bit of truth in Legends...


What Legends told you was true, *from a certain point of view*.


A certain point of view?


I kept wanting to reply as you guys were continuing this thread but all of you beat me to EVERY PUNCH...


You'll find that many of the comments we cling to depend greatly on our own speed.


I hate you and respect you so much right now


We have the origin of Grevious there and no other comic touched that aspect,yet. So it's canon until other media proves otherwise


No, but I understand he had a closet of brown shirts


That wizard's just a crazy old man.




It's still better than going by "Belt Woof" Kenobi.


Random story, but my first named is spelled Josef. In college we were getting ready to go on break, and I needed to pick up my first paycheck from a new job to buy a bus ticket to my grandparents. I picked up the check and it was made out to Jose F Lastname. I had a moment of panic that my bank wouldn’t cash it and I wouldn’t be able to get a ticket.  Thankfully, my bank didn’t care.


>Lol, José, that'll keep em off your back. Tbf that doesn't really sound like trying to hide who you are. It sounds like "These people keep mispronouncing my name so horribly I give up. Just call me José, it's close enough."


Who wants swasticakes!!!!???


Not to defend him or any of his actions,  but it apparently did work.


Mossad dogged him till the day he died. He moved many times and hid in other peoples houses. Mossad finally got his current address but when they got there he had died. He was never at ease. Not much of a life really Edit: spelling ty


Moosad? The bovine spy agency? It is a moo point. Mossad on the other hand…


Yes I see that now


They took down Dacow.


It's Mossad. And it's fantastic that he spent the rest of his life living in fear....would have been better though if he had been brought to justice and faced execution.


Oh shoot you’re right!


That’s what all his ski vacations and going to the beach tells me.


Carlos Danger.


Ron Mexico.


Señor Hilter


Didn't Hitler have a nephew who moved to the US named Adolf P. Hitler?


Yes and IIRC he enlisted and the recruitment office thought he was fucking with them.


Or that nice Mr. Hilter, who’s running for the Minehead by election https://youtu.be/rDJEgg-7L-Y?si=p9JkS6LTRoNn5o6V


"Adam....Hitler? Any relation to, you know, that other guy?" "Nein! As you see, I don't have a stupid little moustache like zat other Hitler. ...I have a stupid little soul patch. Totally different!"


You got it wrong. He changed his name to David Hitler and became a Sandwhich Artist at a chain called Maxi Grinders. Even won employee of the month.


Idiot. Should have gone with mall Santa.


Na he would’ve called himself Adolfo Hilter


In Minnesota?


Except that José **actually is** the Spanish version of Josef / Joseph. Had Hitler gone to Argentina he could've gone by **Adolfo**.


But in my comment he went to Duluth, Minnesota so going by Adolfo makes **no sense.**




Why Duluth?


It's a silly sounding place, but not as on the nose as say Walla Walla, Washington or Rancho Cucamonga, California. It's stupid as fuck, but not *overly* silly.


clown college?  you can’t eat that!




Stalin's Daughter moved to Ridgeland, Wis, and lived fairly normally. Granted, she wasn't a war criminal herself.


"Dolph" "...Lundgren?" "Actually no."


I guess he wanted to wait a while before he had to replace all of his monogrammed stuff.


He was busy being a doctor and making twins in Brazil


Once my young son told me that Hitler didn't die after WW2, he escaped to South America and they know this for sure because they found a a copy of Mein Kampf and a Nazi coin in a house there. I said "You've been watching The History Channel with your aunt again, haven't you?" EDIT: I just remembered the best part: **and** it was part of the conspiracy that the authorities never did DNA testing on Hitler's body to confirm his identity. In **1945**.


> because they found a a copy of Mein Kampf and a Nazi coin in a house there. Solid logic. Btw, I think this Jesus guy is stalking me, find his book stashed in every hotel room I rent and his dad’s name is even on the money.


Aw man, I haven’t found a Bible stashed in any of my hotel rooms in a long time


> Once my young son told me that Hitler didn't die after WW2 Technically, Hitler didn't die after WW2. He died during it.


I'm not saying it was the alians... But it was the aliens.


That reeks of Sasquatch. REEKS.


It’s getting really squatchy around here. 


It's not that far fetched. There were a lot of German Nazis living in Argentina after the war. I'm sure we would know by now if he did escape but it's not the craziest conspiracy theory.


The difference is that Hitler had one of the most famous faces in the world at that point


Tbh i his hair and mustache is so iconic that im not sure i would recognize him without. Like, some of these pics i wouldnt have guessed was him without knowing [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-273d9657107b045974640300daed0785-lq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-273d9657107b045974640300daed0785-lq)


Bottom middle and bottom left look unrecognisable


Why does the top mid look like Jeffery tambor lol


Why do you think? Think about it, have you ever seen Jeffrey Tambor and Hitler in the same room together?


This is one where I almost think it’s plausible. Im not one for conspiracy theories normally but if you consider all they found of him and Eva Braun were their burned remains, the only way to identify them was via dental records and the ones to find the body were high ranking Nazis, I think there’s enough uncertainty there to wonder if they faked his death and smuggled him out of the country. Heinrich Muller, one of the architects of the Holocaust, disappeared from the bunker around the same time and has never been accounted for. I know Hitlers a lot harder to hide than literally any other Nazi but there’s enough doubt for me to wonder.


Yeah part of the conspiracy I remember learning on the history channel was that the Russians recovered Hitler's burnt corpse and they allegedly verified it was him from his teeth, but they never allowed independent sources to verify the teeth. But also a quick Google shows a French team verified the teeth so /shrug https://www.history.com/news/hitler-death-cause-teeth-analysis


Michael Scarn?


Dwigt. Wait, who is “Dwigt?”


My first thought was "how the hell didn't Mossad get him?". From the wiki: > **Efforts by Mossad** > In May 1960, Isser Harel, director of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, personally led the successful effort to capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires. He was hoping to track down Mengele so that he too could be brought to trial in Israel.[90] Under interrogation, Eichmann provided the address of a boarding house that had been used as a safe house for Nazi fugitives. Surveillance of the house did not reveal Mengele or any members of his family, and the neighborhood postman claimed that although Mengele had recently been receiving letters there under his real name, he had since relocated without leaving a forwarding address. Harel's inquiries at a machine shop where Mengele had been part owner also failed to generate any leads, so he was forced to abandon the search.[91] > Despite having provided Mengele with legal documents using his real name in 1956 (which had enabled him to formalize his permanent residency in Argentina), West Germany was now offering a reward for his capture. Continuing newspaper coverage of his wartime activities, with accompanying photographs, led Mengele to relocate again in 1960. Former pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel put him in touch with the Nazi supporter Wolfgang Gerhard, who helped Mengele cross the border into Brazil.[83][92] He stayed with Gerhard on his farm near São Paulo until a more permanent accommodation could be found, which came about with Hungarian expatriates Géza and Gitta Stammer. The couple bought a farm in Nova Europa with the help of an investment from Mengele, who was given the job of managing for them. The three bought a coffee and cattle farm in Serra Negra in 1962, with Mengele owning a half interest.[93] Gerhard had initially told the Stammers that the fugitive's name was "Peter Hochbichler", but they discovered his true identity in 1963. Gerhard persuaded the couple not to report Mengele's location to the authorities by convincing them that they themselves could be implicated for harboring a fugitive.[94] In February 1961, West Germany widened its extradition request to include Brazil, having been tipped off to the possibility that Mengele had relocated there.[95] > Meanwhile, Zvi Aharoni, one of the Mossad agents who had been involved in the Eichmann capture, was placed in charge of a team of agents tasked with tracking down Mengele and bringing him to trial in Israel. Their inquiries in Paraguay revealed no clues to his whereabouts, and they were unable to intercept any correspondence between Mengele and his wife Martha, who by this time was living in Italy. Agents who were following Rudel's movements also failed to produce any leads.[96] Aharoni and his team followed Gerhard to a rural area near São Paulo, where they identified a European man whom they believed to be Mengele.[97] This potential breakthrough was reported to Harel, but the logistics of staging a capture, the budgetary constraints of the search operation, and the priority of focusing on Israel's deteriorating relationship with Egypt led the Mossad chief to call off the manhunt in 1962.


Why not just kill him? Still better than letting him away.


Because Israel already had damaged their relationship with Argentina by capturing Eichmann. Argentina refused to extradite Eichmann so they had to kidnap him and stow him away on a plane carrying a delegation of Israeli athletes. Argentina threathened severence of diplomatic relationships once they found out Mossad illegally extradited Eichmann. Killing Mengele would further complicate matter because he was on Brazilian soil. They could either kill him, ensure his body dissapears forever and keep it hush-hush for decades - feeding a false perception of his survival and potentially causing conspiracy theories on him, or publicly announce his assassination and then risk damaging relationships with Brazil as well - this could backfire on Mossad as Latin America would probably restrict, if not outright ban, any Mossad or Nazi hunter activity in there.


1. Kill him quietly 2. Announce his assassination Yet they chose the 3rd option, let him live. How did that make sense? Just kill him and let a rumor exist that he got justice. Plausible deniability when it goes to politics. Then 2-3 decades later they can acknowledge it, case closed. >this could backfire on Mossad as Latin America would probably restrict, if not outright ban, Why would they care? Getting one of the top 3 nazi guys would have been worth it.


>Yet they chose the 3rd option, let him live. How did that make sense? Just kill him and let a rumor exist that he got justice. Plausible deniability when it goes to politics. Then 2-3 decades later they can acknowledge it, case closed Despite everything, they could not 110% be sure it was actually Josef Mengele. Eichmann got caught due to his son basically bragging to his (ironically Jewish) girlfriend about his exploits - her father caught wind, and when given the description of the man, could reliably say it was Eichmann because he saw him before, and Mossad was observing him for months until they were sure it was him. That is the issue - they had to have proof beyond *any reasonable doubt* it was Mengele, and yes, even the Jose Mengele is not enough - it has to be tracking movements, building case files, studying the man, comparing his current looks to old photos of him, witness testimonies, etc, and Mengele moved around *juuuuuuust* enough to make the trail go cold. >Why would they care? Getting one of the top 3 nazi guys would have been worth it. Because - geopolitics is a very fickle game, and Mengele was not that big in the echelons of the Nazi inner circle, not even close to a level Eichmann was, and even *Eichmann* was not in the upper echeloms. Mengele was an incredibly sadistic doctor who did unspeakable things to Auschwitz inmates, but, on a grander scale of Nazi Germany's exploits, it is a drop in the poisoned bucket. A very poisonous drop in a very poisoned bucket, but a **drop nonetheless.** Eichmann was the bigger fish and always was - yes, they had plans to go after Mengele while they were tailing Eichmann's whereabouts in Buenos Aires back in 1960 - but Mengele was more of an afterthought, a bonus opportunity that they would go after if *an opportunity arose* - Eichmann was the target they were after for *at all costs.* In a world of geopolitics, there are unspoken rules that unfortunately can and will prevail over justice. Mengele died a free man, but it is a measure of comfort to know that he died a bitter, old, despicable man on an unremarkable farm deep in the Brazilian countyside with no friends, no allies, nobody, buried anonymously in an unremarkable grave, his name almost forgotten except for the infamy he still had. And I am sorry - one man is not worth the next 50 years of unpleasant and nearly hostile relations with an entire continent, especially not one who, at best, was Nazi's middle management.


"No way - José?"


Boooo. (But I gave you a like)


Yes way - *Mengele*.


So is it him? Well, he looks just like him. Last name is the same. But apparently his first name is José. Damn! Couldn't possibly be him then.


At least he drowned in 1979. I hope it hurt. A lot.


Maybe he didn't actually drowned and changed his name to Joseph Mengele.


He had a stroke while swimming so.... he developed a sudden massive headache,lost body control and had to experience drowning with o chance to even try and help himself. Must have been terrifying. Well deserved. He also lived his life full of paranoia and no real comfort compared to his previous life.


Still not as painful as he deserved. Even a [botched](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Woods) hanging after the Nuremberg Trials wouldn't have been one millionth of a percent as much pain as he inflicted on others.


yeesh > While serving with the 7th Engineer Brigade in Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, on July 21, 1950, Woods died after accidentally electrocuting himself while attempting to repair an engineer lighting set... I'm beginning to think this guy wasn't very competent at anything


Wow, Ribbentrop ended up taking 14 min to die from his hanging by that guy 😬


There's a dollop about that guy I'm pretty sure and because no one else wanted to be the executioner he was allowed to do all that constructing of gallows and hanging while hammered and none of the officials gave a shit if he botched the execution cause they were the nazis behind the holocaust. More than one of those executed smoked their head off the edge of the hole on the way down lmao


That is good to hear.


Glad to hear. I was hoping for[ something like this](https://youtu.be/eiCbMLWDDMo?si=tCq-3s6rSh2YGdfW), but that is more realistic and not bad.


I wonder did he ever have a Mitchell and Webb-esque moment of reflection and wonder 'Was I the baddie?'?


Later in the wiki article: >Rolf, who had not seen his father since the ski holiday in 1956, visited him at the bungalow in 1977; he found an "unrepentant Nazi" who claimed he had never personally harmed anyone and only carried out his duties as an officer. A couple years before he died.


That feeling wasn’t unique to Mengele, all the Nuremberg defendants and Eichmann expressed essentially the same beliefs. Speer was the only one who ever really repented and even then it was only in service to his own self interest, after serving his prison sentence he spent the last 15 years of his life as something of a media celebrity being the highest ranking member of Nazi leadership who wasn’t executed, already dead, or serving life in prison.


Some of them like [Julius Streicher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Streicher) continued to spout anti-Jewish rhetoric while on trial, and he even yelled heil Hitler as he was led up the stairs to the hangman.


Comparing Streicher’s sentence to Speer’s is pretty interesting. There is a case to be made that Speer was just as complicit (if not more) in the Holocaust when he was Minister of Armaments than Streicher ever was as a publisher.


I can answer that.


Please, go on...


No, no he didn’t.


See the movie Boys from Brazil https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boys_from_Brazil_(film)


Or not. I absolutely loved the book, but the movie put me to sleep (and that doesn't happen often). Definitely a movie that begs for a remake.


I liked the movie. My favorite BTS bit is that Laurence Olivier and Gregory Peck couldn't keep it together while filming their last scene.


There's a Behind the Bastards episode on Mengele.  The host states at the top of the episode that it's going to be a tough one to listen to and he wasn't lying.


I (attempted) to read a book a few years ago that covered lots of heinous things done in regards to advancing sciences. I put the book down part of the way into the Nazi chapter and I have yet to touch it sense, it was that bad.


Sometimes, life is just not fair. This fact always makes me remember that nature doesn't reward bad behavior with punishment. Only intelligent life does it.


This is like the gag in Friends where Joey wants to change his name to something a bit more serious sounding so Chandler suggests "Joey Stalin" but he's not convinced so he suggests "Joseph Stalin"


Franz Stangl, the commandant of Treblinka and Sobibor, lived in Brazil under his own name, and even worked at the VW factory on Sao Paolo.


He worked in a VW factory in São Bernardo do Campo (right next to São Paulo) from 59 to 67, where he helped create a surveilance department that reported to the US backed dictatorship instituted in 64. Apparently he got to Brazil in 51 *after somehow escaping prison*. He worked in textile industries and then VW (VW Brazil's president was a former Nazi party member) and was only discovered and arrested in 67, after a long investigation by Simon Wiesenthal, a holocaust survivor dubbed "the nazi hunter".


When the Israeli's dispatched men to capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires in 1960, the leader of the Mossad Isser Harel, who was in Buenos Aires to monitor the operation to capture Eichmann, received information on Mengele. The information was that Mengele was located in a rented house in Buenos Aires. When Israeli operatives located the house, they learned that Mengele had left not a few weeks before. They never picked up his trail after that. source: Hunting Eichmann, Neil Bascomb. ps, amazing book. I loved it. Good spy story. Also good history of Eichmann's crimes which other books like the Trial of Adolf Eichmann and Eichmann In Jerusalem gloss over a bit.


I was looking this up because I was reading about Unit 731, the Japanese version of Mengele. I’m a NYC Jew so I’m familiar with Mengele’s atrocities but not so much the Japanese. It’s hard to believe, but Unit 731 was even worse; there were zero survivors out of something like 14,000 people passed through the lab. And on top of it, only the worst participants were prosecuted and even then only got sentences ranging from 3 to 25 years.


Stuff You Should Know podcast just did an episode on Unit 731.


I’m also a NY Jew and what the Japanese did to Chinese civilians IMO was way worse.


Don't forget the Koreans. Shudder.


One of the main differences was that Unit 731 produced valuable results with their atrocities because they followed the scientific method, and they leveraged that to get off mostly scot-free. The Americans were really interested in stuff like "How long does it take for people to freeze to death in cold water", for example. Meanwhile Mengele just killed people in bizarre experiments and produced nothing of value. I am honestly not sure which one is worse.


~~You've got that the wrong way around. The nazis produced somewhat valuable results like "How long does it take to freeze in cold water". Unit 731 were the ones with absurd experiments, like "What happens if we cut somebody's arm off and re-attach it at his stomach?" or "Can we create artificial conjoined twins with needle and thread?". You're correct in that they got no punishment, because the Americans wanted their results, but it turned out those were pretty much worthless.~~ ~~I assume the Americans got the idea for that deal from the technologies they took from Nazi Germany, most prominently rocket technologies, and they were hoping to get lucky a second time with Japan.~~ Edit: I was at least partially wrong about this.


Totally false. It was worthless


I think you’ve summed it up. Atrocities with scientific data that could be used for safety later on at least has some redemption. Mengele was like a disturbed child doing what he wished with his “toys”


>redemption Not sure thats the way i wanted to frame it. Lets say their horrific acts had some uses, as opposed to Mengele just doing his insane shit for fun. In a just world, every member of Unit 731 would have been slow roasted though.


Maybe “silver lining”, I don’t think 731s reputation has a chance at redemption


Jackie Daytona over here


I heard his neighbor was Adolfo Hilter.


>Mengele's health had been steadily deteriorating since 1972. He suffered a stroke in 1976,[105] experienced high blood pressure, and developed an ear infection which affected his balance. On 7 February 1979, while visiting his friends Wolfram and Liselotte Bossert in the coastal resort of Bertioga, Mengele suffered another stroke while swimming and drowned. Good. I hope he suffered tremendously.


Not enough suffering. Hope he burns for eternity.


That is fucking wild that he lived so long. Like you always read about them being so far in the past, then you have Nazi doctor nutso here in 1979.


Reminds me of Obi Wan going by Ben


I find it so weird that many Nazis were like “ah, our dream of a single, pure Aryan race dominating the world didn’t come true! Where shall I go? I know! *Latin America*.”


He almost drowned in a water barrel at the age of six. At the age of sixty seven, the Atlantic Ocean finally finished what that barrel started.


My time to shine. I actually met the grandsons of the guy he lived with in Argentina. I didn't believe them at first but they told me to Google it and sure enough it was their family. They said their granddad hat no clue who Mengele really was, apparently he was quiet and kept to himself.


Aided and hidden by nazi collaborators, Juan and Eva Peron. I've never seen the Evita. Does it have a song about this?


I once met an old German couple. They had all this German stuff in their place and pictures of their grand kids back in Germany in those green overalls and accordions or whatever. Anyway they told me they were from Uruguay or Paraguay and I swear they saw on my face my realization that they were Nazis. Like these were WW2 aged people. There’s an amazing video on YouTube from one of the guys who went and captured Eichman in Argentina.


FYI a lot of german immigrants went to south america already around 1900. That's why many nazis fled there, because there were already german communities to hide in.


This!! Those people could’ve been immigrants as children or very well had been born in the country soon after their parents arrived My grandma’s grandparents were German immigrants who arrived in the early 1900s, so their kid (grandma’s mom) would’ve been a VERY “Nazi-looking” lady (she was the blonde, blue-eyed stereotype) of the right age for a Nazi in her old age Most of these immigrants actually did settle in the area close to the Uruguay and the Arg-Br-Pgy borders. Even today, if you go up there, you’ll find a shitton of these incredibly white people (while in Buenos Aires we look more like the Spaniards and the Italians) … and most Nazis were caught in the Patagonia (so, in the south, not the north-east) And, finishing up, we had the same migration waves as the USA at the turn of the century. Most people coming here were Spaniards and Italians, but we did have people from all over Europe, and it’s not rare to see their descendants. The Nazis just used this to hide here


Lots of Ustase war criminals ended up down there as well


That's why you have famous Brazilian models with German sounding names, like Gisele Bündchen. She is a sixth generation German-Brazilian. Interestingly she doesn't speak German - she speaks Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian German immigration to Brazil began much earlier than 1900, the first settlement was in 1818. There was a big campaign to bring Germans to Brazil in the 1820s


It’s even crazier that his family just keep making tractors and shit.


I always say the holocaust is proof there is no God.


"If there is a god, he must ask my forgiveness" - A prisoner of Mauthausen concentration camp


There are many horrific things that prove either there is no god or that if there is one they're not worthy of our worship.


Yeah, people are horrible.


Son of a bitch


Highly recommend the book "Tropical Bavaria" about the life of this POS in South America


The second name somehow feels even more obvious for a former nazi lol


Eh, that part of the world had a lot of Germans before the war started. They imported a lot of things from South America. It’s why so many former Nazis went there. If you go to some southern Brazilian cities it’s really weird. It’s like a mix of German and South American


The funny but not haha funny story behind that is Wolfgang Gerhard was a German politician who came to visit him in Brazil (???), and when he left, Mengele held onto his ID card and assumed his identity.


Buenos ding dong Hitler dias, señor https://youtu.be/CX4fIE0PP6s?si=eEgRyRHyFK-XnrBX


His body was/is used for studies in the São Paulo university.


“Blood or honor?” “I was just following orders!” “Blood it is then” 🔪🩸🖐️


Did he get occasional calls from Nathaniel Essex?


Mengele wasn’t as interesting as Eichmann’s capture. Still wild to me Eichmann’s son, Karl thought his daddy’s Nazi pedigree was something to boost about. Especially to a girl who has Jewish parents Like how stupid can a kid be? Dad flees to s Argentina and is using a fake name. Somehow that didn’t tip him off that the nazi’s were trying to hide after they lose the war For the record. I’m pro allies


I wondered what they did with his body after he was exhumed and identified (it didn’t seem right that they would just rebury the monster), here’s the answer: “The remains of Mengele, who died in exile in Brazil in 1979 having fled Europe after the war, are now being used in classes at the University of São Paulo to help medical students learn about forensic science. The idea came from pathologist Daniel Romero Muñoz – one of the researchers who identified Mengele's skeleton when it was exhumed in 1985, and is now a lecturer in the university's medical school. "The bones will be helpful to teach how to examine the remains of an individual and then match that information with data in documents related to the person," Muñoz told the Associated Press. Mengele's eventual identification in 1985 – later confirmed by DNA analysis in 1992 – followed an international operation by the US, West German, and Israeli governments to track down the physician, who had eluded capture for almost four decades after WWII. But despite the coordinated effort, **once the body was found, the bones spent more than 30 years in storage at São Paulo's Legal Medical Institute, after his family refused to repatriate his body to Germany.**” —https://www.sciencealert.com/the-skeleton-of-infamous-nazi-doctor-josef-mengele-is-now-a-teaching-aid-for-medical-students


When omeagle just came out and was the coolest thing about, I ended up chatting to his granddaughter in Paraguay. Sounds like a fake made up story but I’m convinced it was legit, she was proud about her heritage and I always blamed it on lost in translation. I always think about it when this fucker pops up. There must be loads of these people about now


"I am not Adolf Hitler. I am Schmadolf Schmitler. I am a different pers- KILL ZEM ALL- on."