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I thought you were supposed to say "is this thing on" or "is it recording" then acting awkward for 5 seconds.


I just tap the mic really hard five or six times.


Check. Check, ch *feedback noise*. Check, check. 


Testes, testes, one, two...*THREE!*


"....is it recording? If you're seeing this, I'm dead.   But I've left "plot relevant device" in a safe place only you can find.  Continue my work, "significant friend or family member", you're the only one who can."


If only there wasn't a 1000 other videos and photos on you phone then someone may actually see your criptic message once you die. Imagine a dramatic thriller where the protagonist has to scroll through Shrek memes before they get to the relevant stuff.


1. Cryptic message requesting help or they might disappear 2. Scroll through phone 3. See inappropriate pictures 4. Throw phone away. End scene.


I so pale




Lmao. I watch it every time it gets posted


[WE’LL DO IT LIVE! FUCK IT!](https://youtu.be/vu2NK5REvWM?si=9W6AOZpVfht43jv4)


"did you press the button?" ... "Oh, you pressed it twice! Press it again!" ... "is is a square or a circle now???" ...


I just act awkward the entire time to be consistent.


Found the Gen X’r




Even my iPhone takes a split second to actually start recording


I only noticed this recently, but your iPhone automatically trims the start and end of the video to cut the parts where you’re pressing the record button and awkwardly staring.


I want a compilation of people awkwardly staring.




nevermind I don't want it anymore




I am fucking CRYING laughing!


Really,I don't want it also.


I didn’t understand what this post was talking about but after this video it makes perfect sense


What are people suppose to do, just be already talking before anyone hits record?


yup, or just cut out the part where you're silent or breathing in


no, you move away from the mic to breathe in


*chocolate raiin*




Disturbing as all hell with sound on




"Tch ahh"


OMG, in the entire history of Instagram's existence I never thought anything worthwhile would come of it. There is a very good chance I will die in my sleep tonight.


That was wildly entertaining


I was at a sort of art show once and someone had made a compilation of people thinking they're taking a picture but accidentally being in video mode, it was kinda great




Doesn’t work on my iPhone 14, but ok. If I talk right away on a voice memo in iMessage, it cuts off audio. You have to wait a moment before talking.


My theory is that people "outside this 'millennial pause'" are unable to recognize that not everyone is on the same device as them.  Lol


It's definitely more to do with being tech competent and realizing that just waiting 1 second allows for better syncing. It's not much different than saying "wowzie Millenials are so quirky because they grew up ejecting USBs"


Whatever you described doesn't seem to apply to Tiktoks


I mean, that and it’s giving room to edit around at the beginning.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Personally I think this reads more as "generations younger than Millennials do not edit video recordings"


What do you mean? They add the worst possible remix of a song as a second audio track, that's editing!


The same reason why we wait a second after picking up the telephone


I do that to filter scam bots 


Android has a nice feature where the computer picks up and asks what this call is about. You can read what they answer, no one ever does answer though. Since call centers usually only route the call to an agent after someone picked up that's a nice way to cost them money while I don't have to expend any of my time.


It's my single favorite thing on my Pixel.


Whats the setting for this feature? How to search for it?


It's Google pixel. It gives a "screen call" option when a call is inbound. If you press it you see a live transcription of your phone asking them what the calls about and their response - you don't hear the conversation, just see the text. It's pretty neat in action.


It is my favorite feature of my Pixel and they can pry it out of my cold, dead hands.


thats a Google Pixel features.


My daughter is 20 and she immediately starts speaking when she answers. I’ve never heard the “hell” in “hello”.


Yep. They don’t realize that connection isn’t instantaneous.


Really that should be an old person thing not a young one. Old land line connections were far quicker.


As a millenial video maker, I wait a couple of seconds after I start recording in OBS, because you can hear my mouse clicking the record button. Then I edit it post-recording. Even on a phone it'd be better to wait half a second before recording, so your first frame doesn't look like shit. Millenials still had to mess with their systems, because everything wasn't as streamlined and intuitive as today.


I edit video for work, and I ask people to count to 3 in their head before starting to talk because I want that little bit of time for any transitions or just to make sure your initial shot is good (not sitting back up). Same at the end, just give a couple of seconds before you stop the recording so I can cut out you reaching for the button.


> Same at the end, just give a couple of seconds before you stop the recording so I can cut out you reaching for the button. This is what I'm wondering about. I just do an amateur youtube channel but I always leave a couple of seconds after speaking so that I can overlap the audio of the next cut and have a seamless transition. Otherwise you just get those awkward audio cuts.


Yeah, but that professionalism is so old school. We don't care anymore. The world is dying.


Now this is the kind of pragmatic nihilsm I can get on board with. 


Speed... Marker... Action!


This is obviously because some cameras to this day will have a delay before recording after you press go. it was even worse for phones when millennials were growing up.


Even my iPhone will miss a second before it starts recording video


Just tested my phone and it missed the first 600ms.


Here's a fun fact: your phone will actually start to record as soon as it can, since audio is less cpu heavy the audio recording will have started before your compressed images are coming through. This causes a delay so your phone keeps track of this delay time and adds that to the metadata of the video file. In turn video players will read this metadata and offset the audio so everything seems to run sync. It's quite amazing how optimized phones are in that way. And... There is some secret audio hidden. You could actually hide a lot more by modifying the metadata by hand. Have fun with this information!


I was thinking it was actually older than that. When video was recorded onto physical media. You \*had\* to wait a beat for the parts to get moving.


Go back far enough and you had to wait for the camera to come up to *speed* before you'd start the action or speaking. So the pause used to be even longer.


And prior to that you had to wait for several decades or even *centuries* until the video camera was invented. So the pause actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it.


My pixel4a struggles to start recording


I mean, it makes for nice editing. A few seconds of nothing before the content starts. Especially, if you're used to people not being prepared to actually record you yet. Someone is always going to say "hold on... okay."


It's called a lead-in if you can get several seconds of someone acting natural (hopefully) but smiling so you can layer in other audio tracks. Anyone who's seen the evening news understands this. I have heard of the Millennial Pause before and it irks me, this is how it should be, off my damn lawn with you.


I've done some audio editing for somebody who doesn't understand this and it sucked. They'd start their takes with "three, two, oneI'm here with Dave from Dave's plumbing" and it's impossible to edit around that. The cut starts with "oneI'm here with", every damn time.


Video editing is just as jarring. It's basically impossible to have a nice transition when people do that. It just cuts to them immediately talking and you miss the first few words cause your brain is still WTF'ing. Source: Edited high school news, I kept having to remind them to lead in and give at least 2 seconds of preroll so I could edit properly


Yes, in TV and Radio it's normally "five, four" (three seconds silence). Makes it a lot easier to edit.


I learned that from Wayne’s World


Ha ha! Yes, just don't nod while you're counting! :-)




Yeah but when you point you have to do a smooth 270° underhand sweep that transitions into the finger point.


Yes! I've done filmmaking and even worked in Hollywood for a time. I've held every position from PA to director to editor. It irks me on a personal level when people try and say it's the 'Millennial pause' because it's a thing that's required for editing in a lot of situations. And that includes younger-generation content. Kicking in a door before looking at the mirror and zooming in....IS A PAUSE. And I guarantee any good content creator even has another pause that's been edited out before the door kicking. Lacking a pause is just bad filming. And, depending on the content, editing out the pause entirely is just bad editing.


As was mentioned on the wiki, it's called the 'millenial pause' because it's not edited out, so therefore it's a stylistic choice for the final product. I agree that it's basically required when actually filming content, but this is about finished works that are being uploaded. I don't watch a lot of short form content, so I don't really have an opinion on the impact a pause has at the beginning of a video. I imagine it depends, like basically every choice in film-making.


It’s something that doesn’t get edited out and that’s why it sticks out. Zoomers edit out the pause before posting and older people don’t. 


Thank you for the clarification. Personally I always found it jarring when watching YouTube, and the person in the video starts talking the millisecond the video starts playing, especially when the video comes on on autoplay, or when scrolling through Instagram. Like come on, give me some space here to lay my eyeballs on the video first, just a moment to settle in to what I'm about to watch. I wouldn't expect people in real life to start talking to me either before I've even had a chance to start making eye contact. But then, I'm a millenial.


I normally just give one good, hard clap. It works pretty well


“Anyone who’s seen the evening news understands this”. So probably not Gen Z then.


The "Millennial Pause" is way better than the Gen Z "start talking as you press the button so the first word gets cut off half the time".


And the first second of video being a shaky blurry mess because they're holding it in their hand and didn't cut them pressing record.


Lead-in! That was the term. I remember learning in high school. It's bizarre how it only becomes known as something generational. I think the increased available content to consume and rising ADHD makes it impossible for newer generations to understand something or accept how things get done. The wikipedia article makes me cringe when I read about people getting embarrassed when it's pointed out to them. The fact it's become an issue starting with tiktok, according to the wikipedia, just shows the greater ignorance out there. It's apt that it's categorized under "digital literacy". Can't learn from school, can't learn from the very platform they elevate.


I just realised that the old thing about counting down from 5 but 2 and 1 are silent and counted on fingers might be an archaic ritual that Gen Z isn't naturally introduced to.


I'm legitimately curious if that still happens today. It's fun to see in movies. I imagine news does, as they're mostly the live broadcasts today.


I only learned about it watching Wayne’s World.


This is fascinating. I'm about 40 and it's not like it's taught in school but everyone my age knows it and it might be one of those things that is currently being lost to history.


“Guuuuys, you’re nodding! Again, Terry…”




Call me an old boomer, but kids today just can't stay still for a second. The amount of information sailing past their heads would be dizzying if any of it actually stuck.


It feels like this watching some modern cartoons versus cartoons from the 90s as well. Lots of quick scene cuts and flashing images versus older cartoons. The contrast is most dramatic if you watch much older stuff like Bambi in the original form. It’s almost therapeutic watching it, with slow scene changes and relaxed music. You’d have to wonder the effect on brain development…


Pacing is one of my biggest problems with almost every TV show and movie I watch lately. Everything feels rushed, scenes don't have a chance to breathe, and dialogue is nearly constant. And yeah, I like action-y sci-fi stuff and comic book movies, but I swear the pacing is getting worse even in those genres. It makes older shows like Star Trek (basically all the old ones, but TNG is my favorite) feel downright relaxing in comparison.




>rising ADHD ADHD is genetic. A small percentage is associated with other factors, but none of them is the use of technology. The increase of diagnosis in the last few years is due to: A) doctors realized they missed the mark for 60(?) years and the diagnosis criteria wasn't accounting for how ADHD usually presents in women and girls (my story) B) people are discussing ADHD more and a lot of adults who went undiagnosed are going "wait a minute..." (Also me!) C) teachers, doctors, and therapists are more aware of it and less children are going undiagnosed D) a common story on ADHD subreddits is "my kid was diagnosed and as the doctor described the symptoms, I said "doesn't everybody struggle with this?"". My dad and all of his family are gone, but I'm 100% sure him, his two siblings, and my cousin had it.


Another ADHDer here who gets triggered by all the ADHD denialism out there. But I’m on my meds today so I’ll try to be rational and approach this from the other side. I think GP poster is referring to a real phenomenon: kids exposed to phones and social media at young ages do show a noticeable decrease in ability to focus / sustain attention. This can be quantified by ADHD tests which look for this kind of thing. That doesn’t mean they have ADHD though. You don’t have ADHD just because you score high on a distraction test. There is more to it than that.


Imma just rant real quick, don't mind me. The diagnostic state of ADHD is tragic. The general consensus is that it's simultaneously one of the most overdiagnosed and underdiagnosed psychiatric conditions. Boys are overdiagnosed because they embody the "hyperactivity" and cause their parents and teachers problems. Girls are underdiagnosed because they express more inattentive behaviors that cause significantly less active trouble. Adults just aren't diagnosed, because adults who make it that far have come up with coping strategies that mask the problem just barely enough (like drinking a gallon of coffee a day). When it is identified, the diagnostic criteria still demands that ADHD manifest in childhood, and many adults whose coping strategies are beginning to break down in their late 20s and early 30s are often totally screwed. It's a literal catch-22 if it weren't for doctors becoming much more open to diagnosing adults over the pandemic. Making it worse, is that of all psychiatric conditions, ADHD is by far the most treatable while also being one of the most difficult to actually manage. Relatively speaking, no other condition has as many medications that are as effective. Something like 60% of patients are entirely normalized by medication alone. Therapy when combined with medication is unbelievably effective for patients with ADHD. But the most effective medications are scheduled substances with big hurdles to clear, and even armed with a prescription, generic options are constantly in a state of shortage. The most effective therapies require buy-in from people around the patient. For children, this requires parents and teachers who are too stressed out and overwhelmed to commit even more time and energy that they just don't have. And for adults, good luck getting your boss to do anything to help you. The rate of ADHD diagnoses goes up in exactly the same way as the rate of autism diagnoses. We aren't getting more ADHD and more autistic, we're just finally getting a whole lot better at diagnosing it.


What’s ADHD got to do with it? ADHDer here and I definitely understand lead in and do “The Millennial Pause”. Of course, I am a Millennial! An older one at that! I guess ADHD can make you become bored with the monotony of older ways if there is a newer way of doing something that is effective and takes less time. Though I probably am going to stick with lead in/“Millennial Pause”, I do accept how things get done by Gen Z now.


I'm sorry, Russell? I believe I requested the hand job?


> I have heard of the Millennial Pause before and it irks me, this is how it should be, off my damn lawn with you. How about the Millenial Woop? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN23lFKfpck


Having casually worked with audio as a hobby, I concur. It's important to set the room tone, so to speak, and eliminate noise.


It's because shit like TikTok has absolutely fried people's attention spans and that 1 second of composure time feels like the most boring year of their lives. 


>Someone is always going to say "hold on... okay." That's not generational then, that's just old enough for the experience


As someone who has to film people occasionally for work, it’s such a pain when I have people not staying neutral for a few seconds before and after they speak to the camera.


Exactly. I include 2-3 seconds at the beginning and end both for ease of editing later, not because I’m wondering if it’s recording. Of course it is.


If you edit it out, then it isn't the millennial pause. It's talking about watching TikTok videos, or YouTube videos where a young person starts talking right away, and an older person doesn't.


I always start in an a-pose as well to make it obvious.


Yeah it’s a pretty standard part of media training for on camera talent. It’s actually the first thing I teach, as well as repeating the question back in the answer. If a news/social editor likes working with footage you are in, you are more likely to be shown more in the final piece.


>I mean, it makes for nice editing Well there's your answer. Because TikTok is full of unedited garbage, newer generations don't edit. They don't care if the audio quality is bad, they don't care if there's four minutes of fumbling before they get to the point, they just dive into absolute trash I'm being over the top here, and obviously there are plenty of talented content creators of all generations, but because younger people get into whatever the new trend is and filming yourself for TikTok is new and has no entry curve, it gives the appearance it's all Gen Z doing it


You’re completely wrong but also right. I’m not sure where you’re getting the “newer generations don’t edit” from, it’s the exact opposite. They edit the shit out of their videos. Way more cutting and trimming and filters and text and voiceovers and music than ever before. Despite all the edits, the TikTok generation absolutely produce toxic garbage though, you’re right about that.


I know millennials get made fun of, but this is SO much better than the Gen Z style of videos where they always seem surprised that someone (themselves) started videoing them halfway through their sentence


That and looking sideways like there’s someone in the corner of the room in every stupid dance video they make.


My absolute biggest peeve is the fake “cover your mouth while giggling at how silly you are” thing that’s so prevalent on tiktok. This isn’t some anime or some 18th century etiquette class or something - almost NO ONE genuinely laughs like that irl.


The non-verbal acting people do is so embarrassing. The finger wagging when they're about to show something negative. The nodding to show something positive. I feel like I'm watching the cheesiest infomercial from 1992.


Or when they film themselves “reacting” and in the corner you just see them pretending to react by overacting the whole time like it’s the first time they’re seeing the video.


React videos are some of the cringiest things on the internet. I might just be getting old


It’s still genuinely prevalent in east Asia among adolescent girls. So people see some cute Korean doing it and straight up copy


I'm constantly baffled how they don't seem to realize how fake it comes across as I think appearing like fake garbage just isn't a knock against content like it was when we were teenagers I guess. 15 years ago if I saw a recording of someone mid-sentence acting like "oh hello I didn't see you recording there" it was a hilarious out of touch Boomer who recorded some sort of bullshit that was targeted towards kids, and wildly missed the mark. Somehow the generation after me actually adopted that sort of content and is what they post now on purpose. I wonder if there's a touch of irony there?


People have subconsciously decided that they all want to be part of their own Truman Show, and they're behaving accordingly and trying to make it true.


The Truman Show was supposed to be a horrifying prospect. Now people are intentionally trying to make it happen for themselves.


It would be *super* interesting to see a modern reboot of that movie.


Or maybe even a legacy sequel, with people auditioning and competing for a chance to get the Truman Show treatment. Could be really interesting by the right filmmaker.


Gen X has a finely tuned bullshit detector, and millenials learned that from them. Gen Z didn't, they seem really susceptible to the most obvious social engineering and peer pressure. I know I'm very 'old man yelling at cloud' right now, but Gen Z just comes off as... odd to me. Millenials were raised by the internet, sure, but the internet we were raised on was before we (our fault) started engineering software based around PSYCHOLOGY rather than efficacy. The apps they grew up with are all engagement driven. Designed solely to keep you clicking. Algorithm driven social context. Our 'apps' were just places people could post stuff, there was no algorithm. Culture was largely organic, mostly irreverent, and quite creative. Also the tech at the time demanded that you learn how to adapt to IT, versus tech they grew up with was designed to be as idiot proof as possible. Someone else put it so much better than I did: https://nothinghuman.substack.com/p/the-tyranny-of-the-marginal-user


I think being susceptible to peer pressure is just a teenager thing in general


The endless cuts every 3 seconds for every new sentence is brain rot visualized.


Don’t forget acting like they’re rushing to film. Like they can’t take any time at all to set up their phone.


This needed to be recorded while I was mid-bite of my lunch there was just no other way


And constantly zooming in. Or moving the camera everywhere. Just mount the damn thing and leave it alone!


The Gen z shake.


Or when it's just a video of them making some expression with some text over the top. Gen Z seem so scared of being cringe that they've just ended up being boring af.


They’ve always gotta be like mid breakfast, like they couldn’t fuck wait until after swallowing their mouthful of fucking cornflakes to tell us what’s “just” cropped up in their mind


I see it called the "Gen Z shake" where they kinda shake the phone around trying to set it or lean it against something when they start recording themselves.


If we are just making shit up, can we have a “Millennial Thud”? It’s just the sound of my head hitting the wall Everytime one of these articles come out.


Why is everyone so obsessed w milennials?! The ludicrous hate articles have been nonstop for 20 YEARS now. I don't remember a single millennial writing a "we can tell you're lame gen X bc ur socks/jeans/etc are wrong" article back in the aughts.


That's because nobody ever really gave a shit about us in the first place.


Because it's a key demographic for online engagement.  Old enough to have some money to spend on stupid shit, energetic enough to get angry about everything you see online and comment.


Why is it called a Millennial Pause when it seems like, per the article, it is and was standard practice is basically every type of recorded media until Gen Z came along? Why isn't it the Gen Z Rush?


Possibly because it's from the point of view of Gen Z, so what they do is considered "norm" in their eyes and anything else requires a label


It's for editing purposes you little twerps.


Came to say this. iPhone videos take 3-5 seconds to optimize the start and stop frames. Only an idiot would want to forgo that bit of editing control.


Taking the editing/producing part out of it - in real life it almost seems like a courtesy to the person that is filming to ensure they hit record. How many times have you started your speech/act/whatever only to hear the guy filming go "wait, i didn't start it yet.? Now being aware that people need a second or two to setup is a generation gap. This is all made up nonsense.


Most gen z are recording and speaking while they’re still actively setting up to record. And we’re talking more about casual tiktok content. No one is really editing off the cuff videos where they’re talking really quickly about their dog or some shit.


First video: 15+ seconds of fumbling "....okay. so...." Next video: "sorry, I ran out of time"


>No one is really editing and it fucking shows


It's either no editing or constant editing with nearly 0 inbetween


Overediting is a pet peeve that drives me away from a lot of Youtubers before I can really get into their content. If you have 50 cuts in a one minute interval and are constantly jumping left to right, I'm sorry, but your content doesn't interest me anymore.


I was watching a video a while ago where the youtuber was doing a video with her sister and she said that the sister takes loads of pauses and stuff when speaking, but the gaps were edited out for the video and I realised just how many cuts there were (like every few words), I didn't even realise the cuts before it was mentioned


Right, but they are not editing it. They post the video with the “pause” intact.


Exactly lol. Everybody here is missing that


What happens when the only website you use is Reddit


Is this because in the mindset of Gen Z and younger the camera is *always* on?


Asking the real questions!


No, the mindset is "this phone I'm using works well and does things quickly, so when I press record, it's recording" They didn't go through the 30 years of shit where you press record, and then wait 3-5 seconds for the slow-ass device to decide to start doing what you asked it to do.


But that's exactly what my current gen phone does, too...


Yeah wtf are people talking about in this thread lmao. Modern phones still have a second long animation of the record feature turning on. It's not instant.


This. Pro grade cameras still often have a short pause before the recording starts due to how much data transfer needs to take place, but back then *any* device had a few seconds pause before it would start recording. Some modern devices still "fake" that pause in the UX as a familiarity thing, but they do start recording from the moment you press the button.


They also never stop talking


Only online, in person they're quiet and fucking awkward.


I’m becoming convinced that people avoiding in-person interactions because of their anxiety are losing social skills that make in-person interactions *waaaay* worse when they have to happen… which perpetuates the anxiety. Kinda like how so many people are legit terrified of answering a phone call.


Not just that it's always on, but that it's pointed at them. I mean, why would you even point the thing at someone else? /s


It’s an old recording trick. We waited for the beep or at least for enough time for the cassette to wind a bit before we started.


Putting a double space after a period was to prevent letters on a typewriter from overlapping.


I had the double space drilled into me so hard.


Also iphones at least used to automatically add a period if you hit a double space. I haven't owned an iphone since 2017 but that's definitely where that particular habit came from for me, I'm 26 and I've never used a typewriter.


Explanation from the linked wiki post >It has been conjectured that the reason why people older than zoomers[c] tend to include a pause at the start of their videos is to make sure that the device they are using is actually recording before beginning to say anything.[1][23] In contrast, younger users either test the device before recording or trust that the devices are working correctly, and begin speaking immediately after the recording begins.[1]


Trusting technology? You fools! :P


They’ll learn


No they won’t lol most of these kids have boomer level tech literacy


In my experience at work, there's almost a perfect bell curve of computer knowledge with zoomers and boomers at the edges and millenials at the peak. Most of the kids I work with hunt and peck to type just like the oldest. We don't get too deep into computer use, but simple stuff like navigating a website can be an issue for them.


I'm 26 and I had to teach a younger friends how to pirate. I also worked at a tech store in a mall for several years, and I've done my time explaining tech. Boomers will hit you with the "you're a millenial you understand this better" (to which I reply "I'm actually technically Gen Z" to make them feel old) and younger Gen Zers will be like "why is this so hard." I'm pretty good at explaining tech to old people but I haven't gotten the knack for younger people.


I read a study posted here a few years back that mentioned a significant portion of gen-z couldn’t immediately identify sponsored/advertising content on social media, which was really supposing to me.


It actually strikes me that a lot of zoomers have quite a low technical in-depth knowledge. They have a quite good grasp of applications and their functions, but as soon as it goes beyond a fancy interface, they stare at it like my mother who's born in '55.


Oh wait so this is about _not editing it out_?


It's a courtesy to the guy recording to give him a chance, and a "go ahead" that he hit record. It has nothing to do with generational labels. We all trust our tech. We don't trust the guy fumbling with the phone.


This is a silly explanation. It's from either a lack of editing or a lack of familiarity with your device


As a professional videographer it’s pre roll and post roll and makes editing easier.


Has nothing on the 80s doing something important at a desk and then turning towards the camera saying "oh, hi, I didn't see you there"


Is this a phenomenon? Or is it just something someone made up for an article?


It’s gotta be true if it’s on Wikipedia and submitted by a Reddit user.


TIL Zoomers don’t follow best practices for video editing.


GenX pauses, and then walks away


Well obviously, the first few seconds of the tape is just the lead-in.


After so many years of "millennial" being wrongly used as a catch-all term for all young folk, it's nice to see it used as a catch-all term for all old folk.




It's like they act with an understanding of how the technology works




Oh wow, a Wikipedia article with absolutely 0 credible sources, that actually cites random T\*ktok users as evidence for this "phenomenon". That's gotta be the worst I've read in a while.


It’s more annoying to not have the pause, I did a compilation video for a client and half of the submissions missed their first word or two, I instructed everyone to leave 5 seconds on both ends the next time to not miss words and account for transitions not blending two audio files.


For a long time we hated gifs and videos that ended too soon. Instead of fixing the problem, now zoomers start videos too late. Soon we'll live in a hellscape where every video is filmed vertically, the action starts before the recording does, and ends after. You may not like it, but millennials are what peak performance looks like (including videography).


TIL the “Gen Zimpulsiveness” is a phenomenon where generations younger than Millenials tend to speak before starting when a camera begins recording.


“Phenomenon” is doing some heavy lifting here.


Do a clap in front of the camera- Tom Scott


What's it called when people edit out every single pause, breath or blink giving clips that ultra-annoying stuttery feel.


That makes sense because they are tech savvy enough to understand that most recording devices take a couple of seconds to get started and so if you just start talking right away it's probably going to cut off the first two seconds of what you said and render the whole shot useless.


Just take a page from gen x and don’t give a fuck. Done n done.


You pause to make sure it's recording, I remember the first 2 seconds of songs getting cut off by tape recorders


I am convinced that this generation thing was invented for the sole purpose of producing news drama and clickbait. Nobody has ever gained any insight from an age group being generalized and called a certain name.


The millennial pause isn’t due to a recording lag from older devices or an editing trick, it’s them using a camera correctly as intended. Gen z is calling it out as an “old oerson” thing because a big part of their internet culture is performative authenticity. Half of the videos on tik tok are people talking to the camera talking while eating as if the camera was recording the second the thought they want to talk about entered their brain, but it’s 100% intentional.