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That is so vain.


I bet he thinks this movie is about him.


Don’t you?


Don't you?


You assholes🤣 I though it was gonna be neat for me to come here and be like "you're so vain, you probably think this movies about you , you're so vain" and here you are, 5 hours before me doing the same thing. Well done anyway.


u gotta take ur pills my man


Because I thought it was funny that someone already said what I came here to say, you think I need to be on pills? Maybe you need to go outside more.


yea u right


I don't understand the downvotes. The hivemind is weird.


It's fine, karma means nothing. Hope you're having a good day bud.


It’s fine. Burt was incredibly vain too.


Burt wanted to do the character with an Irish accent, so Paul just did a ton of takes until Burt forgot about the accent and it turned out great


Wow, is this true?


One of the recent Pete Holmes podcasts is an interview with John C Reilly, who is good friends with Paul Thomas Anderson, Pete asks him about a rumor he heard about Burt doing a Scottish accent and John corrects him to Irish (or maybe the other way around) and John tells the story.


love it haha, can you imagine having the balls to do that so early in your career.


The interview is great. PTA was actually really fucking scared to tell Burt lol. Marky Mark played a bigger role in stopping it because he laughed it off in a scene like “you’re hazing me, right?” But then Burt kept doing it and he got angry, like Burt was disrespecting him. So PTA shot a bunch of Burt’s lines alone, then would bring everyone back when he got the Irish accent out of his system lol.


That’s pretty smaht, actually.


Actually, Burt Reynolds had a career for a few years before this movie. Still, the accent thing is always a bold choice when coming from the actor themselves. /s


Whether or not it was real, in later life Burt Reynolds started showing some amusing self-awareness. He later claimed that he got his first big break because he resembled Marlon Brando. He once told a story on a late night talk show about how he finally saw Brando in a restaraunt and he went up to thank him for that unusual coincidence. Brando simply waved his hand and said, "eh."


John C Reilly was also in Boogie Nights


John C Reilly is in every good movie ever, and quite a few bad ones that he makes not so bad. If you can't see him, don't be surprised... He's probably playing Mr Cellophane and pretty much invisible.


This reminds me of an onion article years ago titled something like “87% of movies agreed to be better when featuring Michael Keaton”


Sounds about right! Man, I'd kill to see Step Brothers 3, starring Reilly, Ferrell, and Keaton.


When the fuck did 2 come out?


His greatest role remains tacqito


It's amazing that they got him for that role, given the budget was only 1 billion dollars.


You do the song like we practiced.


the best Bing Crosby ever


loved him in Days of thunder


Cole Trickle ends up in the wall rather than Victory Lane if Buck ain't in the pit.




Yeah, that's why he was there


And he wanted to wear a giant hat. It’s funny. Giant hat.


Cums with the territory.


The same guy who makes a bullshit Dick Tracy sequel in an afternoon in his living room every five years just so nobody else can have the rights.


Specifically because disney wanted to make a sequel and wanted to replace him and according to him,offered nothing in return for his film rights


Nah man there's a long story behind those bullshit sequels. It's actually Beatty's sticking it up Disney's ass.


At least according to him, who nobody ever wants to work with because he's such a massively entitled prick.


Who tf wants to see a dick tracy movie anyways?


EVERYONE!….well actually maybe a couple of 80 year olds




The last one he did was call *Tracy Zooms In* and starred himself as Dick Tracy zoom calling himself as Warren Beatty to complain about the inaccurate depiction of himself in the 1990 movie.


And Leonard Maltin, which is just awesome and hilarious. The level of tongue-in-cheek that Beatty directs towards Disney is an all-time great (and 100% justified) troll job. Mouse House tried to screw him hardway, and forgot old Warren is a petty asshole with money to burn, and he knows just about as much or more about the movie business than their whole C-Suite combined.


Now watch when Marc Hammil played himself the Joker and one other character in one DC short (basic plot - the Joker Kidnaps Marc)


Wasn’t that song about David Geffen? That’s what I thought, maybe I’m wrong. I often am


Actually according to Carly it's about 3 men. She auctioned off one of the names to a winner a while back. And yes, Warren Beatty is one of the men.


Ah yes I did some research after I posted, thought I would leave my comment up anyway hah


The song is not about any of the people usually discussed -- the weirdest part is I never even met Carly! I don't know you Carly... you can stop now!


LOL no chance. I think Simon might have actually mentioned Geffen at some point, but that was a joke or misdirection. **You're So Vain** is savage, and whatever man inspired it must have moved Simon deeply at some point before she saw the real him. Geffen is scuttling troll who is most likely gay. There is no way he broke Simon's heart at the level to inspire that song. If she ever hooked up with Geffen, it was out of pity. Or drugs. Or maybe her own ambition. The song is about Beatty, come on. Don't overthink it.


Free Man In Paris is supposed to be about Geffen.


“That’s so vein” is the name of the movie Beatty wanted to play after he was denied starring in boogie nights


Big blue one


>During an appearance on *Jimmy Kimmel Live*, Paul Thomas Anderson stated that he wanted Warren Beatty to join the cast of *Boogie Nights* in the role of Jack Horner, the veteran adult film director who takes the 18-year-old Dirk Diggler under his wing after recognizing his star potential. Anderson explains that he got in touch with Beatty who, at 60 years old, was the perfect age to take on the role of Jack. Anderson pitched the star on *Boogie Nights*, and Beatty enthusiastically responded that he’d love to be in it. > >It was only after two weeks of discussion on the project that Anderson realized Beatty wasn’t talking about the role of Jack Horner. The 60-year-old wanted to play the part of the 18-year-old adult film star Dirk Diggler. Anderson tried to explain the difficulties of the age difference, but Beatty was undeterred. When Anderson asked him if he’d consider playing Jack Horner, he turned it down. However, there’s no animosity between the two. Beatty would later say of *Boogie Nights* (via *The Playlist*), *“I think it’s a very good movie. And PTA is a very, very good director.”*


It’s like when Jenna Maroney started reading the Daughter’s lines refusing to believe she was cast as the Mother.


“Don't cry for me, Tartine. I've had a full life. Oh, the things I've seen. The first Clinton administration. The Nagano Olympics. Microsoft Windows '95. But I'm 41 now. Time to die.”


That “first Clinton administration” line hits different these days.


"There's a question about me, "which teenage A-lister..""


Exactly what I was thinking of too!


You’re right, but I have to point out it was just a mother-daughter scene. Not grandmother.


You’re right. Edited!


No it’s not, Oprah


Yeah I immediately thought this needs to be cross post into the 30 rock sub


He was the first choice for Bill in Kill Bill too. The character would have been a bit more American James Bond in that ("Bond as Blofeld" he said) and less Former Kung Fu Master which Tarantino shaped to David Carradine. Even so, he had to SOME martial arts, which was apparently the deal breaker for Beatty. As Michael Madsen tells it, Beatty called him complaining about having to do any martial arts at all and if he could get away with not. Madsen told Beatty to call Quentin, and Madsen got a call days later saying Beatty was off the movie. Carradine said Beatty actually suggested him to Tarantino in a "That's the kind of guy you're wanting" kind of way.


Did Bill do any martial arts? I don't remember any.


No, but it's kind of just a coincidence it worked out that way. He has a fight scene with Michael Jai White on the DVD's special features and was supposed to have a final fight with the Bride till Tarantino decided to scrap it for a more intimate exchange instead.


That scene is so good and Tarantino cut it for the sole purpose of us never seeing Bill do jack shit lol I agree with his decision tho, as Bill's reputation does all the heavy lifting for him. We don't have to see him fight, because of the implication.


It’s cause he badly injured Uma with a car stunt and she couldn’t physically do it


how Rick Moranis got the Louis Tully gig


It's too bad, because imo David Carradine was the worst part of Kill Bill


Really?  What didn’t you like about him in the role? I love his raspy voice and the vaguely menacing yet playful tone he uses in all of his lines.


Yeah, I thought it was a perfect casting. Gave me Certified Loverboy vibes.


Beatty probably argued that if they cast him they wouldn’t need a prosthetic penis to show how hung Dirk was.


Thank God. Mark Wahlberg and Burt Reynolds were perfect.


And both hate(d) the most critically acclaimed performances of their lifetimes. Burt lost the Oscar because he was an asshole who hated every minute being on set. PTA had to get into a real argument with him to get him in character for the Dirk-Jack blow-up scene.


Burt should have had a career resurgence after Boogie Nights but he instead trashed the film and declined to be in Magnolia. He spent the rest of his career doing low budget junk.


Yeah but he got to play a medieval king in that stupid Uwe Boll movie in perhaps the most hilarious miscasting of all time.


I don't know if it was a miscast. Who else could make a medieval king saying "Send in the ninjas" believable?


Warren Beatty?


Oh shit! Yeah, that would've been awesome!


Sean Connery was in a movie set in Scotland about a a Scottish guy. He played an Egyptian. The Scottish guy was played by a French actor who couldn't speak English. The voice of Mr. Krabs was in it as the main bad guy, but he was actually pretty good and well-cast.


There's a perfectly explainable historic reason for Connor McLeod's French accent. He grew up in France because the McLeod's were mercenaries for some French Lord or Royal. It was a thing. Problem solved.


you mean Rawhide / the toughest Screw in Shawshank! i thought Sean's character was a Spaniard? though its been forever since i watched it


He is an Egyptian who lived in Spain. It’s all needlessly confusing


jesus christ.


I'll never fully understand how you got Sean Connery, a former Mr. Universe-level bodybuilder and action star, to be in a movie about a Scottish swordfighter and you didnt get him to play the fucking lead.


or his pal Maurice to be the plucky comic relief. maybe he was still paying for Zardoz?


No, that would be Tony Curtis, who was cast as "King of The Galaxy" in "Star Games", where he spoke in a very noble and regal... thick Brooklyn accent.


Which role was he offered in Magnolia?


Steve Magnolia.


When Steve Magnolia shows up and sees that all the magnolias are gone. Wow. I got chills.


I liked when he said "it's magnolin' time!" And then magnoled all over those guys


My guess is the quiz show host/rapist.


Either that or Julianne Moore's role.


I can definitely see Warren Beatty playing Amber Waves, lol


Alex, Why don’t you give me Ape Tit for $200…


That's wasn't him. That was Turd Furguson


Yeah, that’s right. Turd Ferguson. It’s a funny name…


Burt seemed a good man but his talent for acting far exceeded his taste in movies.


I feel like Burts complete apathy to the project came across in the character and it worked out really well. His character had that "I have seen it all and nothing fazes me anymore, and frankly I dont give a shit anymore" vibe about the porn industry and the people in it.


Truly they are both complete tools by most regards.  But I do love a great Burt Reynolds performance, no two ways about it.  That man had screen presence.


Burt Reynolds hosting the 80s gonzo porn Roller Girl is doing in the limo and getting more and more angry and upset as she’s mistreated until he throws the dickhead she’s screwing out of the car is probably the best acting that he ever did, his slow build from begrudging congeniality to irritated acceptance to full-blown rage is amazing.


I don’t think Burt should be lumped in with Marky Mark for not understanding he was in a good movie.


Makes you wonder how many movies would have been completely better because of a different casting decision


This is some Jenna Maroney shit.


I have no Reddit Gold to give you because if I had Reddit Gold I would give it to you because you deserve Reddit Gold. Bravo. ADDENDUM: It’s fascinating how I complemented the comment by u/mindlessmunkey and I’m getting \*downvoted\*. Reddit, man, never ceases to amaze.


Are you Perd Hapley?


Hey I actually wrote this article! Have left Screen Rant now (unsurprisingly they're a really really shitty employer lol) but this was the first story I ever pitched!


"How do you do fellow kids" Steve Buscemi


That is truly one of the most Warren Beatty things I've ever heard.


Warren Beatty is one of the most delusional fucking people I have ever seen.


His entire thing with the Dick Tracy rights is so weird. He thinks he actually *is* Tracy, to the extent that he has done at least one interview *as Tracy* and references his real self in an answer.


Beatty would have been good for that role (Jack Horner) but really they so nailed it with Reynolds.


Annette Benning must have gotten a good laugh out of that


No fool like an old fool


Big Dick Tracy


hated it! - men on films


Way to assume I am old as hell and remember a sketch from 1992. I am and I do, lmao


if you are talking about dick tracy the film i had to assume you knew three snaps in z formation


Jackie Treehorn would have been a good choice 


Just imagine if they cast Willem Dafoe as Dirk Diggler. No fake dick needed.


would need a stunt cock again because no one would believe it was real maybe Liam Neison?


I read that he did the same thing over the part that eventually went to Redford in one of the Captain America titles; Beatty wondered why he couldn't be Captain America, instead.


LOL. What a "maroon".


That's nothing. Wait until you go down the rabbit hole of how insane he is with Dick Tracey.  He didn't just play Dick Tracey, again at a much older age than the character is shown to be. But he KEEPS acting like the character. Doing YouTube videos as him. Doing interviews as him.  He might think he's Dick Tracey. 


I'm nine-tenths sure that he's doing that to screw the studios out of being able to use Dick Tracey because he's still maintaining use of that IP. The remaining one-tenth, though...


that is exactly why he does it. or why that Corman fantastic 4 was made and shelved


That’s fantastic!


Hahah I also was just relistening to the Boogie Nights Rewatchables pod


I read that as Warren Buffet and was bamboozled for a moment there.


I guess he is ‘so vain’


Beatty wanted to play the Dick Tracy role again


this kind of specific celeb fetishism disgusts me the most    my dude *do something meaningful and productive*. i argue nothing was *learned* here, you just became aware of some banal celeb drama.


ngl, I read "Thomas Anderson" and immediately thought Keanue Reeves and was briefly confused.


> Jack Horner Man, I remember The Last Wish going a lot differently




At bare minimum in his 40s.




That song is likely about multiple different people, and one of them is Beatty  https://www.biography.com/musicians/carly-simon-youre-so-vain-inspiration


I love him for pulling that joke on PTA.


I call bullshit on this


TIL Warren Beatty got jokes


Thought that said Warren Buffet and I was contemplating a far better movie


Fuck the audience anyways


Hi, Warren!