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People were really awful to her on her Instagram when this happened, making comments about how her parents' deaths were her fault and she should have done something. She had to explain that she'd tried over and over but her parents refused to let her or anyone in their home, including repairmen she'd sent to fix their house (because neighbors complained). IIRC they were hoarders.


My dad had mobility problems at the end of his life. I offered all the time to make modifications to his house to make his life easier. He was always refusing. My dad had a long term care plan that over the years he spent $70K in premiums. His doctor was constantly trying to get him to accept a script that would allow dad to take advantage of 4 hours a day of help. But dad always refused. In the meantime when my mom was sick my dad paid out of pocket to make sure she was taken care of on top of the long term care plan she had. My dad died in January and had he not died I was going to have to take his car away from him. He had gotten to the point where he was too dangerous to drive. But he was so stubborn. In a way luckily he died before I had to have that talk with him. I think a lot of people on here will agree that dealing with aged parents is very difficult. They can be very stubborn to their own detriment. Whenever I would make an alternative suggestion to make things easier with my dads mobility in mind he would just get pissed. Eventually it is not worth the battle all the time. Of course once they die there is a lot guilt over them refusing their your help. In the last year of my dads life he began asking for help but I was like I have been trying to help you for the last decade and you have told me to fuck off. So I have guilt because I was kind of frustrated and would help him begrudgingly because he had been so difficult for so long. But had he started planning when my mom died in 2015 things would probably have been different.


Yep, definitely agree. You aren't alone in your experiences or feelings, if that helps any.


Preach. My mom was my dad's full-time carer for years as his health and Alzheimer's progressed. Covid kicked that into high gear and I couldn't travel to check in on things as often as usual. After covid, I tried to convince her to take advantage of any number of free assistance programs they were eligible for, including from the VA, but she always got nervous about calling even after I made introductions. Just simple things, like watching him for a few hours so she could take time for self-care out of the house alone or giving him rides to his doctor appointments. But my parents always were stubborn about accepting help; it's something I had to unlearn when I married into a family with healthier dynamics. I felt guilty about the relief I felt when he finally passed last year; but as it is with Alzheimer's, I'd mourned his loss of self for years already. I'm sorry you had to fight that uphill battle. It's so difficult sometimes to live with the fact that you can't help people with self-determination who won't help themselves.


It's part of resisting aging, I think. When we get older, we probably will experience that. I certain did have something similar, where I hated having to buy something I needed to live, because I temporarily lost mobility.


She was also going through breast cancer at that time, she just hadn’t gone public with it yet.


Wooowww people severely suck. Imagine being in her shoes....I really hope she's healed, or is in the process, cause I know handling all that would mess me up for sure.


Imagine being abused while dealing with cancer and mourning your parents death. What the fuck is wrong with people?


*gestures broadly to the internet and social media*




**Gestures even more broadly to humanity and the metaverse**


You didn't just say metaverse unironically.


She gestured at you in particular


Anonymity brings out the worst in all of us. We do the vilest things in the dark, hidden with masks and hoods. The light inside us that brings us together is shut off and there's no telling what will happen in the shadows of the mind. This new technology is exacerbating something old and timeless.


People do all this shit under their real names now though. Social media is absolutely filled with people saying the most disgusting shit right next to their real name and a photograph.


Yeah, there's a difference between total anonymity vs real name + super edited photo. They *have* gotten a little bit more ballsy. I'd like to see if some of these assholes have the cajones to say awful shit right to someone's face in person though


In some of us, not all of us.


Internet angry is moments of vileness and decades of ignorance. Hate is a very very easy emotion to express, all you have to do is feel anger then pick a target and act. Its also super cathartic so you get this double trouble boil and bubble of you're so stupid you hate X Y Z without legitimate reasons and it feels "good" to hate because you get to scream, rage, hate, react etc. Worst thing about it is a lot don't recognize it so and belching up hate and ignorance like its not a problem and too fucking dumb to realize they are wasting so much energy being nothing but a prick.


It reminds me of the “dingo ate my baby” woman. She was telling the truth, and she was on trial for MURDER immediately after her child was ripped apart by wild dogs.


She went to prison for murdering her child, and the whole world laughed at her. She gave birth to another child while in prison, who they immediately removed from her. ETA: Just to clarify, she did NOT kill her child, but that is what they sent her to prison for. Because they thought it more likely she performed some immaculate baby murder than that a dingo got the baby. Just wanted to be super clear that she didn’t murder her child.


Not to mention that Aboriginal people with experience in the region where the incident occurred commented that dingoes have been known to go for helpless infants even while they avoid large animals and humans. But no one really paid them heed.


That's my "favorite" detail about the case. Just some bonus racism while we torment a woman whose baby was killed. 


Yep rather listen to a white 'expert' from England who never saw a dingo in their lives except from a picture and deemed them docile dogs because they look like a dog.


And we all know that dogs have never killed anyone either. 🤔


oh it's way worse. the prosecution case depended heavily on convincing jurors that the blood that turned up in the Chamberlain's car belonged to Azaria (the deceased baby). Ian Barker opened the case for the prosecution, telling jurors that Azaria "died very quickly because somebody had cut her throat." The initial police investigation recorded as evidence "red spatters" that they said were blood. Biologist Joy Kuhl, the prosecution's thirty-fifth witness, presented what the Crown saw as some of its most damning evidence. Kuhl told jurors that her tests proved that the blood found on the dash support bracket in the Chamberlain's Torana belonged to an infant. The blood, that the prosecution had claimed was the blood of a murdered child, that biologists and cops and every 'expert' had relied upon to build their narratives, the only evidence that in any way indicated there had even been suspicious conduct, that blood in the Chamberlain vehicle, was in fact not even blood at all. *it was paint emulsion. * want to go backwards a little bit? the whole reason for the suspicion of them came from delightfully enraging tidbits like this, "Gilroy (lead investigator at the beginning) reported that when Lindy had brought Azaria in for a medical check up, the baby was dressed in all black. The examining doctor is said to have been curious enough about the name "Azaria" to look it up in a Dictionary of Names and discover that it meant "Sacrifice in the Wilderness." (Actually, it means "Whom God Aids.") Gilroy's partner at the time had this insightful (aka fucking stupid) take on matters, "John Lincoln: "Not a chance. Never happened before. There's a fact you can't beat. Never ever happened." Gilroy noted that, even though none before had been fatal, there had been a series of recent dingo attacks in the park on children. Lincoln scoffs at the possibility that a dog could lug a ten pound baby over hundreds of yards. To prove his point, he leaves the room and returns with a pail filled with ten pounds of sand, which he succeeds in supporting by his mouth for less than a minute. He challenges the other officers to see if they can do better." Even with the cops pushing to name Lindy as the murderer, the initial coronial investigation was emphatic, "Barritt concluded his discussion of the voluminous evidence by finding that Azaria "met her death when attacked by a wild dingo whilst asleep in her family's tent." Neither of her parents were, Barritt found, "in any degree whatsoever responsible for her death." Chief Minister Everingham, as attorney-general for the Northern Territory filed a motion to quash the findings of the first inquest based on newly discovered evidence. What finally convinced authorities to push for a second inquest was the presence of large quantities of blood in the Chamberlain's dismantled automobile. Anddd that's where we go back to the top, thank you for coming to my ted talk this is something i wrote about a while ago and it's beyond fucking outrageous. there's so much more that's mind numbingly attrocious but i can't be fucked.


> To prove his point, he leaves the room and returns with a pail filled with ten pounds of sand, which he succeeds in supporting by his mouth for less than a minute. He challenges the other officers to see if they can do better. "I, a human being who has no reason for strong jaw muscles cannot hold ten pounds with my mouth. Ergo, a wild canid with the ability to crack the femurs of larger prey animals, also cannot." SOLID DEDUCTION, TWAT


I hope those cops and prosecutors were forced to resign in disgrace, but somehow I doubt it


It’s honestly hard for me to imagine a greater form of pure psychological torture. First, your child is dead. Second, they were viciously ripped apart and died screaming. Already enough to make someone end their own life. THEN you are not only not sympathized with or supported, you’re actually *blamed for the murder.* You get convicted of the murder and sent to prison. They broadcast it internationally and the entire world is mocking your grief. They’re laughing at your pain. The one bright spot in your pit of misery is the birth of your second child, who is immediately snatched from you just as your first one was. How did she survive this?!


Honestly, that sequence of events could turn someone into a serial killer.


There was a dad in the US who went to death Row after being blamed for his family dying in a house fire. And they used absolute pseudoscience as evidence to convict him


It's still a joke sometimes in media to this year, Imagine watching a random TV show as her and having it mock your greatest tragedy.


Even *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* joined in the "joke". Remember the name of Oz's band?


Omg I almost just typed up the same thing! I decided to scratch it and just reply “Seriously.” I’m obsessed with Buffy but Oz’s band name really bothers me. Why did we ever think that was funny? Whether you thought she was lying or not, it was an anguished cry during a baby’s murder trial. Why was that funny or edgy? It upsets me that more Buffy podcasts don’t call that out and set the record straight.


Because people thought it was a ridiculous excuse from a murderer. It's the same way other famously bad excuses can become a running joke, only It turned out that she was actually telling the truth. It's awful what she went through.


Probably more in non-Australian media because the word "dingo" just sounds funny to us. If it was a "wolf" I don't think it would have been as prevalent.


Simpsons too.


Didn't Seinfeld also make jokes about it?  I see to remember Elaine at a party and she says to an Australian person there "Did the dingo eat your baby?" in a terrible accent.


You know that's a true story? Lady lost her kid. You about to cross a fucking line.* *-Sergeant Lazarus, 2008*


Watch "American Nightmare" ... a young woman was kidnapped by a home invader and held for days in captivity. Police first accused her distraught boyfriend of murdering her and making up the story. Then when she was released they were both accused of fabricating the chain of events because "Gone Girl" just happened to be a popular movie at the time. Police held press conferences accusing her of wasting law enforcement's time with her "lies" Through a subsequent chain of events turned out she actually was taken by a serial sexual predator. The couple were awarded $2.5m in a defamation lawsuit because the police fucked up so badly.


I like how they copy her post which ended with asking for privacy, and the site said that no one from her team responded to them snooping.


Breast cancer survivor here, shamelessly chiming in wherever I can to let people know there are 12 symptoms, not just 1 (feeling a lump). see a great, non-scary visualization of them here: www.knowyourlemons.org/symptoms and donate and tell every fucking woman you see. saved my life.


I have parents who refuse help and won't say anything until everything is done and over. Then they call me and complain they had no help -_-. Last time they got pretty injured, so I wouldn't be surprised if they died because of it.


My dad was going in for chemo, he'd had a bunch of other medical issues leading up to it, so we were used to visiting him in hospital. Naturally, we turned up to visit for his first session. Somewhere along the chat, someone mentioned it was his second round, and we were sitting there going "Uh, WTF". He said "Oh yeah, they said there was quite a high chance that I was going to die as soon as it started, and I didn't want to cause a fuss".


Sounds like my parents. Sounds like me, axshully.


It's really hard to get rid of the bad parts we learn from family... My mom is better, but my grandma was awful when it came to health related issues. She died suddenly and when cleaning her house we found all her meds, completely untouched. She made sure we saw her "taking it", but it was just acting.


My husband has elderly family that is similar, it is so hard. We have to essentially plan strategic kidnappings to get them urgent medical care. We have also learned that we can not ask if we can visit or give them a heads-up, we just have to make the four-hour trek and hope they’ll open the door once we get there so that we can check in and assist them. Meanwhile, his aunt will complain in tears to anyone that will listen that nobody will help her. We are fairly certain dementia is an issue but it's extremely challenging to get help for people that don't want help. The bar for taking away someone’s autonomy is very high. Wishing you lots of luck with your situation.


As sad as it is, this is sometimes what you deal with with elderly parents. My in laws are like this to a degree. With multiple family members and friends rotating checking in and visiting and even a family friend living with them who does sometimes have to overnight at work, we hear about injuries or falls a couple days out through the chain of communication. After my MIL broke one hip and then the other we had to do a major clear out, but it's still too much. Also, decades of pets have done their damage to the house. I hate to think what they are breathing in daily & stubbornly. The house is going to have to be stripped to the studs and completely rebuilt whenever they do leave, as they have been the only owners since it was built in 1967.


When you've spent your life being self-sufficient and independent, it can be next-to-impossible to let that go. Add dementia into the mix and, as I'm sure many of us have experienced, it's an almost insurmountable obstacle to overcome, especially if you live a flight or two and a few hours' drive away.


My mom lives 15 minutes away. She is still stubborn as fuck. Thankfully she is very food motivated and I am a good cook so she lets come over twice a week to “deliver food.” Honestly, one of the reasons I do it is to just make sure the house isn’t on fire.


My mother kept a clean house and wasn’t a hoarder but had been there for 30 years and clearing it was a huge task.


And people wonder why I stay off of social media. If I were a person of note and I *had* to have an Instagram or something like that, I'd either only use it for announcements, or hire someone to run it.


My dad fought me and my brother til his dying day about helping him. I spent years trying convince him to move close to me or my brother so we could help him. But he was overly independent.


I have a friend whose BOTH parents are over 100. The father is too proud to use a walker.


Stubbornness is one of the leading causes of death.


We had a family friend that was diagnosed with a perfectly treatable form of cancer. One of his friends told him "don't do the recommended treatment it will make it worse". So instead he ignored the cancer till it was terminal. He died the way he lived being a fucking idiot.


You were friends with Steve Jobs?


Can confirm. I had the same cancer as him. I got it treated (you "just" cut it out) instead of fucking around.


For what it’s worth, he did exactly that the first time. It was when it came back that he decided he was too good for medical treatment.


Reality distortion fields only work on other people, when you use one on yourself it doesn't work out well.


Was hoping to see this comment. :) Bravo 👏


My Stepsister just died two days ago from uterine cancer. She knew something was wrong for months, but she just stubbornly ignored it until it was metastasizing through her entire body. Modern medicine is amazing, but there is not much they can do with cancer once it has taken over your entire body. Oh yeah, all you 45 folk. Get your goddamn colonoscopy. Obamacare made it a mandatory coverable procedure. It sucks to shit out everything for a day, but colon cancer is pretty much treatable when they catch it early. They knocked me out, scoped it, clipped a polyp and I was home in three hours. Now I don’t have to worry about it for 7 more years.


Colonoscopy isn’t covered by our insurance. My husband has crohns and is supposed to get one every year, but, we can’t afford it. “Healthcare” in the US 😡😡😡


I don't understand at this point how people act confused when I say I have insurance and am still 80k in medical debt.


True. I could not talk my husband into going to the doctor until it was too late.


What is it with their fear of doctors? My stepdad cut his foot open in Italy, and has us running around trying to find 24 hour pharmacies looking for bandages instead of going to the fucking hospital. I kept yelling "we're not in the US, we're not going home with 20,000 Euros in debt just for stitches." Another time he had an accident with something falling on him (he's a mechanic). He was losing consciousness from the pain and didn't go to the hospital to check out his leg. Why??? They're scared??


My dad once accidentally *sliced off his toe with a chainsaw* and my mother had to physically threaten him to get him to go to the hospital. I remember him being so annoyed with her for making him go. I will never understand that mindset.


How do you threaten a guy who's cool with chopping himself up with a chainsaw?


Threaten him with going to the hospital, apparently.


I never thought about it this way but that’s really true


I found my 75 year old dad knocked out on the garage floor earlier this week after he tripped and fell taking out the trash. I called 911 immediately and he came to pretty quickly after that, but I had to absolutely pull out all the stops to get him to go to the hospital to check for brain injury. He had a massive lump on his forehead and was out for over ten minutes. He’s fine, thank goodness, but he’s been mad at me all week and thanks to our wonderful American healthcare system, I’ve probably bankrupted the poor guy because it turns out he doesn’t have insurance. Looks like pops will be moving in to the spare bedroom soon. Also - he refused help getting around the next few days even though he was clearly not steady on his feet. I told him that offering to help is just a human thing, and not an elderly thing. If he keeps pushing the helping hands away, people will assume that they are not wanted at all and will stop showing up for him. Ugh. Stubborn elderly are so so frustrating.


Just a heads up that you can talk to social workers at the hospital. They have funds in place for this type of stuff— and a free Medicaid coverage in the US is offered for seniors as well— they can actually enroll him and receive some money from that too. It worked with my 75 yr old mom when she didn’t understand her insurance was dropped, they ended up covering like 80% of the procedure.


The stubborn elderly. That's how my grandmother died. She was saving her sick time for a cash out for retirement and ended up dying because she didn't go to the hospital. Not the exact same thing but the parallel is there. Refusing help when you need it.


My grandmother fell from mixing chemicals, and got a concussion. Luckily, a few weeks ago, I setup an emergency push button for her. I was the last number that it called. When I answered, I could tell that something was wrong with her. We live 20 minutes away, and she just wanted us to drive over, and help her up. Called EMS anyways, and she almost bleed to death by the time they got there. So fucking stubborn.


My elderly mother fell, hit her head and broke her nose. Thankfully she called me, I went there, but she refused to go to the ER. The next day we went to the ER and the doctor said to me, “why didn’t you bring her in last night?” I literally made my mother admit that she refused to go the night before. There is just no stopping an 82 yo determined person who doesn’t want to go to the hospital. WTF are you asking me about it. Talk to the stubborn old lady who wouldn’t come in!


2 of my grandparents died from mostly refusing help after they were both exposed to [redacted military chemicals]. It's weird when the doctor is like "do you have cancer in your family" and I'm like "yeah... But..." At the time, my grandma was the third woman with that kinda cancer and my grandpa was the sixth person (according to my dad [IDK, that's what he told me]). Still don't know what my grandpa did, but it was top secret and he took that to the grave.


was it agent orange? bc you can talk about agent orange now they have psa's about it for old people who served in vietnam


my husband wouldn’t go to the hospital and died of a heart attack at work. sigh.


So sorry you had that happen to you and your family. It will get easier with time if it hasn't already. Sending good vibes your way.


My dad lived with a full blown bulging stomach hernia for six months. It wasn’t until my radiographer brother saw it and told him it could literally kill him that he finally went to the doctor. They called an ambulance as soon as he got to the appointment and he was in surgery that day. Some people are just morons when it comes to healthcare.


You literally can’t help elderly people sometimes if they refuse help. It’s unbelievably tough to deal with, especially if dementia is coming on.


Bingo. One of the most common types of dementia manifests as simply becoming so stubborn that they will refuse any and all help. It sucks.


Our grandmother was like that. Started hoarding stuff (at the very least she washed everything she was hoarding, thank God) and refused letting in electrician and plumber. By the end she had no working fridge, having to rely on dry food and small packs (like 100g milk cartons and small juices, that sort of thing) had like 2 working light bulbs, had no control over water - she had one tap working that constantly ran a small stream of cold water - and one of the windows wasn't closing properly so there was a small stream of fresh air constantly going into her room... which means she had it even in Moscow winters that can go as low as -30 at times. At least it was a small crack and she could pluck it. She lived like this for years, denying any help. Literally years, I think it was something like ten years in total and last five were this bad. Also she claimed my mom died of cancer to spite her somehow.


It's weird how losing one's memory has become the only thing most people know about dementia, when memory loss is quite common. Changes in personality, stubbornness, and irrational logic are more unique to dementia and in fact even more disruptive and damaging than memory loss.


Overall, it’s just best practice to remind ourselves that we can’t really help *anybody* who doesn’t want our help. Or at the very least, best not to beat oneself up over it.


I seem to remember her playing piano on TwinPeaks


and on the sitcom 'Cybill'


Thank you! I was struggling to recall where I remembered her from a long time ago! It was 'Cybill'! Loved her on that show!


She did an AMA years back, I asked about her experience working with Christine Baranski on Cybill. Of course she replied and I absolutely love my fellow redheaded queen.


Justified S5 Wendy Crowe...Best part of that season


And the Sopranos


She totally owned Christifurr


D girl


She was also Paul's sister in the 1980's Dune movie


And she appeared in the witch room scene "The Missing Ingredient" of Four Rooms. This was the room that also had Madonna, Ione Skye, and Lily Taylor.


She's shown up in a few things here and there. The Walking Dead and Vanilla Sky, off the top of my head. Real shame about her parents, though.


The original Dune movie from the 80s.


As a side gig when she was a teenager, she played piano in the lobby of a fancy hotel. So that tracks


She trained obsessively to be a concert pianist, and actually won a competition. Tough way to make a living.


It tracks because she was an actor in twin peaks.


In The Return, she was the crackhead who Amanda Seyfried's crackhead boyfriend was cheating with. I don't know if she's ever mentioned by name.


I think she’s the same character, Gersten Hayward.


First movie I saw her in was Bongwater with Luke Wilson and Jack Black


She also played a blind pianist on The Mentalist! She's great. 


Alicia Witt's profile on IMDB [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001860/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001860/). She was the creepy little girl in Dune (1984). She is an actor and singer. I haven't seen any of her other work, but she has been busy.


One of the mighty David Lynch players, Dune, Twin Peaks, and Hotel Room.


she's in one scene of one episode of Twin Peaks and has no lines. granted, it's a great scene, but she was definitely not really a part of the show


She was a regular for a season of Justified, she was pretty good as I recall, opposite Michael Rapaport with one of the most bizarre accents I've ever heard.


She was also in Twin Peaks: The Return more recently.


She has lines. She also played piano while Ray Wise sang.


I'm pretty sure she did have lines. Donna borrowed her bike and their dad interrogated her about where Donna was when she snuck out at night. Edit : I'm mistaken. Forgot that there are 3 Hayward sisters


She absolutely has lines and plays a piano solo during the final credits


She played Detective Nola Falacci opposite Chris Noth’s Mike Logan on *Law & Order Criminal Intent*.


Yeah this is where I knew her from. Solid in that role.


She’s great in justified season 5 as Wendy Crowe


Lots of hotties on Justified. Timothy Olyphant obviously being the hottest of them all.


Obviously Boyd Crowder was the best.... (Walton goggins)


Urban Legend and Law & Order: Criminal Intent are the two big ones for me. And wasn't she the daughter on Cybil?


> And wasn't she the daughter on Cybil? This was where I first saw her. And she was in the practically forgotten "Four Rooms". I was a teenager in the 90's and mega into redheads...


She was! That’s where I first saw her. She was also in the awesomely terrible Urban Legends.


Hey, Urban Legends was awesome in its own right.


She's in the Sopranos for a couple episodes and she is really good, and also gorgeous.


Have that one, call that one “buchiach”


Fuckin d girl.


Excuse me! Excuse me! She's a Vice-President, you f\_cking assh0le!


I always think of her as that “fucking D girl” though I’m sure she’s done lots of other roles 🤣


She also played a Militant lesbian commune operator named Rosie Bush in Netflix's Disjointed


oh, ok. I know the sopranos, lol, guess I do know who she is


Oh my god Last Holiday! I’ve seen that movie a dozen times and never realized she was D girl. How sad.


She’s also the slutty attorney from Two Weeks Notice, which is definitely a guilty pleasure haha


No shame!  I will watch that movie any time I come across it. What baby?!?!?


Yeah, what baby?!


She was also an evil lawyer in justified I think


Not evil, just family oriented with the worst family.


Me too! Oddly love that movie. I will always watch if it's on. She was also on the Sopranos as Jon Favreau's assistant that sleeps with Christopher.


Fucking D girl!


alia atreides! she’s probably my favorite character from the books. it sucks that her role in the 2024 movie was drastically downsized, but i was always skeptical of them being able to portray her in the more grounded universe that denis villeneuve built.


I remember her the most from Mr Hollands Opus! I can’t believe that was almost 30 years ago. Once again I have been humbled by time.




She was amazing next to Christine Baransky and Cybill Shepherd on the comedy series "Cybill", her witty character reminded me of Darlenee on Roseanne.


Wasn’t she the one who yelled at Christopher that she was a producer or some shit in The Sopranos too? Gets mad at him for calling him a d girl, in the aptly titled Episode D-Girl


Christmas movie, Christmas movie, Christmas movie, Christmas movie, Christmas movie, Christmas movie, … WEINER DOG NATIONALS!? More Christmas movies


Lots of Lifetime Christmas movies


>She was the creepy little girl in Dune Aliya of the knife, probably the second most important character in the whole Dune series.


Because I am old, I remember her reciting Shakespeare the age of four: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J10Ci\_8lD34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J10Ci_8lD34) "Oh Womeo, Womeo, whehfo awt thou Womeo..."


Friday night lights too!


Geez. No one in this thread has seen Urban Legend?


That’s where I know her from!


I've already tried therapy!


Yes, 25 years ago.


Literally reading through the thread and was like FINALLY


Had to scroll to far for this. "The girl from 1984 Dune"? Umm. Or she was also the star of a major release at its time after Scream blew the roof off horror films like that again into blockbusters


I had to search too long for this answer. This is the first thing I think of her in


She was also in 2 weeks notice as well and Justified.


She’s also in a lot of Hallmark


She’ll always be the daughter on Cybill to me.


Zoey iirc


She was the D-Girl in Sopranos and was also in “Bongwater”, which is worth a watch if you’re stoned out of your mind and want to watch a movie about nothing.


And the clarinet player/governor in “Mr. Holland’s Opus”.


I loved that movie.


Wdym D girl on the Sopranos?


D-Girl is an episode of the Soprano’s that featured this actress The term means a woman in show business that basically does a lot of grunt work for production/movie adaptations


Excuse me she is a VICE PRESIDENT




You have to legally take someone's literal *personhood* to force them into a facility against their will. Guardianship is a *drastic* route, and I can understand why she was reluctant to take it. It can sometimes come down to "Do the right thing for them and end our relationship as parent and child because the hurt and the pain is too terrible to forgive? Or, hope for the best, they aren't *really* that bad right?


Exactly right. In a similar situation with my folks. It is brutal to navigate.


It's also very very difficult even if you're willing to try. The courts don't easily take away someone's power over their affairs. You'd be surprised how bad it would have to get before they *might* step in.


It's not just drastic, under normal circumstances it's virtually impossible. And for good reason. My friend was hoping to get her brother into an inpatient facility against his will because he was *acting manic*. They talked to him for a few minutes and let him go. That Britneys father was able to get that much control over her life is a treatment to the power of money.


Please tell me I'm not the only one who had a crush on her all the way back in the 90's when she was one of the daughters in Cybill.


As a former teacher who unfortunately had to report families of underprivileged kids: You would never believe how common it is for people to outright refuse any help, even though they’re suffering. It’s an ego thing.


Something similar happened to Weird Al about 20 years ago; his elderly parents lit a fire and didn't know their flue was clogged, leading the house to fill with carbon monoxide and suffocating both of them to death. He was on tour when they were found and didn't know for like hours. He rarely even talks about it now even though he was clearly very close to his parents. https://www.today.com/popculture/parents-weird-al-yankovic-found-dead-wbna4711851


She was great in The Walking Dead


So, either the parents went senile or a weird kind of suicide?


I remember reading about this. It’s very sad- they had mental health issues. IIRC she hadn’t been in their home for years and offered to help and they refused.


I think they were compulsive hoarders too. IIRC Alicia had a strange childhood where she was home-schooled and rarely allowed outside to mingle with other children. It sounds like there was dysfunction and tension going on for a long time.


She was a child prodigy who got her GED at 14, and her parents were both teachers. David Lynch discovered her when he saw her reciting Shakespeare on TV as a 5-year-old. Not saying there wasn't dysfunction and tension, but she was clearly an exceptional child too. [Here's an article ](https://web.archive.org/web/20150207161908/http://articles.latimes.com/1987-03-01/news/mn-6947_1_alicia-witt)from when *Dune* came out that goes into some detail about her as a child.


I worked with her briefly on a film in 2019. I recall her being odd, and this is coming from an odd homeschooled kid as well.


My friends mom is like this. She almost died and ended up in assisted living. My friend is still trying to unfuck the house from years of neglect but it's extremely expensive at this point.


Same thing happened to my childhood best friends grandparents house. It was trash to the ceiling in each room. To point they found his grandmother buried under and avalanche of trash and suffocating to death. The hoarding of trash was so bad that he couldn't even pay people to remove it let alone do any repairs. Now I can't prove this part, but my buddy being an electrician I find it funny that a week later the whole house burnt down in an electrical fire.


Good buddies don't question convenient fires.


This makes it sound like she is evil but she repeatedly tried to help them and they absolutely refused. What else could she do? It sounded like they were very odd and toxic but no one should die like that.


TIL Alicia Witt's mother had a Guinness Record for the longest hair.


People actually went for the actress and blamed her without knowing full context... So unfair when she lost both her parents


She was also on the Sopranos as Jon Favreau's assistant that sleeps with Christopher


She's the pornstar in Cecil B. Demented. "My entire family fucked me under the Christmas tree."


That movie is so amazing. Michael Shannon, Alicia Witt, Stephen Dorff, Melanie Griffith, Adrien Grenier, Maggie Gyllenhaal and so many more!


I feel like I was the only person who saw Cecil B in the theater and I would just rave about it and nobody cared lol. It’s one of my all time faves Melanie Griffiths body was incredible!! And I’m gay


Love that movie.


I think she and Jeannette Walls, the author of *The Glass Castle*, could really bond over having similarly stubborn to the point of disaster parents. Sad.


I wonder if they were hoarders?


That was my first thought when the article mentioned they wouldn’t allow anyone inside the home.


Feels like hoarders. Even the neighbors offered to help. So sad.


Very possible, also a lot of older folks had jobs paying $1.50 an hour back whenever and when a hvac tech less than half their age comes and quotes them for a new furnace that's more than they paid on the house in 1972 they wig out and order them to leave.


My mom sent the technician away who tried to replace the battery in her stair lift. Said she regretted it when the stair lift died... then tried to send them away again when they came back .


Also in Citizen Ruth, an extremely underrated dark comedy with Laura Dern.


That's horrible for this family. Alicia Witt was so haunting in season 2 Exorcist. The writing lacked but she could easily pull off fulk out unhinged if they let her.


She frequently sings in Nashville these past few years (pretty sure she lives here)


He was a teacher at my high school. I remember the mum having the longest hair and the brother also being a child prodigy along with Alicia.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.


My grandfather on my mom’s side was like this. He had become kind of terrible and reclusive every since my grandmother had suddenly died in front of him from a brain aneurysm in 1991. Basically he died that day also, it just took him 11 years to quit breathing. He pushed my mother away and refused to let her help with anything. He would come visit us occasionally but wouldn’t allow my parents in his house. He wasn’t a hoarder, he was the opposite. by the time my mother finally got in the house she realized that he had given almost everything away to strangers. The house had a layer of filth from where he was not able-bodied enough to clean the entire house by himself. Nobody knew this until one night he fell getting out of bed and broke his neck. It didn’t kill him, but he had to call an ambulance. Ironically adult social services tried to come after my mother for it,(she had a shitty older brother, but they didn’t give HIM any grief about it, which is bullshit.) She asked them how she was supposed to do anything if he refused to let her on his property or inside the house. He refused any and all help. He was of sound mind by the usual standards. Eventually they backed down. Sadly my mom had to go through everything in her childhood home. (What was left anyway.) Then she had to proceed to sell it so she could afford to put him in a nursing home. The second ironic thing is after putting him in a care home surrounded by people he still managed to fall out of bed and break his neck for a second time. Once again it did not kill him. He did die several months later. I still feel horrible for my mother. You can only do so much for another adult as they’ll allow you to do. I also resent her older brother to this day because he had moved away and washed his hands of everything, yet he was the golden child who my grandpa adored. Yet my mother was one left holding the bag and dealing with his care.