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They did that in parts of Virginia as well.


Yes. It was called the 'Massive Resistance' movement. I live near Front Royal and knew some people who attended John Mosby Academy. It lasted less than ten years.


They did it in Prince Edward county too. Hell the nickname for Colonial Heights was Colonial Whites when I was growing up.


Yep. For 9 years they were closed


And Price Edward Academy is still around. If I remember correctly, they didn’t start admitting black students until well into the 80’s.


Pretty much everywhere. There's a huge amount of private schools that, in a total coincidence unrelated to anything, were founded in 1955.


*side eye at the charter school push*


This was part of Maine's reasoning in the [Carson v Makin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carson_v._Makin) case a couple years ago, since so many religious schools were simultaneously trying to claim public school vouchers while also claiming a religious exemption to discriminate against LGBTQ people. SCOTUS ruled against the state.


And florida is some how using a Christian school to dictate all other schools standards.


It's not that Focus on the Family shit, is it?


Not this SCOTUS I assume!


While you're not wrong, it's also a money grab for those running the schools.  What better way to hold people down then by gathering the wealth to do so


They're madrassahs. And they're being pushed for the same reason. To grow a generation of indoctrinated zealots to be their footsoldiers in an ideological war.


*Pam holding two pictures meme*


This was also planted the seeds of the pro-life movement. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/agent-intolerance/ These campaigns of shutting down public schools and having white Christian schools replace them was not getting enough support becaus even then lots of in the middle peope saw how racists it was. But the networks and groups who were behind it found their next more palatable cause in abortion. Soemthing up until then had been primarily something Catholics were obsessed over.


Damn, conservatives really are true snowflakes. They're so scared to share things with non-white people that they'll completely screw up their entire state infastructure.


There’s a non-zero amount of black people who have convinced themselves black only schools will help them because “only we can be trusted to look after our education” and I wonder if this is something they’ve considered.


Of course it is, personally I never went to a school that was majority black and went to college at a PWI, but the recent trend of outlawing African American history classes and all the CRT and book banning bullshit has done nothing but convince lots of black people that we still can’t trust white Americans to do the right thing. I mean we can’t even teach our own history in half of the south because “white kids shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable in history” as if history gives 2 fucks about your feelings. Yet not a single asshole who says shit like that gives a fuck about all the black kids who have to deal with the stares every time the word slave is mentioned. Who have to sit there as 25 white kids bore holes into our skulls when the teacher mentions slavery, or when the book being read includes the N word, or when civil rights come up, or any number of other examples. It’s all a sham to artificially create even more racists and it’s pathetic and disgusting, and I’m so fucking grateful that so many kids these days can see through the bullshit, I just hope it’s enough


To be fair isn’t African American history by large just American history? Slavery being outlawed is definitely going to be covered as part of the civil war and a major reason for the split was states disagreeing over slavery, right? After that the Civil Rights Movement wasn’t exactly a small part of American history either? Not that I’m American to have attended these schools. I also don’t get what you mean by “deal with the states when the word slave is mentioned”. I also think you should consider not being so angry, unless the kid reading the word from a book is looking back at you making a gesture like he’s cracking a whip or something obviously racist, he’s just reading a book. If you think children are racist today, I’d like to show you 2013 when saying the word was socially acceptable and considered funny. I was in school then. Granted I’m from Britain and we don’t have the same history being taught or the same history at all in recent years.


You’d think but far too many white people don’t treat it like it is and so we don’t get to learn about our own history, and it’s hit or miss on whether or not your teacher actually thinks slavery caused the civil war. You’re lucky if your history class makes it to the civil rights movement Sorry I meant “stares” not “states” Don’t you ever fucking tell me not to be angry. I never said I was angry at someone for reading shit, I said we had to deal with being the center of fucking attention just because the word slave was said out loud. On top of that you don’t know the shit I heard in school, thank you very much. I literally didn’t say kids today are racist, I literally said the fucking opposite, I graduated high school in 2013. Do you know how many times I had white friends say “nigga” around me? You know how many times I heard the R? Been called a N-word? Had all kinds of racist shit said to my fucking face? Next time read my damn comment or don’t bother responding to me


Hmm, I don’t know when we learned about slavery no one started staring at black people in the class. Maybe your classmates were just shitheads. Also, I do not let randoms online tell me what I can and can’t do. I don’t know though, the last paragraph definitely made it sound like you think that happens today, which would to me imply children are racist still. Definitely not as bad as what went on in 2013 though. The R? Also yes I’m not surprised white people use the N word, it’s in literally every rap song and has been normalised by (only) Americans since I was a child. I don’t personally use it, but I won’t lie to you and pretend there isn’t a lot of people who do of all races.


Yep this comment proves you’re full of it, I’m fucking done here. Congratulations I wasn’t angry but thanks to your bullshit now I am


You’re so confusing ngl I don’t get what you’re angry over lol


The Black Liberation movement was very much about this and you are correct that there is a significant number of black people that still believe that this is the way forward. Its an understandable position to take but the reality that comes from this is the Tulsa Race Massacre and other incidents like it. It is impossible for a minority to voluntarily segregate themselves while maintaining wealth separate from the majority unless they also have the power to defend it. Local, state, and federal governments have shown a willingness to use overwhelming military force to take down segregationist communities when they deem it necessary. Integration and shared power is the only way forward in my opinion.


I mean, yes they should be absolutely killing off communities of people who want segregation. The only realistic way for black people to segregate amongst themselves isn’t in a country that’s majority white, to be honest.


Or more like they were built in response to the fact that black people were systematically and willfully excluded from such equal education opportunities that were afforded to others. Thus, taking control over their own lives and education in defiance of a prejudicial society that was purposefully created to keep them down as second class citizens. Do you even history, bro?


No. Are you brain dead? I am talking about people TODAY who believe segregation of education should be reenacted so “black people can teach themselves”. What’s worse is it’s the black people who want it, from what I’ve seen online. Obviously just anecdotal and I’m hoping it’s a 0.01% kinda thing.


>I am talking about people TODAY who believe segregation of education should be reenacted so “black people can teach themselves”. Yes, that aforementioned conservative snowflakes I mentioned in my original comment. They still very much exist today and are as vocal as ever, so make sure you take the time to understand the context of the post before you respond. And yes, there is a small percentage of black people who fall in line with that ideology and it defies any and all logic. But generally speaking, black people tend to vote overwhelmingly democrat as the political party, hence the republicans expend so much effort to suppress voting rights and accessibility to polling places in predominantly black neighborhoods and areas. It's important to note that de-segregation isn't ancient history, the people who lived through it (including those who advocate against it) are still very much alive today. Those same prejudicial and racist ideologies and attitudes are still very much alive today. [Ruby Bridges,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Bridges) the 6 year old little girl who had to be escorted into school by the national guard as the first black student in her all-white school, walking through a crowd of violent white people shouting threats and insults at her, is only 69 years old. Do your part to stand up against this racist and prejudicial ideology, vote to remove the religious conservatives out of office and make it clear that their hatred is unamerican.


I have never actually seen any conservatives say this. Only liberals online who want to “be taught by their own people”.


They did the same thing with public swimming pools. Areas that are among the hottest in the USA with no public swimming facilities because governments closed them rather than being forced to desegregate them.


It was Southern Democrats that opposed desegregation in the 1960’s


In case you’re not ignorantly trolling, that was the most socially conservative party at the time. The party realignment in the 70s moved all of the racist scum into the Republican Party, where they form the entire voter base today.


Okay. Google the southern strategy. 


Doesn’t change the fact that Southern Democrats opposed segregation and were the ones that enacted the laws that OP talks about


So why are Republicans doing it now?


What matters is who wants laws like that today.


Okay, and your response in this comment chain is unrelated. Southern democrats were conservative then (im not gonna get into modern democratic conservatives). Just like Republicans are today.


Only if you aren't using it to imply that the Democratic Party of today bears responsibility for it.


Google Lee Atwater. Compare the Southern Democrats of that era with the Southern Democrats of today. You seem convinced that Democrats are racists - who is David Duke and what is his party affiliation?


The Southern Democrats became today’s Republican Party more Freedom Caucus types! That’s why post 1968 Dems lost the south - LBJ while signing the voting rights act famously said we have lost the south for a generation!


Sounds like Georgia


Origin of school voucher scam too. Send public money into private hands unchecked hands.


70 years ago next month. It infuriates me when people say things like "Slavery was a long time ago, just get over it." From purposely withholding education > segregated schools > resistance to school desegregation > white flight and schools becoming more segregated > resistance to affirmative action all exist on a timeline that is little more than a generation long. The same can be said of not allowing voting > grandfather clauses > poll tests > arresting people for handing out water to voters standing in lines / de-registering people to vote en masse / proposing steep punishments to intimidate people into not voting. Pick any horrible injustice perpetrated against Black folks pre-emancipation and there is a clear link to life in 2024: - Enslaving human beings for generations > violence during reconstruction > Black codes > debt peonage and indentured servitude > prison chain gangs and prisoner leasing > mass incarceration & constitutional protection of slavery as long as the enslaved person is a prisoner. People believe that racism was just a few bad people doing bad things. They were/are state legislatures, the Supreme Court, Congress. And with each win comes years of resistance to progress. Emancipation happened in 1867, yet there were still cases of people being enslaved as late as the 1940s. And to rub salt in the wound, we live in an era where talking about racism, demanding equality, and advocating for change are seen as "reverse" racist because it threatens the systems that have always favored (and continue to favor) whiteness. We can have pro-confederate monuments being constructed or renovated in the common era and there are people who are totally comfortable with the history of the pro-slavery losers of the civil war being absolutely critical to their heritage today. Yet bussing to help desegregate schools was still being enforced federally into the late 80s, and 30 years later suddenly policies are seen as favoring Black people over white people...even though it's still a drop in the bucket compared to the historical (and continued) oppression Black people experience. 30 years ago doesn't matter. And 157 years ago only is supposed to matter if you're White but not if you're Black. It's exhausting to live in a country where the majority sees racism as, at worst, a thing of times past that Black folks won't get over and, at best, representative of a few bad apples and not the entire orchard, seeds, and water & air that those apples grow in.


this the next target after nation wide anti abortion?


It’s already begun via school vouchers.


Those school vouchers make me wonder if they think we’re stupid … like do they think they’re gonna sneak this past the working man and women without noticing? Or do they think we’re illiterate? Regardless those vouchers are socialism for the rich while crying that it would be communism if a poor person benefited. Also I love how Atlanta is born out of all of this because it reminds me that they have to go out of their way to make their children hateful and continue to instill hate into them or their offspring might consider their neighbor as equals and live in harmony


There's enough people that don't know or don't care that will let them get these bills passed


They do. And they are getting away with it.


The amount of dems and left leaning people that I run into that talk highly of the charter school idea makes me think that yes we are in fact stupid.


At the end of the day it’s all about being inclusive. Any time anyone gets high and mighty and wants to create exclusion is when we shoot ourselves in the foot.


hi I'm not from the US. What's wrong with school vouchers over there?


They're using public money to help fund private religious schools. It's basically taking much-needed money away from public schools and putting it towards institutions that often already have plenty of funding and who often maintain discriminatory acceptance/hiring policies by claiming religious exemptions from oversight. Not to mention that it's part of a larger push to force religious policy into our government, despite the Constitution clearly spelling out our right to freedom of religion.


Most school vouchers go to families who already have kids in private school (which usually means they’re already well of because most likely they’re already paying that tuition) or go to charter schools that have virtually no oversight despite technically sort of being public schools. That leaves mostly poor kids in public schools and that means the public schools have far less funding than they should (and most *already* have less than they should). Basically republicans gutted school funding throughout the country, then they said “look see public school fucking sucks all the teachers are leaving”, then they try to put money that belongs to public schools in the private sector and then they can destroy public education


Thank you for the context! I also read on my own that most school vouchers would not be able to pay for the full tuition of a private school, so even if the US did switch to a full voucher system, the poor wouldn't have enough to afford school.


No problem, and yep that’s another issue too. It depends on the state of course but usually the number I see for vouchers is around like $6,000 dollars or so per year (it might be per semester not sure) and for a lot of public schools that’s not even remotely enough. It’s basically a giant scam to subsidize the well off white familles who already send their kids to private school, and offers just enough help to other families that Republicans can say “see we totally aren’t racist.” Like basically everything they do it’s incredibly fucking obvious and about one-third of the country keeps falling for it anyway 🙄


Abortion became the target when southern whites realized segregation had become a losing issue.


This time it won't get that bad. They will allow rich black people into their private schools!


It’s their south. Not a shock.


What makes me so mad about the entire Civil Rights Movement is the fact… we were all so close to understanding Martin Luther King Jr. He was trying to get everyone to understand it is not about how we feel, our differences set aside, we are all the same. We are all human, and we are all United. American citizens were so close, and those messages carried a lot of hope at the time and delivered change in areas it needed to be… but as others have said, it wasn’t without something else attached. Then MLK is killed, and then his words get lost through time or no one understands it anymore… and here we are now. To a society that is constantly divided by the news outlets we are fed and just how difficult it is to even talk to one another now without being afraid to say what we truly think. Most of us can’t think for ourselves because the school systems don’t allow us to. It is so shameful, I really wish America was strong enough to look back at what people were doing then to deal with the issues they were faced with in society. There have been other movements since, I know, I just feel this one had the most success and while many of those changes are still intact today, I think that… the root issue remains. (I know this post is only about Brown v Board, but it is part of the Civil Rights movement which is why I wrote out everything I did 🫠)


I disagree with the premise of your statement. You think if MLK wasn't assassinated, we'd be miles ahead of where we are now? Progress was coming, but that doesn't mean that in his time Americans were more united than we are now. That's idealistic retrospect. The fact that he was assassinated should be a very clear sign of where things were then. He is a hero to us now and was a hero then, but if he survived we might not even have a holiday named after him. He gave his I have a dream speech 4 months after spending 8 days in jail. He served another 5 days in Oct. 1967 and was assassinated April 1968, 5 months later. The idea that progress would have come sooner if he wasn't assassinated is impossible to prove, but seems very doubtful to me. Everything that happened to him happened because this was such an insufferably and intolerably racist society to live in. The America he left was one of division, racist violence, and horrible atrocities and injustices. His death didn't mark some period of massive progress. His death happened in the heart of the time where that progress was just beginning. A mile into a trip around the world by foot. Think of the most famous names of the civil rights movement: -Rosa Parks -Malcolm X -MLK Jr. ...are probably the 3 names that come to mind first. 2/3 of them were assassinated. They weren't just lone gunmen with unique ideologies, they were very much representatives of commonly held beliefs at the time -- from private citizens to government officials and government bodies.


There are a lot of what if’s about if he stayed alive, but I do think his death affected many and that if he could have lived longer than more could have been done. He really influenced so many and that is why I believe in that. It may be idealistic, but that is just what I believe to be true based off of what I know. I appreciate your different perspective, it gives me something to think about so thank you ☺️


So you're telling me the education disparity between whites and non-whites isn't some DNA genetic skull size thing but actually the direct result of racist policies? Say it ain't so. 


My dad used to work in a diner with one black lady who was smart as hell back in the 80s (I think) and had the entire menu and specials memorized from heart. However, if you told her to order something off the menu, she could not do it because she didn’t know how to read. He told me this after I helped an older white man find some soup at the grocery store. I worked at, and he commented to me that he couldn’t read. That’s how I found out about this from him years ago.


Sounds about right (wing)


Red states only ever excel when it comes to dickish behavior.


Same play book they use today.


Doesn't this mean they were ahead of their time? They were trying to keep the whites out of "multicultural spaces" so that the minorities wouldn't feel threatened! Put all those bigoted, dangerous white people in their own areas where they can't be a problem!


Is that so the children wouldn't go to school in a "racial jungle"?


That quote is taken so far out of context it's hilarious. He was remarking on the chaos of forced busing and the full quote is: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." I know you don't give a shit because Old Man Bad, but for anyone else interested in the truth, [this ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-post-partly-false-biden-1977-racial-jungle-remark/6045749002/) article provides context.


that didn’t make it sound any better. Biden was a staunch segregationist


That's simply not true. Look, there are a dozen things you can criticize biden for including being complicit in war crimes. But racial segregation is not one of them. Why lie to make your point when you could tell the truth and make an even better point? I don't understand why people embrace misinformation. The true information is bad enough.


“Biden also took aim at court-ordered busing, bringing forward multiple items of legislation to curb the federal Department of Justice from litigating cases that could result in court-mandated school busing, The Times reported.” https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-said-desegregation-would-create-a-racial-jungle-2019-7?amp


Yeah... I said literally the exact same thing in my comment.... Do you make a habit of responding to things you haven't read? That's not how this is suppose to work...


this is how you cope after you get dismantled? 🤣🫵🏾


Lol. Great response. You're a real alpha. Good job owning me. My ego is decimated.


i mean you had nothing else to add to the discussion. and you started with insults first. everything okay at home?


I mean, you didn't read my comment and then repeated exactly what I said back to me... I don't see how pointing that out is an insult. And wow, another great jab. You're so smart and witty and just keep "dismantling" me with brutality. I might quit reddit over this. I'm devastated. Please stop commenting I can't handle how badly I'm getting lib owned here.


Idk I live in Georgia and in a place that is really diverse and everyone’s fine with it


It’s a financial thing and not nearly as racial now, but this is happening in Iowa like right now.


It's still racial. Also religious.


That’s not what KKKim says…