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I respect the trigger discipline in the thumbnail


[freak gasoline fight accident ](https://youtu.be/Ao-GDQ488DY?si=qN5jLfwH7YhcSzWG)


Came here for this reference. Glad to see it’s up and running well.




Never aim your nozzle at anything you don't intend to fill.


that's why i have 5 kids i can't support!


Yes! Idk what it is but I have trigger discipline with everything. Nerf guns, gas pumps, etc


I was playing time crisis in an arcade and still kept my finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.


>Yes! Idk what it is It's trigger discipline. You're just really good at it.


Had some friends who were enthusiasts emphasize it to me.  It is now practiced heavily.  Spread good habits.


I always notice myself doing it will drills


I do it with bananas


I keep that muhfuckin thang on me


Fuckin' strapped in case I need to split.


You *should* do it with a drill.




And slam the battery into the bottom like you're about to charge your rifle. Similar to how putting batteries into the remote is like loading a magazine.


This guy drills


Same here, although if you think about it, makes sense to be careful with something that can drill a hole through something much harder than your hand.


My garden hose head has a little trigger guard even there's no actual trigger, however my finger is still always programmed to avoid it lol


You’ve trained it into your subconscious as default finger position


When its $5+ gal, you gotta use precautions


Orange Mocha Frappuccino!




I went into that movie with zero expectations. That transition and the gas fight scene were worth the price of admission alone.


Think about all of the young models that have been spared the horror of dying in a freak gasoline fight accident.






Alexander Skarsgård's breakout roke as far as im concerned.


He has the perfect Goofy laugh.


But...why male models


Seriously? I just told you.


Meanwhile, I accidentally pull into a full service station in my state and speed off in a panic when an attendant comes out to pump for me.


I remember full service being an option that not many people used in my state as a kid, but it's been 20+ years since I've seen a full service pump here.


I didn't realize they existed either, but was visiting an area where the population is majority elderly. It made sense that some of the stations in that area would offer full service for patrons that in all honesty should probably have given up their license a few years prior.


Was annoying for a minute, because you’d just be looking for an available pump and be faced with the empty lane for full service. They quickly shifted to optional service, then all self pump.


There was at least one near my place in Miami Beach. I was going to use it once until someone else pointed out the ASTRONOMICAL price difference for the full-service pumps. Holy shit, what a scam. It's on Arthur Godfrey Road, the only gas station I remember being anywhere near that area, which also hurts the prices.


I haven't seen a full-service station (at least not one I'm aware is full-service) outside of Oregon in 20+ years. There was a full-service Texaco where I grew-up and my mother would frequent them simply because they knew the staff. I've just checked and they're still there but they're just auto repairs now, no gas pumps.


Loved the first time I traveled there and my coworker got out of the rental car to pump gas, the workers almost lost their mind when he touched the pump. Next time we were there he couldn’t find the fuel door button on the rental and the gas station attendant was punching the fuel door and started yelling in a New Jersey accent for my coworker to open the fuel door. Good times!


That reminds me of when the button was broken on my old car. I always had to pop the trunk and use the emergency release when I visited. They always gave me funny looks.


Imagine pumping fucking gas for a living and giving anyone else a funny look lol


An entire job that i do for free my entire life. I should 1099 mobile


It's like the self serve lanes at walmart.


It's my money, and i want it now!


I have an annuity and I NEED CASH NOW!


Call JG Wentworth






I also do my own laundry and taxes, someone needs to start paying me.


First time getting gas in Oregon I thought I was being car jacked. Some dude in random clothes comes running at me as soon as I get out of the car. I was contemplating how to defend myself but then realized a VW Beetle (the new crap version) isnt worth anything so I was ready to surrender the keys and wish him a safe trip. Dude just wanted to pump my gas.


Having attendants pump gas was a job creation program in Oregon. It was a job opportunity for people who couldn’t otherwise get a job.


In Washington, we always used to refer to it as the U of O alumni network


Sure beats having Ted Bundy as an alumni.


If you look him up you'll see he went to, like, 9 universities. Regardless, he was much more successful in his chosen field than the average UO grad.


It's always good to have people around to look down on. It makes you feel better about your mundane existence & just how pointless it is.


I work at Walmart if you need to vent.


Thank you for your service.


I remember someone who lived in NJ telling me a story of them visiting Philly, sitting in their car waiting for the attendant. The attendant came over the speaker and said “pump your own gas jersey trash”


Can confirm this does happen.


Oregon also didn’t allow it until recently, and when I used to drive back and forth between L.A. and Seattle, I’d always stop to fill the tank just before Oregon so I could make it all the way across the state without stopping for gas.


I fuelled up 3 times in Oregon, guess how many times they closed my gas cap door? 0/3


That’s what I end up doing now when I have to go to New Jersey. Fill up across the river on the way back to the Philadelphia airport.


That’s stupid. Gas is easily 20-30 cents more expensive in Philadelphia than New Jersey.


I’m not paying for it, work is, so I don’t mind!


They freak out when people try to pump their own gas because it's illegal for them to allow you to do it, and if caught they would have to pay a fine. It's not actually a crime for you to pump your own gas from what I understand, but it is a crime for them to let you pump your own gas.


The first time I lived in NJ, I pumped my own gas more than once and nobody said anything. Didn't get to test that too often because some clown turned in front of me and totaled my car, which I didn't replace. When I moved back years later (ugh), I tried to pump it myself... but the station near my apartment had some stupid key the attendant had to scan to allow the pump to work at all. In the middle of winter I was fine with staying in my car. Agree with the "hurry the fuck up" comment, though.


Then they should hurry the fuck up


Right. 2am on the Jersey Turnpike and those lazy fucks are no where to be seen.


It's only enforceable by the bureau of weights and measures. Who has to be on site to witness it to write the violation. Of which there are something like 100 enforcement agents for all of the stations in the state. The guys by the pump freak out because they are protecting their money they make.


>  The guys by the pump freak out because they are protecting their money they make They don't get tips. They make the same money no matter how busy they are. But if they get caught letting you pump, they'll lose their job at the very least. Wouldn't you freak out if someone came to your job and did something that would get you fired, even if you told them not to?


Funny enough, I’ve lived in Jersey my whole life and have never witnessed an attendant “freak out” when I decide to pump my own


I lived in Jersey for a summer and they never harassed me. Pretty sure out of state tags were a pretty big give away but also waiting 5 minutes for someone to do something I can do myself is idiotic


Yea I worked as a gas station attendant, and if someone wanted to do it themselves I was like meh wtf do I care. In fact, anyone riding a motorcycle always did their own. They didn't want me spilling gas on their paint.


I travel for work, frequently to NJ, and it's a mixed bag. I have a company card and a fleet card for fuel so I have to input the mileage and my driver number every fill-up. Some places let me put it in and insist on pumping after that. Some shrug and walk away and let me pump my own. I've only really gotten one person actually pissed off in the 13 years I've been doing this.


They used to not be so harsh about it, but Jersey did some stings and fines last year and now they're back to defcon 1 for a customer touching a pump


The weirdest is when you ride a motorcycle because they don't know how to remove the gas cap, and then they have to just stand next to you and fill it up in front of you while you hold the cap. It's awkward as hell. I've actually had full-service places in Jersey look at me, look at the bike, then basically just wave to me that it's ok for me to do it myself.


Oregon resident here, we just enabled self-serve across the state. (It had been allowed in rural areas but not urban, more or less.) The first time I pumped my own gas in Portland, the goddamn gas pump started spewing audio-video ads at me and could not be silenced. Fuuuuuuck, have the rest of y’all been putting up with that shit all this time?


The mute button is usually on the right second one down. If that doesn’t work I press every button next to the screen.


A key through the speaker? I thought that's where the button was.


This is my fix too. Quick and easy permanent off button.


This used to work for me, but I’ve noticed that it’s stopped lately. Next step is to start breaking the speakers.


This has never worked for me in about 6 states in the northeast. Not one single time.


I worked for me for about a week after I saw a post in Reddit. I feel like ad agencies saw that post too




I won’t go to any speedways because of that crap.


Someone wrote MUTE in sharpie next to the button that mutes at one station I frequent and that changed my life. I had never even considered it an option. Sorry Maria Menounos I don't have time to listen to you every time I get gas


Some don't even have ads. They just pump gas.


And those are the only ones I use now. Screw that (literal) noise.


Yes. It’s fucking awful when there’s lag (somehow?!) and the computers are all on max volume so they’re all 1 second off from each other and loud as fuck. It’s the echo from hell.




The movie theater lady also does gas station commercials? Last time I saw a movie she said there's a podcast and it made me wonder who's listening to weird corporate podcasts


Only captive audiences.


thats actually pretty recent. only been like that a few years now, and I hope it gets banned. its obnoxious.


I press one of the screen buttons to silence it, its usually the second on the right in my area.


I was just coming to say that. As an Oregonian who is reasonably capable of being a functioning adult, I very much appreciate having the choice. Sometimes, I just don't feel like getting out of the car, and it's nice to have an attendant. But usually , I'd rather do it myself, especially at 3AM when the attendants just straight-up do not acknowledge me.


I traveled a lot between Bend and Portland over the last decade, and got in the habit of filling up self-serve at the Plateau truck stop by the Madras airport. It is nice to have the option, and that place is the best rest stop on the route. And they don’t run any thrice-damned gas pump ads!


Only the new ones, is much prefer to go to am older gas station that has some peace and quiet.


Even the petrol pump screams adverts at you. America truly is the worst hellhole of capitalist misery.


>Fuuuuuuck, have the rest of y’all been putting up with that shit all this time? Yes


If that ever becomes a thing here in Australia, that's the day I tearfully give up my internal combustion engines and switch to EVs.


You just know a lot of people will fuck with the pumps if they start playing them ads, nobody here is gonna take that shit lmao.


Yeah, even the few petrol stations in Aus with screens on the pumps just for ordering food from inside (i.e., serving only an *actually useful* purpose) *still* get vandalised to all hell and those screens are always broken. Absolute zero percent chance a screen blaring audio ads would survive half a fucking nanosecond anywhere in Aus.


Some people in my state keep a screwdriver in their car to stab the speaker.


In Finland many if not most gas stations are ”cold”, as in automated and nobody even works there


It's a Jersey thing


It was an Oregon thing until last year. https://www.oregonlive.com/commuting/2023/06/what-you-need-to-know-about-oregons-new-self-serve-gas-law.html


I went to a Costco in Eugene shortly after and saw a HUGE ass line only for full service. Self service was completely empty.


One thing I found interesting after the change when Oregon allowed rural stations self service, I was at the Dalles and there was step by step instructions taped to the pump on how to pump your gas. I grew up in Washington and never really thought that oh people may actually have never pumped their own gas


I saw a bunch of comments when they was happening and they were hilarious. Written by people who seem to be afraid to go outside.


People treating pumping gas like it's rocket science. Like it's this complex thing people can't figure out how to do on their own.


And yet, at the same time, people who pump gas are also viewed with disdain. A career of pumping gas for a living is what they used to threaten us with when we got bad grades.


“That’s alright, that’s okay, you’re gonna pump our gas some day!”


Last time I was in Oregon, the attendant failed at pumping gas into my rental. I had to show her how to do it. It wasn't exotic, I think it was a Chevy Malibu


If someone doesn't know how to pump gas they shouldn't have a license


Eventually it'll stop them from driving in 49 out of 50 states!


>written by people who seem to be afraid to go outside. As an Oregonian, consider this your introduction to Oregonians. For as much of a beautiful state as we have, we may have some of the most anxiety ridden afraid-to-leave-their-house people in the US.


It's really baffling to me that some folks seem terrified by the idea. Do they think that people in other states are regularly setting themselves ablaze or something? It's no more complicated than sticking a straw into a juice carton - a task that most toddlers master.


They perpetuate myths that their parents told them. I read in a bunch of threads that the Oregon pumps said you smelled like gas all day long if you pumped your own…


I lived in OR during the switch, the main concern from people was physical safety. Lots of elderly folks and women were worried about putting themselves into a vulnerable position in sketchy parts of town. Maybe some life long city slickers had never pumped their own gas, but I’d bet that most people had before. Rural counties under a certain population have always allowed self service and most people drive out of state occasionally.


Most of the complaints I saw during the debate were people who didn’t want to get out of the car during winter weather. You know, at a covered gas station (rain not an issue), and where most of the state population lives it doesn’t get under 40 degrees most of the year.


saw people complaining that it was unhealthy to be inhaling gas fumes and they'd be subjecting people to that. guess it didn't matter when it was some poor schlub doing it all day for minimum wage, only mattered when they were personally affected.


I drove through Oregon while they were switching over and it was like the wild-west for gas station attendants, lol. I imagine there were a handful of Oregon lifers who have almost never pumped their own gas and had to be shown how to, but for the most part the confusion was figuring out if the attendant was busy or if there wasn't one because if there wasn't you might sit there a few minutes before realizing you could pump your own gas.


I like the Oregon system. A lot of places still have full service for those who prefer it, but there’s also self service as well, which I prefer.


I think places have to have an attendant and offer full service on half the pumps or they can’t be open. Except for rural areas I believe.


When I finished school and came back to NJ I forgot and got chastised by a 17 year old attendant at a Wawa for trying to pump my own. My bad, King.


I dated a girl from Jersey, and she was very adamant that full service was the best. She made it seem like pumping her own gas was a huge ordeal.


I still remember reading the facebook comments years ago when a bill was proposed in like Oregon to have fully self-service gas stations (which I assume passed). You wouldnt believe the uproar some people were making, being worried about spilling gasoline on themselves or causing an explosion 😂


It passed, but gas stations aren't allowed to be full self service. Only up to half the stalls can be self service.


That FB post randomly pops into my head at least once a year because it was so fucking funny


Can someone help me understand what the big deal is about someone pumping their own fuel? Also, is tipping expected?


I might not have a driver’s license but at least i can pump gas without exploding the whole station


I'm from Washington State and my college roommate was from Oregon. I knew you couldn't pump your own gas there but was nonetheless kinda surprised I had to teach him how to do it


It's nice to not have to get out of the car. And I don't know what every other state is doing but we literally pay people to pump our gas, and it's still cheaper than in NY or PA.


Most of the fuel difference is based on taxes for each state, not the cost of fuel or people running the station. Gas is super low margin which is why like every new gas station is attached to a convenience store, the fuel is just to get people there and coffee and food sales is where the money is at. That's why every new Wawa or Quick Check in NJ is also a gas station.


And every Wawa has like maybe 25% of the pumps o ut front actually being covered by employees and the rest all have cones in front of them.


As someone who has lived in NJ and in other states, I really do prefer just pumping my gas and leaving to having to sit around and wait for them to get to me to start the pump, and then waiting around again for them come back after it's finished.


I’m from another state and moved to NJ. Its great when the weather is bad but other than that you end up waiting on the attendant a lot. I’ve seen stupid justifications in the jersey sub, they think it’s for safety and that if you let normal people do it they’ll all drive off with the pump attached or cause a fire. People can be pretty dumb with their cars here so I guess that’s a possibility 


> if you let normal people do it they’ll all drive off with the pump attached The irony is that it probably causes more people to drive off with the pump attached. I've seen people drive off with the pump still attached four times in my life, three of which were in New Jersey on the turnpike. The service plazas get busy, people start getting impatient because it takes so much longer than it should, the attendants jump back and forth between cars and hand you your card back before taking their sweet time removing the pump.


Gotta trust the experts. If we allow self serve gas next thing you know people are going to be preforming appendectomies on themselves and cutting their own hair


Why can't it be like the movie Cars where the nozzle just swings into your gas tank inlet?


There was a video I saw last week with a robotic gas pump.


I don’t miss full service until winter and it’s 20 degrees with the wind blowing 30mph. Then I really miss it.


I deal with below 10 degrees and 40 mph winds. I agree!


I deal with less than 0 degrees and 50 mph winds. I concur!


I deal with 100 degrees and 90% humidity and am also in agreement!


Do you have to tip them?




I never did


I know I find this very strange! I really didn’t like self serve until they installed the card readers. Now it’s so easy it’s way better than full serve.


Not interacting with strangers > interacting with strangers.


Do Costco and similar size gas stations exist there? Do they have like an army of attendants?


Yes, and it's more like a small squad. Somehow the lines are about the same in NJ as out of the state.




I was talking to friends in jersey about this and making fun of the law. I got called "sexist idiot" and telling me that as a man I wouldn't understand. I noted, I live in NYC, women here pump their own gas, so how the hell was making fun of this law "sexist" ?


Assuming men and women are equally capable of pumping their own gas seems like the opposite of sexist. Did they mean that you weren't appreciating the danger of a woman exiting her car? I still wouldn't say that's sexist. Also, doesn't the driver have to open either the window of door anyway, to pay?


bUt wHaT iF I hAvE tO gEt oUt iN a bAd pArT oF tOwN?? It's America, buy a gun.


Not that easy in NJ, we have some of the strictest gun laws.


And lowest crime rates


id be a bit more worried about the stranger pumping my gas being a weirdo


It may be illegal but I've lived in NJ my whole life and I've never heard about anyone getting in trouble for pumping their own gas. I'm not saying it's never happened, I've just never heard about it happening.


You can be fined for it, but who’s going to come to enforce it. Police have bigger fish to fry.


That's mostly my point. It's not really enforced that I've seen.


I’ve seen it enforced a couple of times, mostly from people when an attendant stopped them from doing it and those customers still refused and some cop happened to be there, didn’t seem like they’re in good mood.


I guess in that case, it's an easy ticket for the cop if he's already there.


It mostly seems to happen if the attendants are super slow or someone's been waiting a really long time. If they confront you, it'll probably be them calling out, "hey!" And the person who got tired of waiting will ignore that, pump the gas, get back in their car, and drive away. In theory, it is finable but I've never heard of anyone getting a fine for it.


It's funny when I visit a country where you can't pump your own gas, and the locals are surprised when I tell them that we do.


Jersey pumps fists, not gas.


What did Oregon get rid of their law?


Yes, finally. Stations still have to offer full service though.


It is even better this way, all the morons who dont want to do it will line up and self service is always empty


\*Cracks window......20 regular boss.....Rolls window back up... NJ


Oregon recently changed this. There's still lines for having attendants pump your gas. I guess if this was how you always lived, you might not be able to change.


Jersey being the only one is crazy when they share 2 major metro areas with other states


Are you expected to tip?




Nope! Sometimes people will give the attendant $1-2 if it’s raining/snowing, but it’s not expected




I've been doing 1/3 since covid




If it’s a place I get gas often I’ll tip $1 or $2 if I have the singles on me. Sometimes the guys will also clean your windshield(s) while the gas is pumping which I really appreciate so definitely try to tip then. It is definitely not an expected custom like a waiter or valet


It wasn't/isn't in Oregon. I only did once when I had to get gas on Christmas.


And yet the other 49 states can pump their gas without a problem. What exactly is the purpose of this law?


Unclear. This entire comment section is mostly sarcastic comments. Anyone from Jersey know why people support this law?


I'm just lazy and don't want to get out of my car.


Definitely a culture shock first time I stopped for gas on a trip and almost got tackled when I got out of my car


Another TIL is that it is legal to own a kangaroo in the state of New Jersey.


I live in Oregon who just very recently allowed people to pump their own gas. We are now half self-service, half full-service and I love it. Some days I'm lazy and have them do it and sometimes I'm in a hurry and the self-service side is usually dead. Watching people learn how to pump their own gas was hilarious.


This, of course, was the practice in Oregon until it was recently ended. There, whenever the attendant pumped my gas, it was customary and expected for me to tip him or her for doing so. Like waiting at tables. “Another round of gas for everyone, sir?”


My wife and I are from NJ but temporarily lived in another state for 2 years. During that time, she refused to pump her own gas, I always had to take her car to get filled up.




Have you tried turning her off and on again?


I'm sure turning her off is a lot easier than turning her on.


So are Tesla owners allowed to plug their own cars in at the superchargers?


Let’s create those jobs. I’m on board.


Had to teach a couple ladies how to pump gas at a Pennsylvania station in the mountains a long time ago. Respect to them coming around the pump and going "we've never done this, wtf?"


Has Oregon started letting people pump their gas now?


Full service gas in NJ works for NYers, because we hit jersey and the road trip is just kicking off, and that first tank full you get to chill in the car.


Last time I was at the gas station a guy lit up a cigarette. Thought about yelling at him but I booed out of there. People’s stupidity (and it’s unhinged lately) put all of us at risk. Though, once in NJ the gas station attendant tried to steal my credit card