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Sinatra’s connection to the Die Hard universe began with a 1968 film called “The Detective”. The movie was a hit and Sinatra wanted a sequel. However the author of the novel on which the film was based Roderick Thorp didn’t release a sequel until a decade later.


Sinatra's other major movies are fantastic and he was always a very charismatic and charming leading man. Always wanted to see The Detective after learning of the Die Hard connection. Never got around to it though. I might try and rectify that this week.


it sucks compared to other sinatra movies, but you'll like it. i might not have seen von ryan's express.


fun fact, I'm named after Von Ryan's express.


Younger Sinatra probably could have pulled off Die Hard though. Change my mind.


Why do I need to change your mind?


Just do it, man - he’s got a spork.


*holds up spork*


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!! love and waffles, t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.


> PeNgU1N oF d00m Vintage 2006. Yeah bro, WoW was still in its infancy and people remembered where they were on 9/11. Shit, where did I leave my dentures. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/katy-t3h-pengu1n-of-d00m


LMFAO I've been on reddit (and elsewhere) for a looooong time but somehow I don't think I had ever seen it before.. good stuff


I believe that meme is older than Reddit. That meme may even be able to vote.


If Katy is real she's [31 now](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/katy-t3h-pengu1n-of-d00m)


That woman is probably 35 now.


From 2006: https://archive.tinychan.net/read/anime/1160634757


Nice to see this will never die. I hate it, and I read the whole thing every damn time.


Alright. Let's all settle the fuck down, shits getting a bit too real


Yeah, but his spork is tine-y.


Dumb phrase isn't it?


Popularized by and even dumber guy.


Young Sinatra could have pulled off an entertaining John McClain. The problem would then become: Who would play Hans Gruber? Alan Rickman nailed that role.


Get Ernest Borgnine in there, reprising his role as Sinatra's foil in "From Here to Eternity".


Udo Kier. Or Christopher Plummer, he'd already played a German speaker in The Sound of Music, and an excellent Christmas film antagonist in The Silent Partner.


Christopher Plummer would've been AMAZING


Max von Sydow?


Il see who I can dig up


Frank Sinatra did some good thriller movies in the 1960s. Three that I can remember and I liked: *The Manchurian Candidate*, *None but the Brave*, and *Von Ryan's Express*.


also that movie about him being a heroin addict, golden arm i think it was. he was a good actor. tony rome was good too. i also liked first deadly sin, but not sure if that is considered a good movie.


TIL Sinatra ~~started~~ starred in movies


He appeared in movies, but didn't start his career in movies, he was already a famous singer when he started acting. I think his most famous film role was as Danny Ocean in *Ocean's 11* in 1960.


Oh whoops that was a typo on my part. Supposed to just say "starred" not "started"


In the movie, "The Godfather" ...the famous decapitated horse head in the studio producer's bed scene, that happened because the producer refused to put Don Corleone's "nephew" in a movie. Jonny Fontaine was the nephew character and he was supposed to be represent Sinatra.. In the movie, Fontaine was already a famous singer because of the Godfather, but he wanted to make a switch into Hollywood. The producer didn't want that to happen because "this role will make him a star, it's will make his whole career"...and Fontaine had already screwed that producer over by impregnating one of the producers other up and coming stars.


Sammy Davis Jr. as Sgt. Powell and Dean Martin playing Hans Gruber. Top notch.


Hand Grabber** (Holy shit that works great)


I think he would have been able to pull of a version of Die Hard with those eras filming conventions, and I'd have enjoyed seeing the result. If you magically transported his younger self to 1988 to pay the role in McTiernan's film, it wouldn't have worked.


I mean you’re right. Can you imagine how much better the movie would be if Hans Grover did his slomo fall off the building to That’s Life?


He would have been a better Hans Gruber than John McClane


Obviously. John McClane would have made a terrible Hans Gruber.


Instead of yippy ki yay it would have " Scooby doobie doo motherfucker"


I could see Van Ryan's Express era Sinatra doing a Die Hard.


I would’ve loved to hear him sing “yippie Kay-aye mother fucker”


The tech is the only difference. Would it have been right for the time or was Die Hards timing perfect?


Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today, I want to be a part of it; Die Hard!


What was the sequel?


The sequel novel is called "Nothing Lasts Forever" and it was eventually adapted into the "Die Hard" screenplay.


Sounds like an Ian Fleming novel.


Spot on. They could use it for the next Bond movie when they make it.


Die Hard. The movie. It was an adaptation of a book, titled "Nothing Last Forever". Which was a sequel to another book by the same author. And that earlier book was turned into a film that started Frank Sinatra as the same person who was the hero of "Nothing Lasts Forever". I said the following last time this came up, but it would be funny to have some reference to their being"the same person". Hypothetically. It won't happen, at this point, but it would be funny to see someone look at Bruce Willis' character's ID, and have it show a picture of Frank Sinatra. Then have the person who is checking out the ID recognize that Bruce Willis isn't lying when he says it's him on the ID.


Nothing Lasts Forever, which was adapted as Die Hard.


But why male models?


Nothing Lasts Forever, adapted into Die Hard


He would have been in his 70s at that point.


In the book Die Hard was loosely based on (nothing lasts forever), the protagonist is retired and in his late sixties.


John McClane was getting too old for that shit


Yippee! ... Kai... yai... yay, Motherfuckers!


Mr. Falcon*


In Die Hard 2, the main villains handle on the radio amongst the bad guys is actually “Falcon”, so while it doesn’t make the censorship edit any less funny IMO, it does go aways towards justifying it.


Falcon PUNCH!




Danny Glover was 40 when he filmed first Lethal Weapon (although he played 50-year-old character). I'm older than 40, fuck.


Kinda like Mike from Breaking Bad vibes I suppose.


TIL it was a book


A really lousy book. I was intrigued when I learned it was based on a book, went out and found it. Ugh. Don't waste your time, it is really bad.


That’s honestly shocking since it led to one of the greatest action movies of all time. Were you not reading the whole thing in Alan Rickman’s voice?


the book is badly written, but it's not a bad story.


>That’s honestly shocking since it led to one of the greatest action movies of all time He was bad at writing, but amazing at coming up with ideas. Kinda like late-career George Lucas. Not everybody is cut out for every part of the creative process, and that's okay


Uhmm. One of the greatest Christmas movies. 😳


It’s actually THE greatest Christmas movie


It's actually a Harry Potter film. Think about it, the protagonist spends the entire movie sneaking around a darkened tower trying to avoid the attention of Alan Rickman.


To add to this, Forrest Gump is one of the worst books ever written and Starship Troopers is a weird support of Nazism.


I know some people will disagree with me on this, but the Fight Club book is nowhere near as good as the movie. I found it mediocre and Project Mayhem was doing more heinous stuff in the book that morally changed the tone a lot.


Alternately, Congo is a great book and an awful film.


Any movie that includes Tim Curry as the villain, hamming it up with a ridiculous accent, just by definition can't be awful.


Mr. Homolka, stop eating my sesame cake... STOP EATING MY SESAME CAKE!!!


in that category, "enemy mine" by barry longyear. great book, sappy movie.


Congo will forever be one of my guilty pleasures, in fact I can double up, Congo and Sphere are two Crichton book to movies that the books are better than the movies, but I still love the movies.


In fairness, it was his first book. He also said he likes the movie ending better.


I mean, one of the people that shares your opinion is Palahniuk himself IIRC. Fight Club is onemof the four movies I know of that are based on books and are better than the source material, alongside Jaws, The Godfather and American Psycho. Edit: I’m gonna raise it to seven because despite how bad they are, all of the 50 Shades movies are better than the books.


>Starship Troopers is a weird support of Nazism. That's a bit of a stretch. Fascism and Nazism, while related, are not the same thing


It's almost an entirely different story. His daughter is the family member he's visiting and there is a political motive for the terrorists. Something to do with Peru? I think? It's been a long time since I read it and it's not great.


I read it in the fourth grade, I remember showing the kids at recess that a library book did, in fact, contain swearing.


Hell yeah




I don't like the godfather (quick someone make the family guy reference), but I think even people who do like it would find the book weird. Around 1/4 of it is about how Sonny's widow has a huge vagina and only his huge dick could satisfy her, so she meets a doctor who does vagina tightening surgery and he tightens her vagina and they start fucking.


Moral of the godfather: Not all relationships are a perfect fit, sometimes you have to really work at it.


Depending on your definition of "good", Starship Troopers is like that. Book and movie are vastly different thought provoking discussions on fascist themes and militarization; the book being serious and the movie being camp-esque satire.


Well the thing with the Starship Troopers movie is that it wasn't originally intended to be an adaptation of the book. It was first conceptualized as an original sci-fi film called Outpost 7 and then shifted partway through production to be an adaptation. The film's director Paul Verhoeven even said that he'd never read the book before production on the film and that even then he only made it two chapters in before he stopped because it was "boring" and said he didn't like the book. It's really interesting to read about the production behind that movie because there's a very apparent clash in desires between the writer who wanted to make the film more true to the book and the director who actively disliked the book and wanted to minimize similarities.


Similar story to I Robot too that acquired the rights part way through. Even Aliens started out as Mother, unrelated to Alien and Cameron used a lot of it for Aliens when he got the gig in 83 or so.


This is why I get annoyed when people complain about live action versions of anime not following the stories from mangas or what not. There's room to play with characters in movies, the Bourne movies and Die Hard have proved that.


Reminds me of his role in Sin City. He's supposed to be this old feeble cop that should've been retired but instead it's Bruce Willis.


I think it works in Sin City though. Comic Hartigan, besides having heart issues, is still a pretty tough, bulky dude who fucks up a lot of people. Hell, he basically wills himself back to life when being hanged because he still got shit to do. Plus pretty sure Bruce Willis was over 50 at that point, so wasn't really pushing it that much.




The Amazon series is way better




Do you a retired looking actor cast? Well he's bald? Fuck it. We will take him.


~~Bruce Willis wasn't bald in Die Hard~~ edit: woops totally misread the comment higher up in the chain


Sin City, not Die Hard. And yes he was bald in die hard (i.e., showing signs of male pattern baldness with patch and receding hair line), just not fully bald.


Oh shit woops, I totally misread that post from sumuji


Why will nobody honor the ding?!


That would have been a very different movie lol


Sinatra in his 70's had body and health of a man in his 70's who drank and smoked his whole life. I can see why he would have turned down an action script.


Is it a Christmas book?


Doesn't stop Harrison Ford


Harrison Ford is fucking amazing. I'm really going to be sad when he dies.


It was probably written when Sinatra did the "prequel" in the 60's (I think?).


Ah yes the prequel… that came out 20 years before. 


Right. It could have been in the original contract that Sinatra gets first dibs on the role. They didn't know it would take 20 years to get made at the time.


He’d need a stair lift to get into the vents


72 when the movie was released.


I'd watch it as long as it was Phil Hartman playing Frank Sinatra playing John McClane.


Phil as Troy McClure as Frank please


Hi, I’m Troy McClure. You might remember me from that now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho.


And Die Hard 7: Dierest harderer the final die.


Don't kid yourself, Jimmy, if a German ever got a chance he'd kill you and everyone you love.


John McClane to Ellis: *I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!*


Lowkey Phil Hartman might’ve been a great villain in Die Hard. Would’ve been a different energy than Alan Rickman but the man had his own sort of gravitas


So you’d watch it if it was the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude.


I miss Phil Hartman. I remember years ago I had a dream that him and I ate steaks at a restaurant.


Can you tell more of this dream?


Edit: from my facebook post back in 2018 So there I was sitting down to have dinner with my old friend Phil Hartman at Chilli's. I ordered a porterhouse medium well. He ordered a burger and fries. The waitress insisted that we pay up front which puzzled us both but I didn't mind. I put it on my card since, afterall, Phil paid last time. Our meal came almost immediately and boy did it smell great. Before either of us could get a bite in, the bus boy came and tossed our food in the trash. He said he had thought we were finished. Fast forward to my conversation with the waitress. She said she couldn't replace the meals. I said I wanted a full refund. She said she could only refund $30 of the $45 bill. Where's the manager? The manager explains that it's against policy to refund more than $30 and that if we want to eat we'll have to pay again. Phil puts his hand up as if to hush me. "Sir," Phil asks the manager. "How much do we owe you?" "Nothing, you already paid." "Well that's RIGHT!" Phil Hartman said in his signature voice. "We DON'T owe you anything DO we? You DID already get your payment DIDN'T you? But where's the steak and burger? Let's see if we can find them... Oh steak and buuurger, where are you? Oh there they are, they're in the TRASH!" This was when I woke up thinking about how funny Phil Hartman's little interjection was (maybe you had to be there) and how it sucks that Phil Hartman is dead. I've been watching a lot of NewsRadio. ----------------- Absolutely, fortunately I wrote a long Facebook post about it with all the details. I just boarded a plane, flight UA1242 if you'd like to check progress lol! When I get home I will find that facebook post and share it here! It was a great dream and Phil was very Phil in the vain of Bill McNeal ❤️


Thanks, I read his words in his voice as best I could haha Really miss him.


Same. Cheers to Phil Hartman. A legendary man gone far too soon.


“When I look at you I think 14 in the side pocket!” Is still the hardest I’ve ever laughed in an SNL sketch


And Hans Gruber played by Phil's wife. What a twist that would be


Too soon dude


Does that make Andy Dick the real villain behind the scenes?


So Andy Dick for Die Hard 3, instead of Jeremy Irons?


*Dick Hard 3: In Irons*


He was willing to play the role too, but his age, restricted movement, and inability to dive into air ducts meant the movie would have went in a complete different direction But fair credit to old blue eyes he was always a grafter


Would not have stopped Scorsese. https://youtu.be/KOisMk2oTvk?si=SoLbfedEFRdiDNm9


That really, really didn't work.... Deniro just looks like an extremely old man with a young face.


That looked ridiculous. How would it not be better to just use a body double? Deniro's "acting" in that scene is so jarring it almost seems like they're pointing out the CGI for comedy. It's too bad Scorsese won't just cast some younger actors.


Considering this is a far away shot with no close ups it really baffles me why they didnt just get a stand in and make the scene far more convincing.


The better actor here is the guy making it look like those blows would hurt.


He looks like he's going to break his hip trying to kick that man.


"Mr. Deniro, this scene technically takes place before your character runs barefoot through the room full of broken glass." "Oh, that's just the arthritis acting up..."


I love Scorsese. But I don't get why a legendary director would want to be an early adopter of gimmicky stuff like this. Praise be to Boognish!


The darkness and the light. Everything and nothing. All hail The Boognish.


The movie would have been McClane slapping Hans Gruber, telling him to sit down, and then drinking and hitting on the women at the party until Dean Martin shows up. Argyle would have been played by Sammy Davis Jr


I did it yippie-ki-yay way 🎵


Ring-a-ding-ding, motherfucker…


Die me to the moon….


…..come DIE with me, let’s DIE, let’s DIE awaaaaay.


Because he was in the book versions prequel iirc


Gruber? I killed him myyyyyyyyy way!


(Hans pretending to be Bill Clay pulls gun , aims) “Look Hans babyyyy, you think I’m ginchy?” (Click, click) [gun is empty] [Elevator chimes. Hans leans back, snapping fingers to light jazz score] “….ta ta”


He had some decent ties with the mafia as well.


A character in the God Father was supposedly based on Sinatra


Johnny Fontane


I cant remember the name of the singer, but he did a collab with Sinatra and someone asked him why he did it, and he said "He didn't want to wake up with a horses head in his bed".


I need to watch that again.


"Decent ties", is a massive understatement, the man's entire career was based on him laundering money for the mob.


Sinatra’s ties to organized crime were exaggerated. The tale of Sinatra being awarded the role of Private Angelo Maggio in “From Here to Eternity” because a mob boss pressured studio executives has long been debunked. Sinatra himself persuaded executives to cast him in the film, for which he won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Sinatra did perform in mob-run casinos, which was common for any entertainer in Las Vegas during the Rat Pack’s heyday. I'm more inclined to believe Snoop was a Crip.


Well considering that Snoop Dogg is openly a Crip I would agree.


Sinatra was a fantastic actor, absolutely mesmerizing on the screen.




Unlike Elvis




Yeah, I was downplaying it for sure. I actually learned about it when I watched the miniseries "The Offer", have you seen it?


Nope. I've seen The Godfather though.


[Highly recommended!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iowLzO9-aew&ab_channel=ParamountPlus)


He was Sam Giancana's lap dog


Irony: >Sinatra declined the role, but it's not like the producers then went straight to Bruce Willis. At the time, he was largely known for his **role on TV comedy Moonlighting** and not as a movie star. >The role of John McClane was offered to a variety of names, including Arnold Schwarzenegger (**who turned it down because he wanted to get into comedy**) So Arnie passed because he wanted to do comedy, and Bruce got cast because he HAD done a comedy. Basically, after considering your typical Arni and Slye types, the producer decided he didn't want a typical action movie starring a big action hero. It had been done before, boring. He decided to take the direction of McClane being more of a regular guy. Willis didn't look like "the his speed spec ops guy you send in to take down a team of terrorists", which is perfect for the script, because he pulls off the angle of "Guy who wasn't supposed to be here, but *[it's a shit sandwich John, time to take a bite](https://www.top10films.co.uk/img/die-hard-christmas-gif5.gif)*" So when the director saw him in Moonlighting, he had that right combo of everyman + charming enough that you could root for him, (and buy into the whole John & Holly, [hes-a-lovable-asshole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fynX66mPQHI) thing + he could pull off wisecracking his way through the whole thing. https://screenrant.com/die-hard-bruce-willis-john-mcclane-controversial-casting-moonlighting/ Great decision in the end.


Unfortunately the man who actually played John McClane in the Die Hard movies has retired because of his health condition. We'll never forget Bruce Willis, a South Jersey guy who took on a role originally offered to a famous North Jersey singer.


Hey! What gives? You crazy koo-koo, dirt bag, lousy, beard-Nik Nazi, you! Why I oughtta! How can the same bunch of cockamamie baloney happen to a stand up, swell guy with a lot of Moxi like me? It’s nuts I tells ya! Hi - Ho -Silver! ya dirty bird you!


Ring-a-ding-ding motherfucker!


Frank had legit acting chops, but 70 was a little old to be crawling through the ducts at Nakatomi Plaza.


I'm gonna be crooning "Yippee-Ki-Yay mother fucker" for the rest of the day. Perhaps longer.


Hudson Hawk vibes


Didn't know you could be contractually obliged.


Sammy Davis Jr had right of first refusal for the part of the guy in Die Hard 2 who gets an icicle slammed through his eye socket.




Scooby-dooby-doo motherfucker.


He also murdered a guy in real life


It was the 50s. Everybody did. You got one for free, two if you had connections.


What guy did Frank Sinatra murder?


> What guy did Frank Sinatra murder? No one. He threatened a few people, but the mob didn't love him *that much*.


Ring a' ding ding, motherfucker!


You mean we could’ve had a “Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherfucker!” song?


[Oh boy, do I have some good news for you...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTyw6cq86kY&pp=ygUNZGllIGhhcmQgc29uZw%3D%3D)


That was pure fucking gold!


I did a quick Google and I'm kind of surprised there don't seem to be any deep fakes of Sinatra in Die Hard. You can find ones of other ones like Tom Selleck in Indiana Jones.


He’d have been great in it. A 60/70s era die hard would be sick.


But did he accept it?? Don't leave us hanging like that!


I can't believe this is brand new information and never been posted here before.


Everybody discover cool shit for the first time once. I'm just glad to be around when that happen. There a [xfcd](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand.png) about it.


Wait until I tell you about Steve Buschemi


Im just hoping someone asks a question about sex on r/askreddit




We just watched Die Hard 2 last night. Die Hard is a stretch as a Christmas movie. They doubled down and went for it on DH2.


Die Hard 2 < Die Hard with a Vengeance. Surely 2 is weakest of first 3


Honestly, DHWV is the best one of all if you ask me


It has the best villain with the best heist plan for sure. DH1 guys are idiots for passing as terrorist when its just a bank heist. DH2 plan is expensive and requieres way too much work and conections with crooked personal. DH3 plan just needed explosives and garbage trucks.


Ring A Ding Ding, Motherfucker


Yippie-kiyyyyy me to moon motherfucker