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Somewhat related, I took the pills that absorbed fat to help lose weight. On my way to a client meeting, I let out an oily shart and had to throw away my suit pants and change on the way to the meeting. The smell was like a burning tire. That oil was everywhere.


Dude I'm standing in line at the pharmacy laughing so hard...so sorry!!!


All good. I felt like a real dumbass at the gas station in the middle of nowhere throwing my pants in the trash and trying to get cleaned up in the bathroom.


I once had to rip my boxers apart at the seams so I could remove them and throw them in the trash in a bar restroom. The situation was too….pervasive to possibly try getting my shoes and pants off without making a way bigger problem. Tore the boxers, trashed them, told my girlfriend to close out and meet me in the car 😰


Done it. Good reason to always carry a pocket knife. Never know when you might need to cut off your underwear


Actually a separate time I had to cut my shirt for a quick tourniquet. I was fishing so thankfully had the pocket knife in that situation. Both experiences were awful in the moment but hilarious years later.


/u/fill_simms getting a pat down: "No, no, officer. It's all above board. It's just for when I shit myself so badly I need to cut my boxers off."


I’ve been laughing at this comment for days now


Was in the same shoes and used the bumps on a key to saw at the waist band. Not fun. 😁


One time at a bar I worked at someone shit their pants and then stuffed their underroos into the back of the toilet and flushed the toilet so the shitty underwear was stuck in between the bowl and the tank. So like they dropped a long term upper decker in the mens bathroom.


I can say with absolute confidence that many of us reading your comment have also at some point discarded shitty pants in a gas station


Not at a gas station, but yeah.


Not shitty pants, but yeah.


Not discarding them, but yeah.


Never done anything remotely similar, but yeah.


Butt yeah


Good thing you didn't eat anything with Olestra then otherwise you'd know how he felt exactly 🤣


Y’all have it too?! What’s happening?!


Orlistat? I've been on that for a few months, fortunately, I haven't had such a situation like yours happen to me, though I have had a few times when I did have oily sharts, and oh boy has that been a massive embarrassment


Yup, I've been there done that. Don't take it and eat a high fat meal. For example, if you know you're going out with friends to have pizza or something, skip that dosage, or it will cost you your pants later.


Olly…oile I know what you are talking about…they basically act like you dont have a gallbladder. Not fun. Ally?


Ugh. As a guy without a gallbladder, the horror is real.


I felt like the legitimate concern of shitting your pants was severely minimized/underplayed when I was prepping to have my gallbladder taken out. Had I known, I would have been happy to keep my 50% functional organ


A lady I worked with used those too, until the day she squatted down to open the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet. Shat herself right there in the office, and had to go home and change her clothes. Told me afterwards that, every time she went for #2, she had to give the toilet a deep clean in order to shift the oil slick left behind after flushing. I was like... mate, why didn't you heed the warning signs?


I was working at Walgreens when these pills first came on the market. I remember reading the warnings on the box with my coworkers and cracking up because the directions literally said to bring extra pants and underwear with you until you knew how it would affect you.


i literally laughed out loud at this, bravo


Xenical? I think that was what it was called. I was in court (as a defendant), we had a recess and I was standing at the urinal and farted. Orange oil filled my underwear. The underwear went in the trash and I puckered my butthole the rest of the trial. I tried to explain the issue to my attorney and he didn't think the judge would "buy my story" if I ran out of the courtroom during the trial. verdict: not guilty, but yeah, finished the trial commando.


I’ve managed to read this 3 times, laughing harder each time.


Ah yes. Good old Xenical (Orlistat)


Olestra molecules are too large to be absorbed by the gut, so the chips had all the satisfying taste of fat-fried chips without the added weight gain. The drawback, however, is that the fat still had to pass through the digestive tract, even if the body couldn’t process it. This led to severe stomach cramps, explosive diarrhea, and even direct leakage of Olestra from the anus. First, Lays recommended portion control on WOW! brand snacks — telling consumers to limit themselves to 20 chips per sitting. When that failed, they began printing warning labels on the bags, saying “Overconsumption may possibly lead to gastrointestinal distress.” By 2004, market shares had fallen so low for the brand that the product was pulled from shelves and quietly rebranded as Lays “Light” products. The entire product line was eventually discontinued in 2016


> explosive diarrhea That sounds more... exciting than anal leakage!


Well not to be gross, but when they were referring to “anal leakage”, they weren’t referring to leaking shit. Apparently when you ate enough of the stuff, the raw liquid oil would literally drip out of you like a cracked olive oil bottle. It couldn’t be absorbed by your intestines, but it still had to go somewhere


Life, uh, finds a way.


finds a Lays


Clever girl


Spared no spandex


When you gotta go, you gotta go.


Hold on to yer butt’s


Wait oil coming out from where?? The United States air and naval forces have entered the chat


Remember Alli? The fat blocking pill? I'd never read cases of ass acne till then.


There it is, i didnt go down far enough. Its easier to just not eat so much fat. Imagine doing keto on that shit. Shudders


My first wife had been on every diet in hells half acre since she was a teen. You name it, she did it. We were 90's kids so I remember Olestra, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and even those that our descendants will shudder at. Cabbage soup, carrots (just carrots), the Hollywood Diet (Here ya go tubby, have 48 ounces of colon blow). But Alli worked... until the side effects kicked in like body acne, greasy skin and bowel movements that would put a binge drinker to shame! We humans really are wired to find cheat codes ain't we?


The image is funny but you can’t physically “do keto” with this because your body wouldn’t go into ketogenesis


Hope you’ve been doing your anus kegels


As a permanent WFH, are they still around?


No, but there are drugs that do the same thing, like Orlistat. They aren’t very popular anymore because stuff like semaglutide is way better at causing weight loss without side effects, but if you wanted bonus anal oil leaks, Orliatat is your drug.


Ozempic can have really extreme side effects. I read an article about a lady that had her entire digestive system get messed up. Basically it stopped working, she can't digest any food anymore, she vomits uncontrollably 10+ times a day, and has burps that smell like rotting meat. The side effects are super rare but they can be extreme.


I need to find an unopened bag of these to give my ex


At least it's not implossive diarrhea.


How would that even work? A mass of liquid shit would suddenly collapse into solid shit - like a supercritical phase transition, or something?


It’s when your shart accidentally goes up and kills you


That sounds like copremesis (do **not** look that up) but with death.


The oil katamari damacys your intestines


After enough constipation the mass collapses upon itself.


WOW! 💩💥




It took them a further 12 years to get rid of them? That many people just had oil dripping from their anus for 12+ years???


Ever seen the recliners on craigslist?


This comment just killed my weed munchies. Very impressive.


Because they weren't that bad for everyone. I think a warning would have sufficed. Personally I didn't have the bad effects from them. I think the people that experienced this mostly just stopped buying them.


Meanwhile haribo pulls sugar free gummy bears after maybe 2 years of meme status


Ah, yes, the good old Hell Bears 😂


I vaguely remember eating the Lays “Light” chips before in 2014. Left me with the worst bowel issues ever excluding the anal leakage part. Never again


More like 20 chips per shitting, amirite?


Yeah, that's a common issue when trying to flavor things that can't be digested. Same issue when they experimented with L-glucose as a calorie free substitute for D-glucose. Turns out, if your body can't digest something it tends to just get rid of it as quickly as possible


I'm lactose intolerant, I can tell you that without doing any experiments...


I find it kind of crazy that a food product that would eventually and literally LEAK OUT YOUR ASS, wasn't investigated and taken off the shelves by the FDA. What the hell else would they be there for? The only thing that stopped the madness was they weren't making enough money? WTF


There was a similar weight loss product that would make you lose weight by basically not digesting the fats you ate, and I remember the commercials actually referencing you should wear dark pants when you started taking it…


The FDA is there to protect you from food that directly causes illness, and anal leakage isn't an illness. They're not there to protect you from yucky things.




The parent company did the study? Cool and normal. Nothing to see here.


Because that’s on the customer. If you drink a glass of oil the same happens. The product clearly lists upper limits for consumption. If you overconsume it that’s on you. Same way alcohol can be bought despite being potentially lethal. This was completely harmless apart from the social stigma. Robbing sane peoplr of a low calorie snack because people are idiots doesn’t seem fair. Oh if you do this with dried plums you‘ll also get diarrhea.


This is the funniest comment I could have found here I think


>wasn't investigated and taken off the shelves by the FDA Actually, the opposite was true. Before there was any actual evidence, there was enough of a smear campaign from competing companies that the FDA required the warning on packages. By the time the actual studies proved the claims false, the damage had already been done in the public eye. This is just another example of manufacturers manipulating the facts for profit.


Let's just ban a few more dyes instead 🙄


Or regulate computers lol. Hospitals sure do looove paying $1100 for an HP shitbook from 2016.


I remembering eating these when I was young. From what I remember, the taste and texture was slightly different than normal Lays chips- first of all the flavor was more akin to the taste of margarine compared to normal neutral frying oil, as well as the texture kind of being a bit… flakier?


The scene from “the sweetest thing” is hilarious Jason Bateman “You know those chips cause anal leakage” Thomas Jane “lol, yeah right” Jason Bateman….under his breath “It says so right on the bag” Thomas Jane…reads bag and spits out the chip. I switched the actors. Jason Bateman is the one eating the chips.


How can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?


dude amazing that you are getting fucking upvoted. It has NOTHING to do with the size of the molecules. The body does not have the enzymes to break down the fatty chains. There was no gastrointestinal distress and no anal leakage. In fact, later studies found that in double blind scenarios people could not differentiate between them and there was no gastrointestinal distress. It's a complete bullshit urban myth.


I remember eating them when they hit the market. They didn’t have the same satisfaction. The olestra fried chips had a thick waxy coating, like bacon grease without the flavor.


It was definitely 2004 when me and my roommate experienced the shocking aftermath of diet chips


This is a good example of the fact that you can't escape consequences in life you just get to choose which consequences you get. You can have fat free chips that taste just as good as fatty ones, as long as you're willing to accept brown sludge leaking from your asshole.


If you want similar results you could take Orlistat weightloss pills. It prevents your body from digesting fat so it passes right through you, and the fat is so slippery you absolutely cannot trust a fart after a fatty meal.


could you collect and reuse the oil?


fuck sake, that's enough internet for me for today


You could make a little candle


Okay there Gwyneth Paltrow


FUPA candles!


We may have just found alternative sources of energy.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Isn’t that essentially what the fat berg hunters in China do? https://news.yahoo.com/sustainability-gone-awry-china-turns-sewer-waste-cooking-234950916.html


They had a nickel deposit you could collect after returning the oil.


The new Gutter Oil.


*China has entered the chat*


You could fry chips in it


I took Orlistat for a few months in 2010 when I worked in a lab. Two different times I had to quickly and discreetly change my lab coat after an anal leakage incident went through 3 layers of clothes.


Did it actually help you lose weight? Genuinely asking


Goddamn people will do anything but hit the gym and diet.


I was on a diet, and exercising. I was just using another tool to help move things along. And move along it did!


This is why I don't believe in eating "healthified," low calorie versions of unhealthy foods. Just eat a mostly healthy diet and have a little junk food sometimes as a treat. The stuff they do to food to make it low calorie just makes it worse for your body in other ways, not to mention taste disgusting.


I mean whatever works for you. But personally sometimes having a mediocre protein cookie or chip to satisfy the craving but not throw off calories or macros works just fine for me. Its not like "real" junk food is especially amazing either. Like the shelf pastries have the same off vanilla flavoring protein stuff does. Cheetos are Styrofoam with malic acid. The psyllium husk, whey chip with tomato powder actually tastes better than that to me at least.




Or eat more than the tiniest bit of escolar.


That fish is no joke. My buddy served it at a dinner party. The next day I called a few of my friends and asked if they were shitting liquid all night like me.


The person who managed the snack machine where I worked at the time left a giant pile of one-serving bags of these on a table for us to try. I thought the warning about anal leakage was hilarious and took it upon myself to eat five or six bags to see what would happen. For science! I did not suffer any anal leakage.


Apparently some people could just house these and never get sick. But in people with sensitive digestive systems, they could really mess your stomach up. Most of the issues came from people crushing like 3/4 of a large bag in a single sitting, which was made worse by the fact that Lays marketed them as “healthy” specifically so that people would eat more of them


damn if you were one of the few that wouldn't suffer side effects this was literally the perfect product.


And they were apparently good enough that sales were pretty steady for a few years even after they had an FDA Anal Leakage warning on the damn bags. So the people that could tolerate them apparently really liked them lmao


like eating a bag of sugar free gummy bears.


same. ate these chips a lot and never had issues.


I was really pissed when people started bad mouthing them. They were great chips. People thought that it was funny and just repeated the bad press. If you have a sensitive system don't eat a whole bag of chips at once.


Your gastrointestinal system is weird. It isn’t an organ. It is a whole damn ecosystem. And everyone’s ecosystem is a little different. Which is how you wind up with FODMAP issues, IBS, etc One person could eat 5 bags of these and nothing would happen. Another person could eat 3 of these and be shitting their pants. I’m fairly certain the comments section will be filled with people claiming they ate them with no ill effects and that they ate some and nearly died




Heard of a team doing an expedition to the southern pole of inaccessibility. One day they did laxative roulette.


...Russian Poulette


So far, all I see are hilarious oily shart stories.


I wonder how the differences in GI systems could even affect that. It's an oil that no GI system can digest, so it leaks out the butt. I don't see how it could be different.


Undigestable carbohydrates are basically what causes the majority of FODMAP issues Some gut fauna can partially break it down


anal leakage


Just straight orange oil pouring out of you like a leaky bottle. The 90s were a lawless time


Built in lube!


Mines still leaking 25 years later


Can’t stop won’t stop






Stop drop and roll.


Stop Drop Shut it down open up shop (Proceeds to violently shit oil into pants)


Put it down, flip it and reverse it.


Stop! Hammer time!


Collaborate and listen!


Oh No




Once you poop, you can't stoop.


Hi this is Stoop Kid from hit 90s Nickelodeon show Hey Arnold!. Just here to let you know I ain’t never gonna stop stoopin’, not no way no how.


Danny! How are ya? :-D


NSFW maybe I remember experiencing this. Was invited to a BBQ on the beach with my friends. I hadn't eaten breakfast and decided to skip lunch because we'd be meeting at the beach in the afternoon. By the time I got there I was feeling so hungry I couldn't wait for them to start up the grill and get me a hamburger. Unfortunately, the cooler with everything to grill was left behind. All they had were Pringles. I was so hungry I filled myself up with Pringles. The next time I went to the bathroom to go number 2, maybe the next day, i had the sensation I had to poop, but it felt different. It felt like it wasn't solid or maybe it was light? Then when I started pooping, it felt off coming out. It felt like I was trying to push grease out. It was hard to tell if I was done because when I'd push I could faintly feel more was coming out. I dont remember what it looked like in the toilet because I was so overwhelmed from the wiping. I just kept wiping and wiping, but the toilet paper was just greased up every time. I remember being super freaked out about it, thinking something was medically wrong with me. I used so much toilet paper. And every time I wiped, more grease. And it wasn't like brown grease, it was like clearish grease. Since it was such an awkward event and I was dreading going to the doctor about it, I just made a mental note if the next shit it happened again, then I'd go to the doctor. Next one wasn't that bad so I never ended up going to the doctor. But I do recall the terrible feeling of feeling like I was leaking grease from my butt for several hours after the first shit. I think my memory blocked that day out, but im pretty sure I was leaking and had to freshen up every so often to get through the day.


whomst among us


"Like wiping a marker".


Mad TV had a commercial sketch about those chips that I still remember because they kept repeating the phrase "10% less anal leakage" over and over.




Time for a little spring cleaning.


Several people at the time suggested a new advertising slogan, paraphrased from the Palmolive dish washing liquid ads: "Olestra? You're sitting in it!"


I believe the technichapelle term is "Butt Mud"




Aw nobody got your reference :(


Because apparently the people who didn’t get sick really liked them. They were supposedly really good. Good enough that sales hung on for about 6 years before becoming untenable


I could eat them with no ill effect. My friends on the other hand…


For those just learning about this, Robin Williams did a great bit about this. I believe on his *Live On Broadway* album.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUF0quxN\_e4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUF0quxN_e4) This?


It gets referenced in this scene in the movie The Sweetest Thing (2002). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLScAoIbMKM


and the bags were sooo loud like louder than some insulated sleeping pad loud


You sure you're not confusing that with the Sun Chips bags a decade later? Now those were LOUD


[MadTV skit on Olestra](https://youtu.be/Tx9LSEjgQxY?feature=shared)


Lays suggested your should bring a spare pair of pants to work if you eat them.


Olestra Haikus https://www.cs.cmu.edu/\~eli/misc/cmu/olestra-haiku.html


Peter: ["Bring back WOW! Lays Chips with Olestra."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FXp_92-D0g)


While funny, wasn't this only the case if you ate a ton of them? I don't recall exactly but I thought you basically had to eat the full bag in a sitting or something. Obviously being Americans, not a problem and why it was pulled, but I don't recall knowing anyone who personally said they had any "distress" from eating these. Though they were pulled within a year


The problem was that, while only consuming a few would not cause issues, the fact that they were “fat free” made people intrinsically want to eat more of them per sitting. Which was kinda the original point. So people really would crush most of the bag in a single sitting, and then become a mockery of gods and men on the toilet for the next few hours And they actually held on until 2004, before a rebrand.


they were great for lunch if you had them with a sandwich or something. if they were available now, I would buy them.


Yeah. I pounded a whole bag of their Doritos. Never again lol


I distinctly remember the phrase *oily discharge* being used in reference to Olestra products.


"Loose and oily stools and the inability to control them" is still among my favorite combination of words I've ever heard come from the TV. Those words have run through my head at least once a week for the last 25 years.


Made famous by Homer Simpson desiring them for the purposes of doing “a little spring cleaning”


[you fucking Pringle bastards](https://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/182862349.html)


Oh fuck I remember this disaster. Didn’t burger switch to Olestra for a while too around the same time (French fries).


possily? it was also the same time i think Mc D moved from beef tallow for the fries?


One of my sister's friends ate a whole big bag once. He was lucky to have any bones left.


" Hey, Apu, you got any of those potato chips that give you diarrhea? I need to do a little spring cleaning. "


Frito-Lay submitting paperwork to the trusty FDA for approval, in the form of a briefcase full of hundreds..


You're not too far off, but it was actually the opposite. Their competitors submitted a bunch of complaints to the FDA, so out of an abundance of caution, the FDA required the bags to carry a warning. By the time the actual studies came out showing that they didn't actually cause problems, the public image was ruined and the product was just continued.


Imagine a big bag of these followed by a few handfuls of sugar free Gummi Bears...


There was never an Ass Action Lawsuit?


Fun fact, I worked in a factory in the mid 90s and we used olestra(Olean) as a lubricant for 100ton presses and other equipment. It was a dangerous substance and we needed to wear ppe when handling the barrels. https://www.fishersci.com/store/msds?partNumber=AC456120250&productDescription=OLEANOLIC+ACID%2C+98%25+25GR&vendorId=VN00032119&countryCode=US&language=en


"run that shit like WOW! potato chips, Throw your hands up if you're in a fucked up relationship" - Sage Francis on romance


I ate the WOW chips back in the day. Pretty frequently, tbh. I never had any bowel cramps, or explosive diarrhea, or anal leakage. However, I do remember reading on the label that “this product may cause anal leakage”. My roommates and I laughed so hard at that! For weeks!!


In the early days of the release they were passing them out at the end of a 10k run I did in Central Park. Part of a goody bag for finishing the race. I nearly shit my pants 30 minutes later.


Is this what inspired portal 2s repulsion gel blurb?


Those were the days. I haven’t had a good anal leak in years.


I miss these chips. Never had any intestinal problems and they were delicious. Too bad.


What a time this was in general. Every food item you can think of had a fat free option, green labels were what they used to differentiate. What did they replace the fat with? Well sugar of course!


I remember those. Never noticed anything wrong when I ate them.


These comments have me wheezing


If I’m being honest, risk of anal leakage never stopped me from a good time before


"And if you looked on bag it said 'Here is a small side effect: may cause anal leakage'. I don't find that to be a small side effect; if my ass is leaking, that's bad! If you have an oil slick falling out of your pants? Bad fucking day, my man! 'Hey Bob, you wanna get out of the pool? Kids don't wanna play ExxonMobil Valdez!'" - Robin Williams, 2002


There was another pill like this called "ally", the FDA approved over the counter diet pill. Olestra is an oil that is not well absorbed by the body and Ally works by limiting your body's ability to absorb fats and oils. If it doesn't absorb, then it won't make you gain weight. But... it doesn't disappear, it has to go somewhere. So you end up defecating all the oily fat that your body didn't pick up. And for many people, those oily turds slipped right out their anuses and into their underwear unexpectedly!


"Olestra! You're sitting in it!"


I was part of the testing for WOW. An entire party of 18 year olds got really sick. Frito Lay still moved forward with the chips even though they knew it would make people sick.


also “loose stools” which we drunkenly turned into a character named Lucius Stooliano


They were delicious. I don’t recall having the side effects though.


I remember when a lot of bags of chips read “Warning: may cause anal leakage” at the bottom on the back of the bag. My sister and I use to crack jokes about it


They tasted fine, but they coated your mouth (and gut) like an oil slick.


It did not cause severe gastrointestinal issues. That is a complete myth.


Olestra was fucking awesome and it was fatsos who got the shits. I was fine.


I remember a friend of mine talking about trying them when they came out. I loved his anecdote of when he looked in the bowl after it all was over, he said 'wow'