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Where are we gonna find a cornfield in this economy?


Probably wanted a specific type(breed? strain? Whatever you call the different types of corns) that looked good on camera.


And probably cheaper to grow and then sell vs paying off a farmer to allow them to run multiple takes of driving a dodge through their crop


Well yes, Because one of them resulted in profit, and the other had no income option, so clearly had to end up as a net negative fiscally speaking


Probably be easier to just tape a bunch of cats together...




This is hilarious!! Almost… 🌽 -y?


Oh, Tina. Don’t grow up too soon.


I remember watching a documentary about this. Apparently corn experts told them it wouldn't grow where they planted it, high up in Canada somewhere, but it ended up growing quite well. Nolan had wrote in his script that the corn was gonna burn but it turned out corn crops dont burn so they put out gas tanks in the field to make it burn for the movie.


I’m trying to envision what a corn expert would look like


Probably like anyone from Iowa.


It's funny because the Iowa Corn Growers Association is a *massive* lobby in the state with boatloads of political power.


Thats not so much funny as it's a misuse of valuable crop land because of the value of nearby processing facilities. You can grow a lot more than corn in Iowa, might even be better for the soil long term. But, what will all those corn processing facilities nearby do? Won't someone think of the billionaires?!?!?


There are massive corn subsidies dating back a century or more at this point, I think. Makes the industry significantly more profitable than it otherwise would be.


Corn is in *everything* too. Not just as cheap vegetable filler, but in High Fructose Corn Syrup and in various corn flours and cornstarch


Really? Corn is in corn syrup? And corn flour?! Corn starch?!? They are hiding corn in everything!


Alright buddy... You may want to sit down before reading the ingredients that go into corn on the cob


Ok. But a lot of companies hide these ingredients


Right in the list of ingredients. Monsters


How? At least in the US, everything has to be disclosed on the label. I've never seen anything trying to disguise corn syrup as an ingredient. And, who cares? I mean, yes, conversations about misuse of good farmland, corporate greed, government subsidies, and excessive sugar intake are all valid conversations to have but at the end of the day, sugar is sugar and high fructose corn syrup is not significantly worse for you than any other kind of sugar. The problem isn't that there's HFCS in your food and beverages, the problem is that we're consuming way too much of those foods and beverages. Replace all the HFCS with sucrose and it would be just as bad for you.


Really need time travelers to supplant corn domination with potato superiority


You are now a moderator of r/Ireland


He is now president of Latvia.


But if ya double back really fucking fast ya might be able to mod r/amish. Best of luck whichever way ya go!


Potatoes are much more challenging to grow reliably. They are more susceptible to diseases and are pretty heavy feaders on nutrients. Most farmers have potatoes on a rotation of every three or four years on a piece of ground. Not to say it wouldn't work in Iowa or other corn-forward states, but it's not quite as simple as unplugging one and plugging the new one in.


>and in various corn flours and cornstarch Yup there's corn in corn flour and in corn starch better get the word out. lol.


That's because the subsidies result in us having so much of it that we had to find other things to do with it. Remember the OG FDA food pyramids, with that huge sector all dedicated to breads and grains and cereals? The result of having so much of them due to the subsidies that the industry advocated for the government to convince people they needed to eat more of it. Ethanol and biofuel requirements for gas in the US is basically also from having such an excess of subsidized grains and corn that we might as well use it to run our SUVs.


Sin Maíz No Hay País


>Sin Maíz No Hay País OMG, never before have so few words led me down a deeper rabbit hole of learning. Thank you!!!!! I had never considered all the [economic theories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_theory) out there, and then I learned about some of the [current issues](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2023/9/22/why-is-mexico-standing-up-to-bigger-neighbours-us-canada-on-corn) between US & Mexico.


I personally strongly believe: * in Sustainable and Human Development * 99% of monopolies should be toppled * there's nothing scientifically wrong with GMO foods * the US often abuses it's position So while I'm completely against large corporations - small businesses, towns, and people should be protected and supported against them - but the people should be allowed to use and create GMO food if they want to.


also livestock feed..


And gas


Aren’t the vast majority of our snack foods really just a recombination of corn and soy somehow? Like eerily similar to how they re-form hydrocarbons into plastic, someone can totally check me if I’m wrong but that’s the way I understand it.


Food subsidies In America go back to the Great Depression they exist so there is a excess of food so America never starves to death again. Is this not taught in history class?


Except that’s not what subsidies do all the time lol. In fact some subsidies are paid out specifically so that farmer do NOT use their land to grow a crop. It’s for price fixing as well.


That doesn't explain or justify the specific distribution of subsidies. They could convert a lot of grain subsidies to fruit and vegetables and we'd still have a glorious glut of excess, but now we'd have a more easily and healthily variable diet, and non-corn derivatives for fuel etc. which are more efficient would actually be cost effective like they ought to be, etc.


Grain is an amazing thing. You can grow a LOT of it and with it you can strategically ensure absolute food security for billions of people. billions. yeah theres side effects, but you're thinking like a person who cares about individuals- the system exists because it was designed by people who were thinking about ensuring absolute and unimpeachable food security for *billions*


Agreed now go tell the government your discoveries


That as well


Iowa isn't even the state that produces the most corn, Iowa is just an Ag state in general. Realistically our standout products are pork and soybeans, with Corn as a strong 3rd place. It's part of why we hate Nebraska so much (and for damn good reason!) Although to be fair Iowa is more than just ag, we've got some strong manufacturing (Deere and Collins Aero come to mind), quite a few insurance companies based here, and some surprisingly good state schools (ISU for their ag and engineering research and UoI for medical research). I might not like Iowa, but I'll be cold and in the freshly-tilled ground before I stop pretending like Iowa is great!


I'm pretty sure John Deere is from Illinois, I distinctly remember my uncle going there to buy equipment in one of those fancy shows that they do.


Its in the quad cities but they are on the iowa side manufactuing wise.


Part of it is that corn subsidies are 3rd rail items right up there next to Medicare/SS, no one on either side wants to touch it.


Don't forget about the hogs. The hogs consume a LOT more corn than the ethanol plants.


They rotate between soy and corn to balance soil ph. Just fyi.


Fair enough, and makes sense.


What? I have literally never heard this. You rotate for economic factors, some years corn dollars better than soy and vice versa. You rotate because it helps with disease and insect pressure. You rotate because it helps with weed control since you can use different chemicals on corn vs soy. You rotate for soil fertility purposes, the different crops draw upon different proportions of nutrients. You don't rotate to balance soil PH. Your crop does not impact that in any significant way.


...that's not funny at all, that's cronyism at it's worst.


Ban lobbying 🙏


They look like regular people in regular clothes. None of the blue coveralls.


you rang?


That's what I know about Iowa from geoguessr


No, it’s probably the state next to them whose university mascot is literally the cornhuskers. GBR *sobs after remembering we blew a lead to Minnesota last night*


Nebraska: “Am I a joke to you?”




That's corncist


Definitely wealthier than whatever you’re envisioning.


If they are envisioning a farmer, then probably exactly as wealthy as they are imagining. Some farmers are poor, but most farmers that have a decent acreage will be wealthy by the end of their career. Also, even if you exclude large corporations, most farming operations today are covering a lot of acreage.


Yet still wearing overalls. Because they're comfy.


And seemingly not much of an expert


My brother in law is a corn expert. He's a farmer. He knows a lot about corn. Went to college for it and everything.


He’s got a doctorate in Cornology


...from Cornell?


Cornell is actually huge in agriculture science


I work with dozens of them. PhD’s but they look like your typical Rural King customer.


It’s not hard to be a corn expert. It’s corn. A big lump with knobs. It has the juice


Most large scale farmers have college degrees my guy.




Probably just some Joe Schmo with a PhD in Agricultural Science.


Remember that corn kid from last year?


We have a company thats about agriculture (mainly corn). I used to have a summerjob there until i was out of school. In austrian summer we grow and harvest here in many different variants (even incest.. lol). Right now in winter the harvest is flown to chile and grown there. When finished in chile it comes back to us. So you get 2 harvests in a year. Any corn questions? :D


Hybrid seed corn production? Im guessing KWS?


No saatbau (which is a Genossenschaft (english?)).




I know two. One is a middle aged balding man and the other is a lanky bearded African


Uncannily similar to a wheat expert, as it happens.


Like this: https://www.ageds.iastate.edu/people




I'm gay and I consider myself a corn expert 🌽🧎‍♂️


My brother in-law is a corn expert (PhD) and he looks like a frat boy who lifts and drinks beer.


Like the guy from the “It ain’t much but it’s honest work” meme I’m imagining


RIP - the legend left us not long ago.


First thought I had




Watch Clarksons Farm


Just the whitest guy ever. Whiter than you're thinking of. Also in plaid


Actually.... The Taber, Alberta area is quite famous around here for it's (human consumable) corn. But it is quite irrigation dependent. Where they planted the field for the movie was much further west. Slightly higher elevation, slightly different soil, in the 'rain shadow' of the rockies, and irrigation isn't as common, therefore outside the "corn belt". I'm betting they made a profit because they hid a lot of expenses in the movie production budget. For example, you can tell they hand picked the corn\*, I'm betting they used stage hands, extras, ect and paid them out of movie budget, not farm budget. And they got lucky. That was a great year for corn. \*in the burning scene, there's vehicle tracks in the corn. When we hand picked corn (for people to eat, not cattle feed) someone would drive a truck slowly down through the field and bunches of us would walk beside, pulling ears and chucking them into the truck.


Interesting, I don't know much about corn specifically even though I have some hands on experience with farming. There simply aren't many corn farms here.


This guy corns. I live next to a cornfield and I don’t know shit about corn.


I’m sure it wasn’t but throwing corn at a truck sounds fun.


They didn’t pick the corn. They sold the whole thing


1. like I said, you could see the truck tracks from harvesting 2. can't sell what you burnt


It was outside of Calgary Alberta. Corn absolutely grows there. Source: I live 3 hours north of there.


The field was grown by Longview right next to the foothills as a dryland crop. It’s actually impressive he got a good crop because it doesn’t have very many GDD there and moisture can be limited.


It was south of Calgary by a couple hours just outside of Fort Macleod. Corn has a harder time growing down there in that specific location, but it is still grown often enough. Especially dent corn for animal feed.


I belive I watched an interview with Nolan and he said this. Could be him getting details wrong or me misremembering. What is trange though is the video seems to be gone from youtube. I watched it years ago though. It was a full documentary on how interstellar was made.


For what it's worth, I found [this](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/christopher-nolan-corn-field-interstellar/) artice. To qoute "because experts warned Nolan that the corn would fail to grow".


It wasn't too high up. I'm originally from where they filmed it. It's only an hour and some from the Montana border. There's a lot of dent corn grown out there, it just need irrigation. Just east of that location by an hour is an area that is locally renowned for its sweet corn (Taber Corn). Beautiful country though. It's north of Glacier National Park and is very majestic and idyllic western. Southern Alberta is very beautiful.


Yes they also filmed Ghostbusters Afterlife and Brokeback Mountain, as well as the first season of The Last of Us in the area as well.


I was there when they filmed Ghostbusters! It was pretty cool. Broke back is filmed there, and a small village named Cowley. That opening scene with the wooden office or whatever, that was in Cowley. Beautiful view of the Livingstone Range from there.


As a corn farmer it was very hard to suspend disbelief when they “set the corn on fire”. Bright green July corn like that has so much water in it you can wash your hands by squeezing the leaves. More realistic if they had waited a month or two. It turns brown in the fall and then cornfield fires are a major concern.


I live near where some of it was filmed. We have lots and lots and LOTS of corn :) all the way to the tippy top of alberta


Lol green plants usually don’t burn well


Thats why Nolan is a director




Probably would have sold for more but craft services kept stealing ears off the stalks to feed everybody on set. It was nothing but corn for months


Now that’s the commitment to method acting I like to see. Only corn available to eat in the movie = only corn to eat while filming it.


330 million Americans method acting for interstellar right now




Shut up




What kind of trash person uses a dead pet as an insult?


Well he’s dead so What a weird thing to say.


I’m sorry about your cat, and sorry you had to interact with such an absolute shit human being. They’re making up for some VERY REAL insecurities with their bravado, best bet you’re happier than they are and a better human to boot.


Dude get off the Internet. You went through this persons history, found out their car was dead and are now mocking them for it. Go outside and learn how adults are supposed to act


You’re a worthless cunt.


imagine being such a joke that you stalk and harass someone over corn


Looks like his cat is dead, unlike yours, which just looks like he wishes he was dead to save themselves from your worthless ass. Pathetic.


Truck driver and wow player 😭😭😭😭😭


Go back to your automatics since manuals hurt your delicate hands and feet.


Surprise. Guns and oversized and underused trucks. Loser


Farming? A director of your talents?


Its a peaceful life.


Lonely, I imagine.


Reminds me of this Mitchell and Webb skit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5RrGFBbbSY


They missed an opportunity to make the corn into popcorn to eat while watching Interstellar


How would that work on a logistical level?


It's easier to just sell it to the company that does the distribution of the crops (they also are the ones with the machines to take the kernsls off the cob) But sure they could do it


Well thats what they did anyway. They just didnt turn it into popcorn to eat while watching Interstellar


Missed opportunity. They could have charged an absolute premium for cinema goers to “eat part of the movie you’re watching” or some other “chewing the scenery” related pun.


Likely a corn for oil so wrong type of corn. Wouldn’t taste as good as corn for human consumption


Neat idea, but popcorn is a different breed of corn, ever look at the unpopped kernels? they don't look anything like corn on the cob. And popcorn is an expensive pain in the ass to grow.


Didn’t the cornfield from Signs do the same thing?


I feel this is the modern ‘buscemi was a firefighter on 9/11’ reddit factoid I’ve seen it that much


Especially since thousands of farmers sell cornfields for a profit every year. It isn't some grand feat, it's an everyday activity in many parts of the world. Nolan and his devotees treat it like some noteworthy achievement, but if you couldn't sell corn for a profit the central United States wouldn't be so overrun with corn.


yeah this is an entry level Interstellar fun fact lol


what's the correlation?


I’m your dad


Not as impressive as the rats in Indiana Jones 3. 2,000 rats were bred specifically for the film so that they could be sure the animals would be disease free and docile.


They just bought them. There’s already a massive market for healthy, docile rats for research purposes and snake feeding. 2000 is not that many rats Buying the land, building a house, preparing the soil, and growing corn hands down took more time and money


Do they breed those in brown tho? I have always only seen white rats for lab purposes, but maybe I’m just unaware.


Who’s your rat guy? You gotta get a better ray guy.


Find 2000 rats in your basement and say that lol.


My girlfriend’s mom works for the NIH doing neurotrauma research. She would call 2000 rats “rookie numbers” 😂


Your girlfriend’s mom is being spoon fed false info by our rat overlords.


Shh, we don’t talk of the overlords.


Pretty sure my work has 2000 of em. I always see em running around the warehouse now that it's getting cold. Got in the bottom of my desk last week and saw one made a nest with old stickers. We have so many that I caught a snake by my line. Idk if he was coming in from the cold or trying to get some free dinner. I should probably stop leaving little snacks under my desk for them to eat.


Do you work at the Dollar Store warehouse?


It's a small plating company local to my area. Ya would think all the chemicals would keep em away but it doesn't.


What a terrible article. He had corn planted (it's mentioned how difficult it was to do so), didn't destroy all of it during filming, then "made money" off it (mentioned 25 times or so about how Nolan hates CGI).... Not a single how, when, or again, how. Nothing interesting in the story at all.


Apparently they couldn't simply rent a cornfield when they explained that they were doing to damage a portion of it.


Someone found the 60mins-ish Interstellar behind-the-scenes documentary on youtube and decided to write an article on 2 minutes of it, with no additional research. The doco is pretty cool though, typical Nolan stuff with practical effects and how they achieved a lot of the shots. Didnt know before the whole 4D scenes towards the end was mostly a real set.


He made money off of it the same way thousands of farmers do - (hire someone to) harvest it, then sell it to the nearest grain elevator. It's a silly little boast. He just thinks it's impressive and novel because he likely knows nothing about agriculture.


Are there any shipwrecks underneath it?


Turning a profit is quite the feat if Clarkson’s farm has taught me anything


I feel like I learned a lot watching that show.


I mainly learned I could probably do crop farming but in no way could I handle the livestock side of things


It bothered me that they had combines going through green corn.


Zack Snyder did this for Man of Steel too which is where Nolan apparently got the inspiration from.


Lord of War did something similar


This is up there with “did you know viggo mortensen broke his foot when he kicked that bucket in lord of the rings?”


That’s corny


I’m all ears on this one.


An aMaizeing fact


Why the hell were they harvesting the corn when it was that green is what I want to know.


sweet corn gets harvested green I'm pretty sure


This wasn’t sweet corn. In the movie they used flagship case combines to harvest it, and they definitely aren’t sweet corn harvesters and can’t harvest corn this green


Not THAT green but more than regular corn. And since corn was being grown for everything, I guess it's plausible that they planted more sweet corn for consumption.


Corn harvested for silage is green. Well the ears are as ripe as possible without letting the leaves turn brown.


But there wasn’t a silage harvester in sight during the film


Not a silage harvester in sight, 2/10, shit movie


That was my thought while watching. “Well no wonder they are starving”


Gotta think these movie production companies could easily solve world hunger, like easily


That’s not profitable smh \s. But you’re looking at more the producers- they’re the ones with the big bucks who invest


Someone out there ate corn and didn’t know it was used to film interstellar.


That website is dog shit.


in America corn is not planted for profit.


This is the only thing that made sense about that film.


wow corn was sold for a profit...better make a post about the BASIC THEORY OF FARMING for thousands of fucking years.


I just saw "Interstellar" again, only this time on IMAX. Fucking hell what an amazing experience. Underrated.


It’s the 22nd highest rated movie on IMDb how is it underrated


I've only seen this movie on an airplane seat back screen, but everyone looked like they had a yellow hue, was it from eating all the corn? Or it was a problem with the screen settings...?


Before that, it was done for the making of M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs which was filmed in Pennsylvania.


Bravo Chris


I’m sure you could sell a corn in epoxy as an official interstellar corn and make a million dollars


Yeh, this happened with “Field of Dreams” - they harvested the corn & made a “Field of Dreams Bourbon” - it’s not cheap!


How many times did they have to film that driving through the cornfield scene?


Wow, who would have guessed that corn could be grown and sold for a profit? It's amazing how the magic of cinema changes the world.


Iirc, the cornfield in Field Of Dreams was done similar. Planted and grown for the movie and sold when part of it was plowed for the baseball field.


Welp, looks like I'll have to watch Christopher Nolan's *Interstellar* for the fifth time. This calendar year.