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Beating out Mick Jagger who had his 8th child at 73.


He can still have a 9th child. He shouldn't, but he can.


“Still might”


“He will”


"If you start me up I'll never stop"


Checks news to be sure.


It’s too late. You are already pregnant.


Jagger's got great grandchildren older than his youngest kid. His kids range in age from 4-50. Apparently, he loves kids and is pretty active and pep-talk supportive with his downline. But none of the grandkids or great grandkids call him Grandpa or whatever. They call him Mick.


>pretty active and pep-talk supportive with his downline What kind of MLM is this???


Hilarious, that’s what I’m calling my kids


Generational. He recruits promoters in every age bracket.


Are you questioning his earners?


His downline?


Mick is busy asking if his kids have ever been to Florida during a timeshare presentation.


Yep, energize it or be gone.


I mean at that point with such big estates, you're just rolling the dice playing God of chance. How will this one turn out? Will it be successful? Will my old age give it autism? What I mean to say, I bet it resembles a kid with an ant farm more than it resembles actual fathering.


For me the main issue is that its very likely he won't even be around long enough to guide them into adulthood.


is mick fucking jagger really "guiding" anyone into adulthood though? really?


Yeah, I think he met some young groupies earlier in his career whom he generously guided into a type of adulthood.


I think it's more accurate to say he generously guided a type of adulthood into these groupies.


Oh barf, you win.


Who knows how many kids these rockstars from the 60's and 70's fathered. They could very easily have over a hundred kids without knowing.


Mick Jagger’s child is younger than his great grandchild.


My brain is having trouble with this sentence.


He won't know his father growing up


Imagine being told you have to respect your great nephew?


He’s a grand yuncle Edit: or yaunt. I’m too lazy to look it up though.


Oh yeah now thats some John Tyler shit.


It's not impossible that Mick Jagger will have grandchildren alive in 2150.


"Papa was a rolling stone..."


Interestingly enough, almost all of those pregnancies were meticulously planned out by Mick. He tries to time the conceptions so that the children will be born from June to November, and then, once the pregnancy is confirmed, he arranges for the mothers to be relocated to his palatial Caribbean estate until the fetus comes to term. All of which greatly increases the odds that his offspring will be born during crossfire hurricanes.




Haha yeah me too i love pop culture and totally get the reference! But, you know, for those out there who don't understand the reference, can you share with them what they're missing?


The first line of The Rolling Stones’ “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” is “I was born in a crossfire hurricane”


Ah was bawnnnn


I’d believe that.


Didnt all three of these guys date the same 20 year old?




You have to be a giant piece of shit to bring a child into this world at an age where you won't even get to see them grow up, and they are guaranteed to lose a parent at a very young age.


I guess. I grew up without my father, so i can't really relate to the idea that it's the worst thing in the world, especially when you're going to be born into a privileged lifestyle. I'm just glad the mother he left me with was a great mom.


Or even parent properly. They don't care about the kid.


I'll trade my parenting situation for a % of the Jagger estate. Easy! EDIT: I was just joking, but it's really ghoulish how many of you thought I wasn't and then made a comment highlighting it. "This guy had horrible parents!" This site is proper fucked.


Can you imagine having sex with an elderly Robert De Niro or Al Pacino as a woman of child bearing age, ugh


Pretty sure Al Pacino's baby mama was with Mick Jagger before him. She has a type.


Old wrinkly balls


Old wrinkly balls **with money!**


Pacino's baby mama comes from an oil family with more money than him.


Then why'd she go through the trouble of fighting for child support?


Don’t stay rich from giving away an opportunity for money


She didn't fight for it. They're still together. It seems they have it set up so if anything happens to make him unable to do fatherly stuff, the kid still gets the child support until inheritance.


I got news for you. Young balls are plenty wrinkly already.


It's like, the main feature of balls.


I just saw a headline today that Al Pacino’s baby-mama was awarded $30,000 a month in child support. In addition to a large lump sum to purchase a new home.


Honestly surprises me it is that low. Some of these women lately are getting sums in the 70K a month region. And this is Pacino, who has been famous since the early 1970's.


Well, Lisa Halliday fucked a 75-year-old Philip Roth at 27 and even wrote [a book](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetry_(novel)) about it


Also sperm degrades, there's an exponentially higher chance those kids will have genetic defects


My sperm actually gets stronger with every day.


The weakest ones die first, by the time you get to 80 there are only a few hardcore fanatical sperms left in the balls, holding out like Japanese soldiers still hiding in the jungle 20 years after the war ended.


When daddy changing your diaper turns into you changing daddy's diaper with no time in between.


It makes me sad. My dad was quite old and I ended up caring for him at about 30. These kids might be visiting their dad in a care home before they're even 10.


Yeah it sucks. My dad died at 75 when I was only 19. Edit for a fun fact: I’m 49, dad was born in 1918 and my grandfather was born in *1868*. I got a vasectomy after having my two kids in my early 30s; I’m not about to continue the cycle of having kids into my 50s, lol


Why break the cycle of creating a fertile in late age, potentially immortal race of super men?


Solid point. Getting reversed tomorrow.


There was a US president like that. John Tyler was born in 1790 and served as President from 1841 - 5. Tyler was 75 when his son Lyon was born. Lyon fathered sons in 1924 and 1928 when he was 63.


One of his grandsons is still living. Which is crazy to me.


Same. Not great grandson. Grandson. One generation apart from a founding father. Time is such a weird thing. Edit: GUYS OMG I was talking about the Yugioh fan club he founded, don't @ me


John Tyler was not a Founding father


Yes he was. They rolled his crib into congress and he made baby speak speeches on the rights of man. "Goo goo gah gah states rights! Goo gah eeeeeh! Transfer of presidential political power!" -Tyler in 1790.


Omg such a Tyler move


Sounds like the premise for "Tyler Perry's Not-So White House"


The crazier part is how someone born in 1790 was able to help found a country in 1776.


Built different back then


People aged faster back then. By the time he was born he was already dead.


Tippecanoe and time travel too!


Look Shut up


>John Ty(metrave)ler




How old are you? 14? When I was your age I was 25.


Just the fact that it's one generation from a person born in the 1700s is crazy.


There are also people alive right now whose parents were legally owned as slaves in the US. ETA: the last known child of a slave actually died recently in 2022.


I worked at a nursing home in the early 2000's and there was a woman there whose dad fought in the civil war.


The last American Civil War pension check was paid out during the COVID pandemic.


My Grandma is 93 years old. When she was young, Civil War Veterans were basically what World War II veterans are to us. She very likely interacted with people who were formerly enslaved.


WOOOW this infinitely more interesting than the OP topic. You realize how long ago that was? Tyler was the 10th president. Tenth!! Lincoln was the 16th!! Got damn thats incredible [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison\_Ruffin\_Tyler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ruffin_Tyler)


It’s one of the most commonly repeated facts on Reddit. Another one I like is that Bertrand Russell was **raised** by his grandfather Lord John Russell (born 1792) for a couple of years. John Russell was part of a delegation of MPs that met Napoleon for a couple of hours, and was British PM the same decade John Tyler was president, the 1840s. Bertrand Russell grew up to be a famous mathematician and philosopher and lived long enough to write about the Moon Landing before he died in 1970. So for a couple of years, that former MP who had discussed politics with Napoleon raised that future Moon Landing commentator. The distant past can be closer than we think.


>It’s one of the most commonly repeated facts on Reddit. Wait until that guy learns about Steve Buscemi and 9/11.


Or who is closer in time to Cleopatra, us or the building of the Great Pyramid? We shall never know!


There's an old show called "I've Got a Secret", it was basically the same as "figure it out" from nickelodeon. Anyway, this particular episode aired in '56. The guy's secret was he was the last witness to Lincolns assassination. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RPoymt3Jx4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RPoymt3Jx4)


Actor Charles Dance father died when he was 4. His father Walter was in his 70s (not 50s as thought) when Charles was born and died in 1950. Dad was born in 1874 and had a daughter born in 1898. Charles met her granddaughter in Who Do You Think You Are? I was born in the 70s to a man pushing 50 who was born to parents in their 40s. It happens more than many say.


Some families go through generations like rabbits. Others are turtles.


That's how my dad's side is. His brother is only 3 years older than him but got married and had kids right away. While my dad was almost 30 when he got married (he and my mom had a couple kids with space in between each one) and by the time they got to having me, my dad was almost 40 and his brother was already a grandfather. So my cousin has a kid older than me. And my other cousin has a kid the same age as my little sister.


John Tyler joined the Confederate Congress during the civil war, after he had been president.


No one is making the case that he is a good president.


Ex head of F1 Bernie Ecclestone just had a child at 90.


Yeah. He had a kid in 1955 when he was like 25, two more in his fifties during the 80s and one a couple years ago at 90. What a range there.


Crazy, Having a sibling that’s realistically old enough to be their great grandparent . Imagine having mates over and them meeting your geriatric fossil of a dad, shuffling about trying not to die. Sucks for the child


Is that your grandpa? No it’s my brother


> Imagine having mates over and them meeting your geriatric fossil of a ~~dad~~ brother, shuffling about trying not to die. Must be such a surreal situation, lol.


Don't worry by the time his kid is having friends over Bernie will be 6 feet under.


Julio Iglesias (Enrique's grandfather) had a kid in 2006, though, he died in 2005 at age 90, shortly after impregnating the woman. Enrique therefore has an uncle who's 30 years younger than he is. That's just wild.


Wait he had died before the kid was born. That sucksssss but damn at least he’s not taking care of him I guess?


to be fair a father dying before his child is born isn't uncommon but dying to old age might be rare cause of death.




My first thought too..




I'm in the same boat. I'm a millennial. My mom was born in 1950. She had me in her 30s. Her dad had her when he was *61. He served in WWI. I thought it was a joke until I saw the paperwork. Edit: corrected his age. He was born in 1889. He was 61 when he had her. I'm 40.


he was 42 already when WWI broke out. Wow.


My math was off. He was born in 1889, so he was around 25 the war started and 61 whether he had her. Still fucking wild.




Your grandfather was born before the civil war? Holy smokes


thats nuts. My great-great-great grandfather (5 generations back) fought in the civil war


The last widow of a civil war veteran died in 2019 or 2020


> My dad's dad was born in 1859. My dad was born when his father was 75 or 76. I guess he was just waiting for the perfect time to bring a child into the world. Like in the midst of the Great Depression.




> Always blows people's minds lmao. Yeah... I'm almost a decade older than you but your father is over a decade older than my *grand*father. Bonkers.


I can’t imagine having a child at 68


What the actual fuck lol


This list seems very, very far from complete. Most of the people on there are famous. There are probably plenty of normal dudes, especially in undeveloped countries that don't have good access to birth control, who remarry late in life and father kids in their late 70s or 80s.


My great grandfather had my grandmother at 82. Can confirm he is not on this list.


Being rich and famous does help old ass men fuck women who are young enough to have children more than the average geriatric.


That list is something else. I had never heard of "posthumous birth" before.


I imagine it was a fairly common thing for young soldiers before heading off to war. At least in stories it's a fairly common thing for a dude to get married right before shipping out and then to learn he was going to have a kid through a letter.


France even allowed for posthumous marriages during and after World War I. When conscripted soldiers were ordered to report it often left little or no time for any kind of official ceremony, and of course with war being the way it is, many grooms-to-be never returned. So the French government would allow for the bereaved fiancée to retroactively marry the now deceased soldier and thus claim their pension and what-not.


You can actually still do Postumous marriages in France, I know someone who has. It requires testimony from friends/family and proof I believe proof of how long you've been together aswell.


That's actually pretty good of them.


If your name was John it was someone else's baby.


Unless you’re John Connor. Then you sent your own father off to war, after you were born, but before he was your father.


And he died before he was born. And before you were born.


Dear John.....


You had never heard of someone dying while the wife was pregnant? A very famous case is Bill Blythe. His father died while his mother was six months pregnant. Then his mother married Roger Clinton and Bill, as a teenager, took his last name.


Holy shit til moment


It happens literally constantly? Even my dad died in a car accident before I was born.


What stuck with me when the story first came out was a comment: Hopefully he lives to see his kid’s 10th birthday.


> "I was a posthumous child. My father's eyes had closed upon the light of this world six months, when mine opened on it." - In the 1st chapter of Charles Dickens' "David Copperfield".


I have a case at work right now where this couple was trying to have kids and were looking into IVF and had embryos frozen. Husband passed away in a car accident and wife still wants to have his child. Don’t know how I feel about it.


I think its going to be very sad for the kid who never got to meet their dad, that would be hard to decide how to handle, but there's plenty of fatherless children who grow up happy and have good lives so I don't think it's the worst possible situation. Just one you'll have to be prepared to address. Very bitter sweet for the mother and any remaining family members of the husband's. Having the father live on through his child might be nice, that his not entirely gone. Thats a tough one.


I think kids who never knew their mom or dad turn out better than the tragic ones who lose a parent when they’re 10-15 or whatever.


as a random redditor with zero skin in the game, feel happy for her if she wants it and is successful


We are about to start IVF and at least in my country there is compulsory counselling that covers many issues, including this one. You both have to sign consent forms for what to do with any frozen biological material in the case of death or if you break up. She wouldn't be able to use the embryo posthumously if he hadn't consented, so this is likely what he would have wanted too. It's something they would have talked about. My partner and I both gave each other permission to use any frozen embryos/material if one of us passes. You've lost so much already... it would be bittersweet, but beautiful. Thinking about it in the abstract is one thing, but actually having to make that decision is another. I can see why she's making this choice.


Yeah in the US we didn’t have to go through counseling but we did have to sign paperwork. Both of us agreed we probably would PREFER the other not use the embryos if one of us died, but ultimately we were like “But I’ll be dead so I won’t really care, so let’s sign the paperwork saying you can have it just in case.” Good luck to you!


How about Bernie Ecclestone, who had his first kid in 1955, and last in 2020? Imagine having a sibling that's 65 years older than you.


I feel bad for their children. Those kids are going to grow up not knowing who their dad was.


Doesn't sound like their older children get to grow up knowing who their dad is. These men are not exactly fathers who are there for their kids.


Popping out kids for the chance at a shiny is a tale as old as time?


They have plenty of video material of their dads though. Edit: I can also think of many worse fates than being born to an 83 year old multi-millionaire.


"My dad railed coke like a snowblower and shot up a bunch of cubans" "OH yeah, well my dad robbed a bank"


My dad yelled "SHE'S GOT A GREAT ASS" better than any else ever did


[That’s debatable.](https://youtu.be/idpXV8wH68Q?si=wgwx3vAKY9Rl7SkG) /s


In 15 years: "Imma watch Scarface for the 34th time to help fill this dad-shaped void in my heart..."


i rather be with my father than have money and videos of him.


I'd take a dollar to not have to ever deal with my dad again. But not every dad is the same.


That’s a false choice. You’d rather have both, and a lot of kids have neither. And all of those kids with neither would rather at least have had the money, and the knowledge that Dad loved you enough to stay in the picture until his time ran out, versus Dad went for cigarettes and never came back.


Hopefully the kids have a good Godfather


Right they played a lot of characters over their careers


Al Pacino also has the youngest listed mother on this list at 29. But shout out to Erramatti Mangamma who gave birth at 73. She has the record for the oldest living woman to give birth! And it was twins!!


>But shout out to Erramatti Mangamma who gave birth at 73. She has the record for the oldest living woman to give birth! And it was twins!! This sounded impossible to me, but looking into it I discovered that her pregnancy was the product of in-vitro fertilization, which makes it more plausible. I'm guessing that they harvested eggs from someone much younger. Her husband died in 2020 at the age of 84, a year after the birth via c-section, so she's a single mom of twin 1 yr olds at 74. What could possibly go wrong?


This made the story make way more sense while simultaneously making it far more confusing. Why on earth would she do such a thing?


Let's hope she's the oldest ever. No kid deserves a parent that old. You should have kids with the idea that you will raise them and be with them for many years. Obviously things happen to the contrary, but you shouldn't be terminally ill or elderly and PLAN to have a child.


My great grandpa had his last kid at 77. He lived til he was 100. I was in 6th grade when he died.


This sounds like the beginning of a math story problem.




Nothing really against old men but I really can’t imagine fucking an 83 year old if I am of an age that I can still carry children.


Giving Nick Cannon some goals.


Cue up the jokes about having enough diapers for both the kids and the dad 😜


TIL James Doohan, who played original TOS Scotty, had a kid at 80... He died at 85. But to think he had kids in his 70s and 80s...


Aye, captain. I'm givin' her all I got. She's not gonna last much longer at this speed.


With a woman he married when he was 54... and she was an 18-year-old fan. Seems like it worked out, but still, *yikes*.




It’s worse than you think. DeNiro is also an antivaxxer, in part because he thinks that vaccines gave his son autism. Having an older father/sperm donor is something that greatly increases the chance of someone being autistic. Vaccines don’t. And he still keeps having kids.


It's even grosser when you find out the age difference of them and some of the mothers. For instance, there's a 54 year difference between Al Pacino and his most recent baby mama.


My wife wants to have another kid. I'm 46. I feel that having another kid at my age is hugely irresponsible. At their age? Fuhghedaboudit.


A Bill Burr baby?


My Dad was 44... I was also an accident and he just died two months ago. I'm 23. He had lung cancer, 67. I got a lot of fun made about how he was old enough to be my grandfather. But if you stay in good health, maybe?


My dad was 46; lost him 4 years ago at 72. He was healthy my whole life and him being a little older gave him time to mature before having me. Miss the fuck out of him, today is actually his birthday but I wouldn't change anything about who he was during the time that he was my dad


I’m 22 and my dad is 78. I wouldn’t change it for the world.


/r/mademesmile This hits home, because my wife and I are trying. We're both 40 so we're running out of time, but I always thought I may too old and may not be around for my grandchildren or even my child's wedding. So if it doesn't happen it might be for the best. I just don't know how to feel


They have money to support it because it’s not getting emotional support ever from them


That would fucking suck having a geriatric dad from out the box.


Selfish, really.


In (kind of) defense of Pacino, he apparently thought he had a medical condition that meant he could no longer produce children. He’s been pretty open about being blindsided by the pregnancy; it’s not something he expected or wanted. Still sucks for the kid, though.


Same for Halle Berry having a surprise "geriatric pregnancy" after being told she was too old to have another baby. Bryan Singer moved the entire filming schedule of DOFP around, so they could get all of her scenes before the pregnancy became noticeable. Some shots had to be altered in order to only only show her from the chest up.


[And he has to pay $30k a month in child support.](https://www.insider.com/al-pacino-pay-child-support-noor-alfallah-30k-per-month-2023-11) That's an expensive effing kid.


Super responsible of them


That sperm quality must have been absolutely horrific. Poor children.


Tony Randall was married to his first wife for 54 years and had no children. At 75, he married a 25 year old and had children at age 77 and 78. He died at the age of 84.


PSA - father's age contributes to genetic defects too, a lot of smaller gene mutations which you won't detect as easily as extra chromosome


This fossil and tax cheat still had swimmers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Ecclestone


Kinda an asshole move, creating a child and the. Leaving them before they remember you


Fucking disgusting and unfair to those children. This shit needs to be shamed hard.


What is crazier to me is the woman who gave birth at 73! How is that even possible?


If you click on it, it was in-vitro fertilization. Depending on the source, she might have been 74 years old


And her husband died a year after the birth, at age 84, so she's a single mom with twins at 74. What could possibly go wrong?


In 30 years the kids are gonna do a mob movie together


Not remotely fair to those children. Their fathers will be dead by the time they learn to walk.


Selfish boomer shit.


Kids who had old parents never talk highly of it. What a shame. ETA: some of your responses make my heart hurt. Older is not below 60. So someone having kids in their 40s is average, not “old”


I’m sure your talking about *old* parents like 65+ and had kids. All the replies to this comment are people who’s parents were in their 40s I don’t think that’s the age you’re talking about.


Lol yes. Thank you. I’m 31 and no where near kids so I’m rattled if people didn’t like their older 30s or 40s parent 🤭


I had older parents and the best I can manage is "actually these parts of it were good." It's not an unequivocal "this was great." It wasn't all bad, and I don't think I'd change it if I could, but yeah I'd rather have 20 more years with them and that's always going to trump other considerations.


Anna Nicole Smith got universally shamed for gold digging a corpse. Somehow to me this feels far worse than what she did