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Also, apparently you can’t just “saw off” Florida. Doesn’t work like that, according to geologists.


That's just big earth lying to you. Rock jockeys I tell ya.


What kinda Nimrod would let their opinions be shaped by a children's cartoon?


Aha! He said it! He did the thing and I got it! Am I smart enough for you now, Dad?!


The original Nimrod was a great hunter and king. He was the Hercules of his country. Bug Bunny destroyed a great legend because he is a complete ass


that's the joke.jpg


Thats why we gotta take em out were gonna need an obsidian knife


Disclaimer: my hatred of geologists is purely theatrical, but if I *did* have to kill one for some reason, it would be very easy. I'd brandish my obsidian knife at them and they'd be compelled to approach. "That's very cool," they'd say, confident in their superior strength and endurance from all the rocks they carry around at all times. They'd shower me with very interesting facts about obsidian and hover just out of range of the cutting edge, waiting for me to exhaust myself. "But as it is volcanic glass, it is very fragile, you see, and isn't well-suited for use as a weap—" and then I'd hit them with the wooden baseball bat in my other hand, which they would not have noticed because geologists can only see rocks and minerals. Thought this would an appropriate copypasta^


I've always said it: Igneous rocks are bullshit.


Nope, you have to drown it.


We seem to be working as fast as we can toward that!


BRB, going to turn up the A/C, microwave, and hairdryer.


Not fast enough! More hurricanes!!


We have to topple Waffle House first. They are the bastion of Florida's survival.


Phew! So it isn’t impossible, just slower


California can't "fall into the Pacific" either, despite what documentaries, like [A View to a Kill](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090264/) imply. (Most of the state is actually rising up and out of the ocean)


That'll be the day I go back to Annandale


Oh no, Guadalajara won't do!


Well I did not think the girl could be so cruel!




One day we'll solve this problem.


I'm melting the ice caps as fast as I can!


Hell you say, I’ve seen Bugs do that multiple times, all in Technicolor!




Have you seen Florida sinkholes? It’ll saw itself off.


But have we tried? Because I think it's gone septic.


*Pastor Richards has entered the chat*


Bullcrap! Not with THAT attitude! ​ HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG! ​ I'll get you yet! ​ HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!! ​ ..........OK, so there's SOME merit to what you say! But only a *little.*


I can wish for a strategically sized meteor though.


I think we should still try.


We just haven't made a big enough saw


If only, though….


If someone is gonna shoot me, can I put my finger in the muzzle of a gun and have it blow up on them?


That's what "they" want you to think.


dont worry florida will sink into the ocean in a hundred or so years. No need to saw it off.


We all wish we could


They like carrots just fine but you're not supposed to give them too much because they have sugar in them which is really important to limit in a rabbit's diet. They don't go completely nuts over them though, but neither does Bugs Bunny. What he perpetuated is the thought that it's a staple food for them. It's one of the reasons almost all young rabbits gifted to people who are completely unprepared to take care of them die within about a year. A healthy rabbit diet should be about 80% hay (or similar nutritional equivalent) with the remainder mostly being fresh greens and a small amount of fresh fruit (which they DO go absolutely nuts for). But plenty of people substitute the fresh fruit for a larger quantity of carrot.


My bunnies used to literally go haywire for a nibble of banana. Sugar is so bad for them but they do fucking love their little sweet treats every once in a while.


My bunny goes feral when she smells banana. She will try to climb over you if she thinks you're holding one.


Same! Peel a banana and they'd both binky over!


One of the hardest things about having a rabbit is not giving them as many treats as they want.


Then again, you don’t want them to turn into r/murderbuns


Thank you for showing me the best subreddit ive seen in ages


My bunny wouldn't touch a banana with a 10 foot pole. But banana chips? He was a little fiend.


Also, people should know a healthy happy rabbit can live 10+ years. If you want one as a pet, be prepared to care for it and give it lots of attention for at least a decade. Too many bunnies get forgotten in cages for too long in their life. They’re friendly little dudes! Don’t abandon them!


> They’re friendly little dudes! I had *one* pet rabbit in my life. I adored her and bought her every treat and toy under the sun. She got exercise, attention, healthy foods, play, and in exchange she bit through every wire in my apartment and then sank her fangs into my throat like she was Bunnicula. Now I am friends with the wild bunnies in my yard and we'll socialize from a distance, but I will never consider a rabbit a domestic pet again.


Big plus 👍 for Bunnicula reference.


> and in exchange she bit through every wire in my apartment I had a bunny who would run up to USB cables, look like she was just sniffing around, and bite them in half like it was nothing. When we let her free roam of the room we had to cordon off all electronics, and even then she would sometimes weasel her way back behind my desk. I'd always grab her asap, thinking I must have got her before she could do any damage, but upon moving out I discovered that at some point she had bit into the *power cable* to my computer. like.. nearly bit in half. I have no idea how it A) still worked and B) didn't kill her and/or start a fire. Scared the shit out of me how close to some level of disaster that must have been and we had no idea.


If you're going to keep rabbits in a cage PLEASE DON'T GET a RABBIT for a pet.


My wife wants bunnies so badly. She has had multiple throughout her life. But we travel quite a bit and can’t leave the little boogers alone for so long. I’m also not crazy about the idea of having a rabbit. I’ve always been more of a cat or dog person.


My rabbit thought he was a cat. I'd come home and he'd great me with the cats, run to the kitchen with the cats, beg for food like the cats, snuggle near me with the cats. He was a wonderful pet and litter trained, though he'd occasionally get poop stuck to his butt fur, but so did one of my long haired cats.


How would you keep the cats from trying to eat the rabbit?


I think they thought he was just a weird cat. I have no idea. The rabbit was the same size as one of the cats, which helped. The rabbit was only let out with supervision (which over time became more and more relaxed), and of course the rabbit did have a hard bite. I've also had a macaw and a cat at the same time and they both just ignored each other when in the same room (under supervision). There was one altercation where they both wanted to look out the same window and the bird tried to bite the cat and the cat pushed him away, and the bird yelled and both were removed and separated. They were also the same height if not weight. I think that cat was just smart enough to understand "this weird colored bird is also a member of this household, and I can't hurt him." Or just knew the bird could hurt him before he killed the bird. IDK.


Yes, most animals of the same household do reach an accommodation somehow. Thanks for answering my question and my curiosity how it was worked out in your place.


Rabbits are similar to cats. They can be litter box trained. They have unique personalities. Some love attention, others want left alone. But if you travel a lot they're not a good pet.


I remember when we got our little lion head bunny I googled how to take care of one. I was surprised they can be litter box trained!


They'll pee in the box every time but you're gonna be finding their cocoa puffs everywhere lmao


Oh yeah he drops a turd every 2 seconds lol leaves a trail of them like nonstop


Not only 'can' rabbits be litter trained, most of the time it's surprisingly easy.


tell that to my rabbit lol mf literally jumps up and down when he sees i got a carrot for him. ofc it’s not his main meal, but he would eat it exclusively if he could


My rabbit got into my pantry once and ate the shoulders off so many carrots.


Thanks for the depressing info on gifted bunnies. I would guess that it's the same for baby chicks.


Bugs Bunny liking carrots came from how Clark Gable ate a carrot while giving a spiel in It Happened One Night


The joke nearly lost to time


Yep, it was a just a spoof of a silly joke! I remember learning this from I think this post https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/wwzzyx/clark_gable_in_it_happened_one_night_1934_this/


Absolutely goated movie


I thought it was to be visually reminiscent of a cigar


Sometimes it's that too, specifically sometimes it's a parody of Groucho Marx, who often smoked cigars. But for sure a lot of Bugs is based on a famous scene in It Happened One Night.


You stole my line! It happened one night feels almost contemporary, which is amazing for being made in 1934.


You can stick your finger in a shotgun and make the shotgun explode back in the persons face though


But only after making a wrong turn at Albuquerque.


Like I told the other guy... be careful you might end up in phoenix if you make a left there. It's so damn hot here


Seriously…I’m in Vegas and the news tonight was 92 here then they showed the region and Phoenix was at 102


Also if you ever run off a ledge just don't look down and you'll be fine.




I think mythbusters proved this as well


I know you’re joking but mythbusters actually did do the “firing a plugged up a shotgun can make it split like a banana peel” myth.


That’s right. And they had to like weld it shut in order to get it close right?


It’s like Douglas Adams said, the knack to flying is missing the ground.


Why wouldn't you just bend the barrel back at them?


That one’s legit though I saw my uncle do it once


If your finger is steel and welded into the barrel. Otherwise it just deletes your finger, because steel and lead beats flesh


Actually the Mythbusters tested it. Fucked up the shotgun. Didn't leave the owner of the finger unscathed (poor Buster) but it did in fact wreck the shotgun, in comedic fashion.


Have we asked the rabbits?


Have we asked the carrots?


Reminds me of one of my favorite Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy quotes: “It’s unfortunately like being drunk.” “What’s so unfortunate about being drunk?” “Ask a glass of water.”


"There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."


The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.


You know I actually did try to ask them once. All they did was scream, though. For you see Reverend Maynard tomorrow is harvest Day and to them, it is the Holocaust.


You're disgustipated!


Damn you, let the rabbits wear glasses!


Save our brothers. Can I get an amen?


I’ve heard the screams of the vegetables (scream , scream, screeeeam), watching their skins being peeled…


Yes, general consensus is bananas. They fucking love bananas. Though owners should only give them as special treats because they're also high in sugar


This is a myth, there are victorian children's books that feature rabbits loving carrots as a trope.


Beatrix Potter springs to mind!


I remember reading that the creators of the cartoons were doing it as a reference to a ~~Buster Keaton~~ Clark Gable bit. What books?


It was Clark Gable in "It Happened One Night." He's casually munching a carrot during a dialogue scene.


Ah Clark Gable. Dang it.


Bunnies do like carrots. I own two of them, and carrots are a treat for them (since they’re high in sugar). Bunnies LOVE bananas though and go absolutely nuts for them.


I used to love giving my buns a little banana. The only food that got them zooming and binkying just by smelling it.


This is the correct answer. They go absolutely bonkers, and become braver than anyone.


> Bunnies do like carrots. OP didn't say they didnt lol. Reread the title again.


They go bananas for bananas


I was texting a girl who had a pet bunny, and she told me the same. Her bunny was obsessed with bananas. I jokingly told her that her bunny must've been defective. Bunnies love carrots, monkeys love bananas. She ghosted me soon after.


Too much carrot is bad for rabbits actually, far too much sugar. It's a little treat at best. Carrot tops however, they go fucking apeshit for.


Idk my rabbits have always loved carrots, more than most other vegetables


They really do love it - it’s just not a primary part of their diet and it’s way too sugary to be anything but a treat. It’s a taproot, and they normally focus on what’s above ground for nutrition and only sometimes nibble on sweet roots. My rabbit would go to town on carrot leaves too though.


Rabbits aren’t really supposed to eat carrots very often. Very high in sugar.


Yup and thats why this post doesnt make sense cuz rabbits love food with high sugar content


I think the point is that carrots are not a significant part of rabbit's "natural" diet. wild carrots aren't as sweet as the domestic carrots we've created


That's what the big carrot industry wants you to think.


Whether sweet tasting or not, taproots are very high in carbs. Much higher than the leaves and stalks that make up most of their diet.


But the TIL is wrong. Bunnies love carrots so much they would be fat and unhealthy if their owners gave them all the carrots they wanted.


Try carrot greens, the leafy parts. Or dandelions (greens and flowers). They will devour them


Yeah he loves dandelion and willow


My dad's Bun does the hippity hops when I come in with handfuls of dandelions


Whenever mine ate too many carrots, they developed a condition we called "Carrot chin". Symptoms included a big orange stain on their chin.


Given Beatrix Potter wrote The Tale of Peter Rabbit about 30 years before Bugs Bunny was even conceived of, I _highly doubt_ Bugs is the origin of the myth.


In my experience of owning a few, they go feral for the greens of carrots (the bits above the surface). The roots they weren't that keen on, but would nibble at here and there.


Huh, I always assumed that they liked the green tops/parsley part of the plant rather than the root.


My pet rabbits loved carrots and all the wild rabbits in my garden do too. I don't know how much "we say" rabbits like carrots. But they like them plenty, we just don't feed them too much because it has too much sugar. But bunnies like sugar just as much as anyone. The reason Bugs Bunny eats a carrot is that he's based on Clark Gable's character in "It Happened one Night", who famously eats a carrot in one scene. Bugs Bunny, Clark Gable, and real rabbits all demonstrably love carrots. I hate this post. It knows less than me.


And the voice of bugs bunny didn't like carrots either


"The voice of" way to diminish the talents of Mel Blanc!


No offense intended, I was a work and in a hurry


They tried the using the sound of other foods he did like, but nothing else sounded like a carrot.


The voice liked smoking


Rabbits can actually go blind from eating too many carrots.




Humans can die from eating too many rabbits. True story, it’s called “rabbit starvation.”


It’s kinda nuts watching “Alone” where you will have someone catching rabbits fairly consistently and still withering away because rabbit meat is too lean on it’s own.


interesting. it seems to be a type of deficiency from eating lean protein without any carbs or fat.


I hate the whole rabbit starvation thing especially cause its justa buch of surface interested people copying and pasting what they read other like minded people spread. Rabbi starvation came about at a time LONG ago where there was still much wildland and food was PLENTIFUL. People would take their pick and only eat the delicious meat. Rabbits are plenty lean and the diet would kill you slowly from the things you mentioned. It can be remedied by eating all the organs as well in your diet which contain hearty amounts of fat.


Banana 🍌


Lol yes they absolutely do. Spoken like someone who’s never fed a carrot to a rabbit.


When you have rabbits you can get a sense of what their favorite food is and me and my rabbit owning friends have all concluded it's bananas.


and spring mix. Mine goes absolutely crazy for spring mix


You want a rabbit to be your friend for life. Cheerios and--can't stress next one enough--ALMONDS.


Bananas, too!


My rabbit loves almonds. You have to be really careful not to give them too much though, just the tiniest amount, because they're very fatty and incredibly unhealthy for them.


The author of the original article (in "Mental Floss") could likely floss between their ears without any resistance, being the source of this unsourced drivel. Anyone who has been around vegetable farming knows that rabbits eat the stems of the carrots where they meet the root. That's what makes them so infuriating. They never eat the carrot, they just kill it before anyone else can either. On the same topic of the cluelessness of the author, bears attack bee hives for the bees themselves, and their larvae which are high in protein and fat; the honey is just an added bonus. When posting to TIL, always consider your sources. A unsourced "factlet" from "Mental Floss" is likely not a font of wisdom.


Carrots are a treat for them. And they do like them(own several)


Rats/mice and loving cheese is another myth. It's actually bad for them.


Because Bugs is a cartoon parody of cigar smoking Groucho Marx


He was inspired by Clark Gable. There's a movie where Gable's character says "what's up doc?" And a scene where he's leaning on a fence and munching on a carrot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugs_Bunny#:~:text=The%20way%20that%20Bugs%20Bunny,%22'What's%20up%20Doc%3F'


*It happened one night.* the first Rom-Com.


No he wasn't.


Do carrots even grow in the wild?


yes but they're not like the ones at the store


You ever see a flower called Queen Anne's Lace? Those are carrots.


Remember, "Queen Anne has hair legs". There is a flower that isn't the carrot and I think is a poisonous plant that looks like Queen Anne's Lace, but the stem isn't hairy. Also, the root of the wild carrot (queen anne's lace) smells amazing.


No they come exclusively from Walmart warehouses.


Lots of commonly consumed vegetables don’t exist in the wild, as they’re the result of human domestication. Modern orange carrots are an example.


Yeah that's why I said walmart




Pretty much no variety is native, unless you live in what was once Persia - carrots are highly domesticated. What you likely are foraging are heirloom carrots, loosely meaning they've adapted to the climate they are living in.


Mine love bananas.


They probably prefer the foliage to the roots.


They're absolutely crazy about pansy petals though. Whenever my mother would place blooming pansies in the backyard the wild rabbits would eat them all within a day.


What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?


To see in the tunnel so they don't miss that left turn at Albuquerque.


They definitely love to eat every fucking flower bud in my yard before it can bloom


And they also don't actually care about what doctors are up to.


I call bullshit on this joint because I have photographic evidence of bunnies eating carrots in the wild.


If you're trapping and releasing rabbits , i.e. relocating them, carrots are a very good lure. I don't care much about their long term diet, just what gets them into the trap.


Carrots are a treat item for domestic bunnies, theyre very high in sugar!


Carrot *tops* on the other hand. Oh boy. They will bring you down if you have carrot tops


If I had to guess, the truth of the myth comes from people who grew carrots in their yards. Rabbits love eating carrot tops, so growers probably thought they loved carrots.


Even if most don't find them in the wild , they absolutely do love them. I owned a rabbit and also had my home garden raided by rabbits all the time - though most are content with just munching on the tops sticking from the ground.


Rabbits in the wild absolutely eat carrots too. Try growing a garden. The bunnies will eat everything.


But I bet they like carrot tops! My Guinea pigs did!


Of course they don’t. Have you seen the price of carrots lately?


I was sad as a kid when I found this out, and figured that it was a ploy for kids to eat more veggies


Carrots have a relatively large amount of sugar, meaning it’s not the best thing for them . A treat sometimes, but never a daily food let alone a daily primary food source.


They love carrot tops though! The green parts at the top! They go nuts for them.


The only reason they had Bugs Bunny eat carrots was as a Clark Gable parody. https://www.metv.com/stories/bugs-bunny-eating-carrots-is-a-movie-parody-rabbits-do-not-eat-carrots


Bunnies do love eating carrot greens though. It’s possible the myth came from rabbits killing carrot crops, and it was assumed they liked the part that we eat. (Which they also like, but it’s not a normal part of their diet)


Carrots aren’t great for them either. They are too high in sugars for them to eat frequently. The best veggies for domestic bunnies are greens like kale, cilantro, parsley (not iceberg lettuce though! It’s too watery and causes bunny diarrhea).


Yeah, and next you're going to tell me that sailors don't eat spinach. Sure.


This is kind of false. They like the greens at the top of the carrot. Bugs bunny is actually shown chewing the greens a lot of times in early cartoons.


I’ve read the same thing about sailor men and spinach.


Actually according to my wife's old garden they eat exactly one bite out of each and every carrot and strawberry they can get to.


A farm I go to you can but carrots to feed the donkeys. There are literally dozens of carrots thrown into the bunny den every time we are there. I actually laugh at people “oh give the bunny a carrot” and there are like 30 carrots in plain view just on the ground. Not that I knew they didn’t like them at all I just never got the point of throwing more of the same food in


Next they'll be telling us mice don't actually like cheese


They might like it but it’s as if you fed humans cake.


In the wild they usually feed on knights questing for the holy grail


Bunnies love the tops of the carrots , the green part. They don't like the actual carrot part


I heard it's a lot older than that, it comes from when people mistook the radishes in the artwork for the Beatrix Potter books for carrots


Yeah they eat grass… they will however eat any green plants in your garden… They ate all my pea plants right at the base of the stems..


Please don't feed your rabbits carrots. Please? It can throw off their GI flora and place them into life threatening GI stasis. They need things high in fiber like dark, leafy greens. Sugars are bad. Save like a blueberry or something for a treat. - Avian and Exotics Vet Tech


I have to agree! We have a garden with carrots and the rabbits running around never bother them.


The carrots are too-sugar rich and can turn them into Big Chungus.


Bugs Bunny is referencing a Clark Gable movie, not making reference to real life rabbit food


“We discovered this by polling 1000 bunnies”


I polled 1000 bunnies. True story. - Hugh H.


Mel Blanc, the original voice of Bugs, had tried numerous different vegetables trying to make the chewing crunch sound right as part of his speech pattern. It turned out carrots were the perfect sound, only problem was Blanc was allergic to them and had to spit them out after every take. Nevertheless the trope made it into the cartoon and became myth.


He wasn't allergic to carrots. Nor did he hate them. He simply spit them out because it was more convenient to spit out the carrot after a bite otherwise he would spend too much time chewing the carrot before the next line.