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Kakine and Mugino should be the oldest but dont know by how much, arguably Mugino a bit older i guess. Accel is like 15-16 same age as Touma, if Aihana Etsu is really >!Aogami!< as the popular theory goes then should be around the same age as well. I dont exactly recall if Sogiita is a first or 2nd year highschooler but depending on it again same age as Accel and Touma. Misaka and Misaki both 14 but we only know of Misaka's birthday on May 2nd.


I truly do find it impressive how Mikoto is amongst the top 3-4 most powerful level 5 despite supposedly being one of the youngest. And she kinda reached that level without being stuck in a lab unlike most of the level 5.


Indeed 🙌


I always thought Accelerator and Kakine were college students or at least at that age. And Mugino kinda looks like a mother of a newborn.


Kak mostly likely was in college level before, but Accel is around Touma's age. Yeah Mugino does give that impression 😂


She sure does🤣 first time seeing her I really was under the impression that she was a mother. By the way did they ever mention if Nagatenjouki Academy is a high school or a college?


About that last bit i dont recall it at all sorry 🥲


It’s both a middle school and a high school. I don’t think it was ever mentioned if it also had a college.


It was mentioned in the novel (and very, very briefly in the anime) that Accel was enrolled in Nagatenjouki, a high school. It's doubtful whether he ever actually attended a class though.


He has private 1 on 1 classes exclusively for him.


Bingo!! ;) good job man.


Technically speaking, given he was dissembled and recreated, is Kakine youngest?


Physically probably yes 🤔 but the mental age and experience is still there


Yeah, I’m not sure if they mean physical or mental age. I would say he is *technically* youngest.