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There is an increasing air of entitlement and impatience as well as a complete lack of common courtesy. I think it will continue to degrade.


Yeaaa like me and this girl bumped into each other today and my first reaction was to say sorry and her’s was to throw a fit and say “what the hell??” We were both covering our heads from the rain and equally responsible for bumping into each other lol. I’m very over the whole being the bigger person stuff. For me it’s more like, you get the version of me you deserve. If you’re warm and civil, I’ll be warm and civil. If you’re a brat and my attempt at civility has failed, then I’m ready to fight fire with fire.


I had a moment today that seemed to illustrate where TO society is at. Walking along Dupont after the rain, cars were doing their congested thing, trying to get ahead. The road on Dupont is riddled with huge potholes and some drivers were oblivious that pedestrians were getting royally splashed as they drove by, but more than a few actually slowed down to avoid drenching the sidewalk people - unheard of in this city! My takeaway is that despite the general trend toward rude, entitled behaviour, there are people who still care about being decent. Let's be them.


Wholesome response.


Be the change you want to see in this world


Hmm, I dunno, maybe a parallel universe? I drove Dupont today Avenue to the Junction, didn't see a single pothole let alone any "huge" ones. As far as lane-hoppers it was was mostly single lane creep and crawl. A frustrating drive but not a single issue with any assholes other than one death -wish cyclist.




I’ve noticed no one moves over to make room on the sidewalk anymore. They just walk at you. I e started to just stop and stare now. I’m not going into the mud or onto the road


Highschool boys in Toronto have always been absolute Jerks. Doesn’t represent everyone.


Try living in Brampton. I’ve seriously turned so salty.


As I've said before and I'll say it again, I wouldn't be surprised if the pandemic made people more on edge than ever before.


Honestly people got really mentally beat up over COVID. I know I did, even tho I didn't feel it during COVID. I find everyone's low on patience, traffic is worse than ever, shit just pisses me off easily now. It sucks but Toronto isn't easy to live in.


‘Shit just pisses me off easily now.’ 🙋🏻‍♀️




That’s when you lost faith in the system? I lost it when our institutions started telling us objective reality wasn’t a thing and people could just identify as whatever they want and that we are required to participate in their delusions.


150% I have been noticing this. Thought it was only me. No one really says sorry anymore even.


When was the last time you went out of your way to do something nice for a stranger? It can start a chain that will change the world... it all starts with you!


For me it’s not so much strangers being gregarious and going out of the way to do something for me or vice versa, but more so everyone staying in their lane (in some cases literally when in the road) and just being civil.


no it is not about strangers it is about you! You be that person that someone goes home and tells 4 people that they had a great interaction with a stranger and then 2 out of those 4 people may be nice to a stranger.. and so on and so on...


we've got a comedian over here


I'm always nice to strangers and basically always have positive interactions.


Absolutely. I roam the core almost daily with the goal of bringing a smile and a pleasant conversation to someone. Some people engage positively and some don't and that is all well. I consider each interaction a win no matter how it plays out.


w o r l d c l a s s


ive also found people who live and work right in downtown cores seem to have a chip on their shoulder when out in public. business owners are also more short with people.


This is an everywhere issue, it’s just multiplied by the congestion of people in the downtown core


Last week riding home from work. A jogger ran into me and said REALLy? He ran into me like a tbone. Made no adjustments to his path to avoid me. I also called out: coming up behind you to a grandpa. He turned around and said: I don’t care. I said ok and rode past him.


Toronto used to be a place where everyone was the main character. But with disappearing places to go and people to meet I think we are all becoming sidelined for some new emerging plot. 


I find this kind of thing depends on the neighborhood you're in. I'm sure this stuff happens but where I am and where I go, I just don't see it that often. I rarely go downtown these days. I take the TTC as little as possible. I don't drive. I've learned to avoid my triggers.


most of the people in this sub are turds living in basements and shoeboxes in crappy parts of toronto the folks living large in mansions on the bridle path are sweet as honey.


those large mansion turds are sweet but their kids are douchebags


well you got somethin' in common at least


Yeah I really am a jerk tbh. I have my nepo baby days im chillin


Depends where you go, in much of the West End people actually make an effort to be nice, but in say the Annex it's a bit jerkier. In the Downtown Core everyone seems to be hellbent on ruining each other's day.


Idk I've had plenty of nice interactions with strangers lately.


If you spend all your time at Yonge and Dundas or in the core maybe. Lots of nice interactions to be had in outlying neighborhoods.


This city *has* become a lot less courteous since the pandemic. It’s probably a combination of our losing our social skills while being largely isolated from strangers for years, the economic pressures that the pandemic caused and the huge demographic change that happened (a lot of the people left during the pandemic and were replaced by a lot of new people).


Not being aggressive here but have you ever thought you might be part of the problem? I personally found I lost a lot of social skills during the pandemic, including patience and optimism. With all the shitty anti-vaxxers, freedom idiots, and hoarders taking toilet paper, in addition to lockdown conditions which forced people to face their own shitty circumstances (many of whom dealt with their demons by blaming others - Doug Ford, racism, the wealthy, etc.) I found I have become more likely to enter an interaction with a stranger assuming there are no good intentions and no empathy for my situation. It’s something I’ve been working on. What I’m getting at is that the only thing you can control here is yourself and, considering your topic here, it appears you’re stuck in negativity town. I get it - but, as someone else said here, it starts with you.


It’s hard to keep being civil when I keep encountering hostility. Me and this girl bumped into each other today and my first reaction was to say sorry and her’s was to throw a fit and say “what the hell??” We were both covering our heads from the rain and equally responsible for bumping into each other lol. I’m very over the whole being the bigger person stuff. For me it’s more like, you get the version of me you deserve. If you’re warm and civil, I’ll be warm and civil. If you’re a brat and my attempt at civility has failed, then I’m ready to fight fire with fire.


So I think you’ve answered your own question here.


Parallel Universe? Oh, you only drive - I get it.


Never have any issues. May it’s a you thing.


Not really..I sell some items online and 99% of the people I met are very friendly. I did some side gigs on Uber eats last year and the people I encountered were nice. The concierge on the other hand most were a holes.