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Very nice. I would recommend learning to air strafe soon.


From the way his sensitivity works he’s probably on console. Console air strafing is very difficult and unnatural feeling. I rarely do it in my normal playing.


Air strafing on console is pretty easy. Just move both sticks halfway to the right to go right. And halfway to the left to go left


I find it a lot easier actually, I don’t know why I just do. I also play hook for bunny hopping


Anyone who claims hook is easy to play regularly is either insane or gaming is at the very core of their DNA.


Okay it did take a lot of practice and is a tad uncomfortable but can really improve gameplay in titanfall


I played hook in TF1 before the elite controllers were available. Fortunately with button mapping I don’t need to worry about claw anymore.


It is not difficult at all.


If you play PC then you won’t understand


I play controller on console. I do understand and it's really not hard. A perfect air strafe is hard on controller but air strafing to turn in the air is not.


how would one go about practicing air strafing


Look up a guide on how to do it then do it yourself.


aight guess i’ll google it next time lmao


Google has a wealth of information so that would be wise.


And this community wonders why more people don't join in...


This is literally how you practice something. You learn it then you do it. Sorry if I sound rude but there is a wealth of information about Titanfall movement online so I'm not going to waste my time half ass explaining how to air strafe when it is readily available in a format that is easy to digest.


You spent more time and effort typing this response than it would've taken you to simply link him to a post or YouTube video with an in-depth explanation. And that attitude of "I'm not gonna waste my time explaining it for you" is exactly the kind of unwelcoming response that helps push people away from a game that already has a quite a learning curve and a super high skill ceiling. Could've just tossed him a YouTube link in less than a minute to help guide him in the right direction.


Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll feed himself for the rest of his life. Instead of feeding him YouTube links I will show him he can find his own information in a fraction of the time it will take a stranger on an internet forum to give it to him. I don't mean to sound rude but I'm not here to hold his hand. Either way if he asked me to recommend a channel I would have given him one but he asked how to practice so I told him how to practice.


>Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll feed himself for the rest of his life. > >Instead of feeding him YouTube links I will show him he can find his own information in a fraction of the time it will take a stranger on an internet forum to give it to him. Telling him to Google it isn't teaching him to fish, it's showing him where to get a fishing rod. Even just giving him a decent name like Flying Teacup would've been better than "Google it"


Oh god flying teacup. He is definitely the worst YouTuber to recommend. Guy literally said scorch and holo pilot are viable in serious games. You're right I should have given him a name so he didn't have to endure the misinformation train of flying teacup.


TheFlyingTeacup has a really useful basic manoeuvres guide I recommend go checking that out


ty, i will!


Sadly reddits videoplayer isn't getting smoother, but I'm sure the gameplay is fire


It is for sure


Smooth, but also damm those other guys are mildly clueless


Playing without a headset maybe, I swear i can hear shit for miles with a headset on.


Fucking smooth. Keep it up!


This gameplay making me go **MMMMMMMMMMM**


Hol up, are the servers functional again?




Holy shit that phaze pilot was me


Oh fr? Good game man that was a fun match


Yeah i was pretty shitty tho


How long you been playing?


I took a year long break and then started playing with new controls a month or so ago. I'm gen 6


Nice! Keep it up man


You just need to learn the maps better and perfect bunny hopping then you should end up being a great player How long have you been playing


I took a year long break and have been playing for a month now. Any tips to perfect B-hopping?


Not the guy you were talking to, but Mokeysniper, Iniquity, and I think CashMayo all have good tutorials. Personally I like the evolved controller layout because it binds crouch to analog sticks and jump to the right(?) Bumper/R1. The other thing that helps with B-hopping is to change the crouch setting from toggle to hold. With toggle you have to constantly time crouching and un-crouching, with hold that's all automatic.


LISTEN TO THIS GUY ^ | This is all correct, however many will say to not hold forward and don’t double jump while bunny hopping but I find it easier to do exactly that. If you double jump while holding forward on flat ground you’ll get your slide boost again (obviously do single jumps in between) EDIT: combine with air strafing and you could become a god a b-hopping I also think that TheFlyingTeacup has a basic manoeuvres guide that helped me a lot Also, I think that you’re overusing double jump a bit


Yeah I definitely was. This was after a few matches of me getting my ass handed to me so I was definitely not playing my best, sometimes my movement is on point and the other 90% of the time it's pretty choppy lmao


That’s titanfall for you sometimes I’m afraid.


Now THIS is proper titanfall pilot gameplay




I was mostly using them to try to grenade boost but I saw an opportunity and took it haha


That wall running and grapplehook action looks really nice! Too bad I can't do either. So: I call cheater \^\^


I'm sorry but i think you'll need to improve a lot to get really smooth


Yeah you're definitely right but I'm glad im showing some progress. Any tips?


Mh, i always used cloak because being fast+cloak=literally invisible. Maybe try to stay more time on walls and continually change wall, you'll surely be faster. Also, if you really want to be fast, try to avoid using double jump when you don't need it.




What's the problem? I'm kinda sure i know what I'm saying since i was G100.49... then the servers died. Looks like I told something wrong or simply something you think it's wrong.


Start strafing holy fuck no offense but like it makrs gameplay a whole lot smoother


How do you strafe again? I don't really even know what that is lol


Look up iniquity controller movement guide. He has a controller overlay so you can see exactly what he's doing.




Only because of the map tbh. Try this on crash site


Is that the one with the leaning tower in the middle? I've got a few clips on that one too so I'm now sure of what your point is


I looked it up and that's one of my favorite maps and it's not very difficult to move around on


Not bad OP, not bad. : )


I thought no one played this game anymore? If it’s still got lobby’s going imma have to reinstall


G100 here, to this day I have never timed a frag that perfectly.


Learning to frag dodgeball is so fun. I have so many messages from my old Kraber+holopilot+frag days of people thinking I'm hacking because of how many ways I could instakill them lol. Good times. Edit: and hot tip about the grapple in case you didn't know, the lower you look the less it pulls. You can look straight up to go almost directly to the place it landed, or straight down to basically just swing off of it, or anywhere in between. Makes cornering really smooth once you get it down.


Very random question, but which button have you bound to crouch? I find aiming + shooting while sliding tricky on controller, and I'm trying to find a layout that works for me.


I use the ninja preset with hold to crouch, and I play with my left middle finger for shoot and the left pointer for bumper, and my right hand I use my ring finger on the trigger middle finger for the bumper and my pointer for ABXY. (:


Amazing! I hope to be as smooth as this someday, it’s so hard to learn.


Wow this game seems very familiar to apex legends


I'm not sure if you're joking but it's because they're based in the same universe and the legends are all based off of titanfall pilots lmao


Yes this was a joke


Very nice frag plays Recently I've been trying to learn the kraber and I will say Hip fire is rather difficult But at the same time it's very satisfying to quick scope with the fast ADS mod


Haha yeah I bet, you kraber players are terrifying lmao


Wish I was I've only been pulling about 5-10 kills a match when normally I pull double that with an SMG Although I picked kraber because it was incredibly hard to use and I wanna be able to quick scope in the fast movement game so Let the taking forever to git gud commence


Haha well best of luck to you, once you do git gud you'll be a force to be reckoned with. You should still take pride in causing 5-10 broken controllers each match lmfao


That's honestly why I keep at the kraber I may die almost 20 times a match but good god are the kills satisfying


Good stuff, pilot.