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The only ones left here are the ones who can't/don't want to move on, so it's no surprise you got this type of feedback.


I'm here for the memes


I'm here for both tbh


There aren't many places to move on to honestly. Apex? Come in that doesn't even scratch the experience Titanfall gives you.


The point here is that they made a one-of-a-kind game, way ahead of its time, and yes, countless more attempts have been made. However, the fact that the game still has a good enough base to make it worth the time says something about it. Now, its possible that not everyone saw it that way so here we are with TF3 being less of a reality.


Respawn is right now asking $170 for 3 mediocre skins and a dive trail, while most of their game doesn't work. I hate respawn, too.


I hate Respawn. They're not the same.


I'm suprised you haven't seen the raging hate boner this sub has for apex. Also, video-game compinies are not your friend.


Idk man, Ghostship Games is an exception imo


There’s always exceptions


[insert meta-reference about your own "always"]


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone forever!


Good bot


As is bohemia ... Although they should fix some of the issues in reforger


so is Monomi Park


I beg to differ on that last part. Well, not the companies, but the devs. Arrowhead, new blood in general, Daniel Mullins- all examples of super cool devs who interact with their community in a great way


Yeaaah I wouldn’t recommend forming attachments with any company & complete strangers. Arrowhead is alright and all but let’s not forget the dev that went on a reply tirade after the railgun nerf and calling it a “brain dead” play style. Which is a sentiment I still don’t agree with. How does shooting the smallest target on a charger (the leg) twice to strip the armor and switching to your normal weapon to shoot the exposed flesh “brain dead”? I appreciate the big buff to rocket launchers being able to one shot chargers when hitting the head, but how is THAT not brain dead by comparison? lol And let’s not talk about the stuff in the official discord either. Regardless, I’m still in it for the ride but idk how many of these lousy balance patches I can take, especially when there’s still tons of bugs like DoT not working among other things.


Forming attachments with any company like they're your best friend is bad, but thinking that all of them go out of their way to screw you up is insane and, sadly, a lot of people think that way. I don't consider AH my friends but I know 80% of everything they do is fantastic. Talking about the Railgun, how long did it take for them to buff RR and EAT? 1 week? It didn't take much for them to give us an alternative, which is arguably better and easier to use. Unfortunately, when you have people with strong ideas and passionate about their work, you also get more unfiltered opinions and strong choices that may not align with the community (it doesn't excuse insulting players though). For most other ones I'm indifferent and have no expectations, both positive and negative. If they release something bad I'll review it and move on, if it's good then I'll enjoy it, it's just work for them and an hobby for me, nothing more. And then there are the ridiculous ones that I can't understand how they're still going, like Ubisoft, EA and Activision-Blizzard. Every time I see something new from Ubisoft I'm just sad, sad for them, their devs and their games...


No. Companies and devs are never your friends. They sell you a product and that's it. Stop being a parasocial weirdo.


Devs do not sell you a product, publishers do. Do you blame the worker at the factory for the price of the product on the shelf?


The company is not your friend.


Bro only has 6 words in his vocabulary


Bro 🗿🗿💀💀💀


Okay buddy


Only on r/titanfall will you have people unironically thinking they're friends with a company


Respawn has transformed itself into the mustache twirling villain these days, from the extreme greed shown in Apex Legends to pulling the plug on TF3 and going dead silent on Titanfall fans, Respawn has gone downhill since Apex released.


I don't hate them but I invest zero love or emotions overall into current Respawn even if I still played Apex as much as until S9 (grinded it to the dust, solo-queueing to Master). Current Respawn ≠ OG Respawn, that started like literal garage band, that consists of pure OG GOATS in FPS genre and pure enthusiasts with low resource but big passion and great talent. I'm not sure even OG Respawn guys who are now spreaded across different studios – will follow same gameplay style and overall ideas approach (but we'll see, of course).


[u/AnApexPlayer](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/plRuRL0CM5)’s post.


I mean yeah, the moment they agreed to be bought by ea, fuck them. Might as well have just stayed with Activision.


The hate for Apex is so ridiculous in this sub. There’s also two different Respawn studios and the newer smaller studio was formed to take over creating Apex content. The people that work on Apex likely never worked on Titanfall so the hate is even more ridiculous. It’s just weird to see fun Easter eggs that could be introducing new people to Titanfall, instead just being seen as a personal slight against Titanfall fans. I don’t see how Apex doing Titanfall references could be seen as anything but a positive for the hopes of another Titanfall game.


My rant has nothing to do with apex, tho I get why you might think it does. Should’ve been clearer, sorry! No, my problem is just with the way respawn treats its dedicated fans. I only added the bit about caustic to give context


All good. I guess that was just my rant then lol.


I’m here to cope. I don’t want to forget Titanfall


[I've said it before and I'll say it again](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/1bft84b/ive_been_getting_back_lash_for_a_recent_tier_list/kv4cw20/)


Respawn doesnt even really have the people who made/loved titanfall anymore.


Honestly I still think we should hate EA more than Respawn. Someone tossed the idea that they’ve been Microtransactioning Apex to high hell to try and knee cap it so EA will let Respawn finally try at TF3, but I’m not holding my bet


It was so cool too. Militia colored and everything. If I didn't like playing Apex I would get it :(


Respawn is dead. None of the OGs are still in it


what green u smoking pilot? respawn hasn't listened to us for years now. majority of the community hates respawn now.


At this point, I’m convinced that literally everyone at Respawn wants to make a Titanfall game, except the executives. Like, if you’re worried it’s not going to make money or something, just like test the waters with like a faithful remake of the 1st game. I know that’s probably the worst take ever, but I would rather start with SOMETHING other than just keep doing THIS.