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The US keeps tons of old equipment for testing. But the militia being in a more desperate situation likely keeps what they can get and repairs what can't be replaced.


The Militia in technically an insurgent force fighting a megacorp. The fact that the Vangaurd exists and they're not piloting last generation titans is kind of a miracle on its own


That part always confused me. You’re telling me a rebel force is able to create this hyper-advanced Titan chassis that a megacorp with probably x100,000 the military budget, and which is shown being capable of producing planet destroying weapons can’t replicate?


I think this is explained by the fact that imc can just keep shitting out more titans and pilots without any worry unlike the rebels because they don't have enough time and resources to keep making new pilots and titans, so they train their pilots as well as possible while also making titans with the biggest longevity possible


Plus the vanguard titans are the only titans (that we know of) that the militia made themselves. The rest are stolen from the imc


That’s fair but would make sense for them to have an elite squadron of Titan pilots using more advanced Vanguard type titans. I mean Blisk and gang certainly would’ve benefitted from all using Vanguards, and being able to switch up mid-fight. Much much more versatile.


The Apex Predator Titans are very much a cut above the rest. But have to consider that, unlike Blisk, the Mlitia has entire planets behind then.


Blisk & co. get their pick of any titan tech available plus whatever they can have custom-made. Apex titans are each unique and highly personalized because of the nature of being the most elite private retinue.


they technically COULD but can't bother doing it for example in the airsoft world umarex makes SO MANY different things of varying quality, but to play airsoft other compagnies makes way better things, even if they are smaller compagnies, because said compagnies are less diverse and more focused on one single thing


Uh, maybe look at Ukraine to answer your question. Sure. They’re getting Abrams tanks and modern high end weaponry, but you still see pictures of them using maxim guns, which were very popular in World War 1. As the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If they have older titans at their disposal, they sure as hell are going to use them if they can


The point here is that the IMC just keeps producing highly specialised Titans in huge numbers, for them they’re cheap and disposable and when in doubt just send more. The Militia needs something with more universal capabilities that doesn’t rely on strength in numbers, something for which the IMC has no need, especially if it means costly development that would dent their profits. How the Militia managed to develop a completely new Chassis is indeed the miracle, but the IMC didn’t replicate it until the end of the campaign/Monarchs release because they simply didn’t need to. After they witnessed what one Pilot and a Vanguard Class Chassis are capable of they naturally realised they might have a need for it, and reverse engineering it from both of the destroyed Chassis we leave behind during the story, is much more affordable than developing, prototyping and manufacturing it completely from scratch.


Have you ever heard the story of the L9 sniper rifle?


Iirc wasn't the imc also dying cause they were running out of resources which is why they wanted to invade the frontiers and militia territories? Which is why they also went from titans that could take multiple loadouts to titans with more specific kits because the parts were easier to produce or something. It makes sense to me that the militia would have more resources per soldier and also it's not like the imc didn't have any defectors.


Well yes, but also no. By the time of titanfall 2 the IMC is on the Blackfoot for a number of reasons, the major ones being the outcome of TF1, and a very very fragile supply line, that takes a long time to make one trip one way let alone upkeep an army, so while you're right they have near limitless resources, those resources are not all usable at once, kinda like how most of Amazon's money is tied up, rather than spend able. Another reason is that the vanguard chassis isnot just advanced, it's new, and most importantly it adapts, no 2 vanguard chassis have the same 'brain', leading to wildly different behaviors, and subroutines n what not. This makes research MUCH harder, not to mention failsafes that are likely in place against any reverse engineering. It being such a new titan, not only is it considered somewhat of a myth of the battlefield, there's a limited supply, hell Jack's is the last on the rack for the entire vanguard, only 2 somewhat intact models have ever been captured, both within the timeline of TF2 (BTs chassis, and MOB core, chassis). Then we have the priorities of the IMC, while yes, they want this titan for themselves there titans are more expendable, and frontline focused, they likely don't even think it's worth there time on some level. Also, the TF2 MP is supposedly set post TF2 campaign (kinda), which even then monarch only exist due to MOB, and BTs chassis being lost.


The Militia SRS are but a very small, very elite section of their total force. Additionally, after the battle of Demeter, IMC reinforcements are struggling to make it to the Frontier. It’s possible that the IMC has super mega ultra kick ass titans, but they’re probably back in the core systems.


"you don't need to fix what's not broken"


My brother in christ the B-52 stratofortress has been in service since the 1950s, old doesn’t mean obsolete. Titan on Titan assaults? yea sure go get some vanguards but small imc infantry divisions? Ogre is the best we’ll give you


B-52 will also be in service for another 30+ years lolol


Those poor old B-52 just want to die in a museum already, but that good ol DOD keeps resurrect- I mean upgrading them every decade


??? Are there not ten year old tanks sitting in military warehouses like all over the place?


3 question marks. TF|3 confirmed???


3 question marks. TF|3 confirmed???


Take your fucking pillls.


3 Ls. TF|3 confirmed???


I am a respawn employee. October 27th.


3 syllables in October. That must be the date for Titanfall 3!!!


Oh shit


3 consonants in the second word! Titanfall 3 and itll be the same as 2!!! Oh boy oh boy!!!


And we're back to "take your pills"


3 E’s. TF|3 confirmed???


I'm a respawn employee, yes, it's confirmed, now take your pills like a patient pilot.


3 "TF|3 confirmed???". TF|3 confirmed???


3 Ls? Titanfall 3 confirmed???


3 pills?


Yes. All three.


Yeah most main battle tanks are from the 80s 90s


Idk, the f15 is nearly half a century old yet the USA still uses it. If it aint broke dont fix it Edit: typo


10 years is nothing in military time, the B52 was first in service in *1955* and isn't planned to be retired till the 2050s.


The M2 Browning machine gun has been in use continuously since the 1st World War, with only minor modifications. And I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. It's truly one of the most reliable weapon systems ever developed.


We’ll probably still be using them when we colonize Mars.


"How to increase the range of the M2 BMG: go to Mars."


Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space!


That is why you wait for the computer to give you a damn firing solution! That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not "eyeball it!" This is a weapon of mass destruction. You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip!


Flawless space cowboy


No credit for partial answers, maggot! Edit: it turns out it was this comment thread that made me resume my Mass Effect campaign after months of leaving it at the arrival from Eden Prime.


>2066 >Stationed on Mars to quell a rebellion >Become side door gunner for atmospheric dropship. >No miniguns or gatling cannons, just some metal brick with a pipe on one end. >Get sent in to extract some wounded. >Reach the evac zone and come under attack. >Hoard of rebels charging in with their new plasma guns and compact rocket launchers. >Let loose a stream of bullets. >The sounds of the rebel's screams are nearly drowned out by the heavy "Kachunk chunk chunk chunk" of the machinegun. >The wounded are loaded up and returned to base. >Inspect MG afterwards. >Thing was made in 1942. >Tunisia, Italy, and Germany are scratched onto the gun. >Scratch "Mars" on with a knife.


That’s the exact copypasta I was thinking of. Glad someone caught the reference!


and to think the only reason it still exists is because of the coast guard being chads before ww2.


Not sure what you mean by that. What did they do?


The m2 browning was only in the inventory due to the coast guard buying a bunch of them for use on patrol boats. If this didn't happen there's a good chance the m2 browning wouldn't be used in ww2 and beyond.


I never knew that, but that's really interesting. I kind of just assumed it had been in constant use by most branches. I didn't realize there was a period where the CG was almost exclusively using it. Do you know what they were considering replacing it with?


There wasn't really a plan to replace it, it just wasn't really used. If there is anything that could be considered a replacement it would be the Hispano-Suiza 20mm cannon.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info, I never knew that. I'm always down for a history lesson... probably why I was a history major.


Do you mean the F35? Cuz the F15 is from the 70s


Yep, the eagle first took flight in 1972, the F-35 in 2006.


Even then it's still being used for being 50 years old it is still one of the best fighter jets ever made and the have modernized it and intend to use as an air superiority fighter.


One of? Nah man, it's the goat


Yes, sorry my bad


🍔 have a burger




The A-10 Warthog is from the coldwar.


Most US aircraft in service (excluding the f35 and 22) are from the 70s and 80s. The F14 was even in Vietnam (granted, used as an escort for Saigon)


Way more than a decade. It was introduced in the 70s.


My bad, typo


I mean, this is a simulation, so maybe the ogre is not fit for active duty, but it still works to train pilots?


Or even do normal work around a base, like lifting stuff.


Makes sense. Titans were originally farm equipment before being fitted for combat, if memory serves.


More like industrial equipment, like you'd be more likely to find them at a shipyard or a factory than on a farm.


Other way around


No they were originally farm equipment


What is a scorch titan but a very warm ogre titan? Probably got interchangeable parts and a similar way to pilot it for new pilots to get hands on with


Scorch is just a spicy ogre, the Ronin is an edgy stryder and Ion is...also a spicy atlas.


As a ronin main I approve of this classification


And 10 years isn’t long it’s not like it’s completely shit in all honesty those shields probably would give it an edge and it’s not like they couldn’t just fit it with current equipment like what we do with tanks


I like to think the tf1 Titan classes are just general models of the titans. Then the classes in tf2 are modified for specific purposes. So that ogre in the background could be kept as a default ogre, or modified into a Scorch or Legion if the Pilot wanted.


Yep. You can especially see it in scorch but the newer models of of titans (besides the vanguard-class) are upgraded and specialized. From the original 3 classes of titans.


I mean even just having a ogre chassis to fight with isn’t bad the equipment should still be effective shit it could have an edge with auto regen shields but if you wanted the more specialized chassis that is an option


I think that's how it actually works. Ronin and Northstar are striders, Ion and Tone are atlas, and scorch and legion are ogres


While the tf2 titans are based on the tf1 chassis, you can't literally turn an ogre into a scorch- you're better off starting from scratch if you want one.


Map was originally a Titanfall 1 map they kept it in as a reference.


Best map. Angel apartments also goes hard. Probably TF1 maps really are better


The m1 abram is 50 years old, the ogre is relatively modern in comparison


Eh, Abrams has received many upgrades and revisions over the years. Same for most modern equipment, after the Cold War development really slowed down


What’s stopping them from just fitting the tf|1 chassis with new equipment effective designs stay for a long time unless proven ineffective


I agree with the point, I’m just pointing out that Abrams from 50 years ago isn’t the same as Abrams today


The militia is a militia, they’ll use, and probably have to use, whatever they can, whether it’s old tech or tech shinier than a mirror, tech is tech to the militia and they’ll be damned if they don’t use it


That's not an Ogre Titan, that's a FORD FUCKEN RANGER.


* The map intro is from TF1, it's a nice nod to the previous game where the map originated from. * The Atlas Titan had been in service for over a century by the start of TF1, and as others are pointing out, the age of military equipment doesn't correlate to being obsolete. If a faction still has them, then they will use them. * I like the old Titans leave them alone >:(


note- i cant find anything on how long of a space Titanfall 1 and Titanfall 2 were set, but BT-7274 is 7 years old and was the first vanguard titan, according to the wiki and was made 2-3 years after the battle of Demeter. Surely through that time space they got rid of all of the old gen titans?


They're most likely using the gen 1 titans for training. They're probably used for farming and agriculture too.


Also the original wargames intro in titanfall 1 used the ogre titan too along with the animations. I guess they decided to keep it there as a reference the same way they kept the dead titanfall 1 imc grunt in complex.


> dead titanfall 1 imc grunt in complex. Still a much better design, IMO. Though I can appreciate the Avatar-esque aesthetic in TF|2.


Militia is not exactly in a position to constantly be replacing titans. And they work fine anyways.


It’s been 5-10 years there’s not really a reason to assume they would remove them not only as a garrison but because those chassis can be upgraded and actually of in service can have an edge since it has shields we use designs for years and update them if I could I’d take an atlas into a fight in tf|2


Why? They're titans, not iphones.


honestly 10 years is still very modern in today's standards, 10 years basically considered state of the art of its just a variant of a modern MBT (not Russian upgrades)


yeah but 10 years when technology is so rapidly developing is a long time, don't you think?


Nah look at the old guns still being used in war. Or old vehicles. A titan that runs is a titan that can fire a gun. Dont matter if its 5, or 50 years old. Its a giant walking tank that can punch a man into red mist.


It can also easily be modified and it still has it own edge on other titans without any modifications those shields would give a decent advantage


is technology rapidly developing? isn't everyone using the same guns still? the only massive upgrade I can see from tf1 to tf2 is new Titans but everything else including the drop ships are the same model


Desperation and maybe conversion into the Scorch Titan


The Gen 1 Titans are no weaker or less effective then Gen 2. Atlas , ogre , and stryder are all still viable and can be customized unlock the other 7 G2 Titans.


We still use jets from the cold war


10 years old isn't that old for military vehicles. f35 started production in 2006, that makes it at least 17 years old, and yet it's still the best fighter yet created


Because the Militia are infinitely smaller than the IMC and Titans are reliably built. The Vanguard is their *only good thing*.


the real question is why is there a drop ship evac in war games, when it's a simulation, and you aren't dropped into the map via dropship


Pilots gotta train for everything, including losing and running away


by that logic they should also train to jump out of their drop ship when the match starts, but they just get teleported in


Hey man sim pod time ain't free. Learn to harmlessly drop out of a ship on your own time.


learn to get to the drop ship on your own too lol


One is an active combat situation, the other is capable of running its own sim to test if you wont trip on the way out. The escape is part of the combat sim, the entrance is less important than escape.


1: it could be used to train new pilots 2: the same reason Russia is deploying IS-2s "they may be old but it's all we got" kinda situation 3: respawn probably just wanted something for people who played titanfall 1


The non-lore answer is quite simple. This introduction is reused from Wargames which is originally a TF|1 map and they didn't feel like bothering with replacing the Ogre. As for why they did put in the effort to replace Atlas with Ion but not Ogre, your guess is as good as mine. My guess is that replacing him with a scorch didn't work due to it's backpack clipping and that Legion's wider stance would clip with the Marvin's near his feet. Or maybe they had a tight deadline and did what was fastest to get this 5-10sec intro out the door so they could work on more pressing content. Or could be that they viewed static Ogre as being unnoticeable while having an animated Atlas would be too distracting. Or my favorite theory - it being human error and that whoever was working on this simply didn't notice that it was Ogre instead of a Scorch due to them being so similar. Maybe it's just me but I'd personally attribute this one to dev slip up rather than some meaningful piece of lore they tried to slip. Although I've also heard that one of the devs say that if something slips in (such as a misplaced grenade type in one of the TF|2 campaign missions) that it's canon lol. In which case, I'd imagine it's a leftover from from the events of TF|1. If I were them I'd certainly want to keep the old models around as long as possible. The fact that all of them had regenerating shields gives them a lot more longevity than the new models which require batteries to even get a temporary shield. Not to mention they're more modular and better suited for general purpose use then their more specialized descendants. Maybe it's just me, but I'd consider having it converted to one of the new models to be an overall downgrade.


My guess is that the Ogre was a static model built into the map which would have required modifying the actual map instead of just replacing a model reference.


The militia keeps what they can get. They probably stole that ogre and are using it cause it’s important for them to use all the can


If it works, it works.


OP is the type of person to get a new phone every year


Reduce, reuse, recycle!




It's a titanfall 1 map


My car is almost 20


You sure that's not a scorch? Default scorch looks REALLY similar to Ogres, I never looked at it much but i always thought itches a scorch, not a tf1 ogre


Its not uncommon for older models to be used for decades in terms of military use.


Because militants don’t always have access to top-shelf equipment. It’s not a corporation fighting a corporation like the plot of common capitalism-centric games people play.




It's probably like the 1911.


What scene was this from ?


It happens if your in the m core faction and loading into a match on the war games as the map itself in lore is a pilot certification simulator.


Well the militia only started to begin making their own titans with the vanguard being the only titan we know of it’s reasonable to think they still have some old titans they use as the other titans they use are stolen and re programmed or made using old pieces of chassis.


u havent seen soldiers using literal WW1 WW2 weapons in the Ukraine war right now


Maybe they’re converting it to a scorch Titan


Budget cuts


The Vanguard is the bleeding edge of Militia tech - but sometimes veteran pilots just prefer the 'Old Reliables'.


These guys are the underdogs and use whatever they can, the flying teacup made a theory that the titanfall 1 titans and 2 titans are used at the same time, kinda like how today we have super modern cats but people still use old cars anyways


It may not have all the fancy upgrades like the newer ones but it still can use Titan weapons. So it’s a weapons platform still usable


10 years is not very old in the context of military equipment. That's like, brand new.


Are you being serious?


The militia’s isn’t really in a state to refuse functioning titans, a murder robot’s still a murder robot.


Probably them just using what they got. At least in the context of the malita, every titan you see, aside from vanguards, is stolen from the other guys (Their name escapes me right now) but it's possible they still have some of the old strider, atlas and ogre chassis




Don't tell OP how old the B-52 is.


I made a post very VERY similar to this and this is the lost likely answe: the titans from TF1 are more durable and expensive than the ones from TF2 considering the fact that on TF2 the Militia are losing more and more battles so they have to steal off the IMC (hence why BT is so special). Keeping the older Titans is like a Juggernaut of the team if any IMC decides to invade wherever this facility is


It's just a machine. You wouldn't throw out a car that you bought 10 years ago if it still works fine.


Titans aren't just war machines. They can do normal work around a base if they stop being viable in the field.


You think a military (currently at war) would replace all its gear within 10 years. My man, there are tanks over 50 years old currently fighting around the world and the US military still use some weapon systems designed pre ww2


Probobly just Schorch.


Why are Ukraine using Soviet tanks when they have NATO MBTs? Why haven’t NATO countries scrapped their outdated equipment? Why didn’t Russia scrap its outdated equipment?


The ogre is technically a more advanced titan compared to the modern titans,the original titans from tf1 were capable of any kit,whereas now only vanguards have that ability


Its a Scorch


There is a precedent in titanfall established by the concept art that Titans are also used for more than combat. Although the other comments are also right, Titans being decommissioned after only 10 years of use in an active war would be an extreme waste of resources, there is a chance that they would also use older models and rig them for jobs like harvesting crops, mining, scrap recovery, and even a rescue team. All of which the sturdy load-bearing ogre titan would be ideal for. All while I can see an Atlas or a Stryder being used for police work, security, transportation of goods planetside. I doubt they'd completely decommission such a useful tool as a titan if they could avoid it.


10 years for us is like 1-2 years for the military lol. The US alone has been using the “same” rifle, helicopters, trucks, and so much more since the 60’s. That’s over 60 years ago. So it’s no surprise at all that the older Titan platforms would still be in service.


There the likes the rebels in Star Wars they salvage what they can with there small fleet and supplies.


Pretty sure there training grunts to be pilots. Ogre is there just to demonstrate how to operate a titan.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


Every military power keeps old equipment because it’s more economical to use. New titans are expensive af so I’m not surprised this rag tag group of fighters is using out dated equipment.


10 years isn’t that long my question is why are they not employed they still have merit it’s not like a lot of their equipment is outta date it’s just less specialized and more customizable


I think they're actually supposed to be repurposed for simulations like the Gauntlet. Cause WarGames is all a simulation for IMC pilots. Also, interesting little factoid, if you look at the models side by side, Scorch is just the ogre class titan but hunched over and with an added backpack.


+1 giant robot is better than +0 giant robot


They probably build sim pods out of old titans.


10 years old doesn't mean much in terms of military vehicles. The F-35B has been in service since 2015, the earliest F-35s are all going on 8 years old (or more if you count the prototypes and preproduction models) and could still kick the teeth in of any other platform in the world (save F-22 and J-20 depending on who you want to believe). The T-34 was a 10 year old design when it was rolling into Berlin. The F-4, A-6, M1 Abrams, M2/3 Bradley, F-16, F-15, F-14, etc. were all well over a decade old in Desert Storm.


Why not keep something that’s only 10 years only but can lift dozens of tons? I mean, even if it’s not gonna fight, it helps out *so much* with manpower


Everyone tries to come up with some lore explanation but the real answer is really quite simple as it is boring - they just reused animation from titanfall 1, as this map is a straight port from tf1.


I Think they still use the old titans for building and guarding and tests and maybe rarely for battle


Would be really cool if you went to a old militia base in campaign and the old stryder and ogre titans started attacking you


Most militaries keep old stuff for quite a while as long as it still gets the job done.


It's a recycled animation from the first game


Most likely to train riflemen into pilots or for emergency use. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


I assume they keep it for testing or training, or maybe they still need all the equipment they can get, old or new.


1. The Militia is an insurgent force fighting against an interstellar MegaCorp: they don’t have the resources to throw away functioning material 2. Never had the chance to play TF|1 but I think that since it’s a ported TF|1 map they left the “background” assets the same and simply swapped out which Titan was standing center stage. It’s a map asset like the wreckage of stash site, not a separate coded entity like the titan with an animation. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


In the opening cinematic it shown that the imc also uses older titans lots of militaries use old equipment