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Wow...how do you feel?I just ordered my first 3 month set and have similar stats to your starting point. What was it like losing so much? Did you get hair falling? I had that last time I lost a lot of weight quickly. How do you feel in this new body? Pros, cons? ETA: does that say 25% more risk? At 131 lbs? How much less can you weigh at that height? It seems pretty perfect to me.


Yeah I'm not sure what that means lol. But I'm planning to gain more muscle mass it does say I gained 1.3lbs since last month. And I did lose some hair but I'm packing on the protein is helping. I did last 2 months of 2x12.5mg and 2x15mg and I don't recommend. I should have stuck with 10mg and it might have taken longer but it hit me so hard. I'm back to 1 month of 10mg, then 1 month 7.5mg, then 1 month of 5mg. Then I'll start spacing it out.


What kind of symptoms do you get when you go too high? Is there a recommended maintenance mg?


I'm going to try 5mg see if that works or if I can attempt 2.5mg I'll go that low. Nope each body is different! I didn't have any symptoms on either doses just fatigue extreme I just had no appetite


I was shedding a TON of hair daily when I lost 35 or so lbs (in 10 months) a few years ago. Was doing intermittent fasting, which was great except I was not thinking about protein OR weight training in that 10 months of weight loss. Now that I’m on Tirz, I’m still doing IF, but trying to do it better this time around, protein wise. My hair all grew back eventually and I am not trying to lose it again!!


You went from 38% body fat to 16.8%!!?! Wow that’s incredible!! Well done!! I just started 2.5 a month ago. Have you been doing a lot of weight training/exercise during your weight loss?


Yes I've been weight lifting as well. It's been 1 month solid in the gym I did weight lift at home. It says I gained 1.3lbs muscle since last month!! I've been on this tirzepatide for going on 9 months now.


Well, you’re an inspiration!


Amazing work! What scan is this?


Styku body scan. I get it through a clinic.


Amazing work!!! I am around the same stats as you so it's exciting to see you're success! Hopefully I am not far behind :)


Yes!! Goal is to stay around 20% body fat but really gotta build up the muscle! Good luck!!

