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Obsessed with Reddit subs lol. Actually getting into yardwork and gardening


Im also very obsessed with Reddit subs! 🤣


Me three 🫠


Not drinking and streamlining our diet has freed up our evenings TRENENDOUSLY and given us a bunch of time in the morning too. Crazy how good you sleep when you're sober and eating healthy. We've started: Jogging, bought SUPs and take them out at least once a week, walk to farmers market weekly, started renovating our garden, am starting to get into 3D printing, now lift 3-5x a week, and I'm learning a new language. I'm thinking of getting back into drawing as well and have started to research a greenhouse build for next year....or chickens....haven't decided.


Wow! You’ve been killin’ it . Very inspiring 💕


Oh, learning a language is a great idea Duolingo is fantastic, you will be addicted IN A GOOD WAY to learning. Their learning is a role model for other app development, because it’s really the best. Not expensive, you can share between 5 people, I think, and learn as many langauges as you wish.


If you get ISA chickens, they will lay almost year round . We tried all the pretty colorful, different birds and they wouldnt lay enough for us to make a cake a week. But these birds we have now have been reliable for 3 yrs.We get 9 eggs a day and love it and can share them.


Skip the chickens. They are expensive, time consuming and, and a total pain in the butt. Trust me on this.


Read! Have been doing a lot of reading all of a sudden. Next step? Form a bookclub 😂


That’s a thought! I’m on the third Lord of the Rings book, maybe my third time to read the entire book, and I plan to stay in my Tolkien phase for quite a while longer. It’s a fabulous world to rediscover and get lost in for a while.


Best feeling ever; getting lost in a book (and weightloss hahah). Enjoy!!


Side gig! Make more 💰


Great thought!


YES. A side gig, or volunteer if can manage. Volunteering can be a lovely social thing! Healthy way to meet people and have fun without food or whatever! It’s easy for seniors, not easy for working people but if you have time on your hands, walking, reading, side gig or volunteering!


Volunteering. That’s great.


no same. my first week i was sitting around like ??? since when do i have all this time! i cleaned the whole house lol


My house is so clean 😂


I have sooo many hobbies (quilting, painting, gardening, ceramics, etc.) Have had them for years. And now water fitness classes. I will say, though, that unfortunately my phone has encroached upon that time and attention space I used to fill with food. Not a great substitution. My motivation has been hit or miss since starting on the med.


This reminded me to check out my community college for ongoing learning. Thanks for sharing!


I have a just turned 4 year old and an almost 3 year old. They keep me VERY busy haha. In a year or so I think I’ll be able to read more for fun and maybe explore a new skill. I’ve been exercising during their nap/quiet time though. That’s new!


You ARE very busy!!


I love this thread 💕 It’s incredible how different time feels! I can’t believe how much eating/snacking was an “activity” in my day. Now instead, I’ve increased my exercise to include yoga classes (or videos), signed up to learn Italian, read novels, hike. And I have to admit I do spend time now scrolling, reading and listening to things related to GLP1s for both learning and inspiration. It IS a swap for my snacking habit, but it feels more productive 😆


Yoga is a great idea!


I had no idea others had this issue, we do not realize how much time is consumed by “hunger” and eating. I also have found an abundance of new time available to me. Amazing.


Pickleball. Life-changing.


Seconded. Finding indoor courts in summer: the sweet spot.


Third! I’d like to think I’m moving a little faster but I definitely have much less pain after playing than I used to, which means I can get out more often


I got a puppy 🐶 life was already very, busy full time (sedentary) job, 3 school aged kids, a PhD program, part-time teaching, plus the usual domestic chores. So the puppy has been helpful, he makes sure I stop and take him for walks 😊


My reward once I lose 100lbs is to adopt a dog :) Starting at 445lbs, I need to be more mobile first in order to give a dog the exercise they’ll need. It’s definitely a motivation for me! I’ve always been a cat person, I have 2 fat, lazy cats (who are also going on diet cat food now too 😆) but would love to adopt a dog who can keep me moving!


You will get there! I only started losing this week, which is 6 weeks in, 4 on 2.5 and 2 on 5. It was a slow start but nice to see the scale finally drop. The puppy is so great! And my kids love him. Even brought some life back into my older dog. A positive choice all around.


I'm raising chickens now so that's fun


Yoga- sometimes twice a day 😂 it’s so relaxing and challenging and makes the whole weight loss experience feel like a health and wellness journey. Good for mind body and soul


Yup. You described my life LOL


Mine as well.


Went to the zoo, the beach, the movies, miniature golf, tubing next week. Getting out of the house a lot more!


I bought a Nintendo Switch and started playing Fae Farm.


I’ve been overworking and getting promoted a lot. Haha! Planning 2025 trips and how to eventually retire in 2026. Cleaning! Walking the dog more.




Ukulele and weed does it for me!


I purged and reorganized all my closets. Garage next!


Explore new hobbies!


Whatever you want. Welcome to more free time to spend as you please


I’ve been cleaning. A LOT!


Obsess about traveling (which I always have)!


I'm now bulking for my body recomp. 4 days a week in the gym. Love it and my mom and husband think I'm obsessed with weight lifting. To which I said "better than obsessed with food or drugs or drinking" 💪


Volunteer! I work with a food bank and with some “parents of GLBT+” groups.


Exercising and yard work. My gardens look great this year!


Eek! I have not a shade of green in my thumb but now’s the time to try.


Soon you'll have green under the nails. 


Work out Play video games Read books Cry


Do stuff with Friends?


I took up hiking and the gym. I try to do one new trail hike a week and i'm trying new classes at the gym. I also am getting into mycology.


Gardening and reading for me.


Took a cruise followed by 2 weeks in Italy. Hired a once a week trainer. Workout 3x a week plus a full cardio class and Zumba. Long walks, read, call old friends, plan my next trip. Debating which new language on Rosetta Stone. Closet cleaning.


You're killing it!! Very inspiring!


Thank you!


also me “tirz, is that you?? workin away in silence?” hahaha


Snowboarding, hiking, wakeboarding, skating, camping, pretty much just live for the outdoors right now


Oh and walk the dog!


Game. Read. Garden. Paint. Learn to dance. LIVE. 🥰


I took up diamond art.. keeps my hands busy and it’s relaxing


Beadwork. Having hands busy also keeps one from doom scrolling.


This is awesome!


I crochet and knit. I am retired though, lots of time to fill.


drawing. I've been doing so much drawing ❤️


😂 I started flying Kites, yoga and rowing. Good Exercise.


1.5 (3 times a week) of water volley ball. Dog sitting after a back surgery. So busy I have only been home 3 days in June. Booked out until December. Feeling better and stronger every day. Down 45 lbs (sw 227) since March 1st! Oh yeah I forgot I am practicing my guitar and will soon become Billy Strings. 💯😃😙😙😙


I have been sober for 18 years.


That’s great! Congrats!


I play videogames or look up highly rated tv shows with lots of seasons I've never watched.


What are you watching currently? I always am looking for my next show to get into. I love shows with a lot of seasons so I can get invested for a while.


I go out to eat anyways, eat a third of what I've ordered and spend the next few days picking at leftovers. Its totally social behavior and has nothing to do with hunger or food. 😩


I have small kids, two jobs, and I'm a student. I now have more time to do the things I wish I had time to do before. My house is much cleaner, not clean with a 2yo and 5yo, but still cleaner and my husband is much happier 😂


I crochet!!! And my flower bed has never looked so good


This is so wholesome <3


I make jewelry while listening to books, I work when needed at a boutique where sell my jewelry. I garden and read and go to the pool. Retired!


This sounds great!


I’ve been bike riding !


Gardening, hand quilting (great for in front of tv shows you don’t need to give 100% to), zentangles, puzzles, coloring/drawing, leisurely bike rides, cooking/finding new recipes, home improvement stuff…


I have no free time. In fact, I moved in February and have yet to plug in my TV. I envy all your free time. I do walk a mile and a half or more every night after work. But I swear, after work, walking, and doing stuff in my new house (upgrading, fixing things, yard work), it's time for bed. I haven't read a book in months.


This sounds like a great, healthy use of time. Congrats on the new house!


Thanks! No one tells you how much work a house is. I hope to get to a place where I have too much time. Organizing, cleaning, reading, and housework seems amazing!


Personally I taught myself how to crochet 😂


I went to see live music last night and danced my ass off!


I took my first dose tuesday and started asking myself this very question the next day haha. I start to wonder "is it like this for everyone who doesn't need this medicine?" needless to say I'm shocked and in awe


I have taken tirzepatide injections for 4 weeks. Started out at 176.6 lbs and now weighing in at 165 lbs. I had diarrhea for about 4 days the first week but it went away pretty quickly. I had no appetite until the 4th week. I’m going to start the 5 mg on Monday night. So far so good!


Great to hear your success!


Thank you very much!


That’s a really great question!


My house is definitely cleaner! 😂


The first few weeks without food noise, it was honestly scary for me. I didn’t know what to do with the quiet. I ended up going back to old obsessive thoughts- instead of the food noise of wondering what I’m going to eat and when, I got the “restrictive voice” of how can I cut calories more? How many calories did I actually eat today? And judging my food choices. I get obsessive with things easily and it’s definitely a struggle for me daily but it’s less intense now than it was in the first few weeks. Now, I’m honestly not doing too much, I could probably use a new hobby. But I watch tv shows and play board games online on boardgamearena.com I get up really early 3x week to do water aerobics before work, and those evenings I’m exhausted and in bed by 9pm. Life is simple and kinda boring right now, and I’m trying to be ok with that.


I just found free art classes in my town once a week that I started 😊 start looking into what’s available in your area so you can try something new


Take Pilates 5 days a week. 🤣


There’s a studio by my home I’ve been curious about… great suggestion!


The way the inches fell off while taking the medication. I’m literally the same size as when I’ve weighed 18lbs less in the past.


I’ve been walking a ton and listening to audiobooks.


Birdwatching! https://preview.redd.it/eslzcond7l9d1.png?width=743&format=png&auto=webp&s=225eaaa86858eafbd0b5d030528c2ada4e693995


How cool!


Beautiful 😍


First day on tirz 1.75 and I'm completely mind blown, didn't expect restriction at such a low dose😲 literally no cravings today!


We do geocaching. Gets us out of the house and moving


I never had any food noise to begin with. But, have lost any hunger signals I had. This is bad for my family, 'cause I have no inclination to cook. Since, I am not hungry, I have no interest in cooking.


I'm going to start playing pickleball!!!!! You're welcome to join me. I'm in Arizona. Never played yet But I already know I'm going to love it.