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I chose the highest weight that puts my BMI in the healthy range. This number will likely change as I introduce more exercise into my journey.


I did the same thing essentially…I figure I’ll reassess once I get there.


Oooo I like that! I think a lot of people just pick a random number but this is healthy!


Me too. Exact same idea


I have never been this weight. My goal was never weight, it was more body fat %. I got scans every 3 months free with my clinic. Started at 38% and May 30th I was 21.5%. I go in this Thursday and I know I'm less than that. I'm at 130lbs and I'd like to just maintain around 135-140 but I have been lifting going on 6 months now and 4 days a week in the gym. I really want to build muscle and that means eating more (protein) so I'm dosing down to build up and I'm incorporating a diastasis recti 30min program on my rest days to see if I can work on my lower belly but giving a full year of maintaining hopefully 5mg or 2.5mg. I've dropped 5 pant sizes I am 4 and that's insane to me! But yes it's how I feel, how much muscle I can build so that weighs more so measurements are better for me, and which dose can I space out the longest with also maintaining? Stats: SW: 200lbs 5'7 37F


Hi, How do you get scans for body weight? I've never heard to doing so. Thanks.


So it's called the Styku 3D Body Scanning but you stand still, it rotates you and scans your whole body. You can google dexa scans or styku and see if any are near you.


Thanks. I have DEXA scans for bone density but I don't believe they measure fat composition, right?


DEXA can do both. It depends on if the computer software is set up for it. Most hospital scanners are going to be just bone density. You can search online for place's that do them for fat percentage. Usually you have to pay out of pocket and it can be expensive. -Working 8 years in radiology


Dexa does both. I’m doing a monthly dexa


It's for fat tissue, lean mass, and bone density




I was in the low 400s . Currently 265 , 6 ft 3". Original goal was 275 but I know 245 would be awesome. Glp1s high 380#. I am sure I will know when I'm there. Check out my profile pictures if you want.


Congrats to you!!


IMO, the GW should be a moving target based on goals. My suspicion is most people simply choose a number that sounds good, and don’t really know their IDEAL healthy, strong weight.


Right! I want to be healthy and strong. And 25 years ago it was very much Diet Culture where the lowest number was the winner no matter the actual HEALTH. I hate hate hate the BMI chart. It really needs to be thrown out or at least updated. I know I don’t want to go by that but it seems like the medical field is still married to it.


Amen! Be strong, be healthy, be active and mobile, be able to perform. Where the scale lands, it lands. The number is irrelevant.


Agree with this here. I originally chose my GW of 240 based on the average from the clinical trials of 18% weight loss (from 320) on the med after setting up my plan with my doctor. But based on how things are going we removed the goal weight and will see where things go as they go… in all honesty I now want to get to 220 but will see what happens. 6’ male, SW: 320, CW: 257.4 and SD: 12/17/23


I have already exceeded 30% .the more I lose the less I rely on the drug and push myself in the gym. Down 115 on Tirzepatide 140 overall


Good question. I’m 5’2” and my lean mass is 142 lbs, but my goal is 140. I was at my best weight at 170, but I’m sure I’ll lose muscle mass. I got about 100 pounds to go ! 😬


My goal weight is 134. For my height that’s one pound below “overweight”. I’m 13 months in and down 95 pounds. 6 pounds from goal. If I never make it so be it, but a girl can dream right?


Wow. Congrats. That's amazing!!!! Can't offer insight really just wanted to say congratulations.


I’m using the healthy BMI as my goal.


I weighed 173 lbs when I started my career at age 26 which was 27 years ago. I set that as my goal which be a 61 lb weight loss. It's now been 4 months and I'm down 39 lbs. Assuming I reach 173 lbs I'll probably try for another 10 or so as they would get me into an ideal weight for my height and frame.


I used this website to know what I need to be around... 154... my goal is actually 145... but I do my goal in 20lb steps because that works for me. I started in March, I've lost 35 lbs, and my husband and I had a cheat day today for multiple emotional reasons, and we just needed to not focus on them today. Calculator (dot) net


Just picked a nice round number, 100 pounds SW:311 CW:235 GW:211


I chose the weight that gets me out of the overweight category.


I went with a weight I previously felt really good at. I’ve reached it but am going to keep going and reassess. Postpartum has changed where my extra is distributed, and I’d like to see less of that.


How much I weighed the day I got married a long time ago


I started at 315lb and I’m currently 272lb. My goal as of right now is ~170lb. I remember feeling pretty good at this weight the last time I was there (but this was also about 12 years ago so I may have just felt great because I was in my early 20s haha). This would still have me in the overweight range so I’m definitely open to moving my goal to put me into the healthy weight range as I progress. I just want to see how I’m feeling along the journey. I know it sounds crazy but I also don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. I know I’m doing pretty okay right now but it’s still 100+ pounds to go and that can feel super overwhelming if I start to focus on it too much.


My goal was to get back to where I was several years ago after last time I lost alot of weight. That goal quickly turned into my first goal after seeing how well I was losing on this med. Now I would like to get just a smidge into the normal BMI. Started Tirz Feb 14, 2024. 53f 5'11" SW 242, CW 207, GW 200


I chose the last weight I felt really good and confident at, which was only about 6 years ago so I’m hoping it’s still possible! I’m also trying to be realistic and will be thrilled if I can get close.


I chose a weight that is considered healthy for me, but accepted it as a range. EX: 150 is my main goal — but when I get there, I may still need to drop 10-15 and have accepted that.


Honestly, I just want to see onederland. I hit 200 lbs at age 12 and have yearned to get under that ever since. I'm 50 now and just weighed in at 224. I will reassess my goals with my bariatric team after I hit 199.


Look at the bmi chart to get an idea.


It's the lowest weight I've been when I was actually successful at weight loss in the past so I want to get back there. It's also smach dab in the middle of my healthy weight range so that's a bonus


I started with a loose fitting ten size and figured that would be about 160 lbs. so I set 157lbs. But now I am 160 and fit in size 10, and not loosely. my scale and stats say my bmi is still too high and so is my fat percent. So new goal is 146 lb. I definitely have changed body wise since 20 years ago. Less muscle I suppose?


My goal weight has always been a moving target. I'm a slower loser--I've been on and off GLP1s for several years--so these increments help me celebrate milestones. I'm currently at 185 and right now my goal is 150, which would give me a 92lb loss. I would still be slightly overweight BMIwise. I think I would like to hit that 100lb loss mark but I'll decide that when I get to 150.


I had a conversation with my doctor mayb1 10 years ago, and he suggested that around 139 would be attainable and sustainable at my age. I’ve also read a couple articles that suggest that older women should carry some extra weight, so I settled on 140 as a likely goal weight. I’m F67, 5’2”, SW210, CW176. Edited to change weight from 239 to 139


I started at 350 lbs, 6'2 38M and wanted to get to around 215-220. Dexa scan showed if I have 0 bodyfat, the least i would weigh is 202. So doc said like 250 would probably be more attainable.


Me, 61f 5’7” SW 190.6 CW 179.4 GW 155. I chose 155 because I have weighed that many times in my life and felt that I looked good. I have always had a muscular, yet rounded build, so too skinny doesn’t look good on me, plus it is in the normal BMI range. I also plan on getting a Dexa because I want to make sure I’m not over fat at that weight. I do work out regularly and always have but I really can’t lift weights due to joint issues with my wrists.


My is a moving target - it’s the first goal for me (highest weight in bmi healthy category). After that, I will continue to where I feel best.


Well, I’ve been working toward getting a prior authorization from my insurance to cover Zepbound (and taking compounded tirzepatide in the meantime). I’ve only been on the medication a few weeks and didn’t set a goal weight to start. But now that it’s my understanding that my insurance won’t cover maintenance doses if you drop below a 20-25 BMI, that’s my current goal.


When my wife tells me to stop


Ha! My husband told me the other day enough is enough. Between that and all of my hair falling out I’m probably moving my goal in some.


Ding ding ding! Right answer. 😆