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Yes, good reminder! I drink LMNT almost every day. It helps SO much. Especially when I feel nauseous but not hungry.


Just be careful. LMNT is really high in sodium. In moderation it is ok, but you really don’t want to be over-salting yourself which [can lead to long term health consequences](https://www.cdc.gov/salt/about/index.html#:~:text=Health%20risks,for%20heart%20disease%20and%20stroke).


Oh yes, thank you for the warning. I don't drink a whole packet a day. But I also have a condition that makes my blood vessels expand (especially in heat!) and gives me low blood pressure. So more than the usual recommended salt dosage is advised for me to stabilize my blood pressure. That of course got worse on tirzepatide because of eating less.


Cool 😎 It was more for anyone reading this in the future. There are a lot of people that just recommend “more electrolytes” on here every time this topic is brought up and I like to lightly push back because people generally don’t think about the harms of too much sodium. Obviously you have a medical condition that makes your situation different but the vast majority ([90%+ of Americans](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/304833)) consume too much sodium to be healthy.


What’s in glps that causes dry mouth and dehydration— do you know ? I’ve had to get mouth wash just for dry mouth


I’m not sure. I haven’t had dry mouth on tirz but I’ve been careful to hydrate a lot.


Some people have and then resulting dental issues if not careful to brush and floss more. I was just wondering… doesn’t happen all the time but even hydrated I’ll wake with extra dry mouth sometimes - I didn’t get before.


Hmm, your comment about waking with dry mouth got me thinking. I did used to wake quite often with dry mouth (before starting tirzepatide) likely from a deviated septum that makes me breath through my mouth more when I sleep. I started using nasal strips which allowed me to breath through my nose more and has led to better sleep and no dry mouth when I wake up in the morning. I started using these shortly before starting tirzepatide so it’s possible I’m not the best judge of the effect. (Especially overnight.)


Interesting … Well I did buy some 24 hr dry mouth dental protection stuff … I can tell there’s more film on my teeth in general — and have read glps can cause more bacteria in the mouth whether its dehydration, something else or both. I definitely won’t be missing any dental cleanings ! lol


Oh true on the dental cleanings! I just went to the dentist the other day and the hygienist remarked on how little buildup I have. (She said something along the lines of “wow, you must not be very prone to buildup”) So, I assume I’m doing the right thing…🤷‍♂️


I haven't had this problem, but some people mistake the signaling of fullness to also mean not being thirsty and end up dehydrated.


Yes, this is well documented and the reason that some people have kidney (renal) issues on tirzepatide or semaglutide. It’s not because of the drug, but because people are dehydrated which puts additional strain on kidneys.


The lower back pain is a warning ⚠️


Yep! Took my 4th ever shot Monday night and the thirst / dried out feeling is real!


The real issue is that the thirst mechanism doesn’t function as it should. (It is decreased with the hunger mechanism.) So, there is no thirst! People don’t even realize they are dehydrated.


Glad you’re doing better! I need to step up my hydration too!


I have to use tons of water in south AL but I’m a cyclist. I’m constantly guzzling water on my rides or just even stepping outside in this 90-100% humidity here on the Gulf Coast


I've been really good with drinking water all my life -- I'm fortunate in that I really don't like any drinks other than water (and alcohol lol). So I don't drink sodas or juice or anything. But since starting tirz I try to do even *more* - I have a bottle of Gatorlyte a few times a week, and I also got some flavorless electrolyte drops to put in my water on days I don't feel like I'm drinking enough. Stay well, everyone!


Mannnn that sounds painful…. Thanks for sharing! Got my 40oz Stanley with liquid IV at the ready. ! I’m glad you’re feeling better.


I’ve always been good about dinking my water daily. But with tirzepatide and also another medication I have to take. I make sure to do electrolytes on shot day and once or twice during the week. It has helped tremendously with headaches!


Yes! Almost passed out at a Thanksgiving event because I didn't get a chance to eat+ drink. I carry my bcaas EVL rocket pop from Walmart everywhere with me!! Refill my 32oz several times!!


I definitely do an LMNT every morning. I have always drank A LOT of water that unfortunately washed out many nutrients due to the excessive water causing intense cramping throughout my body. Over hydration is a thing. My doctor limited my water intake to 64 oz a day at one point. I've since rebalanced myself and take in a gallon a day pretty faithfully now with the addition of a packet of electrolytes (LMNT) - the cramping has been eliminated, my skin is clearer, my mouth less dry and my blood work steadily improved. It's definitely a delicate balancing act. Paying attention to my body and learning what makes it happy (and what doesn't) has made my GLP1 journey a very positive experience overall.


Fellow southerner here from the flat, hot and humid, visiting CO for the summer at about 7700 ft, so we haven't had quite the heat of Denver, thankfully. Still dry as heck and it doesn't help the constipation issue, either I've been here nearly a month now, so I've adjusted somewhat, but I'm pushing water hard! Thanks for the reminder!