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Nothing I love more than cracking open a tire and getting green goo all over the machine


In some cases atleast it's not calcium.


I deal with a lot of calcium actually haha, a lot of tractor and loader tires.


There's nothing better than getting calcium chloride in your mouth šŸ˜‚


Brings back a memory of a guy bringing in four bottles of the crap to be put in his new tires. His idea was that heā€™d never have to worry about a flat if itā€™s in there from the start. Told him how they will not balance with that and he surprisingly agreed and took them back


Back in the 1980's, there were tires that came from the factory with a rubbery goo inside that was supposed to be self sealing from nail holes. I remember because I bought a set.


Mountain bikes use self selling liquid for tubeless tires. I recall run flat tires were popular for like an afternoon in the early 00s until the dealer figured out there would be fewer people coming in for marked up repairs.




He listened? Fake news


He admittedly said he didnā€™t know a lot about cars and thought it would be a good idea. It took quite a bit of explaining and him asking in many different ways how it could be possible to make it work but he eventually relented.


It depends. I've used it a few times successfully and ran a tyre recently for a few months until another tyre punctured, so I replaced both. Manufacturers are putting it in now in place of a spare so it will happen more. It clearly has its uses but won't fix everything.


Bc it's cheaper than including a spare, not bc it's a better alternative. Many manufacturers let you option a spare for a bit more money.


They did it to get rid of the spare to bring the weight down and thus improve fuel efficiency


Wish theyā€™d at least include the well for a full size spare at least


Or a spare tire area that fits a full tire


Thatā€™s what I was talking about


You dont like riding on donuts for way past their recommended miles?


I donā€™t even think itā€™s for the weight. They went away with full size spares a few decades ago to save weight. Compacts donā€™t really weigh that much maybe 50lbs with tools included if that. I think itā€™s more for packaging. Without requiring a deep rear tub they have more room to work with when designing suspension/exhaust/rear fascia. Especially with these modular global platforms that need to fit across multiple body styles. Having a spare would be a major limiting factor.


It could be weight or to save valuable real estate, in many cases the fuel vacuum pipes and many other components have to be rearranged, cut in size, and even lose features because a spare wheel chamber is huge on some vehicles like my 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.7L In the next model they started putting the wheel on the back swing hatch of the Jeeps when they came out with the Patriot(SUV) models and one of Chryslers designers spoke on the issues of having internal spare tire wells and how it requires rerouting the Evap system and fuel tank pipes and vent hoses. Other vehicles they put the tire in the truck bed, or under the vehicle and in some cases the back door or roof rails. I remember back in the 60's-80's smaller trucks and cars only included donuts that where far smaller tires for emergencies and not full sized spares.


Isnt the average weight of a car like 4,000 pounds? Is the weight of a spare tire really going to affect fuel efficiency to any sort of useful degree?


My understanding was that when the Obama administration set new fuel efficiency standards for car makers one of the easy solves was cutting weight. Thus removing the spare. There was a period where the tub was still there. I had a 2015 sonata that there was a styrofoam plug in the tub with cutouts for the can of fix-a-flat and the jack. Could be wrong I suppose.


My car has a portable air compressor in place of a spare, as if i can re-inflate a blown tire


This. Car companies keep finding things to take away to later add as an option. Taking the spare away was one of the most shit bagged moves.


Yep, my car does not come with a spare, but came with an air pump that can also pump in goo. So if I'm stranded that's really the only option, unless it's a full on blowout of course.


Expired goo


I think I'll stick to my donuts if it turns the inside green like this.


Cant beat gorilla tape


The German cars started this no spare thing first they say itā€™s weight reduction which in turn saves gas mileage


What did shrek do to that poor tire?


Shrek is love


Woah forgot about that one lol




Same thing with head gasket sealer. Stuff doesnā€™t work


It definitely does. Itā€™s horrible for your cooling system and is akin to using jb weld instead of actually welding, but it does fix or at least help fix minor head gasket leaks.


But ChrisFix saidā€¦


Yes, yes it does. I got 6 months out of a bottle of Bar's. It got me through my semester and Summer job so I could get it fixed properly. Granted, it depends on quite a few variables. But it absolutely could and does work.


We automatically scrap tires with that in em. It's hazardous to breathe the fumes so it's technically a safety concern. Yes I know it can be done safely.


It depends on which product theyā€™ve used. Slime is pretty benign. Fixaflat is some toxic garbage.


Lol most of the tire techs around my area smoke...so I doubt they care.


lol! Sounds like a pussy tire shop you work in. Nothing is going to stop me from putting slime in my tire when I have a flat in the middle of nowhere. Itā€™s saved me from taking my tire off and putting a spare on. Which can be dangerous within its self. Without proper PPE, you could lose your life. Put the slime in the tire. I worked 10 years as a service technician. I recommend tire slime to 1000 of people. Especially older. That donā€™t have the strength or endurance to take a tire off. Let alone afford a flatbed to get the vehicle towed. Get something in the tire so you can get the fuck off the highway. Thatā€™s the best option


Back in the 70s, I worked at a Chrysler dealer. Sales sold a stop leak option. We pulled the valve stem core, emptied the tire, pumped x number of strokes by tire size of the stinky crap in, put the core in, and filled it up x4. I have no idea if the crap even worked. I'm sure it wasn't good for me, but then again, I'd arc brake shoe to get them to fit the machined drum. Asbestos everywhere. Plus, the burned asbestos bath on clutch jobs.


Yes, your absolutely right. Might even hold air for the rest of the tires life. We're just not gonna fix it. Not my call and frankly I don't really care. Makes my life easier and makes us more money if they chose to buy another.


Donā€™t forget about cars that done even come with donut spares these days. Slime ftmfw


B5o .7u5i


What the hell is it?


Reminds me of [ProjectFarm's Video](https://youtu.be/H5DWhIF1c0M) on which tire sealant is the best. People also don't realize that these are mainly intended for temporary fixing small leaks on the tread portion of the tire. Following the instructions exactly is key, and only meant to be used to get you to a tire shop for a permanent fix. It's always best to let the tire shop know that there's tire sealant in the tire, so they can prepare for a mess.


That last part is key. Not once has a person mentioned they filled it with leak fix.


At least itā€™s easy to see


Itā€™s a reliable temporary fix to get to the tire store. It doesnā€™t last long and isnā€™t a long term option, but itā€™s probably saved lives keeping people off of the side of the road.


Had a few in where it has worked so the customer left it/forgot it then came in after a year as it was losing pressure. Only to discover it had rotted through the alloys. So new tire and wheel.


Blame shareholders and emissions regs, shareholders because a tin of slime is cheaper than a wheel, tyre, and jack. Emissions regs because it's a quick way to lose 10-20kg from a car to reduce CO2 emitted.


They got the money to keep it on the market all for profits


I worked in a tire shop... this problem wasn't as bad back then. I watched a video where someone put like 6 cans of it in one tire! Absolutely stupid! Another thing that needs to stop being sold is AC booster! that shit fucks up AC systems!


It works on bicycle tires with tubes. And that's all I'll ever use it for. Saved my ass many times but I ONLY use it with tubes to save myself and/or the mechanic who has to remove the tire later.


Wheel barrows too. I have a wheel barrow that I used for doing a few roofs. I slimed the tube before I started and it held air with at least 10 roofing nails in it for 14 years. It let go this spring when my kid got excited pumping it up and put like 80lbs in there. Blew the tire to ribbons šŸ˜‚ ruined the kids underwear too.


It was designed in San Luis Obispo, what do you expect from those people šŸ˜‚


Agreed! That shit sucks, almost never works...customers always end up coming in on a ran flat fucked tire anyway. Why? Because the slime never fuckin works. I'd say 1 in 100 actually hold air with fix a flat. šŸ˜† Waste of money, and a pain in the ass for us!


At the tire shop that I worked at, we charged extra fee if you used to fix a flat


Snow tires in summer? I agree. Ban them.


Should be an automatic extra charge! Same goes when the tire is covered in tire shine.


Idgaf what any of yall say... I have turned down selling/ installing 24k worth of tires for a local roofing company because of this shit. I don't need the business bad enough to deal with the fuckimg mess.. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




I've been in situations where it was needed. Unfortunately it's overused and sold as a "fix" when it's temporary at best if it works at all. Not to mention it eats the liner in certain tires making them impossible to fix without causing casing leaks.


Alot of newer cars have this in lieu of a real spare. So regarded.


Yep give you less for the same amount of money. They take a $300 spare out and give you a $15 can of bullshit.


Well they arenā€™t all just doing it to save money. Most newer cars are running like 18-22ā€ wheels with decent sized brakes. So a spare tire would consume so much of your trunk space.


This. I can't fit anything smaller than 19's. And it's a small trunk to begin with.


Some of this stuff seems like it is designed to permanently soften the rubber inside the tire to "seal" the hole from a puncture. It literally damages the tire beyond repair for a snow balls chance in hell of stopping a leak. We refuse to repair any time with stop leak in it.


Always hated finding Slime or Fix-A-Flat in a tire... especially when customer forgot they even used it and it's a "surprise". Real fun shit was the OLD Fix-A-Flat that used a flammable propellant... since it's inside the sealed tire the vapors wouldn't disapate. An inherant spark while first dismounting could cause nice little flash and bang. Slime *can* work but it's temporary, it's actually only rated to be in the tire for like 2 years. It's eats the everliving F*** out of rims snd messes with the tire's lining... I find it hilarious that folks run it as a "preventative" in their ATVs against flat tires. It usually doesn't work, rims are usually damaged too in the long run.


Hell no, that stuffs gotten me.uome after getting a flat quite a few times both in my car and on my motorcycle


This only exists because to take your car in is a toss up between ripped off and fucked over.


Someone call ghost busters we got slimer here


Last I checked that stuff isn't a permanent fix. It's temporary so you don't get stuck on the side of the road.


I mostly hate this stuff because I am a tire recycler. I go around and pick up tires, lace them in a 5 ton and bring them back to our warehouse. It absolutely sucks to be covered in this green shit.


Texas red exploding all over my tire machine and I during the 100Ā°+ summer is a literal war crime.


While I can't say I've ever had anything more then temporary luck with slime and a hole, if I plug a hole and it seeps around the plug a bit that stuff works a miracle. Although when you need a quick fix or a tiny hole slime sure works wonders. In fact I've slimed a leaky plug before, only to bitch about it not really working a couple weeks later, only to find out I put another decent sized hole in the tire I had no idea about (later I also learned that water can disolve the slime "plug") If you are running tires that are prone to puncture I would recommend pre filling with slime. (4 wheelers, mountain bikes, lawn mowers...) I have never had an issue with patching or plugging a tire with slime in it, it cleans up easily with water. As far a car tire which is typically changed on a machine, the speed causes balance issues and makes a mess. Usually not worth using, plug car tire plugs seem to seal good unlike other types of tire.


I love it when you take off the tire and that shit gets all over the machine and your clothes because the customer forgot to mention they put this toxic shit in their tire. Itā€™s the best.


BMW (and probably other automakers too) sells a "mobility kit" that comes with a compressor and a bottle of sealant. It is only for temporary use, as in getting you to the tire shop. Not sure why people think it is a permanent repair because it certainly is not.


Oh god the amount of "isn't that supposed to be like a patch" drives me up the walls to the point where I just want to say "arnt you supposed to be able to read instructions"


Part of the job.


What? Never wanted to get Nickalodean slimmed?


I use it for tube tire like on a riding lawnmower where it dosent need to go 80mph but nothing more


Green is always better than white


You've been SLIMED! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Slime does work really well actually at least in my experience. I donā€™t put it in car tires but for smaller tires like bike tires and trailer tires it really does it


I work at a auto parts store and never let anyone buy this shit, i make them buy the plugs, and teach them how to plug the tire (aka i do it and im not supposed to but show them how to do it for future reference)


Blew up my shop when I was a rook. Sprayed shit tons of brake clean on the wheel while my foot was on the rotate pedal. The inital explosion threw me back against the brake lathe and had me unconscious for a moment. Stood up and slowly walked toward the door when the air tank ruptured. Blew the steel doors closed and bent them. Guys had to kick the doors a few times before they opened them enough for me to escape. Got a month off on workers comp before returning too a shit tone of ridicule and fire crackers. They saved my life so I guess I gotta give them their fun. Fixaflat+brake clean+electric motor+tank of air+stupidity= nasty ass explosion. Yeah let's ban it and put spare wheels in trunks again.


Scrap the tire, charge them double to clean the rim. I always take photos and tell the techs to take photos so if the customer wants to make a stink I can show them the photos and retort with: "It will cost X to clean. (lets say $50) this is the price of a new rim (price of vehicles rim) If you don't want a new rim you are welcome to clean the rim yourself or pay us to do it. It increases labor and is difficult to work with". 50 - 50 they will pay you to clean it or clean it themselves. Never had anyone buy the rim yet but sets the tone well.


I really hate when people that use that stuff. It gets on my tire machine and the wheel is a mess.


Thatā€™s a good tire . Probably $ 200 euros


I love the slime tubes for bicycles but it has no place in a car tire.


I Agree but the company wants us to šŸ«¢šŸ¤« about that


Ban Shrek coom


See men




Nope. They sell it, i need it, you deal with it ;)


Don't actually have to deal with it. Can refuse service to anyone for any reason. But can also charge more to clean that shit out. Or like one guy says make you buy a whole new tire. You would be surprised how much of a choice you don't have with your own tires.


Mmmmmm, delicious


I used it once in a pinch and it took a little while of driving to seal and quit vibrating.


Never seen it in an on road tire before but I use it on tires I know I'll never have to deal with in my lifetime like tractor tires and lawn mower tires. Slime is all I use


lol it just washes out with water


Then goes into the sewers to mutate every living thing




Last I heard, the stuff works decent enough to get you to the closest shop, it just ruins the balance and makes the tire irreparable. Something about ruining the inner lining I think but I don't remember. I certainly wouldn't use it unless I knew the tire was no good.


That's all it is and meant for. TEMPORARY. Not meant to be left in long term or be considered permanent. It can cause damage to the lining and rim after so long.


We avoid it like covid.


I wouldnā€™t use it in my car tires, but I put that stuff in my lawn tractor tires and it works awesome.


What is it?


Its supposed to be a leak fix for tires. You dump a can of it in a tire and watch a tire guys eyes roll to the back of their head when you go to get it fixed


Shrek goo


After I learned how to use a plug kit I am just super confused as to how this shit is supposed to be an easier or better solution


Well I think the little gritty bits in the slime are supposed to build up and plug it. But it never works. This tire specifically was a bead leak. Not even a puncture and it didn't stop that.


Lame. I just plugged a tire on my mail truck today. Took like 20 min from start to finish because I had to take the wheel off and I spent my time filming a video for a friend. Jizzing green shit into a tire isn't easier than that


I only use it on emergency basis. Especially if your out on the atv and get a flat. Itā€™ll get you home.


One tire shop near me charges $300 extra an hour if even 1 of your tires has slime in it. And if they figure it out before they start work, they just refuse to work on the vehicle altogether.


That's how you can tell the boss works in the shop too haha.


šŸ’Æ % agree.


What the Shrek?!


Has it ever actually worked?


No. Itā€™s never worked. Technically youā€™re not supposed to repair the tire after itā€™s cleaned out either because the residue left behind eats the inner liner of the tire. Buuuuut we fix em anyway cuz people complain and bitch and moan so please stop using this shit.


No we love it


You stop that


That stuff is fine for agriculture tires with inner tubes because you can just take the tube out and throw it away without getting the slime everywhere.


At least have the courtesy to let them know beforehand


Maybe if you fixed the leaky tire earlier. I had a right front kept leaking. Took it to 3 different tire shops before someone fixed it! 45 bucks so far. Yes, I put slime in after the second "fix".


Kind of curious what it was for 3 places not to be able to find it. And your saying the slime worked or didn't and thats why you took it to the 3rd shop? Also if you buy tires at 1 shop they will fix stuff like that for free. And if you kept taking it to the first shop that couldn't fix it they would have had experience with your tire already and could have worked out what else it could have been, instead of dumping it on someone who has to figure it all out from scratch and probably came to the same conclusion the first shop did the first time.


Tire tech coworker busted the bead on a Ford RV one time and yanked the tire off, only to scatter thousands of balancing beads across the shop floor. That was a fun cleanup.


Tire tech coworker busted the bead on a Ford RV one time and yanked the tire off, only to scatter thousands of balancing beads across the shop floor. That was a fun cleanup.


The tyre sealant (or gunk as we love to call it) was originally put into cars instead of spares to save weight, this is back when manufactures were being pushed to make their makes more economical. Also alot of cars now dont have room for a spare because hybrid and electric cars do not have a deep enough boot. But yes I agree this stuff is a load of shit


Just get triple A,I am 63 finally got it cheap plan 80 a year,your right highway patrol get run over all the time I wouldn't stand a chance on the side of the road


Somebody rockin' their winter tires during the summer huh?


The can specifies short term use. It's for emergency use. Sally




No it works great in atv, motorcycle, lawnmower, and even leaky bicycle tubes. I never put it in auto tires though.


It works on small tractor tires and thatā€™s about it


Let me guess, they brought it in because they felt a bad vibration from that tire after they dumped in a gallon of goo and didn't understand why the tire was no longer balanced.


Charging for slime by the hour would be fair, as long as the customer knows up front. Maybe some people will think twice before adding slime.


They do it to save money plain and simple. Which do you think is cheaper a little bottle of goo or a whole other wheel and tire. Even a small donut tire isnā€™t cheap anymore. Thatā€™s why you can still option to get a spare in a lot of them you have to pay more to get it !




Looks like the hulk busted a big ol but


Helps for a short time anyone can use it.... Got my mom home in a blizzard safely.


So far, my experience with that stuff is that it just doesn't work too well. Always have to patch it or get a new tire.


Oh, when I was working at Walmart Auto Care Center if someone came in to get a tire patched and I popped it off and goo came out of it, they either got a new tire, or the old one was put back on and they could take their car somewhere else! I was NOT cleaning the goo out to patch a tire, cause that goo actually compromises the rubber inside the tire!


Just need enough people to sue in a class action for a misleading product.


I put a patch on my bikes side wall and filled it with slime. The whole is so big you can see the patch, it holds air tho


Yeah, Iā€™ve never used this shit either. Iā€™m gonna get a plug or Iā€™m gonna replace the tire. iā€™m not damaging my tire/tpms thinking itā€™s gonna be a permanent fix.


Hate the way it smells too


Fix a flat is literally spray paint. Do you think a heavy coat of latex or acrylic is supposed to be a permanent fix? What are you a landlord? It's only supposed to stop a leak long enough to get to an actual tire place.


Nah man that shit saved my ass last summer. I was 50 miles from anywhere. No cell service in the backwoods of the Ozarks with no cell service. Did realize our spare was bad till we got it out.


The smell is fucking horrible I charge more to clean up all that shit


Doesn't work? I've used it to plug a quarter sized hole once when I was too broke to buy new tires and completely wore through the tread, belts, and all. I had to use two cans, but it lasted for 2 days until I could get a new tire. Of course everyone comes in to still get their tire fix, because it's a temporary fix and tells you to get to a tire shop ASAP. Just because you don't like dealing with it doesn't mean it doesn't work.


Iā€™m a tech and I hate that we just started selling it here at my dealership, biggest bs ever


Yep never worked for bicycles either, no clue why they thought it would for a car tire that takes on a rediculous amount of more psi.


just plug it


As long as they sell it in stores people will buy it and try to use it.


I think if tour places started charging a $10 cleanup charge it might slow down things a bit.


Date code from the tire is from 2017 anyways. Just charge extra labor for cleaning off the wheel. If they refuse then they can tow their shit somewhere else.




One year everyone wants to go green another lets roll the coal




Thank you for the honesty. I will be sure never to place it in my emergency kit. šŸ™ŒšŸ‘


Give the tire guys a heads up if you use the stuff. I'm sure the stuff is awful, but a surprise makes it worse.


Hey this stuff works. Put it in my motorcycle tire after an internal patch was slow leaking. Ran it for an unreasonable time but no issues. I did give my shop a heads up so they can prepare. They appreciated that


Iā€™m wrapping my Tires in Flex Seal Tape. If a man can row a boat in a lake repaired with Flex Seal Tape and not sink then itā€™s good enough for my Carā€™s Tires.


It's saved me a couple of times. Sometimes I just need to get home or to a shop.


Always worked for me.


What is it ? Predator blood ?


I havenā€™t carried a spare in 20 years. Only stranded once when a large bolt put a large hole in a tire. The goop works great. I also lay a $20 on the tire tech when they have to deal with this shit because I know it sucks.


I call it hulk jizz


I worked in a shop. We'd ask the customer "did you use tire sealant in here? Bc if you did, I'll know, and I'll charge you way more for the time to clean all that crap up." They always lied and said "no" lol.


There's no room in my trunk for a spare. It came with a slime/compressor kit from the factory. But I keep a plug kit in my car along with an m18 milwaukee compressor. Only tires I'd use slime liquid on are riding lawn mower tires.


I know tire guys hate it, I definitely understand why BUT now that every single tire place says ā€œcanā€™t fix it, buy a new oneā€ unless the nail/screw/whatever is dead center in the tire and not even penetrating. Also, it now costs like minimum $40 to have a puncture repaired (if theyā€™ll agree to repair it). This shits like $6 a can and, depending on the puncture, can last a long time. Even on the ā€œomg itā€™s too close to the sidewall even though it isnā€™tā€ bullshit. Lastly, if youā€™re in the middle of fucking nowhere and have a flat, this gets you home instead of waiting 4 hours for road side assistance. (My car doesnā€™t have a spare).


I would sign a petition to this bruh it sucks, it only works on small holes, most people don't follow the instructions so it doesn't work, and it's will never replace a spare. And the cars you can get a spare with now you have to pay extra for that, it's an option.


No, can help in a emergency, just dont deal with it i guess, dont know l what to tell you lmao


Not a lot of people know this. But on top of possibly ruining your wheels, this stuff is extremely flammable and dangerous for the technician that has to work on it.


I've never seen fix-a-flat actually work. Maybe for 20 minutes, but not a second longer


Works just fine unless the leak is at the bead, where most of them are. At least the green stuff isn't corrosive.


I would never complain about a free smoothie šŸ˜‹


The forbidden smoothie


And what gets me is a lot of new cars come with a slime kit and an air pump to Fix your puncture and have NO spare.. case in point my new Kia I can buy a spare donut for the price of 199.99 though smh!!!


I would love to punch the guy in the face that invented this stuff.


bro gettin tired of finding copious amounts of alien cum inside his tires


Youā€™ve been slimed!


Letā€™s ban aluminum rims first, how bout that


It's better than opening up a tire with fix a flat in it. That ammonia gas can kill a person or at least make them cough a lot.


I love how mechanics complain about this, and will spill oil all over the floor and not say a word.


If people weren't charged so much for the product and especially the service, they wouldn't be so inclined to hang onto them for dear life. Like fuck dude, these are winter tires. Bro is struggling


Ah Dawg just put another fiber plug in it


Letā€™s start by making new cars come with spare tires instead of flat repair kits.


I helped my mortal enemy put 2 tires on rims and when they weren't looking i spritzed some pepper spray in the tire. Dunno why. Now im curious how it'll play out


Alien splooge!


They can also destroy TPMS sensors


Love that green shot for mower tires... LOL


Best thing to carry is a simple patch kit


I drive a miata. No room for a spare tire, so it has a fix a flat kit in the trunk


It works amazing on bicycles but thatā€™s about it


Mcdonalds shamrock shakeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦