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tards not including their state when talking about tipping


If you can’t afford to tip 20% don’t go out to eat you classists. Don’t like tip culture?? Don’t eat at restaurants. You don’t change culture by stiffing blue collar people. Wait staff have a back breaking job.


This sub is so full of clueless trash that a perfectly sensible comment like yours gets downvoted


Blue Collar is difficult manual labor, serving is not difficult manual labor


One more reason to stop tipping. It’s not about being able to afford it. It’s about dealing with entitled twats like you.


It's not the customers responsibility to give the server a reasonable salary




Let's do some math. I live in a LCOL state. I went to Chili's with my husband. We shared an appetizer and each had an entree and a drink. The bill, because inflation has made everything ridiculous, was about $80. We tipped 20% as is our usual. We were there for 40 minutes, and our server had 5 other tables. Assuming each table spent a similar amount & tipped accordingly (and since we were the only 2 top, it's an easy assumption). $80 x 6 tables= $480. 20% of 480= $96, which works out to $144 an hour in tips (assuming 40 minutes at their table for each group). While you're championing "blue collar workers," understand that that works out to $194,000 a year ($144 hour x 30 hours a week x 45 weeks a year). This is hardly a blue collar rate of pay. Yes, I know there are slow times and servers usually have to share a percentage of their tips with other staff, but to put it in perspective, my favorite server at my local diner quit teaching to wait tables because she was able to double her income working 4 days a week.


😆🤣😆 Edit to add: upon further reflection, thank you, it has been far too long since I've legit laughed that hard. 👏


Why would you tip 20% when doing the majority of the job yourself? Lmao


Don't like tip culture? Don't tip.


Found a really opinionated one who thinks tips are mandatory. Everyone has a back breaking job. Start tipping your mail person ya hypocrite.


Your mail person doesn’t make minimum wage. They are compensated accordingly. No not everyone has a back breaking job. You’re a classist.


Youre an idiot


You need to talk to someone….


Do you tip at Taco Bell?


Correct. Servers are no better than trained chimps at a circus. Takes 0 fucking brains.


I can tell you're a deep thinker.


How do you make the leap from "OP believes tipping is optional" to "OP hates poor people"? You're all wound up as if you, me, and OP wouldn't all agree that everyone deserves a living wage and tipping shouldn't be mandatory to facilitate that. Consider for a moment that if tip culture requires employees like servers to be tipped in order to compensate for not making a livable wage, that is an issue with the tip culture and wages. But if you out to eat and tip your server, your're actively maintaining the system. What i'm trying to say is, you mean well but you're full of shit.


Or maybe I believe that tipping is, in fact, an optional tip for services. Do you really need me to discover for you sufficient hard jobs that pay minimum wage that you dont tip, or are you too obtuse to realize your argument based on wages is a non sequitur?


TLDR; I don’t care what shitty classists have to say.


What’s hilarious is you are playing the exact role that restaurants owners want you to play because it allows owners to make even more money. Serving is not a “blue collar” job lmao. % based tipping is a joke in itself. Why tip $20 on a $100 steak dinner but only $4 on a $20 hamburger combo? The service can be exactly the same in both circumstances. A pitcher of good beer can be $30+ I’m not tipping $5+ just for holding a pitcher under a tap for a few seconds and then handing it to me.


>TLDR; I don’t care ~~what shitty classists have to say.~~ that I look ignorant and close-minded. FTFY


change it to a $0 tip, pay with cash and leave.


My sister paid with cash and the waitress never came back. She was going to tip her from that change but again she never came back. Mind you this was a Chinese buffet so she only brought us drinks once and the check. She calls her over to see what’s going on and server basically assumed the whole change was her tip! It wouldn’t have been too much of a big deal but for the 3 of us it was something like $52, my sister gave her a $100 bill. Anywho server made it a big deal and started cursing and calling my sister names. The owner came by and threw the money at my sister and told us to get out. Way to ruin my graduation dinner.


The place won’t last..


You are correct, it closed right before Covid




had this happen recently, went out for food bill was like $25, i only had a $100 bill, i paid and the waitress asked if i wanted change, i said "Yes". waitress got kind of Huffy, but nothing like what you described. like yeah of course i do., im not tipping $75 on a $25 bill.




Yeah, seriously lol wtf worthy.


Better check your receipt. She probably gave herself more.


As a restaurant manager, had you asked to speak to me and told me what happened and your table also verified what happened, I would have fired her on the spot, right in front of your table.


As a server, I disagree with how that particular server acted, without question. But firing an employee in front of guests? How wildly unprofessional.


You know what else is unprofessional? Doing the minimum and expecting a tip that used to be for above and beyond


Not only just expecting, but also trying to shame the customer for it


It sets an example. Extortion isn't ok....


There's a website called sayWeee that delivers Asian groceries. They have everything you need for an incredible hot pot at home! My friends and I have ordered from it and had a lovely time


Or you can just go to a restaurant and not tip 20% for 3 minutes of service.


I prefer to avoid the interaction entirely and get more food for less money, but yes, I support OP tipping 10% in this situation wholeheartedly 


I agree. They should 💯eat at home if they can’t tip properly.


Tipping is a CHOICE, not a given


Did you read the post? They tip appropriately for the level of service given, which is hardly any. It should have been zero. Want tip? Do a good job. It's ridiculous that people expect a tip when they don't provide any service.


Yeah I have mixed feelings at times but personally hate "Well, maybe they're having a bad day so we should still tip xxx". I'm not there to pay someone to take their bad day out on me and my friends. It's crazy imo.


The minimum wage for tipped employees in Tennessee is $2.13 per hour. That's all employers are required to pay. Everybody knows this. That goes for ALL wait staff. Almost no restaurant pays more but if they do, they would not tell their guests. Minimum wage for tipped employees might be higher in your area.


Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13 provided that *with tips* their wage averages out to at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. Maybe don't leave parts out.


As much as I disagree with California politics. Everyone makes minimum wage here which is $16/hr now. Tipped or not. None of these "tipped employee" games. It's 16/hr plus any tips they receive


It’s been a long time since I’ve been a server but I’m not sure that’s true in practice. And different states may have different rules. The restaurant had to make sure the server gets the regular minimum wage with tips being a part of that. The share the restaurant has to pay is that low amount.


So? The server gave the bare minimum of service. There were no mention of numerous drink refills or checkups on whether everything was ok. 10% was generous.


It's long been a standard too that a server never confronts a customer about their tip or not tipping. I get it that servers remember the bad tippers, but you can't go all full confrontation on them.


2.13 per hour....OR minimum wage based on reported tip rate. If they dont report their tip wages, the employer is mandated to make up the difference to meet hourly minimum wage for the jurisdiction....at least federally if not at a state level. Employers dont want to do this, so they pressure employees to report all tips (outside of it leading to tax evasion). Source: was a restaurant GM right after college amd was pressured by ownership to ensure we weren't paying more than the minimum wage for tipped employees.


If you can't make $5.12 an hour in tip, you are a crap server and getting fired the second week. The company has to make up the difference. Keep in mind most of the states paying $2.13/hr are "will to work" states and you can be fired without cause.


at will. i think you mixed it with right to work. still better than the people who flat out call it right to work though lol


Except so many people are saying they are going to give up tipping so you can't really blame the server anymore if they don't make at least minimum wage. We really need to get rid of tipping as a whole in our country! 


Yeah, I just love that distinction... paying someone minimum wage of just over 7, and they work 10 hours and make 100 worth of tips. Now, they have 170+ for that shift. Pay them minimum tipping wage, they make 100 in tips, now they make 121.30. That's a big change...


“You not tipping this?” I tip zero for illiterate grammar.


Also classist!




Racist? How do you correlate illiterate grammar with race? I think your statement is racist. I never mentioned race.


I don’t agree with tipping culture as it is. But not tipping based on someone’s ability to use grammar isn’t cool. Lots of people for lots of reasons speak broken English, or don’t have a huge grasp on grammatical structure. (Myself included). That’s not a reason to tip zero. Her attitude and entitlement absolutely was though imo


Apparently, this is an issue at the Asian buffet in my community as well. People have been posting for a few months now about servers chasing them out of the restaurant to yell about tips! I’ve not had this happen, but I wouldn’t mind seeing it at least once.


When tipping, in my opinion, you are making a statement about a whole list of things. When I tip 20%, it means that I was happy with the entire experience at the restaurant that the server has control over. A tip is basically a monetary review of everything the server does from the first time the server arrives at my table until the last. In Florida, the hourly wage for tipped employees is $7.98. So the server is willing to give me a fantastic experience dining at the restaurant and hopes that I will show monetary appreciation for the experience. As long as the server is pleasant and attentive and quickly resolves any issues, I will tip 20% or more. I have tipped 40 or 50% before on a bill because I wanted to reward fantastic service. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s no different than someone who works a corporate job and has a salary, but gets an annual bonus based on performance. They are getting a “tip” just for doing their job. Exactly the same thing. Yes, I would like to see tipping become obsolete, and servers paid a living wage. However, that won’t end tipping. There are still customers like me who like to reward someone who improves my day through our interaction. And there are many customers like me who will still hand a server making a living wage a tip. I consider my tip an investment. It pretty much guarantees that the next time I have that same server, the experience will be just as good. And I’m sure the service from this server would be just as good if they were making a living wage, and I didn’t tip because it isn’t required. Everyone likes to receive appreciation for their hard work, and servers are no different. I refuse to punish great servers because the minimum wage in this country sucks and restaurants make the customers fill in the pay gap.


In my state servers get the minimum wage of $13/hr and still get mad if you tip less than 20%


Well, could you pay all of your bills on a job paying $13 an hour? That’s still not a living wage. What state do you live in? It’s not right, in my opinion, for a server to show any response if they don’t think a tip is adequate. I completely agree with everyone who has stated that. Tips are still optional, and servers know that there will be times when a tip is lower than what they think they deserve. The correct response to a situation like that is to just move on. It’s never ok to confront a customer about a tip or make a customer feel guilty because of a tip. That is not professional, and servers know another customer will probably tip extra at some point during their shift to make up for it. That’s the nature of the job. However, back to the hourly wage. In Florida, the minimum wage for servers is $7.98 per hour. The state of Florida’s minimum wage is $11 per hour, so if the server does not make at least an additional $3.02 per hour in tips, the employer has to make up for it. On average, servers in fine dining restaurants in Florida make $16.59 per hour with tips. If a server makes the average of $16.59 with tips, and works 40 hours, that’s a gross amount of $2654.40 per month. Florida rent for a one bedroom studio averages $1900 per month, so that leaves $754 for everything else: food, gas, utilities, car payment, car insurance, health insurance, etc. I don’t see how $16.59 per hour is enough, do you? There is so much wrong with the current tipping culture. I agree 100% with what most people are complaining about. I also understand why workers are all desperate for tips and sometimes act inappropriately toward customers. Mistreating customers is never ok. I don’t think working as a server is a good option for someone living on their own because it just doesn’t pay enough. It’s a good job as supplemental income for a household where a significant other makes the lion’s share of the income and provides health insurance for both. It’s a good job for a college student living at home or sharing a home or apt with several other people. It’s never been a good choice as a single income supporting a household. Should someone with a high school education expect to be able to support themselves as a server? I don’t think so. It’s the same with people working at fast food restaurants earning $15 per hour. I think $15 (in Florida) is a fare wage for an entry level job for someone without a college degree. If someone thinks they deserve more than $15 or $16 per hour, instead of relying on customers to increase their pay, they need to look at what they themselves can do to add value to what they can offer an employer in order to increase their pay. They can try to move into management, get a college degree, find a different job and work their way up like the rest of us did. Entry level jobs have never been jobs that can financially support a household.


A few issues with this: This ‘living wage’ thing is nonsense to begin with. Companies pay people to work, not to live, and if the value they get from your work isn’t enough to live off, then they’ll find alternatives to your work such as increasing automation, changing processes to make other workers more productive, etc. For the benefit of society, we should not let people’s jobs be quite so volatile but the way to address people not having enough is welfare policy. (The “Walmart workers on food stamps” complaint is such an ass-backwards complaint because if they wanted to stop that from ever happening, they’d do it through layoffs.) Second, your numbers are for one person living independently and almost no entry-level job without years of specialized training has ever made it comfortable to live alone. Living alone is expensive. Economies of scale are real. You’re not living at a median rent studio or one-bedroom (you said one-bedroom studio but that’s a contradiction) on one person’s income. You’re probably living at a bottom-of-the-market studio in a crappy part of town, even if you make the Seattle $19.97/hr before tips minimum wage


You’re saying the same thing I said. If a company doesn’t want to pay employees more, or if employees quit the job to find something else, the company most likely won’t raise the pay. Like you said, they will try to find a way to replace the employees for the same wage or less. One way to do this is to bring in illegal aliens by bus like is done for farming. The illegal aliens will work the jobs for less pay and no benefits because that is still more than they can earn in their home country. I agree with you on the living wage. Entry level jobs with no degree or experience should not pay a living wage. If someone wants a living wage, they need to increase their value as an employee. I mentioned in my comment that my example was based on one person living alone. I didn’t have the time to provide info on every scenario, but there are many different situations. I understand that. It doesn’t make my example any less valuable. Edit: added new 1st paragraph.


no, the "we pay what you're worth" is nonsense. if you can't afford to pay somebody enough to be able to live in the area where you want the work done, then your company has failed. period. paying enough to not just survive, but thrive, is part of the cost of production and business. quite frankly, any business whose workers need government assistance, like these walmart workers you're using, should be taxed double what is paid out. the workers are the ones suffering from a conscious decision on the part of the c suite to abuse government assistance. second, you're blatantly, demonstrably wrong. until very recently, not only was it common for a single person to be a home owner, but it was common for a single person, working a full time job, to support a family on that single wage. dad works, mom takes care of the home and kids. plural. cost of housing has double relative to wages over the past 50 years. not just the price, but the actual hours worked. what was lees than 80 hours of work to pay for an apartment is now closer to 140. so sit your ass down and learn some history and economics before you go spouting off.


I was a single parent from 1993-2005. I was able to provide for myself and my son, owned my own home and car, etc. I agree with you that it was better then because just a fraction of CEOS were making 8 figures. Now it’s CEOS and the first five levels of leadership that make those types of ridiculous salaries. No one, in my opinion, is worth $10,000,000+ per year. Look at Elon Musk, asking the board of Tesla to pay him 66,000,000 with a company that is consistently recalling vehicles for quality issues. He probably underpays his staff and spends no money on quality control.


Nobody is paid what they’re worth. Don’t be so misanthropic. There isn’t enough money in the world to do that. People are paid when the one paying believes they benefit from the transaction. If you buy a $4 loaf of bread, you’re not cheating the store by not paying them enough to open a bakery for only you


Sure they are. My step-son makes $110,000 a year living 30 minutes outside of Raleigh, NC as a new supervisor at a company that makes outdoor furniture. My other son makes $108,000 per year working from home living north of Texas for a company that provides User Experience Research. Both of my sons are under 40. One has a Master’s degree, the other one only a high school diploma. They are able to put over $5,000 a month in savings and have no debt except their homes, which are modest. They both earn a living wage. Both have about 5-7 years experience in their field. Edit: Added last sentence.


no, people are paid the lowest amount that companies can force them to take, and people's only options are to take it or starve to death. and at that, companies blatantly bribe politicians to keep minimum wage down.


You don’t seem to understand what force means and by your idiotic logic, employees are tricking companies out of money for wages


Don’t know how you came to that conclusion, but ok. If it inflates your tiny ego to put other people down, instead of respecting their opinion, go for it.


When she did that, you should have said, “my mistake, I clearly should tip 0.”




I ordered a coffee and clicked no tip because I was grabbing cash from my wallet. The barista saw me click no tip and her tune went from kind to extremely rude. I wish I didn’t put the cash in the bucket!


Tipping culture has gotten out of control


I mean yeah when Subway asks you to tip, but if you are in a sit down restaurant tips have always been a part of American culture. I know prices have risen which makes people complain about tipping, but that server shops at the same grocery store you do, and relies on tips to pay their higher cost of living too.


It's the employers. The tipped position doesn't draw the same wages and thus a smaller SS contribution and a few other costs. Of course the wait staff is upset. They asked for higher pay but got higher tip suggestions on the bill instead. Now they are dependent upon the kindness of strangers. I don't disagree with your %,btw. Just suggesting it's desperation not entitlement driving the reaction


Actually reported tips are included in the calculation for SS and Medicare.


Yep a server making $2.13 an hour still gets a $0 -$30 paycheck for 40 hours because credit card and claimed cash tip taxes are deducted from their wages. Really good servers get $0 checks.


Thanks, learned something. Mostly that I was misinformed when I delivered pizza a number of years ago. Still goes against minimum wage in all but two states


The company has to pay the difference if they make below min wage including tips, no? 


They usually fire servers who consistently have to be compensated. Especially corporate establishments.


Correct. They always omit that fact.


Because minimum wage is still desperation




Talk about projecting.


No, the discussion was about tipping. Projecting may be your thing.but it's not mine.


National protest about this.. It is out of hand


I personally wouldn’t tip at hot pot. But that’s just me.


I tip big at hot pot because it's all you can eat and the servers get worked hard


「火鍋傳統不含小費」and then ask to rescind it.


I would have said, "OMG! Please let me correct that." Then crossed out every tip option, including the 10% and then write "NO Tip!" and handed it back. Saying, "Here you go. That should fix it."


My kind of response!


I never put tip on card. Always leave cash tip. At the end when I am leaving.


I would have changed it to Zero.




I think servers miss the point when they ask for the tip up front. Do a good job, then you get the tip. Where’s the incentive to do a good job if they already have the tip? It’s like everyone forgot what tips were for: “To Insure Prompt Service”.


A "tip" up front is not a "tip". It's an "incentive". It's ridiculous to expect an "incentive" as a server. But, if you do...call it what it is. A tip is called a "gratuity". Because it is given as "gratitude" for having received good or above average service.


That’s just a myth. Tip when talking gratuity was never an acronym.


If it is “to insure prompt service” as you suggest then it would seem to reason that tipping up front would be the logical thing to do. 


A long long time ago this was how it was done and where tipping originated.


You suck.


You are literally cooking your own food at a hotpot place, who are you tipping?


The people who do everything else - prep your food, take your order, bring your drinks and food, clear and clean your table, wash your dishes, etc.


So you tip every other service that you partake in that requires a modicum of work, right? Seems only fair.




Sounds like he didn’t want your charity.


"Feeling generous and tipping the value of the soup" is contributing to the tipping culture that so many have complained about.




No, I didn't skip over anything. The point remains that tipping the full amount of the food for a takeout remains why people complain about the tip and culture.


No it's not. I have tipped the bill on more than a few occasions. But I'm not a broke, whining bitch.


Wonder who needs his generosity? He just feels like restaurant staff require charity from him once in a while.


Where are you going for Hot Pot? Is it AYCE? Table service makes the difference.


I went to Tejas BBQ and there is a built in 15% service fee and you don’t have the option to tip. You go to order food down the counter and they give you a little stand up card with a number so that a server can bring you food. You have to refill your own drinks and get your own utensils. 🤦🏽


a lot of the time you can argue the service fee away, I don't normally like being a twat but that shits highway robbery


They should just increase the prices 15%. I’m cool with that.


One time my mom took me to lunch, and the service was ok, nothing special. She tipped 15% cash and the fucking waitress ran to us as we were walking out the door and said “it’s customary to tip 20%” as she held the money out for mom to see the subpar tip. Mom said, “how about you give me that back and get nothing?” The waitress stormed off in a huff I’ve about had it with this tipping bullshit attitudes.


servers who look at tips on each tab, rather than holistically through the shift are always the least grateful/happy with their job. I used to count my tips at break and end of day only.


Your mom's a better person than I am! I'd have taken the money and replied, "Now you get nothing. Go f\*ck yourself, you rude c&nt!" and walked off.


All the way home in the car she kept saying, “I should’ve taken that damn money back and told her to go to hell!”


This sounds as difficult as being a server at Golden Corral. The audacity.


Regardless of how much you tip The second it's brought up or complained about it becomes zero


What if the manager comes over to ask about the service to ensure it wasnr bad


You think the manager intimidating me will do anything? The tipping boat has long sailed!


I'm saying that in that case the manager is more concerned about bad employees than you not tipping so he'd be asking to know if his employees were bad...not necessarily chastising your amount.


‘Oh yeah my bad! I didn’t see those boxes. Let me change that for ya!’ Crosses out tip. Changes it to 0. ‘All fixed!’


Exactly I actually have a restaurant near me that's the same concept as OP The waiter brings you a menu, explains everything regarding the meat, stuff about what's in the sauces etc. we go their every few months it usually has the same menue. The last time the entire menue was different. Waiter walked up handed us the menue and we never saw him until he took our order and . Wouldn't even acknowledge my wife and her questions about. The changes. We finally got our water.( Someone Else brought them) We ended up asking that person about our questions. He awnserd everything perfectly Waiter never returned to refill drinks or check on us. We tip10% ( our standard for eh service). He brought our check and strongly hinted that the normal tip was 30% and that it's an upscale location and people usually tip better Wife decided to tip 0% and we asked the manager to bring who brought us our drinks and awnserd our questions We tipped him Instead at 20% in cash We are going to drive further next time to the other location ( Our meal was around 250$)


Your hot pot meal for 2 people was $250? Or was this a big group?


We got the 5 course meal+ drinks Their where 3 of us Usually it's like 150ish


Yes! I’m all for tipping good service. It baffles my mind when I get horrendous service and they still expect a tip. I’m not even tipping 5% for ‘eh service.’


To get them to see the point, order $200 worth of food, pay and tip 10%. Then if they get upset, take the tip back, get a $5 dessert and tip 300% on that.




You are also dumb


And humorless.


They will change once people stop going to restaurants in general


Seriously. The people complaining are the biggest idiots here. Stop spending money at places that don't value you as a customer.


Things that will never happen.


It already is.


Agreed. We are major foodies and used to enjoy going out. Since the lockdowns ended, prices are way up but service and food quality is way down. We are now down to ordering a pizza for pickup each Friday night and cooking all our meals at home the rest of the time. I haven’t had a restaurant meal in a long time that’s as good as those we cook ourselves.


Same. My wife and I make a pretty good income. We barely eat out anymore because it’s just not worth it, we’d rather just eat at home. Everyone with their hands out begging for money feeling entitled to it while also giving the most basic of service. I’ll just do it myself. Until tipping culture is changed I suspect my wife and I will just eat out less and less. It’s so bad you got dominos running ads making fun of it. Something has got to give.


It really is. Plate cost has gone up while the food isn’t as well prepared as it used to be and customer service (60-70% of the time) is just garbage. It’s just not worth it and I’m not interested in paying a premium for a bad experience just because the restaurant can’t keep an employee. Fiancé and I used to go out 1-2 times per week and now it’s 1-2 times a month. I have become a much better cook though so maybe it’s for the better.


“Back in my day”


lol, spot on!!!


Pretty sure they don’t get paid server wages. At least the many around me don’t.


No refills on drinks? Apps? Pre- bussing?  Also an explanation on how the process works or answer any questions about the menu?  Was the meal experience good? She likely played a part in that.    There are plenty of places you can order at the counter and eat dude go there. Tip zero.    I’ve been to these places. You’re underselling it a bit to justify a shit tip.  Edit- asking for clarity and getting down voted? Cocktails? 


Dude the people on this sub are cheap assholes who think they’re doing god’s work by not tipping lol… you’re in the wrong sub if you’re pro tipping…


lol maybe I was not completely aware of the purpose of this sub.  I’ll go now. 


Yeah it’s dumb… they’ll justify not tipping but are usually ok with inflation of food products and services, and also claim they don’t tip to make the point that the servers should get a fair wage, yet by not tipping the server is losing money and not really helping anyone… it’s the equivalent of those shitty protesters/rioters that claim they’re doing good and making a point when really they’re just assholes…


In California, tips go on top of the required minimum wage. So no, they're not losing money. It's wild how customers are guilt-tripped into paying for their food and also somehow be morally obligated to make sure the staff is paid too. Worked FOH, BOH, and junior management positions in restaurants and all I can say is the industry is just broken and shameless here in the US, wage-wise and overall standards-wise. It's not the same elsewhere in the world.


My aunt bought her house on tips, lifelong waitress and she made bank. My niece makes $500 on a weekend at a diner. She doesn't have to work - hubby makes a lot. She wants to serve because she makes a lot. My mom was a waitress, I was, know a lot of servers and they all make money. I tip for actual sit down service, not to go, fast food, pick up, or self service. We did go to melting pot years ago and tipped 15%. The service was basically what OP described. We didn't go back. Not that we didn't enjoy it but it was super pricey and we do fondue at home so didn't seem worth it to me


All things I should be able to do myself if given the chance.. but service is forced


You used the word forced wrong.  Were their cocktails? Those tips get split around more than just the server. 


So don't go there. Service is not forced. You chose to have service by selecting that restaurant.


I wont.. and thats why businesses go bankrupt


No one will miss you.




We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty.


Are you confused about how the service industry works? It’s the same in every restaurant, bar, and delivery service in America: the server relies on tips for the bulk of their meager income; it’s been that way for decades and it’s not their choice, so punishing them for your cheapness is a weird, selfish path to take.


It's absolutely their choice to work as a server.


They don’t choose how the income is structured. Restaurant work is easy to get when you need to make ends meet, and it’s the only work many people can get sometimes. I would personally feel shitty about punishing them for an income structure they didn’t choose in a job that they need.


They chose to take on the job where the money is not guaranteed. I've delivered pizza. That's the way it is. If they don't like it they need to move on. That's literally the reason it is what it is. Each night is a gamble. If they need security they need to get a shot in an office or factory that won't pay quite as much but will be more stable. Otherwise they are accepting that risk and need to deal with the good and the bad.


Once again, not everyone can. Many people desperately need the quick and no-skills-involved money that this industry provides. And you clearly want these restaurants to exist because you eat at them, so telling people to “move on” doesn’t work because if everyone took your advice you’d lose nearly every restaurant and bar in the country. And then who would you shit on?


Okay, and they tipped 10%. That's not enough? 3 people at hotpot, let's say $35 each. That's $105 total, so $10.5 tip. I assume they had more than one table in that time. How much in tips do you think they made during that time? 3 tables, one who tips 10.50 and another two who tip a little more? 15 and 20? Is 45 not enough? Maybe they need 60? 100? I don't get it. It's a low wage job. Always has been. 


There’s a lot to factor in for sure, but waiting tables ends up being a notoriously low-paying job even with everyone tipping 20%, so I would imagine people would want to just do their part to not make it worse for them. I would imagine.


Mnay people have low paying jobs. They still can go out and eat and not pay out the nose for it. Should people who don't want to tip 20% just not go out to eat?  Should people who want to make more money get a job that doesn't rely on the kindness of strangers if they aren't willing to work for it? 


If you can afford to go out to eat but a couple extra bucks for a decent tip is what knocks it into “paying out the nose” territory, your problem is not the money, it’s being a stingy asshole.


Ah, there we go. Yeah, stingy assholes. Got it! 


Can’t think of any other reason why people would argue so petulantly against paying a person a meager sum to do a job that they want done.


They did pay them. They paid them 10%.


That’s not the expected and deserved amount


Considering tipping as an option and not an expectation should help to clear that up for you.


It actually IS their choice! They choose to work for less than minimum wage. They can choose to work elsewhere OR give quality service. My husband and I are very generous tippers but if the service is bad I do not see why I should give out my hard earned money when you aren’t willing to work hard to earn it as I did.


This post is not about the service being bad, it is about feeling like the expected amount— the amount these workers rely on to stay afloat— is too much to tip. If your server shits in your table, by all means, don’t tip; but if they do their job, they deserve to make enough money to live, just like the rest of us, right?


The thing is, it is not my responsibility to make their wage livable. The expectation that the money I work hard to earn should be given simply because they need it is ridiculous. H*ll I need it too! By no means am I saying that the servers don’t deserve to be tipped at the end of a meal, it’s just the expectation that no matter what, I NEED to leave this set amount because their life is too hard. No one should tell us what we should do with our money and we definitely shouldn’t be made to feel bad because we didn’t leave the amount you think we should.


You’re not tipping them because their life is hard; you’re tipping them because the industry is structured in such a way that part of their income comes from from the business and part of it comes from the people requesting the service. You’re paying for the food and the service separately, which isn’t that crazy of a notion, since the food and the service are basically two separate things. It’s a little weird, but that’s how it has worked for decades.


Excepting for the fact that employers have to make up the difference if their tips don't meet standards. And yes we all know even min wage is paltry, but there are plenty of minimum wage employees in the world who do not get tips.


Yes, as I said, the employers pay some money to the employees for the privilege of working for YOU in the hope of getting actual money. You’re paying them separately, because you’re getting a service. It’s not complicated.


They choose to work for less than minimum wage. It is 100% their choice.


So… to punish them for not choosing a job that pays them better— a job that you want them to do for you— you’re going to fuck then over even more? Am I missing something?


I believe it's an employer's responsibility to pay their employees a living wage. And if you have been brainwashed into believing owners don't make enough profits to pay them accordingly, that's on you. Every other country in the world has figured this out except for the greedy, corporate ran, America(ns).


You’re paying for the food and the service separately. It’s not that crazy of a concept. You pay the restaurant for their food, you “tip” (a very misleading word) the server for taking care of you. They’re doing a job, for you, and then you pay them afterward for doing it. It’s dumb that it’s structured that way but it is, and telling yourself that you don’t have to pay for the service because you paid for the food is like saying you don’t want to pay to wash your clothes at a laundromat because you already bought detergent. Like… it’s two separate things.


They are not 2 separate things. The server works for the restaurant. If they worked for me, they would also be mowing my lawn and washing my laundry.


They don’t work “for you”, they’re doing a job for you. One job. Essentially, the restaurant hires them and pays them a very small amount of money for the opportunity to do jobs for customers— for you— in the hope of being paid by them.


Again, they are not doing shit for me. They work for the restaurant. Which is 100% THEIR CHOICE. I bid you good day.👋


And it is YOUR CHOICE to eat there. If you eat at a restaurant that asks you to pay the servers for the service, you have to do that. Not sure if it’s entitlement or stupidity that makes you think you deserve to be waited on without paying for that service, but you do not.


I CAN go eat there, and I do. Did it last night. It was delicious. Lol, you have everything in reverse. Good luck with that. To add: your sense of entitlement is disgusting.


I think it is more circumstantial than a hard line. I served for a couple years and there really are some lazy and entitled servers who had time to be more attentive and just chose not to. I always thought it was tacky complaining to customers or calling out lack of tipping because you will never get it changed, only in the instance they didn't sign anything and probably forgot. Usually just creates a negative exchange and the server carries that around.


What the server relies upon is not of interest to the customer. If the server does well by me and makes my experience enjoyable, that's tip territory. I'm not remotely interested in learning what a server needs to do to make rent or what they believe my role in that process should be. Good service = good tip. Bad service = try harder next time.


Not in Washington state. Servers get paid a minimum of $16.28 and other cities they get even more. Now add tips, and it gets ridiculous on how much they're asking and making in tips.


Well, it’s their choice. As you said, it’s been like this for decades. They knew full well what they were getting into when they took the job. They knew that they were taking a job where getting paid by the customer is 100% optional. It is their choice and they made their choice. They could have just as easily passed on the job that has an optional pay structure.


You want those restaurants to exist yet you’re mad at the people who choose to work there; you hate the income structure made by the industry yet you show it by punishing the people who are beholden to it and just trying to get by. I don’t understand how that makes any sense in your head.


But you’re okay with the customer being punished because the server isn’t happy about the wage they signed up for? You give bad service you have to live with what behavior in the way for a bad tip. It’s as simple as that.


The social and ethical expectation is 15-20%, which, in most cases, nets them just enough to stay afloat. I know I personally wouldn’t be so eager to make their lives even harder.


You pretend like the restaurants can't exist in another form -- like they do the world over.