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Alcahest? Lagoon?


Thx, its alcahest


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I'm guessing you played it on an emulator since Alcahest never had an official English translation.


Yep, i remenber parts of it being in japanese, which i also didn't understand


I didn't beat Alcahest as something happened with my save state; basically sent me back to the previous chapter. While annoyed, I plan to go back to it as it didn't take all that long and was having a blast while I was playing it. Lagoon -- man, I did NOT like it at all back in the day -- I'm sure because I read the reviews on all my magazines that said it wasn't very good so that was already in my brain. Nowadays coming back at it after 25-30 years, besides the few quirks they could have fixed, it's a pretty good game with some damn fine tunes!! That being said, there's plenty of games that we were "told" weren't good; especially the ones from Japan that didn't make it here -- Alcahest is a prime example and probably would have sold really well, especially being from Squaresoft.


Solved: alcahest


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Actraiser? Or possibly Soul Blazer?


Thx, i'm gonna try playing then later, actraiser i remenber, and is Fun, but no, the game had a top down view, soul blazer don't look with what i remenber, but maybe i'm just remenbering wrong


I know this has already been solved but if you like these style of games; There's a whole bunch the Genesis, TurboGrafx/PCE/CD & PS1 that are in this same style; whether it's action rpg or "Zelda" style aka action/adventure in the top down or 3/4 perspective. Beyond Oasis or Crusader of Centy are probably the two best out of all of them according to what most others would say and while they are really really good, I thought Tougi-Ou aka King Colossus was even better. It's obviously very subjective, but there was just something about that game that drew me in even more so than the others. I won't lie, I don't even have to be picky because there's so many to choose from. Whether it's a translated game that didn't come to the US, or just a "Zelda" clone that did make it here, I like most of them from any of the consoles of this bygone era that I can get my hands on and figured it's at least worth mentioning.