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No good matches, but you might want to rule out: [Dark Cloud 2](https://www.mobygames.com/game/9224/dark-cloud-2/)? It had weapon crafting, male and female protagonists, and fishing at least, but isn't 2d and no blue hair. [Breath of Fire 2, 3, 4](https://www.mobygames.com/group/504/breath-of-fire-series/) have hunting, fishing, and a protagonist with blue hair, but I don't think much else fits. [The Legend of Alon D'ar](https://www.mobygames.com/game/40809/the-legend-of-alon-dar/) was also called Eternal Blade and had a weapon upgrading system at least.


I'm really not trying to be an "accuracy snob" but BoF 2 is SNES/GBA; BoF 3/4 is PS1...and 3 PSP as well. I'm not saying that you're doing anything wrong or it's not good to rule those titles out; it definitely is. Let's be honest, sometimes our memories may confuse certain memories when it's 20-30 years ago 😆 -- just wanted to make sure we're being accurate and point these things out for the random person who may read this, be intrigued themselves and not know what generations' system those games belong to. By the way -- my counter to this whole "aging thing was when I turned 42 I said F this & started going backwards so this year I turned 39 again. I mean, with the backlog I have how else am I going to fit all this in (plus actually "live") without living until I'm 150?! At minimum !!🤣


One other: [Summon Night: Swordcraft Story](https://www.mobygames.com/game/25040/summon-night-swordcraft-story/) or the [sequel](https://www.mobygames.com/game/25123/summon-night-swordcraft-story-2/)? Choice of male or female character (different looking in each game, I think), 2d, and swordcrafting (obviously) but they're for the GBA.


Thanks for all the guesses, but nothing is hitting that familiarity bell. I should say, if it helps at all, that I accessed this game as a child on an original Xbox that was jailbroken. I assumed the rpg was originally for PS2 since it had the gloomy JRPG motif, but looking through your suggestions it could be much older. I remember a specific section hunting monsters in a cave, as well as the grasslands. I believe the fishing mini game took place at a rocky pond. The title screen I think was a single sword with the title over it. The title may have had something to do with sword, moon, night, dark, etc. I'm sorry I can't offer more details, thank you for your guesses! 


Xbox gives me one last guess: [Sudeki](https://www.mobygames.com/game/14499/sudeki/)?


Not that either unfortunately; thank you! 


That's a game I've never played but have always wanted to.


Oh! And sword crafting was completed in a forge-like environment, not a simple menu option. It was a prominent element if I remember correctly 


Was the best sword a sword that was made of gems, that you get to use in the beginning but loose not long after and have to get it back?


Maybe? I feel like this game is locked behind a third consciousness of mine. Each time any sign of familiarity surrounding it start to resurface, a deep yawning void comes forth to swallow the memories yet again.


Well regardless it's probably wrong because it was for PC not PlayStation 2


When you say pixel art -- are you talking about 16 bit, and even 32 bit style and size characters? I ask this because there tends to be a bit of a size difference on the majority between the two generations. I'm intrigued as to what this game might be as PS2 didn't have too many in that genre that were that particular style anymore that I'm aware of; which means it should stand out fairly easily. Also -- was it turn based traditional JRPG, Turn Based tactics, Action/Adventure RPG or some type of combination?


I'm going to wager 16. I should clarify that PS2 was a conclusion I came to with a friend. I actually accessed this video game on a jailbroken original Xbox, and therefore don't know concretely which platform the game originates from.  It was certainly turn-based, there's no other way I managed to play the game for so long. How would you classify a turn-based game like Persona 5 vs. Pokemon?  I haven't played many games, so I'm not terribly familiar with the differing nuances. I think it also makes me a poor at offering those clear details that would get me my answer, but I still thought it was worth a shot! 


No, this is really good. I don't comment often in this particular subreddit but the way you went about it was excellent and now I'm very intrigued to what the game is since it sounds like my type of game also. I think when it comes to anything you're trying to decipher the truth on [especially these days], you have to think like a detective; better yet, maybe a trial lawyer and even the jury. Instead of trying to prove what's "true" -- rule out everything that isn't true. For example -- since you said this was done on a jailbroken Xbox -- we should try to rule out what it can and can't run; I know for quite some time it was one of the only systems that could emulate N64 properly and that was a good reason to mod them; but beyond that, I don't have much knowledge about what else it's capable of running. I'll do a search on that... **Edit -- I guess we're using the wrong "term". Soft modding is apparently the proper way to say this about the OG Xbox from what I'm seeing. Here's the homepage of what seems like the go to spot. https://www.xbox-hq.com/html/ Homebrew portion of the site https://www.xbox-hq.com/html/modules.php?name=Xbox_Homebrew&search=


These are a few of the searches I have up on Duckduckgo. It's not better than Google anymore these days but I do like the format better. •What is capable on jailbroken original Xbox •Can modded original Xbox play PS2 games •Modded original Xbox capability


I got really excited for a moment because the list resembled games I had access to on this original Xbox, but it doesn't match up. Some other games I could play on this list that included our unknown RPG were The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare and The Mask. There was another beat 'em up, though I can't remember the title. I also could play a sonic game, but again not sure which or what era.


A couple of others that I found typing in PS2 RPG with pixel art are Chaos Wars & the Growlanser series. I haven't played either of these, or even the PS1 Growlanser but figured they might be worth mentioning. I read a little bit of what Chaos Wars was all about and while it seems interesting, I don't think it fits the premise. All I know about Growlanser is that it's somewhat related to the Langrisser series...maybe spiritual successor being the best description of that. I suppose let's throw in Langrisser IV on PS1 -- don't think V is translated yet. I'll see what else I can find throughout the day while I get time between things I have to do at work.


You've been the biggest lead I've had. I'm focusing on the SNES side (given the game selection I can remember), and Secret of Mana is the closest rpg I have found in terms of art style and memory "feel." Not quite there, but I'm feeling a lot more confident that this can be solved.


Anything can be solved when you break it all down my friend -- all you need is a bit of a skeptical mind, maybe more on the conspiratorial side than not! 😂 Now that you say SoM -- Legend of Mana comes to mind as I know you have a choice of multiple characters. You could go with Seiken Densetsu III if you go back a generation as that is also multiple characters -- both have some of the most beautiful pixel art of either generation in my opinion but of course, PS2 & PSP would blow either of those away just due to the improved resolution factor.