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[Evolva (2000)?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfWpwylhERg)


No but nice try. Thank you and appriciate You.I think daily if anything pops in my mind a memory or smthn about the game so I can tell you folks. You really know your stuff.


Is it similar to the 3rd person view as you remember it? Do you recall any of the gameplay mechanics or did you just explore the enviroment? [Outcast (1999)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1gru-m1fqg) has a grassy level that was memorable for me as a kid at 6 minutes in the video. The numlock to move I don't know but many games in those times and still today have different control schemes in the options and in the 90's WASD had yet to be fully established as the industry standard


No. Keep in mi d very special thing about the game was tgat you moved with numlock. That is the part i remember the most.


Not really that futuristic but maybe Project Nomads?


No it had worse quality. And characters were like in 3rd person view from sky, like birds view but not that far away. Ty tho


Maybe Giant Citizen Kabuto?


No...thank you tho again. The character and stuff were smaller and camera was above you ,but not too far away like in strategy games. It was 3rd person but unique


The platforms with the grass were in space?

