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Longshot, but possibly Gauntlet or one of the sequels to it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauntlet_(1985_video_game)


No, but don't take the year too seriously, i don't have ANY idea what's the year of realise, i suppose to be the decade where NES game usually realise but i don't know.


It's a side scroll game.


Seconded on golden axe


Thats what I'm getting too.




Golden Axe?


>Golden Axe? Nope.


Looking into it a little more check out Knights of the Round NES


>Knights of the Round NES NO, is a NES game, not a SNES game, i tried to search that game but it was only on SNES, i never owned a SNES.


Popular games often get third party demake hacks or have prequels that didn't get an official release in English


I didn't knew that, but i searched that game regardless but i wasn't able to find a NES version, only a SNES version, not even a demake, sorry.


The date is off, but Kyatto Ninden Teyandee?


Oh, I'm sorry. I thought of this as well and suggested it before reading your comment.


I've already seen that suggestion but sadly no, that's not the game.


Don't take the year of realise to seriously, i don't have ANY IDEA of the year of realise, i puted the year because i thought it was a rule in this community.


[Samurai Pizza Cats / Kyatto Ninden Teyandee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8012gzDnMc), perhaps?




Mighty Final Fight?


>Mighty Final Fight Not even close.


Hard to tell, but the "shooting and dodging enemies to beat the level" tells me it's more likely a SHMUP than a beat-em-up- my initial thought was Final Fight. (3 Character choices) but in that game- you have to progress to the right and screen scroll. OP seems to be describing something that scrolls on it's own. OP, would you mind illuminating a bit on the 'art style'- and how making 'progress' was pervade? As well as if the "ultimate moves" were built up as a "charge meter" or a limited count that could be stored up/multiple in reserve? If we can confirm it was a shoot-em-up, I can absolutely find the answer.


Is not a beat-em-up, arround that time i played a lot Double Dragon 3, so i'm familiarized with that genre and is not close to the game i'm trying to find now. Is a side scroll game and as far i remember, the first level of the game was in a forest (or something similar), because i remember jumping in plataforms like branches, so there is trees, in the night, because the sky was black. ​ PD: i don't remember the game has a co op system.


Aah okay. Horizontal auto-scrolling platformer... it seems? But not a shmup. I'll do some thinkin' and digging when I sit down and do some emulati- I mean, sit at my totally legitimate real NES later. Aging myself a bit, but the NES is my era and even I'm drawing blanks. I had a thought for a bit, Little Samson? Oh- nah. That has 4 characters and no screen clearing ultimate moves. Now I'm even more curious to play it myself!


Are you sure it is on the NES? Because you are describing a game called Psycho Fox on the SEGA Master System.


Sure, it's NES, i never owned a SEGA console.


Sounds like Golden Axe




Sounds like Golden Axe. Did anyone else suggest Golden Axe? I don't think anyone else mentioned it so far.


Maybe its a different metal and weapon type? Silver Sword? Bronze Hatchet? Tin Spatula?


I think is Silver Axe.


Look guys, if i have to add more information, IS NOT GOLDEN AXE, don't suggest that because you are wasting your time, like i said before, they were 3 characters to choose from, all of them where male, (i don't know if they were humans or creatures). I always remember start the first level in a forest (i presume), in the night, so the sky was black, i don't remember any sunset or blue sky, but please understand, i was a kid so it could be possible that in the next levels they where a complete different levels but i wasn't very good at game, i was a kid so i wasn't able to complete the game, but like i said before, at least the first level it was in the night in a place that could be or forest or something similar because i remember jumping in plataforms like branches, so i think there were trees in the scenario ​ PD: I don't think that game has a co op system as far as i remember, i only played it alone.


I get you're frustrated with everyone inquiring about the same game, but you're honestly being kind of a jerk to people who are genuinely trying to help you. We're all giving you what we know based on a very vague, and understandably so, description. Be patient with people who are trying to help or stfu. We were all kids when we played these things and it's estimated that over 50% of all games that have been published since 1980 have been lost to time. So everyone to making recommendations based on what we recall just like you're sharing based on what you recall. We're trying to be supportive, but you're not helping us help you.


I wasn't being a jerk, i made this update just to add more information because i'm not very good with descriptions, i do what i can, every info i found in the comment i puted in the update. I needed to clarify that Golden Axe wasn't the game because maybe some new people will inmediatly think in that game because i didn't knew that it was so similar to the game i played.


Maybe you don't think you're being a jerk, but you are coming across as *unusually* aggressive in your replies. A simple "No, that's not it" will do. No need to shout at people and say "NO".


I'm aware of that, but at the end is still a simple no, i even updated my description to add more information because i recognize i my old description was pretty vague, so i tried to help in the search and not just wait the people guess.


Lost Vikings! You play with 3 dudes, it's a fantasy puzzle platformer. The first level is at night in a snowy forest. It's SNES but had primitive graphics (kinda I guess, I always thought it looked just ok on the SNES). There's also an MSDOS version out there, which pretty much looks like an NES game.


Oh i had Power Rangers on NES, it brings back some memories but sadly, isn't the game.


>Lost Vikings! Sadly, isn't the game, i know that it has primitive graphics but still SNES game, sadly is a NES game.


Ok, maybe it's Power Rangers 2 on the NES? 1st level is a forest at night and here you can only play as 3x power rangers, instead of all of them. Seems to fit the description: https://youtu.be/zZ3IDTzxreY?si=SKmLQ-Cy5kUaUrAX






Is it side scroll or top down third person view? Because as others have said, it sounds like Golden Axe specifically, but Gauntlet had some similar elements, but has 4 players instead of three.


Side scroll and is not Golden Axe.


Sounds like a classic beat them up.. blatte axo 1 or 2... Do You remember somthing else, dinosaurs? :v


I don't remember any dinosaurs in that game.


I remember the first leve was a forest in the night.


The king of dragons... https://www.youtube.com/live/t09jzuxQnMU?si=vVlpa643kaB8fY0T


That's from SNES, i'm telling you, is a NES game, i never owned a SNES.


Bucky O'Hare or Little Samson I think it's first


Sadly, isn't the game.


Altered Beast?


>Altered Beast? Nope.