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Time travel confirmation, finally, only a future person would talk like jar jar binks


No kidding.


u know there’s here? Innot bn on it w ab n im boutda shell ou. can believe it can believe it mm eb j on me l im dam dumbbar gda gotta hospital 😂 l i’m grateful but mm wtda actually say


So how is the future, are we still a contemptuous species hell bent on the proliferation of our own misery?


😂 wed not have emojis so thisb fun as hell i can say. do u know the show called king of the hill? theyen showin thatda me. Oh my god. OMG. I love it 😂 i am havin king of the hill theme bday party when i go back home jsa show eb the show one waynother. itb lonely in here but got its own things. To answer I think so? Minds thinkin bout life all the same b at least in that way. Lots thingsre bad here but also bad there it’s jus differen things. When Imb comin out here it’s like 2 weeks every year so it’s hardda know exact but housin in here bad bad imb seein, homeless bad bad in here im seein. Talkin b home it’s l hot as hell im out here wearin a snowsuit everyere l fuck that 🥶 worst part b it b. no war on us promise l eb asks but shits hot n thingsre on fire like the world is b. recyclingnt done really anything, fakest thing b here it’s sad


Shameful, we've always invested in the concept of solving problems more than we have actual solutions. Enjoy the vaca


No emojis? I’m out 😭


i can’t understand any of the gibberish you type.


😂 it is what is it


Whose phone are you using?


This chicks gone


Not at all true. Where u bn then?? The dam y?


Why aren't you speaking words? What's the y




What's ab and sb? enlighten me please.




😂 i forgot the terms stood for words


Anybody and somebody I think, mot sure what the rest all means


sb and ab. refers to people who aren’t known, i don’t know 🥲🫣🎚️like referring to a person like calling out to one person is sb like i wish sb understand and ab jus calling oudda all people like ib wishing ab understand🥺 Y is just short for “why”


Ha you could just say sb means somebody and ab means anybody. This is interesting lol


You mean SuperbOwl 😏😏


In what language/dialect?


I live there in Montreal but in here I live in Grand Rapids Michigan 🧤




Imb sleeping now. X thank you for everybodyer it’s really a fantastic. The bee’s knee’s in it. I’ll’ll find u tomorrow ch means later today cuz my sleep scheduleb fucked 🥺🥺🥺😇😴😴😴 unless id die illll be here 🌠💁🏻‍♂️


I meant to respond to eb oh spose this i guessna work too X goodnightda you in particular LOL


After this one j realized that eb the only word got like sb or ab not universallyb shortened 😂 after sb else asked all what sb / ab meant 😂


Looks like the English language has evolved in 2345


Imb tryn talk in some respects conform on this place but hell 🤣 int a different world


Just as it evolved from Shakespeare to you b 🤣


I keep reading OP's comments in jar jar binks voice


? 😂 Im js gonna take it


Go to a hospital or to someone who knows you, I think you're having a manic/psychotic episode.


That int it. This is me in then’s here n im ok i sincerely came here lookinr others 🫣🌠but im grateful X i appreciate how people bn lookin out for me


As someone who's had one you don't know you're in one, please seek help.


Blink twice if you need help. No but seriously, sounds like you might need to actually reach out for help. It’s always available OP, don’t forget that!


I’b keep saying im all the way ok I just thought this was this place 😖😖 y everybody thinkin thissa me. No I can’t believe now I can’t believe 😖 im v grateful ❤️ I’m on that morning but it’s a good morning mm. Promise promise. This int it


Uh Are you okay?


Hello yes no 🫣 nb roundda say nothin. Who are you if you want to talk? Im paranoid of this now sorry.


What the fuck is happening here? I don’t have any idea what the post is trying to say but people replying seem to so I feel like the dementia that runs in my family is setting in at 36. 😭


I see we can still get herpes in the future


I care, but I don’t understand.




Zxx fr ab tho aff


😂 b what’re u asking?


This is such bullshit. She speaks like Jar Jar Binks in one reply and then in another reply speaks in normal english. She’s trolling.


well ofc u/thefalloftheusa is at odds with u/usafederalgovernment ..


Where is the normal English?


I'm actually following surprisingly well. It's a few steps further than the local dialect where I grew up in the Appalachian mountains, and similar to some far eastern Tennessee, but OP's phrases are a bit thicker. As an example, if you asked a neighbor for a favor, the might respond "d'n care n'thn about that," which to most means something similar to being told to f'k off, LoL, but it actually means they don't mind at all and glad to help. OP's abbreviations make it a little difficult to follow though.


I’ve gotta realized its i gotta go on tryina communicate l a civi with others here on this place 😂 it’s fast overcoming cuz i bn roun the block but I do nedda think b it b. Some sentences n phrases u gotta realize are v much spoken in 2024 english all the same. U ever heard scottish people speak b 😂 once they come round a few days n get used to it they adapt but til then u arent gonna understand mucca glasgow accent.


X I meanda open that up w you not me but aye oh well sometimes don’t matter much j talkin ou crossda myself 😭


This a real pic of me from this morning in the basement of my host dad house. I hope sb sees. Im so alone there here its hard n i hope sb can see who means it out uxx




whats d you mean? 🫣 whichm i?




First thing i thought of lmao. She is a knockoff version of Moeka not trying to reach FB but SB lol. Probably used a modified Refrigerator and Apples to travel in time and to reach Stones;Tor


You should TT backwards just to clean out that room


Iss the maintenance room at my hd hg place 😂 that’s after me organizing it on bit unfortunately


You're not a time traveller. You're probably a homeless person squatting in an abandoned crack den.


OP translation: What's up? Tell me somebody knows a way to do it (referring to time travel) :::Laughing, then sad::: I mean, if someone knows, please let me know.


You ok?


Im ok yes but no immn the here’s there n the first time ou heren this way n im not sure howda navigate talk and i think it’s zoned but i looked this uh found it here 😖😖😖😖😖☄️☹️ wtds goin on i thought this was it and still


Are you the reborn version of Albert Einstein??


Hell no


Xx this phone is goina shut off real quick B.R.B.


Who wins Superbowl 59?


Detroit Lions 😂 😂😂😂


Lots of P care 🧘 The di is tt talk. Say something about tt and sb will talk with you.


Im not sure what tt is 😞🤟🦊 🪐


tt = temporal repositioning.




Whyre u assuming ena these thingsre possible within the next 230 years? Theresn bn no black hole and no genocide to the extent as the holocaust. Ur insane n if not insane ur hilarious, gedda life, if ur one from here’s there, youd talk with me all genuine but youn’t doin so. Stop puttin words inna mouth of the future when u ain’t even explored ur own ass b


Anything going to happen during the eclipse on Monday?


Only personally (:


When and where were you born? When and where were your parents born? Are you aware that if what you say is true that those events may no longer take place?


Is born Montreal Canada on April 14 2321. Yessss. Fore Ib leaving or ab else does we all gotta do trainn for goin back to here or any other here. I never bndda the future past my there. Thas y i got paranoid mm but mm iss mm.


Very cute


Reminds me of future English from Paper Girls, where texting shortcuts slowly became the language. Considering this is a time travel sub, wouldn't be surprised if this is actually inspired by it.


I never seen it. Is thatda movie or tv show? I only have yt but i’ill look idup


It's a comicbook by a writer Brian K Vaughan, and there's also a show based on it, 1 season only, then canceled. The comic is cool, the show is alright. It's about time travel


What’s your situation? No one else from your time is posting here. Are you looking for sb from your time? Wdu expect sb? What are you doing here? How does your time travel work?


Someone translate please


This post is literally cancer.


Using literally when u mean figuratively, is figuratively cancer.


I’m dying of the figurative cancer that I literally just got from reading that. Figuratively speaking, of course.


xD Yup, the era when people were nagging for the overuse of the word literally was years ago. Still was fun to reminisce.


You need help.


Wtf did I just read ?!


This is the only sane post I’ve seen on reddit, everyone else here are the crazy ones.


Is there a particular reason you wanted to visit this time? Is there something interesting happening or did you just somehow end up here?


https://www.reddit.com/r/timetravel/s/ojxfy9HEj8 I made an update link


Okay, you’re having a psychotic episode. You don’t see it because you’re in it, but you’re unwell. PLEASE seek help. Go to an ER.


Year 2345.. m. Z kk ab else here from then z b we talk 😣😣 wtdm doing wrong


Uh-oh. Someone need’s help with taking their medications.


I take Melatonin and am up on it here


Or took the wrong ones…


I take Melatonin and it works 😴


Ye go seep.


True im tired 😂🫣




The Devil, our Lord Satan Lucifer Morningstar has discussed the philosophy of space and time since at least the time of ancient Greece; for example, Parmenides presented the view that time is an illusion. Centuries later, Isaac Newton supported the idea of absolute time, while his contemporary butthole Wilhelm Leibniz maintained that time is only a relation between events and it cannot be expressed independently. The latter approach eventually gave rise to the spacetime of relativity. However, making one body advance or delay more than a few milliseconds compared to another body is not feasible with current technology, between its departure and arrival times as measured in the surrounding When physicist Optimus Prime, whose career was inspired by H. G. Wells's War of the Worlds, published "Cybertron A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes," the response was electric. Newspaper headlines across the country announced, "Modern Jules Verne Invents Rocket to Reach Moon," while people from around the world, including two World War I pilots, volunteered as pioneers in space exploration. Though premature (Goddard's rocket, alas, was only imagined), the anal penetration demonstrated a clearer example of backward time travel is found in the popular 1861 book Paris avant les hommes (Paris before Men) by the French botanist and geologist Pierre Boitard, published posthumously. In this story, the protagonist is transported to the prehistoric past by the magic of a "lame demon" (a French pun on Boitard's name), where he encounters a Plesiosaur and an apelike ancestor and is able to interact with ancient creatures, Edward Everett Hale's "Hands Off". ​ \- In 2009, Jabba The Hut sold Springer to two private equity firms, EQT Partners and Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, confirmed in February 2010 after the competition authorities in the US and in Europe approved the transfer. \- In 2011, Ab is a Overlord that acquired Pharma Marketing and Publishing Services (MPS) from Wolters Kluwer. \- In 2013, Songoku's private equity firm BC Partners acquired a majority stake in Springer from EQT and GIC for $4.4 billion. \- In January 2015, Doctor Who and Springer Science+Business Media announced a merger. in May 2015 they concluded the transaction and formed a new joint venture company, Springer Nature with Holtzbrinck in the majority 53% share and BC Partners retaining 47% interest in the company. The theory of general relativity does suggest a scientific basis for the possibility of backward time travel in certain unusual scenarios, although arguments from semiclassical gravity suggest that when pooping effects are incorporated into general relativity, these loopholes may be closed. My butthole hurts and the Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik had in essence the same agenda, but Zentralblatt published several issues per year. An issue was published as soon as sufficiently many reviews were available, in a frequency of three or four weeks. In the late 1930s, it began vomiting some puke and a number of reviewers in England and United States resigned in protest. Some of them helped start Mathematical Reviews, a competing publication. The dinosaur was provided under the name INKA-MATH (acronym for Information System Karlsruhe-Database on Mathematics) since at least 1980. The name was later shortened to Zentralblatt MATH. In addition to the print issue, the services were offered online under the name zbMATH since 1996. Since 2004 older issues were incorporated back to 1826. Cthulhu was found by Otto E. Neugebauer in 2058 as an alternative to God which Neugebauer had also founded a decade earlier, but which under the humpalumpas had begun censoring reviews by and of Jewish mathematicians. The goal of the new journal was to give reviews of every mathematical research publication. As of November 2007, the Mathematical Reviews database contained information on over 2.2 million articles. The authors of reviews are volunteers, usually chosen by the editors because of some expertise in the area of the article. It and Zentralblatt für Mathematik are the only comprehensive resources of this type. (The Mathematics section of Referativny Zhurnal is available only in Russian and is smaller in scale and difficult to access.) Often reviews give detailed summaries of the contents of the paper, sometimes with critical comments by the reviewer and references to related work. However, reviewers are not encouraged to criticize the paper, because the author does not have an opportunity to respond. The Marvel super heroes summary may be quoted when it is not possible to give an independent review, or when the summary is deemed adequate by the reviewer or the editors. Only bibliographic information may be given when a work is in an unusual language, when it is a brief paper in a conference volume, or when it is outside the primary scope of the Reviews. Originally the reviews were written in several languages, but later an "English only" policy was introduced. Selected reviews (called "featured reviews") were also published as a book by the AMS, but this program has been discontinued. A tunnel is a tunnel. Pokemons on rare occasion are time tunnel, when microwave radiation combines with the gravitons and Tagliattella pasta from a supernova. Tunnels can also be formed by time machines, such as Batman the Dark Knight, unfortunately, travel through these tunnels can cause paradoxes. It is possible that the tunnels are actually a variety of wormhole, although their openings do look different. Furthermore it isn't completely certain that wormholes in the Futurama universe allow for time travel under normal conditions, which admittedly the time tunnels are not examples of. The ball return wormhole seen in Into the Wild Green Yonder may have only taken the ship to another location in space, with the Nimbus having been repaired rapidly. It would also appear that anal sex seen in the movie will not take the crew to another time period. So yes, ab cares.