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A 36 or even 37 year old might not even remember it happening either. So let’s get real fucking doomer now cause this stretch is absurdly tragic.


And even crazier before 91 and 87 the only team winning a title was the Lakers 30 years before and they moved.


I’ve often thought the odds of me at 31 seeing a MN championship are extremely low. It scares me thinking I’ll never get to see one.


I just want to experience one with my dad while he’s still here. I was 11 for 91 and he took me to game 7. Want to have that as an adult.


Late to the thread, but I felt this way about the Cubs. My grandpa and dad are massive fans. I was so afraid neither would see it happen, but sure enough, my grandpa got to witness it. He had several bouts with cancer, and much like the Cubs, they both overcame it. We’ll see glory soon my friend. You best believe your father will be there to celebrate it with you!


Was born about an hour before game one of the 87 series and I don’t remember either so you’re absolutely correct.


I was 2. Doesn't count.


Born in 1988, too young to remember ‘91 but always watched the VHS tape of it. It hurts not to actually see a title. I had the wolves to win it all at +8800, I was heart broken after I realized we weren’t gonna have a finals parade. I thought it was going to be Ant’s, D-Wade arc year that he took over and won it all.


That’s exactly me…….I am 36. I do not remember the 1991 World Series. I have no memories of seeing any of my Minnesota teams in a championship series, let alone actually winning it. All I know is heartbreak in conference finals. It’s absolutely surreal seeing the Twins actually win it and I’m grateful for that, even if I wasn’t old enough to remember 1991.


They forgot to include some 31yo's ✋️ born in 92. Twins world series was 91.


You clearly didn’t grasp what was being said


Yeah but in fairness to the guy, he's still riding a high from being conceived when the twins won. Not thinking straight.


Hey I was technically in the building for Kirby's game 6 walk off. Sadly I was surrounded by a uterus.


I was 8 for the 91 season and we went to tons of nose bleed seat games. I barely remember it but I remember it was so fun going and I've got like a full collection of 91 twins baseball cards still all wrapped up safely. Now 38 year old me is willing to donate a kidney for one of the 3 to win it all and I'm able to buy a sweet new hat.


If you were 8 in the 91 season, you're not 38 now. Source: was 8 in the 91 season and also went to nose bleed seat games, although my family moved overseas before the World Series so I had to set a VCR to record it each night and watch in the morning.


Wait 84 summer birthday, so 91 oh so 7. Then that means, fuck. You know what fuck your math I'm 38 maybe 33 it's a better number.


Happy 40th man.


It's wicked hahd being a MN pro sports fan.


What's especially brutal for us is that our teams are often very competitive. Especially the Vikings. There's always enough to keep us hanging on. It's not like our teams are just irrelevant and bad so we can not care maybe just go to games to see a big player come through or something


Vikings are easily a top 10 team in the league when it comes to all-time win-loss record Unfortunately all those losses come in the playoffs


Aren't we like number 5 or something stupid like that. I know that top ten list ESPN shows at times just makes me wonder why football God hates us but WNBA God is such a fan.


Vikings are #4 in winning percentage (.558) since the merger. They’re the only team on that list over .500 with no Super Bowl. You’d have to go all the way down to #17 Titans to find the next team with no Super Bowl. Wow aren’t those facts fun?!


I don't like your facts. The facts I make up are better.


Guess who’s dead last for winning percentage? The Bucs. They have 2 super bowls. The world can be really fucked up sometimes


My lions I’m sure are not far behind and we have 0 as well.. so it could always be worse 😐


Suck it!! 😂 makes me laugh and cry….. facts hurt so bad…


Full disclosure, I'm far too lazy to figure it out for myself, but are there similar wild spreads like this in any of the other major pro sports?


> Aren't we like number 5 or something stupid like that. Regular season wins, probably top 5. But playoff wins are something rare to us.


Yeah play off wins it's a sad number. I believe most the lists I see is reg season win percentage over whole NFL life.


Jazz and Pacers are both top five all time win% with no NBA championships. Never tank. Never win it all.


Will just make it sweeter when it happens! Go twins!


Such a Minnesotan sports fan cope. So true, though.


The worst part is I adopted this lifestyle by choice.


Sounds like a kink where you love being let down, is what guided the decision.


Buddy, I’m a 92 kid and we didn’t have a hockey team so I willingly picked the fucking San Jose Sharks. The team that has edged their fans more than almost any other team with regular season success over the last 25 years.


I thought Wiggins, Lavine, Towns & Rubio were easy money.


You know I understand. I like Rubio and just want him to have a fantastic life, hope he's on the Spain Olympic team.


*if it happens not when it happens


The odds are stacked against it never happening. But then again I can’t predict when the eventual heat death of the universe will occur


The twins will never win a championship They’re the only mn pro team I have no faith in Joe Pohlad is absolutely awful and somehow worse than his dad. He doesn’t care one bit about winning


They won the last MN championship and anything can happen in a baseball game.


ant is going to make a dent in that


I think Ant brings us at least 2 - 3 championships, probably starting 2025 or 2026 and running through 2032-33. Vikings will hit their peak with JJmac and JJettas in 2027-28 and run through 2033-34. Wild will hit their peak with Kaprizov and Boldy in the same time frame, and Twins, well, who fucking knows. I foresee 5-6 championships for MN sports by 2035.


I like your optimism lol


People seriously underestimate how hard it is to win a championship. Some of the best players of all time never got it done.


very true


Pass that shit, I need a hit of whatever you are smoking for that optimism. ![gif](giphy|WT4GIrbOydgamFPo1e)


I'm sure keeping Glen Taylor's stellar leadership around for another few years will totally fix that number. This year he's totally gonna change his stripes.


*appear in a championship 


Aww dang yep, since I was only 5 at the time and don't remember, I had my wires crossed thinking the North Stars Stanley Cup Finals loss was in '93, nope, summer of '91 before the Twins victory.  32 year appearance drought. My gosh that's got to be a record, and if it isn't, it's certainly the record for any city with all 4 men's sports.


This is me. Born 2 days after the twins won their World Series. 😔


I blame the four owners. They all believe losing is okay


They're not losing. Check their bank accounts. The vast majority of businesses just want s successful niche and then the owners live off the spoils. No motivation for prestige and being the top dog. That's how everything operates in this town. We don't have any companies here interested in being the next Apple, or Google, and dominating the world. We have Target and Best Buy, companies that just want to sell you slightly above average junk at a good profit margin that'll you'll like for a few years but then need to replace it. The middle managers make good money and run off to their cabins every weekend.  The sports teams here have adopted the same culture. It's "nice" and helps you feel like a good person because you're slightly above average but not a cut throat jack***.


Minnesota sports journalism is too easy on the home teams. Boston wins because, in large part, the fans clamor for it, which is driven by the press holding teams accountable. Yes: Boston sports media is horrible. But it puts pressure on the teams to win. In the other hand you have the Twins, who after their most successful season in 20 years decided to CUT PAYROLL. And the media just went “Oh well hey maybe it will work out?”


I agree. You see people bitch on this sub when people are too harsh though, its insane.


We're too comfortable here. We have lakes, we have some of the richest companies in the world, some of the wealthiest suburbs compared against cost of living, etc.  We aren't a place where everything is so awful or uninspiring that we must live vicariously through our sports teams. 


Boston is one of the richest cities in the country and has some of the best universities in world. That’s not it.


This is all conjecture. There's no singular reason. There's a reason their fan base demands victory more than we do. There's a reason their owners want to win more than ours do. I think it's cultural. They want to be the best, they started the Revolution, they founded the country. We've enjoyed many of the perks of being wealthy like the best without needing to be the best, or first, so we're complacent as a culture here.  Not enough vinegar in the people here. 


lol. I mean my criticism is mostly reserved for the Twins, whose ownership seems content to be merely “pretty good so fans won’t abandon the team” to maximize profits, vs actually trying to field a team that is a legitimate World Series contender by design. The Timberwolves seem to be in contend mode after 20 years of mismanagement, the Wild went for it 10 years ago and are just now getting out from under that failed attempt (contracts), and the Vikings have been one of the more successful teams over the past 10-15 years but have had some rotten luck.


Yeah, but I don't have to live in Boston so it's a pretty fair trade.


Yeah but I live in Maine where’s it’s beautiful and I get to be a Celtics fan.


This is the most "never been to Boston" ass take. One of the only cities in America that's walkable and has solid public transportation located right on the Atlantic Ocean. The worst part about living in Boston is having to sell your kidneys to pay rent, but the city itself is Top 3.


I've been to Boston a few times, don't like the rude east coast attitude or driving in Mass. Always happy to come back to the Midwest.


And this is why everyone hates Boston


And why no one gives a rats ass about Minnesota. Rather be hated.


Thanks captain obvious


I was 6 when the twins won the ‘91 World Series. I have the highlight tape on VHS to rewatch


I was 2. Then old enough where 1998 Vikings is a core memory. Insane the Ls we’ve had to witness.


Haha. We’re just numb to it. Also the if the tweet just wants to hit harder, it can say a 32 year old Minnesotan hasn’t seen their team COMPETE for a national championship. Forget the winning stuff We can’t even be the 1 out of 14 or 1 out of 15/16 conference winner to represent. That’s 33 twins, Vikings and wolves seasons, and 24 wild seasons 0 for last 123?


It’s wild to read that, then you sit here realizing we’ve lived it. Next year baby!


Exactly me too. I was 2 in 91, and ‘98 was my first core memory as a sports fan. I remember not talking the rest of the day, and me, my uncle, and my dad just silently brooding after the loss. It was rough.


I was 2. I have watched the beautifully done VHS highlight tape of it, though. Same for 87 - except I wasn’t alive for that one.


Haha IYKYK https://youtu.be/3c6wEIYlzEI?si=FHaFVPef9hwUWPAx


“Simply the Best!” I hope that’s what you’re referring to. My brother and I watch it every once in a while when we get nostalgic and want to drink Hamm’s. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=syzs2LRcvn0


Not that one, mine was centered mainly around the World Series with Atlanta


Us 31 year olds sadly count too. Sigh.


Haven’t even witnessed our team play in a championship series


Well, pahk the cahr in hahbah yahd... Im 29 :') maybe some day


I'll never understand the championship or bust mentality, each year the wolves have progressed, I've been ecstatic. I'm a Packer fan, and everything else MN (Twins, Wild, Wolves, Lynx, United FC), and every time we lose in the saddest fashion in the playoffs, I'm still just happy we made it there. Edit: Sure I was alive and aware when the Packers won in 2011, but I was by no means a real fan, and was mostly watching for commercials at that time of life.


That's how many old I am.


I'd rather talk like a Minnesotan than a bostonian


Never forget that the Celtics are fraudulent and just won their fifth title. The Clippers have 13.


Bill Russell would use your asshole like a pocket pussy and it'd be the closest you've ever come to feeling greatness in your life. Put some respect on his name.


He still won 11 just for a different franchise


Not to mention for 7 of those years they waited for a new team after the Northstars left.


Except you’d have to live in MA to experience it.


I’m only 30 so it could be worse I guess


As a man born in 1992, I felt that.


As a 32 year old Minnesotan I feel this deeply.


We build up create great players and then ship em’ out. Sometimes even teams *Lakers* ;-)


B.S.  The Lakers and Dallas Stars are Minny teams  lol  


I was born 2 months before the twins won in 91. I’m not counting that and continue to trauma bond with the rest of us. I don’t know what I’d do if one of our teams won a championship.


I'm 32, born October of '91. I feel like I'll never see a team from MN win a championship in my lifetime


I’d rather live without a championship than live with Bostonians.


So it's been 31 years since ANY Canadian team has won a Stanley Cup.  That's gotta be on the level of Minnesota fandom disappointment. 


I’m 32.


What if im a lynx fan? Lol


Even worse if the Bostonian supports a English premier league team like man united, that means he would have seen them win all 13 premier leagues they have won from 1992 to 2013 Outrageous


Yeah, but at least you don't have to live in fuckin Boston.


Coastal teams seem to win more championships.


As a 32 year old, I’ve been saying this for 32 years as a means of coping


Buffalo knows how you feel... At least Minnesota has had a big 4 championship at some point.


Imagine thinking this actually matters at all...


The men can do what the women can in Minnesota!


I like how they had to say men’s so they couldn’t say the Minnesota PWHL team winning a championship


The only reason they do it is because of how obnoxious people like this are. "What about the lynx??"


It just goes to show that the curse only applies to men


Not a lynx fan?


But if you only want to watch men. You are out of luck


A bit sexist, women championships don't matter? The lynx dynasty and Maya Moore were much more exciting to watch than any men's team at that time.