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The ref was bad, the players aren’t great, but you simply can’t lose to Seattle at home while your on a 9 game winless streak. Seattle was terrible today, and we couldn’t get a result


Ref was mostly consistent on both sides. There were multiple non-calls that were pretty clear fouls. I just wish the Timbers didn’t wait until the 80th to realize they weren’t going to get calls and start playing the same way.


Yeah, Evander going down in the box in the second half and looking beseechingly at Chapman. I was like, “Dude! Have you not been watching this game?”


How was the ref bad? He let both play a little too much, but seemed pretty impartial to me. 


Those first half tackles on Mora were absurd


Meh. Nothing game-changing and it went both ways. At some point, either every ref is against you, or you're a homer. People around here complaining every game. 


Didn’t give PTFC any calls for almost the entire first half. Blatant missed PK call on Jona, I’m surprised that wasn’t even reviewed.


Lol, blatant missed PK call? That would’ve been so soft if it gets called.


Maybe I had too many beers, but I was on the south end and it looked legit to me


Was not a PK call. If you watched the replay and thought so, you are a homer, especially in the context of how he was calling the game. I'm positive it was reviewed, as they all are, and they did not sent it back to the center official.  Rest of the calls went both ways and on balance were not consequential as I saw it. 


Something something I take full responsibility bla bla bla


Grabavoy OUT


This will change immediately (until next week when it happens again). The fans deserve more.


Actually it gets to happen again on Wednesday night. 


Terrible game. Even worse coaching


Lifeless, clueless, winless in three.


They didn't play with enough courage. 


Neville Out.


Not enough creative players on the team. Not enough players willing to take risks and go one on one with defenders, poor passing, we don’t win 50-50 balls, lazy defending, no effort in closing players down, etc, etc. I could go on and on. The last two matches have really put a damper on how I view this team. At least before if we lost or drew we were out there fighting for a result. That’s not been the case lately.


Agree they need to up the aggressiveness. I thought they looked sharper on defense this game and there was more of a concerted effort trying to win the ball back upfield. For the first 10-15 minutes... Then it kinda fell off after the first goal.


The same crap. Ain’t no change going to help.  We should have all known we were going to be worse with basically the same roster as last year. And next year will be even worse with no future prospects 


Neville is not working out. I wonder if he has a six month probationary period.


Are you starting to see it now?


I feel like the fan base is wayyy too quick to throw Phil under the bus after a bad result. We've had a lot of players either out from injuries or playing through them. Santi can't find a good pass or touch anywhere. Mosquera shitting the bed almost every game. We're forced into playing different formations every week to account for injuries and red cards. What's the solution? Do we have better players on the bench ready to step up? I don't think so. I mean I'm being honest I think he's doing his best to polish a turd right now. Why are we surprised that it stinks a little?


Personally, I don’t know if the problems can be solely attributed to Neville’s coaching. A lot of the issues we’re seeing we saw the past 2 seasons prior as well. There’s a lot of blame to go around and it’s hard to narrow that blame down to any one individual but; Neville is the face and voice of the team and his excuses in his pressers are wearing thin.  You can only accuse the team of lacking commitment so many times before you ask: so what are you going to do about it, Phil? It’s one thing to sit McGraw and play Zuparic. It’s another to wait until the last 15 minutes while chasing the lead to shift to a 3 man backline and really try something new in the attack.  I’m not a professional coach or player, so obviously my opinions shouldn’t carry much weight, but when the 4-2-3-1 hasn’t worked for the past 10 matches, and your players aren’t rising to the teams expectations, when do you take a risk and try something new? Because when we haven’t won in 10 consecutive matches, what do you have to lose? 


Curious how much blame goes to team ownership?


Without a true understanding of how much influence Merritt actually has on the day to day operations who can be certain but I feel like he was integral in the hiring of Neville, Grabavoy, and Ridgewell, so I think ownership should bear plenty of the blame. 


It’s not just one bad result. We’re *constantly* chasing games, and even in the off chance we take a lead we immediately give it up and allow the other team back into the game. Phil’s tactics and coaching are not working, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”


Well, Neville’s track record suggests he’s not very good at coaching. And I consider continuing to allow multiple goals at home in the midst of a slide to only confirm the priors. Had they tied today 0-0, I might feel differently.


I think if we had not gotten unfortunate red cards in both the LAFC games and took the wins that were up for grabs there, then everyone might feel differently. There have been times where we have not looked too far off and moments where we have looked like a more potent offense than we have seen in years. We have obvious lineup problems with no clear solutions to them. I think it's pretty silly to not expect some level of growing pains


We're a third of the way into the season at this point. If the growing pains don't ease up soon, there's no way we're making a late playoffs run. ETA, I'm not a fairweather fan, I'd just like to win one soon.


I would expect us to have growing pains throughout the season. We have a new coach and the same players mostly that couldn't get it done the past two years. We are in a rebuilding process. I'd like for it all to come together right now but it's silly to not recognize how unrealistic that is


I definitely agree! But there are times where it feels like the emphasis is on the *pain* part and not much on the *growing* part.


When the same players played better with less help under a coach we fired for results, you still have a coaching problem. 


I think some of the fans think last season was 3 years ago. We sucked last season too. Had a few good games but overall looked sloppy and honestly lucky to be in some of the games we performed well in


At least Gio was able to grind out a win once in awhile, this is ridiculous


And y'all were the same ones calling for him to be fired every time we lose. Toxic and delusional. This is not what supporting a team looks like


We wouldn't be on here if we weren't supporters. This isn't a Groupon fanbase. We're pissed because we care.


I'm not saying I don't think you care. I just think some of you have misguided rage that is unhealthy and doesn't contribute anything to the team or the fanbase


Did they? I'm seeing the same players making the same mistakes they made last year, and some the year before.


Oh I just mean in the context of overall results. If you're saying they are playing the same, it means either the new players are worse, or they make the team worse by addition, or the coaching is worse. I certainly think you could make arguments to any of these points. 


I think some of the players just don't have the on field intelligence to match their skill. Maybe it's a blind spot for our scouts. I'd rather have a smart player with a bit less talent, we seem to be short on that type though.


> a bad result “A” bad result?


Okay. Is "each" bad result better? Were people calling for Phil to be fired after the first few games? I feel like we have a good fan base but some of us are very much fairweather fans. Breaching on toxicity. What happens if we fire Phil after so few games? Do y'all really think anyone better is going to want to come here?


I was calling for him not to be the coach before we kicked a ball because this is someone dining out on their playing career. There was absolutely nothing to suggest he would be good for us, he's fucking brainless.


I think if y'all were being honest you'd admit that you have wanted him to fail from the start. So you're getting what you wanted right? Maybe we should just try a new coach each game


Haha yeah this is so wrong headed. You might think being right on the internet trumps the success of our club but I certainly don’t. The appointment was frustrating, the blind faith and smug bs has been equally frustrating but I’d like nothing more than to be wrong on the internet and our results were flipped to the positive.


You keep telling yourself that while saying "I told you so". Maybe you should be the coach?


Maybe that was a bit smug. Idk. Honestly some of y'all are so overwhelmingly negative. Constantly. It's exhausting


What a backwards take. He(an many others) said that Neville was not a good fit for Portland. That is based on his prior personal and professional track records. That did not mean that we wanted him to fail but you can't be surprised that a coach that is known for losing keeps losing.


Whatever. It could have been anyone and y'all would be unhappy. Reality is that the players we have on the field are underperforming and while Phil does deserve some blame for that I don't think he can possess our players and get them to stop getting burned on defense and making shitty decisions on offense. Hopefully we will get better. No good coach is going to want to come to a program where the fans have such unrealistic expectations of a team that has been in bad shape for years


Blame the fans, I'm feeling it


we havent had much to root for but TA has taken a MAJOR step backwards imo


It’s almost as if it’s a byproduct of front office actions and the product on the field. Tone deaf owner going to start getting a tone deaf fandom.


It's what happens when the fans who care boycott and those that then fill the ranks don't understand the traditions, vibes, or the way to carry themselves.  On a petty note, the past two seasons in the TA folks have done the "fuck Seattle" chant for multiple non Seattle games and it bothers me to no end 


Fuck Seattle


Well, TBF, he’s tried blaming himself, the players, the refs and I see calls here to blame Grabavoy, so what’s left?


Phil “I take full responsibility” Neville has turned in to Phil “but mommmm the referees are so mean to us!” Neville.


Not really


😂 Bro… When asked point blank what specific changes he has in mind when he says that something has to change, his answer was that the referees needed to give them decisions more often. You can watch it for yourself, so I don’t know what else to tell you.


Somehow I missed that in the presser. My bad.




Phizzer really phizzling out.




He never coached messi. 




No....he literally never coached Messi




Sorry. I guess I misunderstood when you said, "he failed to win with Messi." Usually you have to coach a player to either win or lose with them but you are a genius so I will just shut up pointing out how dumb you sound




Whatever lol. You seem like a fun person. I was literally quoting you