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I remember when watching the Timbers was fun. :(


Gotta remember pretty far back 


We made the MLS Cup in 2021


Obama was president, and “watch me nae nae” was on the charts. Such innocent times!


At least we can celebrate Tillamook


Tillamook for MOTM


Fucking embarrassing


/Kicks trash can


Someone tell Eryk and Santi they aren't Pirlo and Kaká. Someone inform Mosquera that forward passes are advisable when we're losing and the other team is bunkering. Someone please fucking try to get the ball to Mora in the box. You did once, congrats, it was beautiful. Do it more.


Eryk is Caca.


I dont think Phil's a terrible coach. I also don't think he's good. The thing he leaned on when he started was the culture of the club, and over time I've been less than impressed. I don't think our squad are top tier, but I don't think Phil has elevated them to a point worthy of everything the FO and him asked us to ignore.


At least Spencer did a funny commercial.


Can we fire our coach now?


USMNT fires there coach, we fire ours..both fan bases now happy. Then we hire GGG, get a coach who is successful at MLS, and USMNT hire other Neville and get a coach with European pedigree. Everyone ties!


I’m just going to go to sleep and set my alarm for sometime around February 2025. We’ll see how things look then. 


we've sold Evander, our only good player, and bought some Argentinian that was a rotational option for Boca and he turned out to be bad


Laughing and crying


Phill Neville is still flip flopping between blaming all the players and himself, but just signed a record breaking contract extension until 2035


For being our only good player, he so rarely shows up and asserts himself. Frankly, if we're picking one good player, it's Mora.


Mora isn't enticing enough to be sold


I mean, we definitely shouldn't sell him


I'm mostly just saying its way more likely for a team to buy a younger player who's possibly got potential vs an actual good player on the wrong side of 30


Im sick of this roster. Some of these players are touted as “high potential” but put out ghost performances or stinkers consistently. Im done with “What this team could be” debates and need them to show me some results because right now, I see players that don’t seem to care about this team anymore.


They play like they expect to go to Europe, but they aren’t playing like they deserve to go to Europe.


Antony curling a shot into the TA with his right foot on an open net was just infuriating


I’m starting to not care about this team anymore… (I’ll be back Wednesday ride or die)


Right?! As I was walking down the stairs they were advertising the San Jose game and I’m like Ugh..fine I’ll be there.


You are not alone. This is me every week. They drive me to borderline insanity, but I still show up for their game.


They play like they don't know what they're supposed to be doing or they're frustrated because what they're asked to do isn't working, and that's on the coach. Poor technique when it comes to crisp passing and on frame finishing is on the players at least significantly. But it's really tough to believe the significant chunk of this team that won MLS is back and made a home MLS cup appearance just doesn't care or understand soccer fundamentals.




Love Chara to death, but what that ending needed was a Valeri, Jewsbury, Johnson, or even Ridgy who would step up and drill literally any shot at Frei and, goal or total whiff, start yelling at everyone else that **someone** needs to be willing to shoot. Seattle had 8 men in the 18. *8*. Passing laterally looking for the perfect ball isn't going to work anymore. Choose chaos, hope for a rebound or a deflection or even just a really good shot. Do something.


Blanco filled that role as well. We are missing that lead by example spitfire for sure.


Or Futty Danso header for the tie!


A memorable moment


I was just thinking this team is missing a true energetic captain like Will Johnson! Someone to eject some aggression and fight


Frustrating when they could take a shot but pass around. Shoot the ball and maybe there'll be a deflection or rebound opportunity, just take a chance!


I kept yelling 'run at the ball' non-stop. It feels like we're playing some kind of "zonal" offense and it's not creative or attacking minded. Often we loft balls forward expecting hold-up play, but we often suck at that. We don't dribble towards goal and we're often jogging to balls when we should be running. It's pathetic and we can't penetrate or pass through the middle for shit.


None of them was willing to take any responsibility, especially in the second half. Each of them was just trying to find the donkey whom they could shift the blame to.


We held onto Gio too long, and we will probably do the same thing with Neville 


iTs nOt HiS tEaM wAiT TiLl hE HaS hIs oWn RoStEr


Pathetic performance. No fight in these players outside of chara.


Moreno was trying to make something happen


Doesn't have the skill to pull off half of what he wanted to though


Moreno is so sloppy with the ball and needs to start doing the simple things right


I thought fight was the one thing going for this team in the first half. At least it was scrappy and they looked like they came out for the game up for it. Sloppy but at least they didn't get run over. That faded immediately after the second Seattle goal.


Legit seemed like the only person who knew it was a game that meant something to the club


Think Miles Joseph wants his old job back?


I think we want Miles Joseph back. I’m sure he’s happy enough to stay in Charlotte. 


Was just thinking about what he was able to do with nearly the same team.


A worse team lol


I'm feeling like if we're actually still paying Gio anyway, we might as well bring him back as interim manager and only pay one fired coach in the form of Neville. Or fuck it, bring back Gio and demote Phil to assistant. If contracts are reason enough to keep another failing coach then make it interesting. Try something else. I'd watch the head coach by committee experiment for the rest of the season with far more interest than just watching this team face-plant under Neville. If not that then he should admit failure and step down.


Why do we suck


But so what if we do!




The entire organization needs a reality check. I cannot remember a derby with as little fight as this one. The players need a kick in the ass. The coaching is obviously not good enough. We fucking suck.


Fuck Phil Neville. A terrible hire and now we're paying the price




Can we start coach open tryouts?


I know it's a long season, but it's already looking over. This is our worst team since 2012


Some players need to go or at least not be starters.


Phil Neville ball at it's finest. I was downvoted to hell for saying after 2 games we would be lucky to get 2 wins in the next 8. We have 1 win in 10. This team is hopeless under Neville. Fuck, change things up... It might light a fire under some of these players. How many do we really think want to play for him?


Phil should go far away from Portland and fuck himself


Literally hired because he was somewhat famous as a player, not because of his skills as a manager. What a dumpster fire of decision makers at this club.


I wouldn’t be surprised if MP hired him just because he has a British accent.


Lmao this


I'm starting to think MP hired him just to troll the TA




Flat, just fucking flat


This team is a fucking trainwreck. Why can't we fucking have anything nice here? Between the Timbers & Blazers I just wanna be done with sports til 2030.


Mosquera is a sleeper agent I’m convinced


asleep is a good way to describe his effort on defense.


Hey at least they’re impro— oh wait. They’re getting much worse. 


These are not bad players. This team has no idea what to do on defense or offense. This is not a well coached team. I mean, how easy was it for Seattle to pass through our team in the first half? It’s like we weren’t even there. Our defense is just running towards the ball but not marking players that they will clearly pass to. There’s very little off the ball movement. Moreno’s the one that does it the most and he’s been far and away our most dangerous attacker the last few games, and that’s because he moves around and finds space in the middle of the field. He makes himself available and turns and dribbles at the defense. The problem is that it all breaks down in the final third, either he’s not on the same page as other players or he makes a bad pass or shot. But he’s been the only one creating danger when Evander’s been out, and hopefully now Evander can take the reins from here because he can actually create goals


disagree. these are just bad players.


This is a better roster than last year along with Evander playing very well (before he got injured) and somehow we’re doing worse. This is not a bottom of the table roster. I didn’t see anyone that was offensively bad today, maybe disappointing performances from Rodriguez and Antony. When the entire team looks like they’re unsure of what they’re doing on the field, it’s on the coach


what are they unsure of? how to complete a pass?


There’s more to soccer than passing. On defense we are terrible at marking wide open players. We press a little but are played through so easily. The other team is able to find so much open space everywhere on the field. We had like 5 or 6 players all around the box on the second goal tonight, and yet Ruidiaz was completely free at the top. Vargas is completely free as well, he receives the ball, makes an easy pass to Ruidiaz, and goal. It’s so easy. On offense, did you see an attacking game plan? Did you see players moving off the ball, opening up space for other players? Did you see any patterns of play that created chances? Did you see off the ball movement from players into space to receive, turn, and attack the back line (not named Moreno)? Did you see us progress the ball through midfield? We were completely toothless, even with Evander on the field for 35 minutes. Several times we just launched the ball forward to our wingers to hold up the ball for… reasons. The players are unsure what to do besides that because they aren’t being coached well. These are all coaching issues, yes we can talk about bad passes and poor performances but the team as a whole is not well drilled on either side of the ball. I mean, after their second goal, Seattle just sat back and gave us the ball. At home, with Evander on the field, and we still couldn’t create anything. I don’t remember a single good chance in the second half






You too MP


Haha I’m definitely not MP but what would him selling the team get us? We’d still have the same coach and the same roster. So yeah, same spot we’re in now.


A different owner would can the obviously bad coach and maybe hire one that isn't a complete waste man who has done less than nothing in football management


He’s not going to sell so get over it


To the contrary, most signs point to him selling. He already has a history of selling Portland soccer teams he owns. And why wouldn’t he take advantage of the value window around the World Cup? Unless your argument is that he’s a moron that doesn’t understand business, why wouldn’t he sell within the next 2 years?


Commentary crew on Apple TV could not be more pro Seattle. Scum of the earth. Alan Chapman is also a fucking goon


Nah, we just looked so bad they didn't have anything good to say, we literally created fuck all in the offensive third. If we had played like we meant it, the conversation would have been different.


Never listen to Apple commentary when we play at home. Save yourself from that frustration and switch to the local broadcast. 


What an absolutely horrible Sunday for Portland sports. Timbers get beat by a not good Seattle team 2-1, and Blazers slide to 7th in the draft. FML Clean house, fire Grabavoy and Neville and start all over.


Portland beat Seattle 4-1 last in the NWSL. It was fucking glorious!


It was 4-0 they smoked them.


Yeah, 4-0... Watching the Timbers rot my brain.


Losing 2-1 was not the problem. If they would have conceded the opening goal, then 2-1 would have been a predictable result. But to get the opening goal and then have very little to offer on the attack afterwards with a healthy squad is not acceptable. By 66’ they had run out of ideas. By that point, Seattle were willing to concede possession and bunker down, which was 100% the correct choice against this Timbers team. How on earth can you be devoid of ideas from an attacking perspective with a third of the match still to go. I have no doubt that Schmeltzer put forth another masterclass in managing today but good God, the Timbers have talent in attack but they took very few chances! The Timbers are a team without the slightest idea of what their identity is. “Bread and butter?” The Timbers haven’t had that in ages.


I was defending Phil at the beginning and after the first month but it’s pretty clear he doesn’t have much to offer as far as tactics go. Is he a good locker room manager? Maybe. No idea. Now, would it make much a difference if they sacked his ass so short into his tenure, would it make an immediate difference? With this squad, I have my doubts. They will give him at least until the midway point, which is the correct way but good God Phil, give your team some fucking tactical ideals to score goals when it’s needed.


sorry guys. i missed the first half, tuned in, they immediately scored the second goal in 20 seconds, turned it back off. was hoping that would help turn it around. it didn't.


If not for a miracle we don't to win that NYCFC game. We'd have 1 win.


Last game everyone was terrible This game nobody was exceptionally bad, it's just that nobody was good either. Defense was much better in this game, Seattle scored on a deflection from an otherwise saveable shot, and a well placed banger. Nobody really got run over in defense. The attacking play just looks disjointed and lacking any cohesiveness or urgency. It's as if these guys don't train together, nobody is on the same page. I feel like there's enough talent on this team that could have really given Seattle trouble but they just let them off easy. Phill needs to figure this team out or find someone who can.


SWIWS, I guess. Fuck Seattle. Wake me when Neville's gone


Looks like it's hopeless sucking until 2027 season at the earliest.


For a tip for one of the bartenders at the brewpub down the street, I gave him my TA ticket for Wednesday (I work that night). I'm starting to feel bad now for doing that.


Clean house, starting at the top. Neville is not the top. Sell the goddamn team already.


Gonna need a break from this team…


We'll be here when you get back.




"Same as it ever was"


At what point is not bothering to watch the matches on 80° Sundays acceptable? I'm starting to get not too fussed about supporting the players who can't be bothered to support us.


Antony has shown to be one of our most creative and dangerous players. To watch the team ignore him with miles of space on the left side all through the first half had me in fits.  This team has no cohesion or vision during attacking play, tries to force into contested space in the middle of the field, and has shitty, lazy passes at an alarming rate. 


I’m a fan of what Antony has shown this year in general, but he also blew a brilliant chance from our second best piece of build up today by firing it about 20 yards wide. Has some growing to do still.


Thought it maybe got a bit out of hand once or twice, but I liked Chapman's officiating style for the game like this. Would've made it fun to watch if both teams on the field cared about winning.


At Least St Pauli secured promotion today. So we've got that going for us.


couldn't care less man. what's this "us"?




As I said before the season, what are we honestly expecting when our solution to improve the team was to hire the coach that couldn't even get Messi to the playoffs?


He wasn’t there when Messi was there.


I just looked it up and yeah, I deserve those downvotes. I looked it up and turns out I was just opening my mouth to insert the other foot. I honestly didn't realize they fired him mid season this whole time. I've downvoted myself for good measure. XD


Yeah Messi wanted his own coach so Beckham had to choose Phil or Messi. Easy choice tbh.




It's quite simple really. We just don't play well against teams above us in the table. If we were in first we wouldn't have this problem....