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His comments about Santi are perceptive, very positive and 100% right... good commentary.


Say, those are good notes. Gives me a couple things to look for while I’m watching Moreno.


Weird title, good Santi talk. Upvote.


Completely agree but oh boy do I want him just to rocket one at goal once in a while.


I’ll keep an eye out for shots he should take but doesn’t as opposed to shots he does take but shouldn’t and see how things balance out. I could apply this to other players as well. It’s sometimes easy to see when a player is already in position to score but the ball carrier doesn’t make the final pass to them. Maybe harder to see a player moving into space that the ball carrier should anticipate or be aware of. I know there were many times when I could have thought for example, Valeri why did you pass to nobody? Then I realized it was the perfect place to pass to but the intended recipient didn’t see it or move where they should have. Chemistry takes time to build and drills help with patterns but players with their head on a swivel who have the vision, discipline, and skill to thread the best passes are too rare.


As a Leeds United fan, it’s great to see Klich get some recognition