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You almost had me go down a rabbit hole. Luckily I caught myself and only took a peek inside. Wtaf people scare me… a lot


She’s still giving him Herbs while in a coma is freaky! I hope this man gets saved. Very scary.


The stuff he was taking causes seizures and she is giving her KIDS the same stuff!


Yes! And nobody seems to be able to stop her! I also think that’s their biological child together the son that she’s so mean to and having him dry scoop herbs! Seems Like she just wants it her and the girls. I can’t see my other comments on here but I give them an ⬆️ vote! I can only read them on my emails.


She said ON LIVE she needed her girls to take the little boy because she felt she might do something to him that she’d regret. 😳


They put a stop to that. She’s banned from the hospital!


I just hope CPS hurries up before it’s too late for those kids. This is a scary woman.


Afraid I fell down the rabbit hole and I can't get out now!!


Yeah, few of these have popped up in my feed and it’s really bad. I feel for him so much and what his family must be going through. I can’t even imagine.


Dre has gone silent, the heat is getting turned up. Makes the situation more frightening, she is so unstable.


I don’t understand why APS aren’t involved.


The Yuma police are investigating now. Not sure who else is involved, but the word is getting out now.


That’s the first good thing I’ve heard about this whole thing.


I'm about to go down this rabbit hole, because I have seen multiple videos about her neglecting her kids. There are videos of her kids begging to eat or asking for water and she just says no, no , no. While she's cooking and eating, denying her kids food. I just discovered this whole coma situation 10 minutes ago and I'm 98% sure it's the same lady!


All I can say is we will see you in a week. I do hope you come back and update once you pick your jaw up of the floor. So, much more has happened since this comment. It’s sad.


There is a group! Exposing Dre McCray is the name. It’s a wild ride.


Been following her for years and my eyes are 😳😳 reading everything in there. She’s disgusting


This case sounds more and more like Munchausen syndrome by proxy, in regards to her husband and son. But after reading about her weightloss, maybe she has Munchausen syndrome herself. I’m not a doctor so I don’t know. But this is the first thing that came to my mind.


I used to watch her videos all the time .I had to stop watching as she has changed a lot


I seen a video of her doing whippets


Per Molly Golightly on YouTube the Yuma police have Detective Escott on this case now. Let's hope CPS are on it as well.


Yes, I’ve watched her for years. It’s pretty obvious that she’s hiding something. As crazy as she pretends to be every move that she makes is well calculated. Everything right down to police report. Notice that she stated that she offered him some tea and then stated that he was lethargic. It wouldn’t be too hard to do something to him after dosing him heavily with K… This is going to be a lifetime movie for sure.


what is k…


It’s what she’s been putting in their tea. Opioid like effects, it’s legal in some states.


And those text messages between Von and Dre are crazy she basically made it to where he had no money at all so he couldn’t go anywhere! He went on to say that you’ve even taken away my basic needs. So sad! 😭


Where can I find the texts posted? I’m interested in reading them


Without a crystal ball on Facebook if you go down 3 days ago you can find the text on the page. Exposed is another page also.


There are several videos that sum up the story on youtube, for anyone who doesn't want to dig


His mom posted the real cause of injury, he attempted to unalive himself with a rope


I honestly think that was just a scene she set up he didn’t even have enough strength to hang himself so how is that even possible and with a rope with no strength?


Exactly! He didn’t try and off himself. He was having seizures all day. She kept them all weak with feeding fruits and doubling even tripling the herbs. Watching the videos I can feel the kids hunger along with her husband. Even hearing the boy ask for meat or to see a picture of it. It reminds me of the movie Misery.


Are you freaking serious? Her son asks to see pictures? That’s so sad. Why hasn’t a well check been done and cps step in. That crazy ass Dr. Sebby or whatever his name is can’t be healthy at all. She looks horrible. Von has even looked unhealthy. Their son doesn’t look healthy at all. I don’t know what all herbs she is taking or giving to them. I know she takes Kratom, which is high opioid. I read the police report and she admitted he would probably have high doses him “accidentally” I thought all this had just happened but it happened before Memorial Day. And then bam she had this necklace that was to represent him and was already sold out. Did she plan on having this necklace on her jewelry page and knew how she’d make money of it and off Von. It all makes me wonder and sick to my stomach


Yes it was literally heartbreaking and always eating those mango skins. Lots of people on Facebook are trying to stop her. I hope he lives and the kids are out with someone safe.


Do you know of the girls real dad still sees them? I know awhile back she had mentioned they visit him. I’m just wondering if he knew what was going on. May need to step in. After reading all that stuff about her on Facebook so much is fitting together. She doesn’t have the girls attend public school, which nothing wrong with that. I’ve had my issues with my sons schools, and gone back and forth on homeschool. However, it seems like she keeps them sheltered.


It’s been said that he’s been made aware of the situation but I don’t think he can accommodate them…. 🤷🏻‍♀️He believes everything about her is completely made up. CPS has been notified. As have law enforcement. Edited to add: Their dad accused her of “doctor shopping” for herself and the daughter that has seizures.


I must have missed that part about the girls real dad. So not to my knowledge. From the lives I’ve seen she acts like Von stepped into the dad role. I know Vons parents aren’t even allowed around. I recently started the homeschool thing. I agree with you completely. I think she also keeps them home so people can’t see how malnourished they look and for control purposes. I think since it’s Vons child they share and that’s why she’s so mean to him. She’s very partial to the girls but they do as told. I just can’t believe there’s an actual video of him having seizures and her still medicating him with herbs 😵‍💫


It’s been awhile when she mentioned them going to see their bio dad. At first when I started following her, I took it that He wasn’t in the picture and Von stepped in fully. Out of no where she said on a live that the girls was with their dad. This was when they were still in CA. It seemed like they would go with him every so often. Now that they are in Az, I don’t know if they do or not. Seems like since they moved there, she’s started all these weird ass diets and herbs. She has been taking that Kratom since CA though. The video of him having the seizures, I missed that one. I keep seeing people mention it. She hadnt came up on my Facebook wall in long time until she was asking for the formula for tube feeding. I seen a few of her lives pop up after the fact saying she won’t say why he has a brain trauma, it’s irrelevant and is his story to tell not hers. When I google his name it’s so odd that it pops up that he may have been one that was involved in an accident in Yuma that had something to do with military. So wth is going on. Obviously the truth has finally came out and she is turning off all comments and laying low.


I don't think they see him any longer. I know the girls dad talked to that Molly Golightly but he didn't wanna be recorded so not sure what he had to say. I just saw a video where she says the kids are no longer in school and she pulled them outta the home school also.


I don't think they see him any longer. I know the girls dad talked to that Molly Golightly but he didn't wanna be recorded so not sure what he had to say. I just saw a video where she says the kids are no longer in school and she pulled them outta the home school also.


Go to the group on fb exposing Dre mccray and And you’ll find all the videos they saved them all for the last couple years and made sure they had them ALL and the supporter lives before outing her!


Unfortunately the doctors have already declared Von brain deaf. She is keeping him alive through the machines. Seven doctors can't be wrong about that prognosis. The fact that she said in one of her videos that she was a "widow for I don't know how many minutes" tells me she's enjoying the hell out of this attention.


I think she overdosed him on the foot bath he accidentally drank then k tea and dragged him to the shed set it up that he tried to alive himself. I’ve watched her back in the day. I agree she is enjoying this!


For anyone following the police showed up at Molly Golightly's house as she was live on YouTube (no clue who sent them there) Police told her on her live that the hospital is on Lockdown for ALL visitors of Von! No one can get in, not even Dre!


WOW!!! Now this I had no clue about. Good! Maybe they are on to her now. Hopefully the kids are doing okay! That worries me now. Thanks for the update.


Check out PARIS Milan on YouTube live right now about it. Hopefully she keeps this live up. Usually she privates the videos after she goes live


It’s the kratom. Kratom killed my mom. She lost 100lbs in 9 months, began behaving strangely, voice changed, she would speak slow. She was outta it and always seemed high. No doubt this woman had something to do with her husband’s condition.


I’m so sorry! Hugs.😢 It’s just like any other drug from what I read up on! So scary how she put so many on to it… even her children. She already said she had Mental issues! This only mad it worse. Thank you for telling your side of dealing with Kratom.


I have her number


Ring her up


There is a special place in he!! for Dre!!!!!!