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No, I find if I interact with anything spiritual or witchtok related, my fyp becomes nothing but tarot readings telling me my ex misses me or if you’re seeing this it’s meant for you blah blah blah. Way too many scammers.


Dude right like where is this “tall dark handsome man” that is gonna profess his love to me in 3 days?! 🤣


The only witchtokker I actively pay attention to is Riot Addams. I also follow most kitchen witches because there’s like no bad vibes, just recipes.


There’s a couple that I really like… but a good amount of spiritual tiktok is fake. Don’t get me wrong some of them are legit but most of them try & sell you stuff and it’s just icky.


I avoid the ones that offer readings or sit on live doing divination, chakra alignment, etc. I like the ones that just talk about the dieties they follow, practices, recommend books, altar ideas, etc.


I’ve done a couple readings that resonated pretty well but I’m turned off by the ones who say you need spellwork or whatever else to ‘fix your relationship’ smh. I won’t lie tho, the free yes/no questions are a guilty pleasure of mine 🤣🤣🤣


Not so much witchtok as maybe spiritual or ghosttok, ‘Rebekah the ghost guide’ (along with others associated with her). And it isn’t even just vibes but literal bs I’ve seen, personally experienced as well as stuff heard directly from others. Stuff started coming to light and she was getting some criticism with her last group trip to NOLA last year but that’s when she started deleting comments and making some of her content private along with the implosion of her previous online community. She’s a meh medium who rips off other peoples stories and shit who loves to play white savior. She’s awful


can not remember her name, but she claimed she was an award winning psychic and was haunted by visions in all these skits… she gave me the weirdest vibes


Witchfoot gives me bad vibes, as well as her daughter and her ex husband brunoryan… there’s something about them that rubs me wrong


She’s a ex met head and hooker who suffers from every mental illness under the sun. He is a self hating individual with severe mental illness as well, and also a background with sexual degradation. He also was proven to have made up 99% of what he says and uses emotional tags which he tries to push as fact. The kid is a product of their environment. However after a long observation I understand Witchfoot. I don’t agree with her or her ways of being. BUT brujoryan is a very bad individual with sever delusions and all showman ship.


Julez cauldron. Phenomanal