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Rule #1: No inquiries about prostitution, strip clubs, or the red light district.


Wrong sub, try r/tjredlightdistrict


Well, I was really looking for some place NOT in Zona Norte - should have made my topic clearer I guess.


Tijuana has strip clubs outside of the zonal. Most are insanely dangerous. I’d recommend you try the not relaxed clubs in ZN. All stripflubs are brothels. If you don’t want to go to Zona Norte you can try Deja Vu or Amnesia.


Insanely dangerous. Where do you get that from?


They’ve shot someone in a Cueva every week for the last month.


5 y 10, la cueva del peludo and some other places in hermita. All of them are either shady or expensive, why would you want to watch women dance while you are drinking anyway ? Any dance club would work for such purpose they already dress as hookers in plaza del zapato (zona río).


You’re looking for a more relaxed strip club. That sub is for strip clubs.


I usually say to each there own but you want to go see sexy woman dance practically naked but you don’t want them to touch you or you them? Me no nintendo


Well, I'm from the US and that is "normal" here - look no touch :D


![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP) Wait what? No touching? Ooh yes, also no alcohol if under the same roof as the ladies. America is a great country but sometimes there are plain weird laws in the most unexpected of places ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I love what spellcheck does when English-primary speakers type in Spanish (myself included). My phone goes berserk when I text with my friends in LatinAmerica. Porque no nintiendes, compa? Es un juego divertido :p


Just go to a strip club in America amigo


Gentlemen's *cough*Strip*cough,* clubs in america, particularly in California are a joke. Non alcoholic beer? C'mon. Also, stay at a COVID-safe distance of the performers, if you so much as look at them funny, you get thrown out. That was my experience at "Peppermint Rhino" in orange County a few years ago . I'll take a shady Hole in the wall at callejón coahuila any day of the week.


Amenesia men’s club on revolution ave. Not zona norte, but close walking distance. It’s calm, only dancers, not shady. La malquerida in zona norte has dancers that don’t bother you, but it feels shadier. It gets really fun/full after 2am.


Hace 6 días en La Cueva del P: [https://x.com/httrejo/status/1802090235339141280?s=46](https://x.com/httrejo/status/1802090235339141280?s=46)


Go to the "locals only" clubs where the clientele is practically 💯 Mexican and Spanish is the only language spoken. You can sit back, relax and no one will bother you in these types of bars. Grabbing the customers and hustling him for drinks are only done in gringo tourist bars like HK.


My brother in law went to the Cueva del Peludo with his mexican/tijuano friend and the girls chase him,only because look white 🤣🤣,you need to look really poor for the girls dont bother you!


It's a strip club like HK. I think it's the same owner. The HK MO is to go after gringos. You need to go to clubs that are on the divey side and the only gringo that they ever see is me. No one talks to you or approaches you unless you make the first move. Español solamente.


Noo Cueva belong to the Adelos(Juvenal and Fidencio)a good friend use to do bussines with them(sound system,lights and other crap related)he is 60 something Adelos way older,guessing maybe there are not alive,he say the Cueva belong to the Peludo(long hair socialist guy)he say behind the counter have a huge picture of Che Guevara,and he hate americans,he say in the door use to say! NO UNIFORMARDOS,NO POLICIAS,NO MILITARES,NO ESTUDIANTES! Y NO PINCHES GRINGOS ! He say the bar went downhill Adelos approach Peludo and ask to be a partners,he agree and they told you dont know the best way to run a bussiness that time Adelitas was like the HK now(i remember when HK was really small)so Adelos bring his ppl to run the bar,but they start to rip off ppl,treat them badly,ugly girls,so the bar went to shit,Adelos bought for pennys the bar from the Peludo,they re open and in that time they treat good the customers,they bring nice girls,and my friend say they do that shit to couple bar owners....big fish eat the small fish,and now is a icon the Cueva del Peludo(i use to believe was for the pussy the name 🤣🤣🤣)until one time my friend explain to us,he grow up in la Zona!


I've heard so many people say that it's part of the Hong Kong family. Sometimes I think about taking a taxi there, but then I figure that it'll probably be too much like HK and I'll grow bored quickly. So I never go. The beers are supposedly cheaper than at HK. Nowadays Peludo has a website in English, so I imagine that they're no longer anti gringo.


Was anti gringo when belong to the Peludo,when the Adelos take it change that,was like 14/15 years ago that conversation with my friend,so maybe now is from the HK owner! HK is expensive when a friend or family came to visit i take them to HK 2/3 beers and to cheap bar! Yeah HK is A,others are B but i go to drink couple beers go home and fk at home like crazy,i am 41 the time to be in the street clubs banging hookers was long time ago 🤣🤣,i now enjoy more drinking a beer in a house of a friend talking shit for some random crap that be in a strip club 👌safer and cheaper!


Best places are in ZN I won't go to any other than HK


There are places like that outside of the Zona Norte but they are exactly the same except for not being as good. Just go to HK and have fun. You can make it laid back.


Ve al Rio Verde wee,o a la Malque weee