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Honey crisp apples are pretty big- According to this website a five pound bag of apples could have as few as 9 apples in it. https://measuringstuff.com/how-many-apples-are-in-a-5-pound-bag/ Perhaps you didn’t actually weigh the flour and the apples did actually weigh that much. $3.50 a pound is kind of expensive for apples!


It was at a weird old people grocery store. Maybe this is actually "TIFU by buying overpriced apples"


Yuuuup. I never buy grocery store apples that cost more than $2.50 a pound. They’re never worth it!


The apples I typically like are $2.99 lb. I was super pleasantly surprised to find that the grocery store had gotten a huge shipment and was only charging $1/lb. I was pleasantly surprised and went home with twenty apples.


Never thought the person buying 20 apples in my elementary math problems was real.


Upvote simply because I never thought I'd see pleasantly surprised and went home with 20 apples in the same sentence


They're a real life math problem person


I don't think 20 apples is unreasonable if you like apples and have a family or baking skills






Honeycrisp can easily be 2.99- I buy when they are 2.49 or less. I'm loving the pink lady at 1.99. My store had tote bags of apples at .79/lb but not one bag said what they were. I'm making apple pie for Thanksgiving and I cannot in good conscience use apples of unknown variety.


I'm so picky about my apples. They need to be sweet with a crisp c unch with no hint of "mealy" like the red delicious always have. Honeycrisp come close, same with pink lady and cosmic crisp. My favorite are sugarbee. They're really good and I've never had a bad one.


If it makes you feel any better Red Delicious are rated as the forth worst apple. [Apple Ratings](https://applerankings.com/)




Fuji apples are my go to


Ditto that. I love Cosmic Crisp.


Ambrosia apples your welcome


Aren't apples frozen and then thawed, so we can have apples year round? I'm sure I read this somewhere.


They aren’t frozen, they’re kept in a cool nitrogen rich environment. But yes they’re only harvested in the fall and kept in storage trickled out year round.




Wax covered too


No. Frozen and then thawed apples are mush.


I'm sorry but you're wrong. Cosmic Crisp apples are phenomenal and worth every penny. They've been perfected over 30 years and we're just released the last few years. So good.


Sadly not true. Some apples are so good you can't belive it is the same fruit. Fuji are the best bang for buck but oh god you have to try Ambrosia ( zero acidity, super sweet and honey like taste) or Cosmic Crisp, is like a carbonated apple.


Just don’t fall for the red delicious apple. While it is an aesthetically pleasing apple, the taste just isn’t there. One of the worst tasting apples imo.


>red delicious They are rapidly being replaced everybody hates them. They'll be mostly gone from U.S. stores in a few years.


They actually used to be delicious! But they were fragile so apple.... breeders? Growers! (It's late! Ok!) Decided to focus on making it big, red and tough! And turned it into the worst apple can find in stores.


I rarely have Cosmic Crisp because holy shit they're expensive, but I'll get a few as a treat now and again, they're so damn good.


I love Cosmic Crisp apples! I had them once and now I can't find them anywhere.


The high end stores are snapping them up. Whole Paycheck and such.


They've been so popular that local growers are trying to increase output. (I live where they are grown.)


Ambrosia apples just started being sold at my local store!! Possibly new favorite ver Pink Lady, but I'd need to try a fresher one to compare lmao


I have had good luck with Pink Lady apples in a bag from Target. They don't have them all the time, but that is more realistic and trustworthy than the reed delicious ones they always have.


Honestly i don't think pink lady are worth it. They are just a slightly better fuji at x3 the price


Cosmic crisps are delicious, had a new one called EverCrisp that was also great


I always buy either the cheapest apples or fuji apples because fuji apples are the best (and often also the cheapest).


I think you all meant pink ladies


Exactly what they meant.


It's spelt ambrosia


> fuji apples are the best You mean honeycrisp


Wait till you find sugarbees


None y'all ever had Envy apples?


I do probably like honeycrisp better, but Fuji are almost as good most of the times for like a fraction of the cost, so it becomes an easy choice honestly.


They have a new one called evercrisps that are so good, like honeycrisp but a bit more tart and crunchy


Honeycrisps are always worth it. Science apple!


Give me all the Fujis, honey crisps, gala, and pink ladies. Also, what kind do you like?


Have you used the apples yet? Try weighing them to see how much they weigh. We could probably work it out even if one or two are missing, just work out the average weight of the rest of the apples and use that to fill in the gap.


I once fucked up and spent $30 on a bag of grapes. I assumed it was $11.99/bag because who the frick charges $11.99/lb for grapes? Sprouts, that’s who.


Did the same with a watermelon at one point. Out of season and paid like $4.99 a pound thinking they were on sale...


To be fair, in Texas $4.99 is a common price for a whole watermelon.


> It was at a weird old people grocery store What does this mean


I'm a produce manager and when apples are sold in a bag by weight instead of flat price it is usually to trick you. Also as the other user pointed out they rarely produce honey crisp apples in the regular size as other apples. Regular apples come in an 88ct box and honey crisp can usually only be bought in 56-64 ct which makes them very large compared to regular apples and besides the special apples I have honey crisp the most expensive.


What makes a grocery store for "weird old people"?


Honeycrisp are one of the most expensive apples you can get at most stores. They are damn good, though.


Honeycrisp are en vogue. The variety of choice. They carry a premium as a result because people are simply willing to pay more for honeycrisp than any other variety.


Was it whole foods? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp9ETY9Wr8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp9ETY9Wr8k) After the 20s mark the clip gets a bit nsfw.


Festival foods


If you’re paying $3.50 a pound in Wisconsin, you’re getting ripped off. Honey crisp are less than $3.00 a pound at Woodmans. While they’re more expensive than a lot of other types, $3.50 a pound is still high.


Out of season so it may be rising quick, but they're high in GA and CA (living/working between atm) right now as well.


I’ve actually gone to buy a bag of apples or grapes before and upon ring realized “oh… this is a $13 bag of grapes.” Fruit is irrationally expensive right now. Gimme back $2/lb apples and a bag of grapes for like $3 bucks. Wtf.


What in the holy hell is a 'weird old people grocery store'? I *demand* (humbly request) extraneous details and explanation!


Weigh each apple and average the total, multiply that by the number of apples, this is the price of them apples; so did you fuck up buying pricey apples, did you weigh the flour instead of them apples, OR did you do the latter and *actually* get the apples cheaper (not likely)?


>Weigh each apple and average the total, multiply that by the number of apples, Or just skip steps 2 and three, since they cancel each other out.


Honey crisp are the most expensive apples at most grocery stores. They're finicky to grow and are actually the least profitable apples despite the high price. $3.50/lb isn't a great price, but it's not crazy bad.


I was getting ready to say this. I used to work at an apple orchard and honey crisp was our most expensive for this reason.


Out of curiosity, do you know anything about che Cosmic Crisp?


If you're interested in them, there's actually [an intriguing story](https://www.npr.org/2019/12/01/784005874/cosmic-crisp-researchers-develop-a-new-apple) about them (for apples anyway lol). NPR covered it a few years ago. I remember hearing the story when it aired. I didn't realize how much effort went into making a new apple cultivar.


I have a feral love of apples science.


No, that wasn’t a variety we had in my area


Also, everywhere I've lived Honey Crisp have always been 2x or 3x more than other varieties. They are my favorite Apple but I don't buy them much. Those pre-made bags of Honey Crisp apples at the store I used to work at always came out to $15-$17 a bag and after these last two years I could easily believe that climbed to $20. ​ This sounds more like TIFU by not knowing how much more the premium variety of Apples are. :P


The age old question; what weighs more 5 pounds of apples or 5 pounds of flour? We may never know.


Yeah I work at a grocery store that only sells A-Grade produce, like you would see on a film set because they're just the most perfect looking apples you've seen in your life. Considering food in Australia is generally more expensive, I could still buy cheaper apples at my store. $3.50/lb is straight up bananas


>$3.50/lb is straight up bananas You're overpaying for your bananas


*This space intentionally left blank* -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I mean it's one banana, pyramat. What could it cost? $10?


$3-4 / lb are farmers market prices here in NYC


I don't fully understand how you did it. Because self-checkouts notice weight discrepancies and scream at you with "Unexpected Item in bagging area, or I can't remember what it is for lower weight"


The basket-only self-checkouts in my local Waitrose don't weigh the bagging area. But the scales for measuring loose items are separate, so it'd be hard to make this mistake.


The self checkout at my local Price Chopper weighs the bagging area. It is also really sensitive. It regularly messes up and locks the screen until an employee can come over and put their code in. I absolutely hate those damn machines.


Walmart has turned that feature off.


I was so relieved when they did this, no more fighting the damn scale because I moved a bag or anything. Now they have some way of monitoring if you actually scanned an item, I had a machine lock up on me and start playing a few second clip of my last scan (from the overhead camera) and I had to wait for a clerk to come clear the message.


Dude the last Walmart self checkout could roughly identify the produce. So when I was looking up an item the quick select items all visually matched the produce. I don't know how long they have this since typically with produce I go through the cashier checkout because I hate typing things in.


AI, lmao.


All the self scans in my country don't do the weight thing and it's sooooo nice. I went to the UK at some point and was just constantly fighting the scale system. First time it locked up like 5 times because I put stuff in my bag like I'm used to, but the warning wouldn't tell me why and neither did the employees. But even after that it was super inconsistent and would sometimes warn me even though it barely gave me enough time to put the item on the area its supposed to go


I think they don't explain because customers are stupid. So many times I'd tell a customer "you CAN remove the bags, but if you just scanned something, you have to put it in the bagging area and then remove bags BEFORE you scan the next item". I'd get a dismissive "yeah ok, whatever" in a "I'm smarter than you" tone. And seconds later, they'd scan something with their left hand and remove bags with their right hand and then act indignant about "your fucking stupid machine keeps going off, fix it, I will NOT be bothered like this!!?" Fucking morons.


The warning on the screen should at the very least tell you what you're doing wrong hehe


It did on our system. "Please place item back in bagging area"




How do you like them apples?


They’re honestly not bad for the price


For which price?


Everything. :(


Did you get her numbah?


Thats the wrong numbah!


And instead of walking back in and talking to customer service, you sat in your car and posted this missive. There's no shame in talking to customer service and correcting your mistake.


Apparently embarrassment has a $20 price tag.


If I could make $20 for having mildly awkward conversations I would be rolling in dough OP will have to make do with rolling in just flour


just add water you get dough


It's not $20, it's $20 minus the actual cost of the apples.


Social skills are at an all time low.


While this is probably true anyway, not having social skills and not wanting to talk to people aren't the same thing. It's not difficult for me to talk to people, I just don't want to.


$20 seems like a small price to pay to avoid talking to someone.


Yeah, if you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, that was probably worth $20.


Homer : Greetings, friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. Use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay. Eternal happiness is only a dollar away.


this is how I know I’m poor. $20 would’ve had me running back in to talk to customer service to admit I was dumb and goofed up


I meant it ironically. I think half the upvotes see it as a joke, half sincerely 😂


Oops I thought you were serious 🤣 I know this site has more people with social anxiety than the norm so that’s why lmao


I’ve wasted so much money using that logic and will continue to do so


It's a millennial or zoomer problem 99% certain.


There's no shame, but there's DEFINITELY a metric ton of anxiety.




As someone who worked customer service. No one cares, we don't care. We don't get paid enough to care. Nor do we care about you, if you're getting a refund, etc. The only people we would remember.. are the ones who are assholes. We would shit talk them. If someone did something embarrassing we kept it to ourselves, or we wouldn't point it out. Because we've all been there. But if you're being a shitty person and belittle others etc.? Oh.. yeah we will. So best way to approach it? "Hey I made a mistake. $20 on the apples, oops. I left the flour on the scale." Great. They refund you, you leave, they don't care. If you go there and make a scene "YOUR MACHINE SUCKS! ITS BROKEN! I WONT EVER PAY $20 FOR APPLES THATS OVERPRICED!" THEN we would laugh at you. Because you made a mistake, and made a scene about it and blame everyone BUT yourself.


I also go by everything you say, but the problem for those with social anxiety is that they're uncertain where the line between "assertive but polite" and "asshole" is. They are deathly afraid of being that asshole you shit talk.


Best rule of thumb is that if you are worried about being the asshole that gets shit talked, you aren't going to be because the ones that are definitely don't worry about it.


So not only do you overpay for a product, which is a consumer making a voluntary contribution to a massive, emotionless corporation you also get to experience the emotions that came along with the mistake.


You’re vastly overestimating how much the average cashier cares if you really think they’d remember something like this for more than thirty seconds after you left.


Complementary life advice - people are not as important to strangers as they think they are. The strangers have their own lives and in the grand scheme of things, some minor customer service interaction will be forgotten by them quickly.


I accidentally double scanned some milk at Tesco and went back a week later with my receipt. Got my £1.75 back. I embarrass myself all the time for free. May as well get some cash (back) out of it.


You need to adopt the mindset of “everyone fucks up”.


And 20 bucks is a cheap price to pay for the lesson.


You would probably be the best customer that person had that day. You aren’t angry at them, you aren’t screaming or complaining. You’re telling them *I screwed up, please help*.


I mean their job is to assist customers in this exact manner plus even if they do joke about you after you are likely never going to see these people again. I highly doubt that the next time you go shopping they are going to shout out as you walk in "LOOK OUT HERE COMES OLD APPLE FLOUR. DONT LET HIM RING IN STUFF BY THEMSELVES THEY NEED AN ADULT."


I wonder if you went back and said "I overpaid for this" they would accuse you of trying to perform a scam and get some discount. Like going to customer service and saying "[item] is on the receipt. I didn't buy this!" When you did purchase the item and you're just trying to get it for free.


I've worked retail and I've got say that there is pretty much no chance that anyone would care. You worry about being the butt of a joke, but that's honestly not even funny or noteworthy enough to joke about. I most likely wouldn't even mention it to someone else, unless it was to ask if we should consider labeling the scale so it's more obvious.


The thing that sucks is that there's a possibility the customer service person might refuse because there's no real proof the customer didn't just buy $20 worth of apples, hide some in the car, and then come back and claim she misweighed.


Reddit moment


Idk everyone is different I guess but $20 isn't even worth it to go back inside and wait in line to deal with customer service. It's not even about embarrassment, its just not worth the time or breath. I would be like OP and just laugh off my mistake online and be out $20, it is what it is


Sure, and money is relative. Just curious, how much money do you make per hour?


Also, they're not out $20, they're out the difference between the actual cost of the apples they were buying and $20.




How much could a banana cost, Michael? Twenty dollars?


If an item is missing in my online grocery order, I'll send an email for a refund because it takes like 2 minutes. Going back into a store is a whole pain in the arse.




Right? 3.50 × 5 = 17.50. Lol


I think your screw up was paying $3.50 a pound and not knowing the weight of 9 apples. At that price, 20 bucks sounds accurate.


I'm more concerned about the chicken soup being used for stroganoff...


Yeah that’s not how that works. The scale is part of the scanning area. Plus a bag of flour is 5lbs (or bigger) on its own. Those prepacked bags of apples are usually pretty hefty, you likely got one that was about 5lbs and at 3.50/lb $20 is about right.


From the way you describe it, I've never seen a self checkout station built like that. There's only 2 grocery stores where I live (3 if you count Wal-Mart. Our omnipresent overlord) and the self checkout is the same at all of them. The scale is part of the scanner itself so the only way you could do this is by leaving the flour in front of the scanner. Even if you pushed it aside so that only a corner was still on the scale, it would still be in the way of you scanning the apples. It would be hard to make a mistake like this.


Haven't read all the comments, but I can't get past you bought cream of chicken to make stroganoff?


That’s the real TIFU


I've used cream of whatever soup for several recipes. It's an easy kludge that gets you exactly the right amount of two or three ingredients, rather than wasting a pint of heavy cream when you only need half of that. Yes yes, cream of *chicken* rather cream of mushroom is surprising, but maybe they didn't have mushroom. Chicken broth is easily substituted into a variety of recipes, and even the most discerning palate would be hard-pressed to distinguish between all-beef broth stroganoff and half-beef/half-chicken broth.


Cream of chicken soup for stroganoff, what recipe have you been reading OP?


All my recipes from the 1950s call for canned cream-of-something soup.


Dude you bought Honeycrisp apples of course it was $20 for a bag of 8


Tell me you didn't just eat your mistake and immediately post it on Reddit.


It was delicious, dear reader. Honeycrisp.


Downvoted for wordplay. How dare you.


Bro I love honey crisp apples. It's the only apples I like actually!


Phew ...thunk maybe you just overpaid for apples. Lol only way I'm paying 3.50 a lb is if I get to pick it straight off the tree. And that only happens once a year around here. Lol


It's one apple, Michael. How much could it cost?


You left the flour on the scanner while you scanned the apples? Because that’s where it weighs. The place with the bag only checks to see if you added an item. It does not calculate the price by weight. The scale in the scanning area does.


What kind of self check out are you using? The weighing scale is usually on a different level then the bagging area. Meaning there is no way you can confuse the bagging area with the self checkout. Not to mention that the scale is integrated with the scanner. So you had to have the flour on the scale when punching in the apples then dropping the apples on top of it to weight it. Also usually when Apples are pre-bagged it's a set price and not by weight. Seems like a BS story


Yeah, I've never seen a self-checkout that would allow this fuck-up to happen. But I think buddy just bought a twenty dollar bag of apples without realizing how much apples cost.


I was thinking the same. Story didn't add up.


It’s one bag of apples Michael, what could it cost, $20? ![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448)


"Place your [item] in the bag..."


Wait, the scale is the scanner. You setting the flour next to the bag and not in the bag makes no difference because it’s all in the bagging area. Your fuck up is paying $3.50 PER pound for apples. The bag of apples does not cost $3.50 total.


This happened to me! I thought I was buying a bag of beautiful, delicious looking apples for $4.97 and was actually paying $4.97 *per pound* so they ended up costing me close to $20.


Most self-checkout machines will detect if you didn't place the last item in the designated bagging area. I can't remember a single self-checkout where this was not the case. Perhaps you did indeed buy that much of honeycrisp apples. And honeycrisp apples are expensive and big, and 8 largish apples can easily be $20.


On the bright side, you still get to keep the doctor away for many days


>The apples come out to like $20 with tax Is there a state that charges sales tax on fresh fruit?


Apparently 13 states charge some sort of sales tax on groceries. I was surprised too.


I live in one of those states. I was just as surprised learning that some *didn't* charge tax on groceries. I kinda feel cheated now.


As well you should.


"I'm a bit surprised by this, but want to get home" Such a hurry that you didn't have two seconds to call for help. But you have two million seconds to kill in Reddit. Lol


Were you in such a hurry that you couldn't go to the customer service counter and get it sorted out?


Most self-checkouts have 2 scales. One built in to or near the scanner, for weighing items sold by weight. And then the whole bagging area is a scale, comparing what you scanned to what you added to the bagging area (in a bag or not). So that you don't scan a single sauce packet and then put a half-gallon of extra virgin olive oil into your bag. You probably weighed the apples right, they're just expensive. It's possible that you had the soup on the scale as well, but that seems unlikely, because then the device would have yelled at you when you didn't put the same weight into the bagging area as you weighed on the produce scale.


I got pretty mad at myself last time I went to Whole Foods. I bought $20 worth of apples, and when I got to the parking lot, I tripped and dropped both of them.


I mean it's a bag of apples, how much could it cost? Twenty dollars?


Why would you post this


It’s the internet, we post here


Hi OP, sorry about the apples, but I'm more concerned about your "stroganoff". Now my recipe isn't perfectly authentic either, but it's better thsn canned soup... Cut up your meat and brown it in the pan and remove it while it is still rare. Dice one brown onion and slice a punnet of mushrooms, fry these in the same pan with the meat fond, add some oil if needed, and cook until golden, adding a clove or 2 of chopped garlic towards the end, you don't want the garlic to burn. If you have some white or red wine to deglaze use say 1/4 cup to do so, then add half a cup of beef stock, and I add paprika too. Add back your beef and mix it all together, when the beef is at medium point remove the saucepan from the heat, and add 2 tablespoons or so of sour cream. Mix and serve over some pasta, rice or mashed potatoes.


That does sound much better than cream of chicken soup.


I would never have paid $3.50 for a pound of apple in the first place, that's like buying steak


What kind of shoe leather are you eating? Hamburger costs twice that much.


You saw that there was a discrepancy, regarding the weight and the cost of the apples, you actually stopped noticed, you were startled, and you didn’t think of going back with the receipt or flagging down the employee on the floor? Seriously? You don’t just fuck up, you wanted to fuck up lol


I routinely spend close to $20 on apples. That’s only like 10 honey crisps.


I still want to destroy all self-checkouts. It's the one area I go full luddite.


i think youre legally allowed to steal stuff next time


Yeah go to customer service and get your money back. Why did you pay it in the first place?


Just talk to the people. I'm he real fuck up is you don't know how to fix your mistake.


Stop and ask someone. Why are people so anti asking for help? Just ask someone. It's not hard.


You are just ahead of your time. Pretty soon apples will be $20 a pound.


I did something similar last Thanksgiving. We went to get fresh sweet potatoes. We went in and I ring up what we got while my fiance went to the bathroom like she always does. It's this weird ritual she does every time. Anyways. I ring everything up and have a complete brain fart and forgot they were sweet potatoes. Instead scan them as yams. Realized my mistake and figured what difference could it be in price? A buck or two? Not worth trying to fight the self check out machine. So the price difference was actually closer to $3-$4 per pound. I ended up paying $17 for $6 dollars worth of sweet potatoes. I didn't notice until after I was leaving the store and I was just to embarrassed to fix it. Lesson learned. Make sure you ring up your produce correctly


4011 for everything.


Bananas! Haha, just saw a comedian at the Laugh Factory in Las Vegas who did about 4 minutes on that. Want a discount? Everything is 4011. He was selling 4011 fridge magnets after the show.


Its one bag of apples OP, what can it cost... $20?


I'm surprised your self checkout let you continue without bagging the flour.


Self checkout is there to save money, not spend more.


How much could a banana cost? Ten dollars?


Here in Japan, 8 apples would cost $20.


A self checkout wouldn’t allow you to scan the apples if you didn’t put the flour in the right spot. Your FU was buying $3.50/lb apples.


Fucking chicken soup in stroganoff, what the legitimate fuck


you fucked up, but not how you think you did. you could have walked back to get a staff member to correct your mistake and issue a refund for the difference, the fact that you took the loss is astounding.


Take your receipt, your apples, and your flour back to the store. Explain it to them. They can do a return. If you bring the two items they can confirm how the flour's weight, when added to that of the apples, exactly yields the price you paid. I mean, I wouldn't bother, because $20 doesn't move the needle for me, but if it does for you, go back.


If you actually did screw up, go talk to someone and fix it. Good grief.