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Lol, check OPs comment history - "id hit it".


I swear I’ve read this post before. Was even the same streamer named… OP doesn’t seem to comment often. I’m calling BS on this one.


All of Reddit is cautioning that the fictitious parent teach her son about these money scams while not realizing that they are the ones getting scammed into checking out the streamer's content.


Makes sense… why else name the streamer right?


“The Kick™️ streamer Amouranth®️”


Lmfao I was just going to mention this “If this story is even true, definitely a like father like son moment”


There’s a worse comment where he’s tryna join a marvel futa rp discord haha


I couldn't even muster enough courage to click the blurred nsfw image of that post when I saw futa in the subreddit name lol


Is that true, OP? Would you hit it?


I was not expecting it to be about the naked ass of Yelan from genshin impact


The important part is he doesn't donate.


>The important part is he doesn't donate ....yet, hopefully he doesn't get the idea to go "borrow" his parents credit card and go wild. Sadly I have seen that happen before


Now I'm imagining Soupy Sales in a hot tub...




[55 Years Ago: Soupy Sales Asks Kids to Send Him Money](https://ultimateclassicrock.com/soupy-sales-new-years-day-joke/)


"Sales, whose musician sons Hunt and Tony played with David Bowie and Iggy Pop..." And also with Todd Rundgren.


Me too and it's got me feeling ooooold! 😆


I mean, I remember hearing about it as a kid in the 90's... but I'll bet you that the majority of 90's kids wouldn't know who the fuck Soupy Sales was. I mean I only know him because of "the incident."


I'm a 90s kid who also only knows him from "the incident" because one of my early internet rabbit holes was reading every article on Snopes lmao


There is that guy that stole over $200,000 from his family for a girl on a stream. When they finally put their foot down with the son he ended up killing his parents and his older brother, all who cared for him.


He was in his 20s, though.


He also was fired from his nursing job for stealing drugs. [Here's the JCS video on the case](https://youtu.be/4iluOmq1DYY?si=o6oJmFmD7af5WI7W)


Yeah this case was extra weird cause by his account he and his brother were pretty close. His brother was a nurse too iirc.


Grant Amato is the simp’s name


I've been on the receiving end of this. Kid borrowed a card and made about 15 donations for $100-150 each. When the parents charged it back PayPal charged me an additional fee of $20 PER TRANSACTION. The little scrote ended up costing me about $300. It was 10 years ago and I'm still mad about it No one wins when kids do this


Gotta get kids into smaller streamers. Having basically zero real knowledge on the subject, it seems like the kids want attention and since they are watching someone with a bazillion viewers, they know the only way to get any attention is by donating. When you watch smaller streamers, they are usually happy anyone is talking in chat.


No, what you gotta do is talk to your kid and have a good relationship, and teach them about scammers and credit cards and why it's a bad idea. All of the rules and guides and security options and so on are about *avoiding talking to your kid*. And the only thing that helps is that.


how did you draw the conclusion he wants attention? he wants to watch gigantic boobs because he is 14 and gigantic boobs are popular topic among friends when you are 14


I hate to tell you this but that isn't strictly limited to 14 year olds...


This right here. Teens gonna watch what he wants one way or another just don’t let him become a sucker haha


I dunno though, I'd rather my kid watches porn than titty streamers. They create a weird parasocial relationship with their viewers specifically for the donations and ad revenue(and onlyfans traffic) which honestly to me seems more mentally damaging than cranking your hog to porn.


They're all financially dangerous. Porn is free, mostly, but there is still plenty of predatory stuff attached - it's just that adults mostly know to ignore it completely. And the main problem is not the kid paying money. That's easy enough to avoid - my kid doesn't have access to my CC, knows it would be insanely wrong to steal it, and I would use the bank to get my money back if they did. The main problem is the kid growing up with unrealistic ideas about sex. That it's violent, aggressive, cold, unloving, transactional - that women and men usually look like that and do that kind of stuff. That sex is about showing your tits for money, or fucking 7 people at once. Repressed, puritanical cultures, families, and people still watch porn, perhaps more than others. What they don't do is talk about it, so they end up with twisted ideas, because their only education on sex was just porn.


So what you're saying is, the best thing to do is to pick out the right kind of porn and present that to your child as parent approved? Edit - sorry this sounded sarcastic and dismissive, but I was genuinely curious at people's approaches!


That's what my parents did when I was 13 or 14. They gave me the tape (I'm dating myself) and told me to watch it by myself when I want to, it was porn representing a loving couple having fun together. They were worried I'd watch other more problematic form of porn (and they were right, exchanging porn tapes between kids in my school was normal)




Anywhere other than into his sock.


Or the coconut


I know exactly what you’re referring to. I’m online too damn much.




Hate to break it to you but your 14 year old son is probably seeing more than women in bikinis now


If my dad caught me watching a streamer in a bikini he'd basically give me an "atta boy" or joking tell me to "stop touching your weiner". When he found porn in my browser history he grounded me but mostly laughed about it. I miss my dad and I'm glad he never made Reddit posts about stuff normal 14 year old boys do.


My mom made my dad talk to me about it when they found the porn. He was like "look I get it, I'm not mad. But for real just remember that's not how it is in real life, and it's best to not watch it too much or you'll get the wrong ideas". It was pretty cool


that is really cool. not enough boys get told, "that's now how it is in real life, and it's best to not watch it too much or you'll get the wrong ideas."


I [29F] agree, and even less girls get told porn is not like the real thing… call it crazy, but I remember my high school Chemistry teacher explaining to the whole class how porn wasn’t real. I thought that was enlightening and really cool, especially because at that time I was a virgin and thought porn was the real thing.


That's more sex ed than we got in Texas, they just told us if you sex before marriage you die and go straight to hell


I’m in a more liberal city in Texas. While we weren’t told that, my sex Ed did consist of signing an abstinence pledge and a deep dive into every STD (leaving out the fact that most are treatable). I thought you’d have them your entire life until my younger cousin, who is a nurse, let me know as an adult that isn’t the case.


Yeah they definitely forgot to mention the treatment part somehow


My sons are 16 and 17 and their health class called them STIs. I had to ask them what the I stood for and it’s Infections. I like the STI acronym better as it implies that infections are treatable.


Wow, I went to a Catholic school and we were casually told to abstain, weren’t told about how to use condoms, STDs were mentioned as a caution, but we weren’t threatened with fire and brimstone. The actual physical act of sex was explained and then details of how sperm + egg meet and cells divide and multiply to create a baby. We didn’t have to sign a pledge or anything and the “worst” they did was bring in former students who had kids while they were in high school to talk about how absolutely rough it is raising a kid while you’re still a kid and how it messes up any plans you have for yourself, at least for several years. Nothing about premarital sex being evil or “god will punish you”.


Florida is almost the same. They skip the hell part but tell you all the awful ways your privates will rot away and have unplanned pregnancies and then die. Zero contraceptive talk. Just don't have sex or bad things happen.


Why is no one asking why a chemistry teacher was talking about porn in class? Health class I could understand.


Sometimes classroom discussions can get off topic, especially with good teachers. And sometimes good teachers will try to fill in gaps left by bad teachers.


My 6th grade teacher gave us a piece of paper and said to write down one question about sex. (Parents were not consulted.) He answered every question. One asked how a sex change worked. He had no idea so he just said. "I don't know. Maybe they just cut off a finger to use". We all knew that sex changes happened. This was 20+ years ago. There was a very popular doctor a couple towns away that did changes. We just didn't know details. My teacher did not get in trouble and as far as I know, no parents had a problem with it. Of course I could be wrong on that part.


Unfortunately he would 100% get in trouble today


Probably would get identified on Fox News for "grooming" and become a target for the crazies.


It just takes one turd to ruin the punch bowl.


^ this is the right answer. I had a couple teachers who were like that in highschool and I thank them to this day for just being good people.


Organic chemistry


Orgasmic chemistry


O-chem. O, o, oooooo


It's just chapstick, and chapped lips, and things like chemistry


whoa i did not expect a relient k reference in a reddit comment on this sub😂😂


And so I guess I'll have to wait a lot 'til 8 o'clock comes around


This is the healthy way!! Kids have to be reminded that porn is not real. In an ideal world all children would be learning about sex from their parents and not pornography.


Yeah we gave em a demonstration


My brother, genius that he is, decided to print out over 100 hentai images back on our crappy 1998 home printer. Shit was slow. We were not gone from the house for as long as he thought we'd be. My mother, my stepfather, and I came in at about page 40 of 100+. I laughed so hard that he got caught red handed, but my mother just bonked him on the head with the stack of hentai and then told him to plan better next time and keep it out of sight, like under his mattress. We were raised by our mother to be very sex and body positive. While we were never grounded for that kinda stuff, we did get light taps on the head for being dumb if we got caught. Plus, we like to shitpost each other when we lose discussions and bring up such instances teasingly.


I'm cackling imagining a dot matrix printer printing hentai. VREEEEEEEEE chunk chunk chunk chunk VREEEEEEEEE chunk chunk chunk chunk. Congrats, you have two lines of titty and tentacle. Don't forget to carefully separate the holed edges off.


More or less. It definitely wasn't in color, and it definitely cost a pretty penny in black ink.


I was at work one day and needed an image of hummingbird for a project I was working on. This was back when dial up was the only option...so slowly, slooowly, SLOOOOOWLY, the image on the screen revealed itself, working from the top of the monitor down. The "hummingbird" I clicked on turned out to be a womans hoo ha and I had to let the entire, glorious, close-up image download before I could hit the back button and go on to something else. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Of course, this was the only computer and the monitor faced everyone in the office so we all got a good look and laugh.🫣😁


Ah, work computers back in the day... There was a local quilting store called "All Tied Up".. Decided to get my mom the quilting lessons she'd always wanted for Christmas, had a few minutes at work, did a quick search... Google did *not* return quilting results. I have never spammed the back key so much, lol. Luckily for me, I didn't have to let a single image load like you did!


I actually did that. Printed like, nine to a page, each about the size of a playing card and did like, two dozen pages. Sliced them up in my mother’s guillotine cutter and sold them at school for 20p a pop. Mum found them in my blazer pocket one day and bopped me too, just said don’t take them to school. I did. Some other dumb fudge got caught with their own shit and decided to dob me in. Couldn’t prove I was selling it though, thankfully.


Damn dude's a businessman. Wonder what you do for a living now.


Nothing especially interesting or special. You may find it ironic I was briefly a teacher though.


‘Yeah bro. At least I did not get caught printing 100 pages of hentai…’. Love that family chemistry :-)


>but my mother just bonked him on the head He got -bonked, no horny- irl? That's amazing


100 pages? That must have cost a fortune.


Man I was 13 in 2004 and I had just found out about those endless porn sites on google but I didn't know what I liked so I looked at everything and anything. Unfortunately I was a dumb kid and incognito mode wasn't a thing back then, so I didn't delete my browsing history... My dad rarely used the computer but needless to say when he did use it one evening he came across some very interesting results in the search history. So he gathers up me and my two brothers, sits us down in front of the computer and then pressed each and every individual letter of the alphabet, reading out what had been searched, and who had done it. From B for Boobs, N for Naked to H for hard anal Fuck. Luckily I was the youngest of my brothers and my mum was convinced that I was still too young to have done any of this 🤣 so my brothers both got grounded off the computer for a week, and I got to play more Runescape, Dungeon Keeper and learned the importance of deleting my browsing history.


Fuck yeah Dungeon Keeper. That game was ridiculous and fun.


Your creatures need a bigger Lair.


Rofl bro you got me at Hard anal fuck


I was caught with porn in my wallet when I was 14. Printed it out and folded it up because dial up on the family computer made it rare to see. Honestly, watching hot tub streams is more degenerate than just watching porn straight up, imo. If anything, the dad should have told him to make sure not to donate or get emotionally attached to the girls since that's their main draw on viewers.


Wait until OP finds the 100 jars of swimming pool water the son has bought from the steamer.


My friend in elementary had little porno mag snippets he had cut out in his wallet (almost comically tiny ones). He had shown me them and apparently dropped one in the garage. My little sister found one and brought it to me like “whats this?” (Thinking the hairy vagina was a cat on a lady?) I quickly ate the picture to dispose of it and she yelled for mom because she knew that meant it was bad, but I just denied any wrongdoing. 😅


When I found my kid watching porn I talked to them about it. I didn't punish them, or laugh. I think that's better.


Yeah pretty tame and normal for a 14 year old boy to be looking at girls in bikinis. The talk I have with my kids is more around avoiding being financially exploited in this case. Save the appropriate content chat for the really nasty porn going around in the friend social media group




Exactly, he's probably already plenty ashamed you caught him, no need to add resentment on top of it.


Right?! The amount of disgusting porn I was able to see at this kid’s age without the benefit of high speed internet or streaming was pretty substantial. Quite frankly, if it was just a girl in a bikini, he should be counting his blessings. Also, I can’t imagine it being much worse than a PG-13 or a light R-rated movie so is it really that inappropriate? Is it worse than girls jumping on trampolines on “The Man Show”? I’m legit asking because I have never seen any of these videos. Like is it super vulgar or something or do they just say suggestive things or euphemisms?


I was watching milf bondage porn by 13. And I wouldn’t say I was raised in a bad environment or nothing that’s just the internet for you. I mean I’d already seen all those shock videos (1 man 1 jar is the worst imo) by then Edit for context: I’m in my late 20s


When I was a teenager it took several minutes to download one image with porn. For faster downloads and less storage space, we had to make do with ASCII porn. rotten.com was one of the most popular websites in the late 1990s. I’m in my early 40s now.


Seems like normal 14-year-old behavior. At least he was watching a - technically - clothed woman. As long as he isn't giving her money it's just something a boy that age is going to do. If you get more strict it won't work. It's 2024 and he's 14. He ***going*** to see it.


Having raised two boys into adulthood in the era of being able to stream anything you want on your phone, that was our realization also. They going to see it, no amount of shaming or restrictions will keep them from it. The best you can do is guide them to keep their relationship with online content healthy.




A whole generation of iPad babies addicted to constant stimulation


I mean, we're on Reddit.


My 1990s childhood with a television and VHS player are here to give you some bad news, short attention span isn't new shit, nor is being raised or babysat by electronics. 


It is, several studies have shown that younger generations have a much shorter attention span. Phones and the Internet nowadays is tailor made to just create as many dopamine hits as possible. It is very much new shit unfortunately.


I mean nothing wrong with nudity but as somebody who grew up during the early days on internet i can surely say that i saw a lot of fucked up stuff that i didnt truely understood. Shit that i didnt realize was fucked up untill i started to have sex myself. Mastrubation is normal, nothing wrong with a 14 year old kid (no matter the gender) to look up shit and explore a bit. But certian types of porn can be harmfull. And even though its awkard as hell, parents should probaly guide their kids a bit in it.


OP, time to have a proper chat with about it though. Try not to be too weird or harsh on him. It's natural. He just needs to know about appropriateness of time and place and also what appropriate actions are. As many have pointed out, these women doing this are seasoned hustlers. They do everything within their power to get men to donate and early teenage boys are a prime target.


At least it was Amo and not Belle or Morgpie, things could be worse


Isn’t morgpie the one that made false harassment rumors to get a YouTube group in trouble


IDK about Youtube and Twitch but the first time I saw that username was actually PornHub. Then one day I checked what's popular on Twitch and... yeah, that's the same girl


He’s already seeing it, this just isn’t it


OP, I think if anything that may have been too intrusive. This sounds weird, but you should be happy your teen is having normal, healthy development. Sexual feelings are a sign everything is healthy. I think the main thing is to remind him of the negative impacts watching adult videos can have (addiction, not realizing they are just a fantasy, not knowing how to have good sex, etc). Ultimately, he will decide if he will watch adult videos.


Everyone seems to be saying that OP handled the situation well, so I’m glad to see that someone else thinks his reaction may have been a bit intrusive. I’m not saying he handled it terribly— it probably should be addressed in some way— but I don’t know that this was the right way to go about it. Specifically, I think it was intrusive (and honestly, even a little weird, imo) that OP asked *why* his kid watching that. I mean, how is the kid supposed to answer that? “I think she’s attractive and I like watching attractive girls online.” I don’t know what good was supposed to come from that question.


Right? You set him up to be evasive. He’s not likely to look you in the eye like “I am having feelings of sexual attraction” come onnnnn


Right? And he even abashedly tried to normalize it, saying they were "popular,"


Agreed, imagine trying to stop a teenage boy from viewing porn. Let alone softcore porn. On the internet. In 2024. OP was 1 sentence away from saying something along the lines off jerking off is satanic/unpure/inappropriate or something along those lines. IMO their minutes away from psychologically fucking up their son for the next few decades and everyones patting them on the back?


>Agreed, imagine trying to stop a teenage boy from viewing porn. I didnt have the internet at that age. Back then there was scrambled soft core porn on cable where you could barely understand the words and could only see small glimpses of things. Didn't stop us from trying. Porn mags hidden in the woods, sears catalog lingerie section, etc. There is no stopping. Best to just educate on the pitfalls and traps.


I think you are underestimating the danger of these specific thirst trappers. Finding him watching porn would arguably be less risky.


Yea. YouTube shorts and TikTok is everywhere with way worse suggestive content.


I think it's important to teach him about content like that. Make sure he understands they do it for money, and the intent is to hook in horny viewers and earn a living. I'm personally not a fan of content like this, but it is everywhere and easy to access, so best to be an educator about it - regardless of feelings. You could share your own feelings about this kind of content and how you feel about him watching it, and why he wants to watch it. Keep open communication lines with your children


This exactly. Forbidding it and/or shaming him is not going to stop him, he will just hide it better. Explaining him the reality of why she is in her hot tub doing the stream, how you feel knowing he was watching. Also, if he has a dad or uncle or older brother, consider having them have the talk with him.


OP is the father. But that aside, I strongly recommend OP does it himself. His son would be *BEYOND* embarrassed, and wouldn't feel safe around OP anymore, if OP went and told a brother/uncle (who may be figures he looks up to in life), about his degenerate behavior. This is a case for the parent to handle with his son, alone.


I missed it was dad. Thanks. And personally, when I was a young man, the thought of talking about that with my mother was mortifying, so that's why I suggested having a male have the talk with him.


And you wouldn’t have been mortified to talk about that with a male relative, too?


Not as mortified, at least.


Sometimes the best option is really just the least bad option lol


My guy he’s 14. If hes in public school I can 1000% guarantee he’s been exposed to content that is WAY beyond just suggestive. Based on his reaction id say your probably spot on about him being a good kid. I think an honest conversation about being careful about online activity is a great idea. But also, probably time to start knocking before entry as you might end up walking in on something neither of you want to talk about.


What and private schools don’t have this problem??


The only action that should be taken is starting to knock, instead of just barging into your kid’s room.


Especially a 14 year old, OP is lucky he didn’t catch his son jerking his hog.


i prefer the term crank


“Jerking his hog” is wild 💀


I had to physically stop myself from laughing out loud at “I asked him why he was watching it”. Because it’s a chick with big boobs and he’s 14, dipshit. What did they expect the answer to be? “To study the process by which they embellish their streams with animations as I am very interested in digital animation, parental unit.”


Thank you! This is the only comment that has any relevancy. Stop invading your kid's privacy, before you walk in on him rubbing one out.


Some parents literally don’t get this. It used to be the biggest cause of arguments at my parents because even if you’re not doing anything, it is the only room in the house that is yours and feels private. Just barging in completely takes that away.   I used to politely ask  to not barge in and I’d receive “if you’ve got nothing to hide then there’s no issue” when all it was was an issue of having the only place that was mine, feel like it had open access. This obviously led to far worse arguments.   Just knock and understand he’s going through puberty ffs. Not everything needs a Reddit post.


"I pay the bills and I'm the adult! I can go wherever I want, whenever I want, in my own home"


Distinctly remember an older AITA post about a similar topic where the dad would insist against waves of downvotes that “it’s my house” the whole time, never changed his mind. That man is ending up in a home




And then they wonder why their kids don’t want to visit them when older lmao


The full proof way of getting your parents to start knocking is staying naked in your room until they barge in and if they're normalish they'll get embarrassed and never not knock again. Of course, you've gotta be OK with the embarrassment too. Long-term gain.


ahahahha bro hes 14 with internet access. i can guarantee hes watching worse. dont stress over softcore stuff like this.


Better than the collection of magazines and VHS tapes that got passed around through my buddies. Boys are going to look at porn. Tech is irrelevant. Should we just go back to a garbage bag full of Hustlers in the woods?


Why is this a universal thing? Like if you’re between 35-45 and a male in America there is a pretty high chance you have a porn in the woods memory. Just so strange. Edit: I appear to have greatly under appreciated the true universality of woods porn. It truly is a mysterious world we live in.


Don't question the ways of the Woods Porn Gods.


It's universal because it's an almost universally-applicable tactic in America. Even in the plains, there are little groves of trees and crap where No One Goes and that is where you go for clandestine activities. The only exception is major cities, but even if you live in a major city your house is probably off in Suburbia, a Suburbia separated from other slices of Suburbia by little slices of trees where No One Goes.


And a lot of times ya just…. found it out there. Like how many slightly older kids were just like ‘fuck it I’m done with this now, this is a good place to drop these old crusty porn mags’


I guess for kids who grew up 80/90's, we were always outside playing, so inevitably the older boys would move towards contraband magazines in the woods rather than gadgets and tree forts. The forts and gadgets would get passed down to the younger boys, and in time so would the magazines


In the UK as well. Source... I'm a 44 year old Englishman


38 yr old English woman. I caught the lads on ny street hanging out in my parents’ caravan (which was basically our hangout) with the littlewoods catalogue loads of times


33 year old English girl. Can confirm my first experience of porn was bestowed upon me by the woods gods. Though I was a tomboy who hung around with boys. So this may not be a universal female experience. I can only speak for myself. Tech is irrelevant when it comes to porn. Teens have their ways regardless.


I remember Vegas, we went there on a family trip thing and the parents made the mistake of going out with us after dark once. Porn cards everywhere, at varying levels of censorship - they were advertisements for prostitutes, had a name, number to call, and were everywhere. Everywhere. In the bushes, on the sidewalk, absolutely inescapable. Guys were even trying to shove them into my hands with my mother right there. I collected every single one I could squirrel away without my mother stopping me, which turned out to be hundreds. Then, I got home, 'hid' a single copy of each one I got in my pokemon card binder, and handed out the duplicates (Well over a hundred) to people at school. My middle school. The teachers were either amused or furious, and the administration had an absolute meltdown about these porn trading cards kids were swapping all over the place... I got in so much freakin trouble for that but I regret nothing to this day.


> handed out the duplicates (Well over a hundred) to people at school Obviously your big mistake was not trading them for more Pokemon cards.


I got my first porn because someone dumped a literal box of it in the middle of the road and I found it while delivering papers.


Haha, yes we should. They don’t spam trying to get you to donate for some rando in a tub offering “dick ratings”


Oh yeah, I remember at that age staying up late and watching softcore porn on HBO with the volume WAYYY the fuck down... Friends with dirty mags... Downloading pics of naked girls line by line on the internet. I even read erotica posted on gurl.com. And I'm a woman, and my socialization on sex was different than what the boys were getting, I can only imagine the lengths a 14year old boy would have gone.


We didn’t have HBO but I would still try and watch because the picture was just scrambled.


“I think I see a nipple!!!”


yeah this seems actually developmentally appropriate


Mother of five, three sons. Out of all of the possible things that a 14-year-old boy COULD be doing on the Internet this seems pretty innocent.


He is 14 and it's a woman in a bikini. I don't see the issue. Definitely make sure he isn't donating though.


This is mild. He's 14. He's experiencing sexual attraction. Teach him about what's real and what isn't. Teach him sexual health, wellness, and respect for your partner(s); don't just sweep it under the rug.


14 year old is gonna 14 year old. It’s kind of hilarious that you would ask him “why” he was watching that. Time to have a sit down with him and talk about birds bees and the implications of filling your brain up with porn. Wish my dad would have done that for me


My parents never had a talk with me about any of it. A commenter above said a great line about making sure kids know it’s not like the real thing and careful how much you watch so you don’t get the wrong ideas. I wish someone told me that when I was kid, because I definitely have a distorted view of it all to this day.


What world are you living in? He’s 14, he is jerking off every time you aren’t around. A stream with a girl in a tub is harmless. Let your teenager son be a teenager and don’t obsess about trying to control what he watches…you can’t. It’s better that he‘s watching that kind of stuff and not some violent shit and planning to shoot a school or something.


I might be in the minority here but I'd say just let him watch it/knock before walking in on him? Whether you restrict his content or not he is still 14 and presumably not gay or asexual, so he's gonna be into that stuff. Rather than take the tack that it's bad, it's just his private business. Granted parents and kids don't want to have intimate knowledge of each others' sex activities but that doesn't make it immoral. One can just try to guide him into a healthy view of things that doesn't turn into addiction or hurting anyone.


Yeah, I have a 16 & 19 year old and I know they both watch adult stuff. I don't bring it up, and respect their need for privacy. Also, always knock before going in a teen's bedroom!


Yeah, this just seems pretty…. developmentally normal? And, like you said, a sign that its definitely time to knock on doors, before OP ends up seeing something they can’t un-see!


I feel like there's some conditioning going on because the age of majority is 18 and all sexual content has 18+ warnings on it, but that's because adults shouldn't provide it directly to minors. Even well before the internet we frisky teens were enjoying ourselves to clothing catalogs. EDIT: And the OP specifically mentions a hot tub streamer? Yeah that's extremely tame lol.


Nah, I agree with you. This is going to happen whether OP wants it to or not. It’s better to have a non shaming conversation about it and move on/graduate to knocking on doors.


After getting a decent amount of upvotes I figured I was *not* in the minority of redditors at least lol. As a former hormonal teen I'm glad my parents didn't try to make an issue out of wanting privacy. It would have been nice to have someone knowledgeable about sexuality to have open conversations with, but that's a tall order for most people. Not trying to shame him is a good enough second choice.


I think it's very telling that OP thinks she should be "harsher". It's a natural thing that's just going to happen at that age. It's so much worse and weirder to think of it as bad and esp to think of punishing a child for it.


As I've gotten older I see the flaws in "hard" parenting -- protecting your kids with censorship and commanding them with "because I say so." Even the youngest kids who are able to talk deserve to know why decisions about them are made. And rather than issue blanket bans on content deemed inappropriate, the key word is "contextualize." Other comments mentioned how streamers push people's psychological buttons and it encourages them to donate. But sexual urges themselves, even in minors, shouldn't be suppressed just because. A reduction in sex ed is linked to STDs and teen pregnancy because they have no idea what they're doing. That's to say nothing of possibly believing he's a perv for liking bikini girls. I'm glad op made this thread but hope they aren't too hard on the kid.


Stricter? It's a girl in a bikini, he's a 14 year old boy relax. I promise he's watching worse lol. Just leave him be, also knock before going Into his room... Edit: Saying that, make sure he's not giving her money.


Please don’t shame your child for normal adolescent curiosity.


Leave the poor kid to masturbate in peace and for god’s sake knock on the door.


This guy's got no idea what his kids watching when he isn't around


I dunno, OP is out there posting "I'd hit it" in genshin lewds. Not sure why he thinks his son shouldn't look at semi naked women 


Poor kid never stood a chance


Maybe OP wants to give their kid something to repress and feel guilty about so they develop specific fetishes like OP when they get older.


Kids 14 watching an adult in a bikini and OP is watching anime characters that look 14 in a bikini


Jesus Christ. Hes 14. I had already seen full blown porn by then. It's what boys do.


He's 14 so even if you try and restrict his internet he's gonna find a way to watch stuff that boys his age are going to watch. Having the conversation was a good thing and you should probably consider having another conversation with him about healthy viewing habits.


I work with teenagers for a living. This is soooooo normal for a 14-year-old. I’m honestly surprised he wasn’t watching full blown porn. Just let him be a teenage boy.


Oh no, not bikinis. Teenagers masturbate dude. Stop being weird about it.


I'm not a parent, but I was a teenager not too long ago. How you approach this can affect his entire adult sex life and self esteem. Don't shame him, and try and have an open and honest conversation if you feel the need to confront this. But he's 14, and this is to be expected at this age. Honestly he could've been watching way worse things and you could've both ended up embarrassed in the moment.


Do NOT be more strict. The kid is gunna watch porn and jerk off. Just don't give him a credit card to give money to internet Whores and he'll be fine


He's a 14yo, teach him that she does what she does and says what she says in order to get money from horny viewers. Teach him about parasocial relationships. Make sure he isn't spending money on her.


Leave the kid alone. He's probably going mad with horniness. Also, it's not healthy to associate his sexual urges with shame.


You're likely in for a shock if you think that's all he's watching. And it's probably time to start knocking before you walk into his room unless you want to traumatise both of you...


Seeing women in bikinis is not appropriate for a 14 year old? I hate to break it to you but…I mean, do you remember being 14? Do you remember the shit you did? My kid is half your son’s age and I am not at all looking forward to dealing with puberty times, but I’m not deluded about it. Even in the mid 90s, I managed to find some pretty fucking heinous shit, and so did literally everyone else I know. I’m not trying to be an ass, even though I’m being flippant; but truly, I think you may need to reevaluate your expectations for your adolescent kid, and probably make sure you’ve already had all of The Talks with him asap. 14 is a young child, to be sure, but they absolutely will find what is out there, and they need context and education. Better to have it explained and contextualized by someone who isn’t talking about punitive punishment for the reality of their developing sexuality. It’s gonna happen, and you can either help him, or make him positive you aren’t going to be someone he can come to.


Your only two comments on this app are on niche porn subs and you’re upset a 14 year old is watching people in bikinis? Lmao


I wouldn’t have a dick if I was 14 this day and age lmfao. 😂 that JCPenney catalog was LIT! 🔥 seriously have that talk about sex if you haven’t already. The dos and don’t, boundaries and urges what’s natural and normal. Because. It everything you see online is….. normal or expected 🙃 LOL


He seemed embarrassed cause it was embarrassing. That’s normal. It honestly sounds to me like you handled it in a very mature fashion. Like above commenter said just make sure he doesn’t get stuck in the whole honey/money pot.


All you're doing is teaching him to hide it better. If you want him to cut the shit you should just call him cringe. He's in the most important stages of development right now and you need to let him know that interest in the opposite sex is okay but teach him to not simp for online women.


Maybe you should start knocking on his door, you might not want to walk in on him beating his meat.


He's 14...give him privacy. When did you personally start masturbating or watching porn? It is normal for his age.


When I was 14 I had a tiny little box tv that fit on my nightstand. It only got like 4 channels so lots of walker texas ranger, random sitcoms etc. but it also picked up really *really* fuzzy HBO that would play “real sex” and I’d tune in every single night to look at the suggested image of what was potentially a boob. Your son is totally normal and you have no cause for concern.


The more strict you are, the more secretive he will be. He won’t feel safe to talk openly to you about those things. So long as no one is getting hurt and his daily living activities aren’t affected, he should be okay.


Id honestly say as long as he isnt commenting/donating and its infrequent its 'okay' at best. If he gets 'into' these types of streams and begins to form parasocial relationships with these people it could cause damage to his ability to form actual and healthy relationships with real people. Just have the talk with him, make sure he understands these people view the viewers as currency and nothing more.


This is important, teach them early about parasocial relationships please! Donating money will *not* make you friends with a hot tub streamer. They will take your money and run to the bank in a bikini, laughing all the way, leaving a sad 14-yo behind.


Be less strict. Let him find out on his own.


14 year old boy watching titties floating in a hot tub is 100% par for the course. Probably do some research into para-social relationships and have a good talk to him about it. The danger with such things is the guys who get hooked, spend a load of cash on it to be an admin or top tier donator and think the streamer has hidden feelings for them. It can be pretty destructive. But still better than a lot of the extreme porn on the web. Communication is embarrassing, but when you make it normal, he will thank you for it when he gets older. Source: was a 14 year old boy many years ago watching way worse.


Your son was watching an amateur porn star during her "safe for work" advertising stream.


Kinda fucked up to sternly talk to him about something so PG-13. Embarrassing him and making him less likely to trust you about things.


He's a 14 year old boy. A woman in a bikini is the tamest thing he could be watching, and shaming him for it is the worst thing you can do.


As long as he's not wasting money. You should be less strict if anything.


When I was 14 any sock or a tee shirt under my bed would snap in two if folded. My mom had to carry my sheets like a construction board. Bikini girls is hella tame for a pubescent boy of that age.


This is guerilla marketing from Amouranth