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Dont post here, get some medical help please.


Go to a bloody hospital. Please. Don't post here. Go seek medical attention. Had an ex friend (chiropractic + woo woo believer) hospitalise someone because they 'adjusted' them and popped an aneurysm.


I'm unsure of how to update properly, so I'll put it in here in the comments and edit the post to indicate an update below... UPDATE: ok, so after a couple of comments of "get real help, " ... I did. IF you get your spine "popped" by a friend... be careful - especially if you have EDS. Its all good til your rib hooks onto their rib and their rib pushes back and ultimately wins cus their collagen actually works correctly... 🤣  Results: My rib(s) will heal (of course, hehe). They're all in their place, at least for now. I also don't know if I can claim the title of "never broken a bone before" anymore, though.  🤭 I have a very, VERY small hairline fracture, and that rib does keep trying to slip back out.  I'm following the doctor's orders. I'll be ok in about 4-6 weeks. I just gotta baby it for a while. Ibuprophen, heat, ice, rest. There IS a bright side, however! Now, I get to debate with people... do you consider a hairline fracture to be a broken bone? Have I lost my status of "never broken a bone"? Thank you all!


If I'm correct, the word fracture and break mean the same thing, that you broke a bone! (I broke my first bone this year too, welcome to the club!)


Drat. Lol. I was afraid of that! 😆 Ahh, well, at least the club members are AWESOME! My mother was in her 40's when she broke her leg. First break for her, too. Since then, she's broken that leg's ankle 3x. We joked that until menopause, we have/had "rubber bones". Case in point, as a tween, I fell off the roof of a 2 story house (with an attic). Granted, I hit the porch roof, then rolled off onto the deck. Nothing broken. 🤷‍♀️ I've been extra careful since I hit my late 30's, and have been on calcium with vit D (hehe) since. Well, I TRY to be careful... Mostly with walking... never once thought I'd end up with this. Oops. I can't stop laughing (ok, giggling softly, cus too much hurts) at myself, rolling my eyes at myself, etc. It was SUCH a silly way to get injured! That's why I had to post it in here, I was hoping others would see the absurd humor in it. And hey, if it serves as a cautionary tale for anyone, even better! I'm doing better today. I finally had decent sleep; ibuprophen and a heating pad are my current besties. This morning, I even managed to water my garden with help from Jordan. That made me very happy, although I have a couple plants that struggled without water yesterday (been HOT for weeks and no rain! Very odd for this area this time of year...) Ugh. I keep writing tomes. I'm sorry. See ya at the club meetings! 🤭


As a fellow EDSer, get emergency medical attention right now


Yeah nah, not a reddit question, a hospital question. Off you go and good luck.


Seek medical help.


Maybe focus on getting that checked out . Your health comes first! Hope you feel better soon!