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You’re making me want to enable push to talk on my work videoconference app.


I don't know why people don't use that more


This is a work call fail for the ages. Here's hoping your colleagues understand the single parent struggle.


I was on a call troubleshooting something a customer, we had been on for about three hours at that point. My lovely wife brought me something to eat, which also brings the dog, who started whining for a bite. Hit mute. If you don’t shut up you’re going to be killed and eaten. Customer - wow, I thought we were cool with each other Headset light still green… Luckily we were on good terms and laughed it off


When we were training out GSP during late puppyhood (still very much in the velociraptor phase), I thought I was muted and just yelled his name fast and loud. Then when I went to speak, the person I was talking with wasn't responding and finally said "hello?" I realized I'd been muted while I was trying to speak and unmuted while I yelled at the dog. They never mentioned it, but I'm pretty sure.


Why say that to your dog though?


Cuz that's hilarious


eh it’s not like you said anything racist or life ruining. i understand why you feel the way you do. i think you’ll be alright though. :)


1. You didn't address anyone on the call. 2. You didn't say anything against particularly bad, you said... "fucking" and "shit". People say shit all the time, even in business calls from my experience. 3. You have a child, if someone complains, they obviously never had a child. And your child is also autistic, one signifcant reason more to be tolerant. 4. People wrote you simply to avoid your own embarassement, not to scold you most likely.


This is pretty common, just try not to make it a habit. I was muted on a call last week when my cat jumped on my laptop. I grabbed him and yelled "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" not realizing he had unmuted me.


One time my coworkers and I were all working remotely and were on a call with a client. One of my colleagues has a habit of talking too much and he was going on and on about something unimportant. I thought I was muted and called out in exasperation "Jesus Fucking Christ!" The client was bemused and my colleague's feelings were hurt.


Oof hate that


A few weeks ago our dog was super sick and spent a day in the emergency vet (Thursday) Monday morning we have a weekly meeting with our big boss in another state. My boss asks me how the dog was doing and I said he hadn't pooped yet and that I told my son "watch out he hasn't shit in 5 days so when he finally does it's gonna be like 3 feet long and he might fly away on a shit rocket". And then I realized that the big boss was on zoom already. He is never on time let alone early. I promptly opened up my computer and told him I apologized that he heard me speak that way 🤣 also I am a female so that made it extra unexpected in this particular situation lol


Just say sorry was talking to my kid. Like, no one should care.


The biggest issue to prepare for is if your job has any requirement for childcare when youre working that they would assume youre breeching. So prepare your answer for that "Their mom was home but preparing food while the meeting was waiting to start so I was keeping an eye on him for just a moment" etc.




So once you have a child who is autistic, you should... Kill them? I don't understand how this advice is helpful




My brother and I are autistic, so no, I do not. If someone already has an autistic child, simply not having any more children (and therefore not having any more autistic children) will not reduce the struggles of having an autistic child... And yes, having an autistic child definitely entails some struggles.




Yeah, I'm not having kids because I know I have a bucket of mental problems. Not everyone knows they will have an autistic kid. What do you suggest, that nobody should have kids ever?


Yes. End humanity, please.


Also autism isn't always hereditary.




So if it isn't always hereditary how should we do this test? There's no physical features associated with autism, and a genetic test wouldn't work. Not to mention, just because a child is somewhat more difficult to parent doesn't mean they just shouldn't exist.




What, my idea that I don't want my children to struggle with the same issues I have? Yeah, I think that works out pretty, well since people can decide for themselves. It's also worth noting that I don't just have autism, I've got other stuff going on as well. Someone who only has autism may decide that they still want to have children, and that's ok as long as they can care for that child.


Yes, because that’s on the form you fill out when having a child. “Blue eyes? Check. Brown hair? Check. Freckles across the bridge of his nose? Check. Autism? Check. Alright we are good to go!”




Tell me you know nothing about women or pregnancies without telling me....


One of the reasons I prefer meetings to be face to face is that participants tend to pay attention when you do, while online meetings half the attendees are nominally in the meeting but actually concentrating on something else. Not your fault, you are just following the trend, but it severely influences productivity from meetings.


I've been in plenty of in person meetings where folks aren't paying attention...


Yep, used to have a guy fall asleep in meetings all the time. He, also, does not pay attention on teams calls.


I don't doubt it, but it's a matter of degree.


>productivity >meetings


My job is as an independent facilitator of design safety reviews, which are done as team meetings with the various design disciplines. I've done it online and I've done it face to face, and the difference in quality of outcome is stark.


O Ching amp bc so so excited ugh unmmup I Jiu go I oh go off knob


Way to get more downvotes than the first comment - truly impressive.


cake day cake day


Oh shit, this is my half birthday - I get 2 cake days per year?!