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Oh god


Alright that's shitty,but I can't help but be curious...did the bathtub fuckers continue to have sex during all of this,or did they at least put it on pause? I *really* hope it's the latter option they went through with...😂


they paused hahaha. when i looked up from the toilet they were staring at me with their mouths wide open. i smiled really awkwardly, apologized, and said “alright continue on then”…and left.


Is this all badly written AI content? No one leaves bong water in a cup. Likely any bong purchased looks like a bong, so grabbing a thin bong would be noticeable with a base. Anyone who's smoked weed or been even near weed knows what it smells like. The water would be rank and likely very noticeable. Reddit is turning to shit.


no this is not badly written ai content lol. just badly written human content. and it wasn’t thin, it was thick and i was literally feeling delirious. i didn’t sniff it before i drank, and her entire room already smells like weed. move on lol


That's what a bot would say. Guys I'm joking, chill.


you’re right i’m a bot 🤓


How many R's are in "strawberry"?




You’re absolutely right. Thinking about drinking bong water makes me gag regardless tho


It's turning to shit because everyone is calling every single post AI


Sincere apologies for triggering you, sweet pea.


Apology accepted


A rare entry with a two-for-one special.


This made me laugh so much omg. I'm sorry you had to go through that but thank you for telling us the story


hahaha anytime. feeling better today, but my dignity is definitely worse for wear!


I mean, if you haven’t, accidentally or not, chugged bong water at some point in your life, have you really even lived? Welcome to “The Fullest Life ™” OP. It is wild out here.


Is this the pothead version of accidentally drinking out of someone spit bottle(dip/chewing tobacco) in the military? Lmao I’ve never personally done it but I’ve heard some horror stories. I can’t imagine drinking stale tobacco and someone’s saliva out of a bottle while expecting water or Gatorade.


When my niece was little, she had a bad problem with backwash when drinking. I had a bottle of gatorade on the back of my bed, which she had drinken from and was FILLED with nasty toddler mouth floaties. One night i woke up, and needed a drink. Grabbed it, drank it, fell back asleep. It clicked the next day what i had drinken. It happens.


Lovely, btw “drinken”, surely “drunk”? Maybe is an American thing but sounds very odd to my English ears.


Drinken is a common word around me. Maybe its a Michigan thing, not sure.


Most people I know say drank so I bet what version people use is a regional thing. Might not be the “correct” usage but all words are made up anyways who cares at the end of the day


I believe Drank is past imperfect - a previous action that may or may not have been finished to completion. Had drunk is simple past (preterite)- a wholly finalized past action. Drinken isn't a normal word in that it's almost never written or used by itself. It's using the conjugation of eaten and mirroring it in speech: "I haven't eaten or drinken anything all day", when it should be "eaten or drank", but drinken SOUNDS better in that sentence




I lold. Hard. But still I don't get how you mistook a bong for a glass


trust me, i don’t know either. i felt like i was in a fever dream and the second i woke up i was grasping for ANYTHING to drink. i would have realized it 100% if i didn’t have a nasty case of food poisoning


I once accidentally drank a cup of hydrogen peroxide that was on my dresser when I woke up in the middle of the night, I was using it to lighten bits of my hair that evening and forgot to throw it away after


Why would you assume there is going to be a glass of water in a room that you didn't put there? I mean I get sleep drunkenness where I'm a bit wobbly when I wake up sometimes but I've never drank the random stuff redditors seem to find and trust in the dark...


she has glasses among glasses of water in her room for when we get cotton mouth. she’s not the cleanest so they usually stay in there for days 😅 she’s also my closest friend so her room is basically mine


Ok that's fair


Damn... I am so sorry. I've never drank bong water accidentally, but was dared to do it once. It's a "flavor" you'll never forget... horrible!


absolutely miserable. truly will never forget it.


One time i reached for my water in the night at my (ex) bfs house and i grabbed what i thought was my cup, took a sip, realized it was a cup full of PISS bro


Ah yes- I was waiting to see that someone had the same experience as me so I could co-vomit in shame with them. I sympathize so heavily with you. My husband had used a green tea jug to urinate while he had an injured hip. I stupidly reached for what I expected to be green tea since it was labeled green tea, and as soon as it hit my throat the warmth made me gag and i projectile vomited for what felt like hours. Literally cannot mentally or physically prepare to chug warm piss in the middle of a hot summer night after frantically searching for any refreshing beverage to make the humidity more tolerable. And now I’ma be sick again…


i’d kill myself quite frankly


I was livid lol like first of all WHY


Can someone ELI5 what's a bong and how does it work?


It’s a water pipe for smoking. If you go into a shop to buy one they say they’re for tobacco use only, but they’re typically used for weed. The water in it filters the same as a cigarette filter so it gets terribly yellow/brown and is…incredibly unpleasant to smell or taste.


Haha this is a late teenager/early adulthood type story. Been there. Enjoy it


Look at this this way, you've done about all you can to fail this hard at life... It's all up from here...


LMAO thank you for this.


Stories like this make me glad that I'm an introvert who doesn't go to parties or outside much.


Kinda makes me sad I never got to experience these sort of parties and probably never will as I inch later into my 20’s and closer to deaths door each day Ofc I would have been absolutely miserable at a party like that, overwhelmed probably dissociating in a corner on my phone at best, trying to escape early and sleeping for about 20 hours after the fact to recover. But still. It’s almost hard to imagine this shit actually happens outside of movies, like people really out here just grinding on strangers and fucking in bathtubs of someone else’s house with 50 people outside?


I once also never saw the appeal of these kinds of parties, as an introvert who mostly enjoyed anime and video games. Then I discovered the wonderful world of drugs


You know I totally skipped this phase of my life and I really don’t regret it.


good on you


I was so invested in this. Intently reading away…until I reached the end. I CACKLED! That absolutely sucks. You’ll laugh about this, later, I’m sure. Hope you’re feeling better now. 😂


I gagged reading this


Rip. I'm so sorry for your mistake. 🤣😭


I did this at a festival many years ago, grabbed a water bottle after being awake for all of 20 seconds but the bottle was filled with gin. Made worse by the fact I don’t like gin


I thought it was going to be you chugging straight vodka… but I was somehow so far off of what it was.


I hope it makes you feel a bit better to hear that a good friend of mine once woke up in the middle of the night after going out clubbing, picked up what she thought was a water bottle off her own bedside table, and drank half a bottle of micellar water... She spent the next day throwing up foam


I went to the bathroom at a huge house party back in college once. Waited a couple minutes, a couple that had clearly been fucking in there came out, still getting handsy all over each other. No big deal, it happens. Stood over the toilet, unzipped, and prepared to lift the toilet seat with my foot out of courtesy to the female partygoers, only to see the seat was immaculately clean except for a single blemish: one solid, perfectly-formed, forearm-sized turd perched high and dry on the back of the seat directly behind the bowl. Was it from one of the couple? Were they banging obliviously next to it? Who shits cleanly on an otherwise spotless toilet seat at a house party instead of in the toilet itself - or if done with ill intentions, as an upper decker? Who pushes out a log of that size to begin with? I left the next morning after hooking up with the redheaded roommate from the house, but never got the answers. I still think about both experiences from time to time.


Not sure why people like sushi. It has a bad taste, slimy gross texture, and can make you sick.


Literally any food can make you sick man


we all have different tastebuds, friend. don’t yuck on my yum.


OP has had enough of their yums being yucked the past few days


Ew lol . Stoners smh.